The Human Body It Destroys the Theory of Evolution


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The Human BodyIt Destroys the Theory of Evolution

Simple Difference

•Darwin’s Evolution – Gradually Evolved Into Existence

•By Chance and Circumstance

• Intelligent Design – Happened All At Once

Gen 1:24, 27

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth

living creatures after their kind: cattle and

creeping things and beasts of the earth after

their kind”; and it was so…And God created

man in His own image, in the image of God

He created him; male and female He created


Gen 1:3

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there

was light.

Goals of the Lesson

• Understand and Believe:

1. The Human Body Is a Complex Machine.

2. The Human Body Is Made Up of Many Parts That Work Together Perfectly and In Incredible Order.

3. Every Part Has to Be Present For Life to be Sustained.

Psalm 139:14

“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully

and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your

works, And my soul knows it very well.”


The Limitation of Science

"Yet understanding how something works is not the same as understanding how it came to be" (Preface).

Taking Darwin To Task

"Darwin's idea might explain horse hoofs, but can it explain life's foundation" (4)?

In Other Words, Darwin Might Have Been Able To Explain How Animals Obtain Certain Characteristics, But He Couldn't Explain How Those Characteristics Came Into Existence (The material that made that horse hoof).

Ps 111:2

“Great are the works of the Lord; They are

studied by all who delight in them.”

Behe's Examples

Blood Clotting


What Happens When You Cut Yourself? It May Seem Simple From The Outside, But Inside It Is Complex.



Blood Clotting

What Must Happen?

The Clotting Must Begin Quickly (Trigger).

The Clotting Must Cover The Whole Cut.

The Clotting Must Be Confined To The Cut. It Must Know When To Stop Or It Will Clot The Whole Body.

How Does It Happen?

When You Get Cut, A Protein Called Fibrinogen Is Put Into Action.

Another Protein Slices Off Small Pieces of the Fibrinogen.

These Small Pieces of Fibrinogen Interact With Each Other. They Combine In Such A Way As To Make A "Fish Net" Structure That Catches Blood Cells.

How Does It Happen?

Then, Another Protein Attaches Itself To Another Protein Which Can Cleave To The Fibrinogen Which Then Forms The Blood Clot. (Got That?)

The Truth Is That We Have Made This Too Simple. In This Whole Process, Proteins Interact, Connect, Divide, Cut, And Much More To Control Timing, Speed, Activation, Stoppage, and Interaction.

Ps 119:73

“Thy hands made me and fashioned me; Give

me understanding, that I may learn Thy



We Must Breathe to Live

How Does It Work?

We Take a Breath. We Inhale Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.

This “Air” Travels Through the Trachea to the Lungs.

There Is Another Body Part That Makes Sure It Doesn’t Go to the Stomach


The “Air” Then Enters the Lungs.

The Lungs Then Separate the Oxygen and Send It to the Blood.

At the Same Time, the Lungs Remove the Carbon Dioxide.

There are Several Muscles and Processes That are Needed to Make the Lungs Pump.


Oxygen Then Travels Through the Blood to the Body Carrying Needed Supplies to Sustain Life.

In Reverse Order, Carbon Dioxide and Cell Waste Pass from Tissue Cells Through Capillaries to the Blood.

The Oxygen Stays in the Body and, As You Breathe Out, the Carbon Dioxide Leaves.

When Something Goes Wrong

A Signal (Trigger) Is Sent to the Brain Telling It What Is Wrong.

The Brain Computes the Information and Sends Signals to Other Parts of the Body in an Attempt to Fix the Problem or Compensate.

Job 38:3-5

“Now gird up your loins like a man, And I will ask

you, and you instruct Me! Where were you when I

laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have

understanding, Who set its measurements, since you

know? Or who stretched the line on it?”

We Don’t Have Time to Talk About

All That Has to Happen:

To Conceive and Give Birth

For the Body to Heal Itself

For the Body to Protect Itself From Heat, Cold, and Much More.

Rom 1:20,25

“For since the creation of the world His invisible

attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have

been clearly seen, being understood through what

has been made, so that they are without excuse…For

they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and

worshiped and served the creature rather than the


The Take Away

The Human Body Is A Complex Machine That Could Not Happen By Chance.

It Works With Incredible Order, Timing, and Function.

All Parts are Needed to Sustain Life. If One Is Missing, There Is No Life.

