The goodness of God (6:10-11)



Deuteronomy 6:10-25. The goodness of God (6:10-11) Command and Warning: watch/preserve yourself ( shamar ) do not forget ( shakach ) (6:12) 2 You shalls (6:13) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1. The goodness of God (6:10-11)

2. Command and Warning: watch/preserve yourself (shamar) do not forget (shakach) (6:12)

3. 2 You shalls (6:13)

1. You shall fear (yare) (fear, afraid, terrify, dread, astonishment, reverence, honor, awe of the awesomeness/greatness/power/attributes of God) (shooting arrows)

2. You shall worship (abad) to work or serve (tilling/plowing)

1. Swear (shaba) adjure, oath of allegiance, pledge of faith, promise having to do with covenants (Jmac: an oath was a solemn pledge to affirm something said as absolutely true by invoking the name of God meaning one was bound under obligation before God to fulfill the word)

4. Two You shall nots (6:14-16)

1. Follow other Gods (halak) to walk, go, come, (idea of fellowship) or else anger (nostril) kindle (fire) wipe (destroy)

2. Put the Lord your God to the test (nasah) to try (Massah – “testing” Exodus 17:1-7)

5. Two You shalls (6:17-18)

1. Diligently keep (shamar) the commandments (ch 5), testimonies, and statutes (ch6-26)

2. Do (asah – do/make) what is right and good in the sight (ayin – eye) of the Lord

6. Promise (6:18b-19) be well (yatab – good, well, pleasing, glad) with you, possession of the good land

7. Command (6:19) Drive out ALL (kol – all, whole) your enemies

8. Dialogue with children (6:20-25)

1. Question from your son (6:20)

2. Answer to your son (6:21-25) Progression (1. Bondage in Egypt, 2. God miraculously saved, 3. Promise, 4. Law)
