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The Holy TrinityThe Holy Trinity

Orthodox Faith SeriesOrthodox Faith SeriesHouston, TXHouston, TX



Scripture IS TraditionScripture IS Tradition



Scripture AND TraditionScripture AND Tradition



Scripture IN TraditionScripture IN Tradition




What is Tradition?What is Tradition?

Life of the Holy Spirit in the ChurchLife of the Holy Spirit in the Church

Apostolic DoctrineApostolic Doctrine

Handed to usHanded to us


What is Theology?What is Theology?

Not an academic endeavor, but a spiritualNot an academic endeavor, but a spiritualprocessprocess

It is a way of lifeIt is a way of life

One who EXPERIENCES God, whoOne who EXPERIENCES God, whoknows God, not just who knows ABOUTknows God, not just who knows ABOUTGodGod


What is Theology?What is Theology?

““If you are a theologian you will pray truly, and ifIf you are a theologian you will pray truly, and ifyou pray truly, you are a theologianyou pray truly, you are a theologian””

–– Evagrius PonticusEvagrius Ponticus, On Prayer, On Prayer

Rationalism Rationalism vsvs. EXPERIENCE!. EXPERIENCE!

REVELATION Not IntellectualismREVELATION Not Intellectualism


Why study Theology?Why study Theology?

The The SOTERIOLOGICAL MOTIVESOTERIOLOGICAL MOTIVE From Greek word From Greek word ““soterionsoterion”” meaning SALVATION meaning SALVATION Not for philisophical debate, speculationNot for philisophical debate, speculation

Concern for SALVATION!Concern for SALVATION!

Concern for the SOUL!Concern for the SOUL!

Safeguard the ChurchSafeguard the Church’’s EXPERIENCE fors EXPERIENCE forSalvation/SanctificationSalvation/Sanctification


Why study Theology?Why study Theology?

The The SOTERIOLOGICAL MOTIVESOTERIOLOGICAL MOTIVE From Greek word From Greek word ““soterionsoterion”” meaning SALVATION meaning SALVATION Not for philisophical debate, speculationNot for philisophical debate, speculation

Applies to all our activities in the ChurchApplies to all our activities in the Church


What is DOGMA?What is DOGMA? Expression of the EXPERIENCE of REVEALEDExpression of the EXPERIENCE of REVEALED

TRUTH as defined by the CHURCHTRUTH as defined by the CHURCH

SAFEGUARD against heretical errorsSAFEGUARD against heretical errors A boundaryA boundary


What is DOGMA?What is DOGMA? Dogmas DO NOT develop!Dogmas DO NOT develop!

Science developsScience develops Eg. The world is flat Eg. The world is flat the world is round the world is round Breakthroughs can change the way we thinkBreakthroughs can change the way we think

Eg. Catholic Dogma developedEg. Catholic Dogma developed


May be clarified or elaborated, not changedMay be clarified or elaborated, not changed DonDon’’t even change wording of original Councils!t even change wording of original Councils!


How do we safeguard fromHow do we safeguard fromerror?error?


PATRISTICS PATRISTICS The Mind of the FathersThe Mind of the Fathers Seemed good to the Holy Spirit and UsSeemed good to the Holy Spirit and Us Not just to read about it, but to have the sameNot just to read about it, but to have the same

EXPERIENCE, which they EXPERIENCEEXPERIENCE, which they EXPERIENCE To Pursue, PARTICIPATE, and preserve the properTo Pursue, PARTICIPATE, and preserve the proper

theological perspectivetheological perspective


How do we safeguard fromHow do we safeguard fromerror?error?

Mind of the FathersMind of the Fathers CONSENSUS of the FathersCONSENSUS of the Fathers

Correctly expressing the attitude of the FathersCorrectly expressing the attitude of the Fathers

Living the Liturgical LifeLiving the Liturgical Life Our prayers and hymns teach us the FaithOur prayers and hymns teach us the Faith


God as MysteryGod as Mystery

We only know what has been REVEALED!We only know what has been REVEALED! We have the EXPERIENCE of our Church Fathers toWe have the EXPERIENCE of our Church Fathers to

help ushelp us

Not chosen by us, but REVEALED/GIVENNot chosen by us, but REVEALED/GIVEN

Impossible to comprehendImpossible to comprehend


God as MysteryGod as Mystery

““Anyone who tries to describe the ineffable lightAnyone who tries to describe the ineffable lightin language is a liar in language is a liar –– not because he hates the not because he hates thetruth, but because of the INADEQUACY of histruth, but because of the INADEQUACY of hisdesciptiondesciption”” - St. Gregory of Nyssa - St. Gregory of Nyssa



??Thank you for listening!Thank you for listening!

Difference between God is Mystery and IgnoranceDifference between God is Mystery and Ignoranceof Godof God


Thoughts on the TrinityThoughts on the Trinity Difference between God of the Old TestamentDifference between God of the Old Testament

and God of the New Testament?and God of the New Testament?

