The Generous Bucket -...


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110 N. Franklin St

Kansas, Illinois

Office: (217) 948-5131


Sunday School: 9:00 am—Worship 10:00 am

Gather, Grow, Serve

The Generous Bucket For 2016 we want to find ways to serve our

community and meet some important needs.

We’re encouraging everyone to put a dollar

into the Generous Bucket every week. Once a

month these funds will be used to meet needs

in our community. Together we will help

people create some wonderful stories of God’s

grace in their lives!

When Trish and I were younger we didn’t have much. That’s not to say that we’re living

extravagantly now, but we really had some lean years. Still, during those times you try to

have a good time and go out for a decent meal once in a while. There were a few

restaurants we frequented that didn’t have the word “Burger” or the prefix “Mc” in their


We developed a practice back then when it came to waiters and waitresses. We’d say, “A dollar might make

someone’s day.” We’d carefully add up the tip and then tack on an extra dollar thinking you never know

what that person might be going through that day. Maybe that one dollar would brighten their day up a bit.

Maybe one dollar could make a difference.

That’s why I’m excited about the Generous Buckets at Kansas Christian Church. When you come in you can’t

miss them—big orange buckets in the front and back of the auditorium and one in the fellowship hall. We’re

asking that everyone in attendance bring one dollar every week to put in the buckets. One dollar to make a


Every month we’ll take all those dollars and meet some needs in our community. We’ll help our friends and

neighbors through some difficult times and do our best to make a difference in their lives. Even more, we’ll

be helping them experience the love of God and his people in some

very real and urgent ways. We want to help them create their own

stories of God’s amazing grace.

I realize that on its own one dollar can’t do much for me. It can’t

even buy me a soda I don’t need or a candy bar I shouldn’t have!

But together our dollars and make a huge difference for someone


I love Paul’s words of encouragement to the Corinthians as he

wrote to them about giving. He said, “He who supplies seed to the

sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for

sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be

enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through

us will produce thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this

service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also

overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:10-


It’s not just about supplying needs. Our hope with the Generous

Buckets is that our giving might cause an overflow of thankfulness

to God. We want to give people a reason to be thankful.

One dollar can make a difference and I pray that we can too!

Bret’s Daily Grind

Dec. Attendance

Date Worship

6 116

13 100

20 121

27 97

Building Loan Information Amount Borrowed: $150,000

Paid to Date: $72,000

Amount Owed: $78,000

The next Food Pantry will be

January 23rd at the Kansas

United Methodist Church

We celebrated another baptism in


Congratulations to James Musgrove

Saturday, January 16th at 8 AM

Bring your appetite and a friend!

Darren Larson, owner of the Country

Junction, will be speaking

Fellowship Committee this quarter

*Nancy Carreon

*Donna Goddard *Pam Harmon

*Maxine Vail *Mary Walker

New Ladies’ Bible Study Tuesdays at 9:00 am

“Heaven: Finding Our True Home”

Heaven is hard for us to picture. We think of floating on clouds,

singing praises , or walking on streets of gold. While we know we

want to go to heaven, we are a little nervous about what it will be

like. These Bible studies provide a biblical perspective on heaven -

something richer and more exciting than we can imagine.

You believe in God, attend church when it’s

convenient, and you generally treat people with

kindness. But, have you surrendered to God

completely, living every day depending upon the Holy


In this small group Bible study, Craig Groeschel

encourages you and your group to be more than just

“Christian” in name, to be honest before God, and to break free of hypocrisy

to live a more authentic , God-honoring life.

Come join us for some great time of fellowship on Wednesday nights at 6:30

Ladies’ Retreat March 11th & 12th

Mark your calendars now!

Kathy Branzell will be the featured speaker.

More details to come.

If you would like to volunteer your help, contact

Donna Williams.