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  • 7/30/2019 THE GOOD NEWS OF PEACE 10




    10. How can you recognize true worship?

    Is there only one true religion?

    Jesus taught his followers only one religion, the true religion. He compared it to a roadleading to everlasting life. Regarding that road, Jesus said: Few are the ones finding it.(Matthew 7:14) The only form of acceptable worship of God is based on his Word of truth.

    All true worshippers are united in one faith.John 4:23, 24; 14:6; Ephesians 4:4, 5.
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    raman..exploring myself..

    What did Jesus say about false Christians?

    Jesus warned that false prophets would corrupt Christianity. By all appearances, falseprophets seem true servants of God. Their churches claim to be Christian. But it is feasibleto recognize them for what they really are. How so? Only true religion forms true Christianswith identifying qualities and actions.Matthew 7:13-23.

    True worshippers are identified by what?

    Consider these five distinctive marks:

    True worshippers respect the Bible as God's Word. Theystrive to live by its principles. So true religion differs fromreligion based on men's ideas. (Matthew 15:7-9) Trueworshippers do not preach one thing and practice another.John 17:17;2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

    True servants of Jesus honors God's name, Jehovah.(YHWH)* Jesus honors that name making it known. He helpedpeople to come to know God and taught them to pray thatGod's name be sanctified. (Matthew 6:9) Where you live,

    which religion teaches God's name?John 17:26; Romans10:13, 14.
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    True Christians preach about God's Kingdom. God sent Jesus to preach aboutthe Kingdom. God's Kingdom is the only hope for mankind. Jesus continuedspeaking about it until his dying day. (Luke 4:43; 8:1; 42, 43) He told his followers topreach about God's Kingdom. If someone approaches you to speak about God'sKingdom, to which religion does he likely belong?Matthew 24:14.

    Jesus' followers are no part of this wicked world. They take no part in politicalaffairs or social conflicts. (John 17:16;18:36) Also, they do not imitate the world'sharmful practices and attitudes.James 4:4.

    True Christians have outstanding love for one another. From God's Word, theylearn to respect members of all ethnic groups. Although false religion has oftenstrongly supported the wars of the nations, true Christians refuse to do so. (Micah4:1-3) Rather, members of the true religion unselfishly use their time and resourcesto help and encourage others.John 13:34, 35; 1 John 4:20.

    Tsahi Levent-Levi

    Can you identify true worship?

    Which group bases all its teachings on God's Word, honors God's name, and proclaimsGod's Kingdom as mankind's only hope? Which group practices love and does not supportwar? What do you think?1 John 3:10-12.

    For more information, see chapter 15 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?,published by Jehovah's Witnesses.

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