When did God the Father come to be?When did God the Father come to be?

When did Jesus Christ come to be?When did Jesus Christ come to be?

When did the Holy Spirit come to be?When did the Holy Spirit come to be?


The BalanceThe Balance

Unity of Nature Unity of Nature ↔↔ Distinction of PersonsDistinction of Persons

3 Persons in One Essence3 Persons in One Essence ““When I say God, I mean Father, Son, andWhen I say God, I mean Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit. No sooner I conceive of the One,Holy Spirit. No sooner I conceive of the One,that I am illumined by the Three. When I thinkthat I am illumined by the Three. When I thinkof the Three, I am carried back to the One.of the Three, I am carried back to the One.””St. Gregory the TheologianSt. Gregory the Theologian

In God there is genuine unity and genuineIn God there is genuine unity and genuinediversitydiversity


The BalanceThe Balance

Unity of Nature Unity of Nature ↔↔ Distinction of PersonsDistinction of Persons

Too much Unity Too much Unity Modalism Modalism

Too Much Distinction Too Much Distinction Tri-Theism Tri-Theism

PersonalPersonalCharacteristics ofCharacteristics of

the Trinitythe Trinity



Personal Characteristics:Personal Characteristics:God the FatherGod the Father

Fountain of the GodheadFountain of the Godhead Bond of unity between the ThreeBond of unity between the Three

There is one God because there is one FatherThere is one God because there is one Father ““The union is the Father, from whom and to whom theThe union is the Father, from whom and to whom the

order of the persons runs its courseorder of the persons runs its course”” –– St. Gregory the St. Gregory theTheologianTheologian

Other 2 Persons defined in terms of theirOther 2 Persons defined in terms of theirrelationship to the Fatherrelationship to the Father Son Son –– Begotten Begotten Holy Spirit Holy Spirit –– Proceeds Proceeds


Personal Characteristics:Personal Characteristics:God the SonGod the Son

““WordWord”” or Logos or Logos

The Word of GodThe Word of God

Jesus the ChristJesus the Christ


Personal Characteristics:Personal Characteristics:God the Holy SpiritGod the Holy Spirit

The The ““windwind”” or or ““breathbreath”” of God of God Breathe the Holy Spirit in BaptismBreathe the Holy Spirit in Baptism

May say May say (but still inadequate)(but still inadequate) Spirit is God within usSpirit is God within us Son is God with usSon is God with us Father is God above or beyond usFather is God above or beyond us


God as TrinityGod as Trinity Each of the three is FULLY and COMPLETELYEach of the three is FULLY and COMPLETELY

GodGod None is more or less God than the othersNone is more or less God than the others

NOT 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1NOT 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1

The Divine Plurals ofThe Divine Plurals ofthe Old Testamentthe Old Testament



Divine Plurals of the OTDivine Plurals of the OTThe CREATION OF MANThe CREATION OF MAN

Gen 1:26Gen 1:26““26 Then God said, 26 Then God said, ““Let Let USUS make man inmake man inOUROUR image, according to image, according to OUROUR likeness; let likeness; letthem have dominion over the fish of the sea,them have dominion over the fish of the sea,over the birds of the air, and over the cattle,over the birds of the air, and over the cattle,over all the earth and over every creepingover all the earth and over every creepingthing that creeps on the earth.thing that creeps on the earth.””


Divine Plurals of the OTDivine Plurals of the OT


Gen 3:22Gen 3:22““Then the Lord God said, Then the Lord God said, ““Behold, the man hasBehold, the man has

become like one of become like one of USUS, to know good and, to know good andevil. And now, lest he put out his hand andevil. And now, lest he put out his hand andtake also of the tree of life, and eat, and livetake also of the tree of life, and eat, and liveforeverforever


Divine Plurals of the OTDivine Plurals of the OT


Gen 11:7Gen 11:7““Come, let Come, let USUS go down and there confuse go down and there confusetheir language, that they may not understandtheir language, that they may not understandone anotherone another’’s speech.s speech.””


Divine Plurals of the OTDivine Plurals of the OT


Isaiah 6:8Isaiah 6:8““Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,Whom shall I send, and who will go for Whom shall I send, and who will go for USUS??””


Trinitarian FormulaTrinitarian Formula

St. Matt 28:19St. Matt 28:19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the baptizing them in the NAMENAME of the Father and of the of the Father and of theSon and of the Holy Spirit,Son and of the Holy Spirit,

1 John 5: 7-91 John 5: 7-9For there are For there are threethree that bear witness in heaven: that bear witness in heaven: thetheFather, the Word, and the Holy SpiritFather, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and ; and these threethese threeare are ONEONE..

Blessings are done with this FormulaBlessings are done with this Formula


Triadic FormulaTriadic Formula

2 Cor. 13:442 Cor. 13:44““The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love ofThe grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love ofGod, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be withGod, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be withyou all. all. Amen.””

