The Good News - St. Matthew's Episcopal Church€¦ · 04/04/2020  · Hierotheos (Vlachos) , "The...


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  • ContentsThis Week's Readings


    Good Friday

    Christ of St. John of theCross by Salvador Dali.

    "The Crucifixion of Christ,as well as His wholeincarnation, is called thekenosis, the self-emptyingof the Son and Word of God.But this kenosis is identicalwith fulfilment, since thehumbled Son and Word ofGod deified man. Andtherefore the Cross is a signof triumph and glory.

    The crucified Christ alsoshowed the way in which Hefreed the human race fromservitude to the devil anddeath, but also the manner inwhich He ruled over men....

    Since the crucified one is theKing of Glory, it also meansthat the Cross is the throneof the King of Glory. Just asthe kings of old had theirthrones, from which theygoverned their subjects, sotoo the Cross is the throne ofChrist. And indeed thekingly death on the Crosspoints to the strange way ofChrist's governing andkingship....

    Christ did not stay where Hewas, nor did He send theangels to call upon men andsave them, but "He Himselfwent about seeking them," HeHimself was a helper andservant. He went down intothe prison and released man,paying with His preciousBlood. This shows hisHumility.

    He showed His great love, forHe was not satisfied just toteach the people, He did nothold them by fear, as theworld's ruler would do, nordid He subjugate them withmoney, but having authorityas God, He united withHimself those He ruled. HeHimself became a friend toman, a father, a heart. Heguide them "more rejoicinglythan friends, more exactinglythan tyrants, moreaffectionately than a father,more naturally than members,more necessarily than aheart." Christ governs Hisown people with love. HeHimself has authority, Hedoes not draw it from anyoneelse, but at the same time Hedoes not rule through fear andhate, because such actions donot constitute true authority.

    Freedom too is connectedwith humility and love.Although He loves men, Hedoes not direct them withouttheir own freedom. He wasLord and Master not only oftheir bodies, but also of theirsouls and wishes. He guidesHis own people, just as thesoul guides the body and thehead the limbs.

    The crucified Lord shows theway of true authority. Hegoverns truly who isdistinguished by humility,love and respect for freedom.In this way Christ "rule Hispure and true Kingdom."

    --Metropolitan of NafpatkosHierotheos (Vlachos) , "TheFeasts of the Lord", 219-220.


    Ministry LinksSt. Matthew's Webpage

    The Episcopal Diocese ofSpringfield

    Rector's Blog (new)Find us on Instagram--stmattsblm


    The Good NewsApril 10, 2020

    Holy Week Continues... Good Friday

    Service at Noon. No Holy Communion is offered on GoodFriday this year. Streamed from the Sanctuary. Bulletin forthose who wish to stream the service is here.

    Holy SaturdayGreat Sabbath prayers at 9AM. The liturgy for this serviceis found on page 283 in the BCP.

    Easter SundayThe Great Vigil of Easter begins at 6AM. Weatherpermitting we will gather in the parking lot, in our vehicles,and celebrate the Vigil with the New Fire and PaschalCandle. Call it a "Son Rise" service. This will be the onlyservice offered on Easter Sunday. If you can't join "live"feel free to stream it later in the day.

    Easter Vigil Outline is here.

    Full Easter Vigil Service is here.

    Both bulletins have the music included.

    For the longer services it is acceptable to "cut in" and"out" as needs require. I remember this happening quite abit during my visits to churches in Russia and Greece.

    NB--As the governmental authorities continue to updatepolicies, all plans are subject to change.

    As always, you remain in our prayers, and I ask that you let usknow if you need anything at this time. St. Matthew's standsready to help as we can.


    From the Jr. WardenThe work of the church goes on through plagues, pestilence,and disasters. Those of you who are practicing socialdistancing and staying home can still contribute your tithing tokeep St. Matthew's providing worship and other services to theparish. Weekday morning Mass at 7:30 a.m., Evening Officesat 5:30 p.m. and Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. are being streamed onSt. Matthew's Facebook page. You can contact your bank tohave a direct check mailed at whatever interval you choose.You can mail in checks to St. Matthew's Episcopal Church,1920 E. Oakland Ave, Bloomington, IL 61701.

    Please remember that Outreach is not able to hold the book salethis spring and will not have money to support AdventChakupewa's medical education expenses or any of their othercauses. Donations to them can also be made, be sure to notethose special funds in the memo line of your check.

    Yours in Christ,

    Gary PloenseJr. Warden

    A Couple of LinksSt. Bede's Breviary (Daily Offices)

    Book of Common Prayer

    Spiritual Communion (Update) (An Anglican Rite).

    Prayer of Elder Paisios for the World (I have found this quitehelpful at the current time).

    Outreach OpportunitiesITEMS-OF-THE-MONTH

    Advent TimeAdvent is enrolled in year 3 of a 5 year course to become a doctor. He is the son of Bishop Elias in Tanzania. In US dollars, his tuitionwould be $2,273 per year. Room & Board is an additional $1826annually. Anyone wishing to help Advent with his education canmake checks to St. Matthew's Episcopal Church; putting Outreach-Education in the memo line. God Bless, and we thank you

    P.S, With Shelter-in-place restrictions, Outreach has extended theircollection of support for Advent's Education to the end of nextmonth. Your Office Staff

    MealsThank you for the generous outpouring of support for thisministry. The freezer is quite full at this time.

    We also have packages of Tender Mercies meals from MidwestFood Bank.

    If you, or someone you know, need(s) a meal at this time pleaselet us know, or stop by the office when it is open.

    Theology Uncorked.Since we cannot meet in person, we will meet at 6PM on April26th via Zoom. Please email Fr. Dave if you wish to have theZoom invitation.

    The Daily Devotional Readingis available by clicking of the link below:Good News Daily

    Worship Serving ScheduleThank you to all of you who faithfully serve in the ministry ofthe Altar. At this time we are suspending the scheduling ofservers to keep you safe and to reflect the changingcircumstances we face.

    A service will always be held on Sunday, but the numbersallowed to be present will necessarily be limited. If you wish toserve at any service where you will be present, you are invitedto do so.

    We will resume scheduling as events allow.

    Thank you again, and may God bless you.

    Readings for Easter 2020All hymns and scripture readings are found in the pages (fullversion) of the downloadable services which are underlinedabove.

    Birthdays & Anniversaries April 12 - 18Anniversaries

    BirthdaysCris EmbreeRoger Hollis

    Sue Jones

    Dedications for this week:

    The Memorial Candle is lit in loving memory ofPhyllis Feaster and her son Marc

    by son and brother, Morris

    Easter Sunday, April 12thO God, who for our redemption didst give thine only-begotten Sonto the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection hasdelivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us so to die dailyto sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of hisresurrection; through the same thy Son Christ our Lord, who livethand reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

    Contact InformationSt. Matthew's Episcopal Church