Used in liturgical services and prayersUsed in liturgical services and prayers

The Work of the HolyThe Work of the HolyTrinityTrinity



The Work of GodThe Work of God Three PersonsThree Persons

One EssenceOne Essence One WillOne Will

Every divine action begins FROM theEvery divine action begins FROM theFather, proceeds THROUGH the Son, andFather, proceeds THROUGH the Son, andis perfected IN the Holy perfected IN the Holy Spirit.


The The ““Two HandsTwo Hands”” of God of God St. IrenaeusSt. Irenaeus’’ Analogy Analogy

Every divine action begins FROM the Father,Every divine action begins FROM the Father,proceeds THROUGH the Son, and is perfectedproceeds THROUGH the Son, and is perfectedIN the Holy Spirit.IN the Holy Spirit.




CreationCreation ““By the WORD of the Lord were the heavensBy the WORD of the Lord were the heavens

made, and all the host of them by the BREATHmade, and all the host of them by the BREATHof His mouthof His mouth”” (Ps. 33:6) (Ps. 33:6)

The WordThe Word ““all things were made through Himall things were made through Him”” (John 1:3) (John 1:3)

““Through Whom all things were madeThrough Whom all things were made”” from the Nicene from the NiceneCreedCreed

The SpiritThe Spirit ““The earth was without form, and void; and darknessThe earth was without form, and void; and darkness

waswas on the face of the deep. And the SPIRIT of God on the face of the deep. And the SPIRIT of Godwas hovering over the face of the waters.was hovering over the face of the waters.”” (Gen 1:2) (Gen 1:2)


IncarnationIncarnation Father sends the Holy Spirit upon Blessed VirginFather sends the Holy Spirit upon Blessed Virgin

MaryMary And the angel answered and said to her, And the angel answered and said to her, ““TheThe Holy Holy

Spirit will come upon you, and the power of theSpirit will come upon you, and the power of theHighest will overshadow you; therefore, also, thatHighest will overshadow you; therefore, also, thatHoly One who is to be born will be called the Son ofHoly One who is to be born will be called the Son ofGodGod (Luke 1:35) (Luke 1:35)

Mary conceives the Eternal Son of GodMary conceives the Eternal Son of God GodGod’’s taking of our humanity is a s taking of our humanity is a TrinitarianTrinitarian


Manifestations of theManifestations of theHoly TrinityHoly Trinity



Baptism of our LordBaptism of our Lord FATHERFATHER’’s Voices Voice

““This is my Beloved Son,This is my Beloved Son,in Whom I am well pleasedin Whom I am well pleased””

(Matt. 3:17) (Matt. 3:17) SON being baptizedSON being baptized

HOLY SPIRIT descendsHOLY SPIRIT descendsin the form of a dovein the form of a dove “…“…And He saw the Spirit of GodAnd He saw the Spirit of God

descending like a dove anddescending like a dove andalighting upon Him.alighting upon Him.”” (Matt. 3:16) (Matt. 3:16)

Baptism of Christ is a Manifestation of the Holy TrinityBaptism of Christ is a Manifestation of the Holy Trinity Blessing of the CenserBlessing of the Censer


Transfiguration of ChristTransfiguration of Christ FATHERFATHER’’ss Voice Voice

““This is my Beloved Son,This is my Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased in Whom I am well pleased””

(Matt 17:15)(Matt 17:15)

SON being transfiguredSON being transfigured

HOLY SPIRIT descends in theHOLY SPIRIT descends in theform of a cloud of lightform of a cloud of light““While he was saying this,While he was saying this,a cloud came and overshadowed them;a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were fearful as they and they were fearful as theyentered the cloud.entered the cloud.”” (Luke 9:34) (Luke 9:34)

Transfiguration is a Manifestation of the Holy TrinityTransfiguration is a Manifestation of the Holy Trinity


Praying the TrinityPraying the Trinity O Holy Father, guard us by Your sacred Name,O Holy Father, guard us by Your sacred Name,

O Son of God, our Savior, protect us by YourO Son of God, our Savior, protect us by Your……O Holy Spirit, make us worthy temples..O Holy Spirit, make us worthy temples..

In the In the namename of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,one true Godone true God

Help us to have a better appreciation of theHelp us to have a better appreciation of theprayers of the Churchprayers of the Church


Explaining The Holy Trinity inExplaining The Holy Trinity in3 Words?3 Words?

I donI don’’t know!t know! God as mysteryGod as mystery

God is Love!God is Love! GodGod’’s love for man: Trinitarian Work ofs love for man: Trinitarian Work of

Creation and SalvationCreation and Salvation


Thank you for listening!Thank you for listening!

Recommended Reading:

Ware, KALLISTOS. The Orthodox Way. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’sPress, 1979. (Chapters 1 and 2 especially pertain to this topic)
