The French State as a shareholder and the Utilities Sector ... · 2009 outlook Strong increase in...


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Europlace TokyoNovember 16, 2009

The French Stateas a shareholderand the Utilities

Sector in France

EDF presentation


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No reliance should be placed on the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or opinions contained in this presentation. None of EDFor any of its affiliates, advisors or representatives, shall bear any liability (in negligence or otherwise) for any loss arising from any use of thispresentation or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with this presentation.

All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this presentation, including, without limitation, those regarding the financial position,business strategy, management plans and objectives for future operations of the Group, are forward-looking statements. These forward-lookingstatements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of theGroup, or industry results, to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These forward-lookingstatements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Group’s present and future business strategies and the environment in which theGroup expects to operate in the future. Important factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Group to differ materiallyfrom those in the forward-looking statements include, among other factors: the effective implementation of the Group’s strategy, including in gas andenergy-related services; the competitive framework of the European energy markets, especially of the French electricity supply market, which is theGroup’s main market; prevailing governmental policies, administrative decisions or delays, and regulatory actions, in particular with respect toregulated prices and allowed rates of return, and public service missions; the climatic environment, the level and volatility of wholesale electricity andfuel prices and supplies; risks associated with operating nuclear and other power generating facilities, including operating and liability risks and costs,equipment failure, availability and output; regulatory changes affecting the industry, including environmental, health or safety regulations that couldrequire additional expenditures or otherwise affect the cost and manner of doing business; changes in the Group’s structure and holdings related to theopening up of the French market to competition; the adaptation of the Group’s technology and workforce to developments in the markets in which theGroup operates; changes in market demand and demographic patterns; expectations with respect to the Group’s obligations related to pensions andother employee benefits; the ability of the Group to realize anticipated cost savings, synergies and operating efficiencies; effective implementation ofany acquisitions or disposals; the effect of accounting pronouncements issued periodically by accounting standard-setting bodies; weather conditionsand other natural phenomena affecting the Group’s operations, and accidents or ill-intentioned acts; changes in the Group’s relationship with itsemployees or labor disputes; general economic and political conditions in the countries where the Group has operations; unanticipated changes ininterest rates, currency exchange rates or rates of inflation; and widespread power outages in France or in an area served by a Group subsidiary.

Detailed information regarding these assumptions and risk factors are available in the “Document de Référence” of EDF filed with the Autorité desMarchés Financiers on April 14, 2009 under number D.09-0243, which is available on the AMF's website at and on EDF’s websiteat

Forward-looking information contained in this document only apply at the date of this document and EDF does not commit to updating them later toreflect subsequent facts and circumstances or occurrence of unanticipated events.


Europlace TokyoNovember 16, 2009

The French Stateas a shareholderand the Utilities

Sector in France

An overview of EDF


EDF 2008 Key Figures

Sales : €64.3Bn

EBITDA : €14.2Bn

Net Income from ordinary operations:€4.3Bn

160,000 employees

Total Balance Sheet : €200Bn

A leading European utility, with alarge European presence

The largest generation fleet inEurope

The largest nuclear fleet worldwide

Strong cash flow generation and solidfinancial structure

A balanced model betweengeneration and supply ; regulatedand non-regulated activities

EDF in a nutshellEDF in a nutshell



Asserted leadership in the global nuclearrevival

UNITED STATESJoint venture with CONSTELLATION(for the building of EPRs)


FRANCE2 EPRs, Flamanville, Penly

ITALYJoint venture with ENEL

CHINAJoint venture with CGNPC2 EPRs1st in 2014

United Kingdom: nuclear overview andreminder of EDF’s strategy

The nuclear revival in the United Kingdom

Substantial investment needs due to the necessary renewal of 50% of generation facilities by 2025

“Nuclear White Paper” published on 10 January 2008 in favor of a nuclear revival in the UnitedKingdom

Political consensus and support of public opinion

EDF Group’s strategic targets in the United Kingdom

Positioning EDF as a major player in the UK’s nuclear revival

Building and operating 4 EPRs in cooperation with Centrica, with the first being commissioned byend-2017

Replicating Flamanville 3 as an EPR model in the United Kingdom

Acquisition of British Energy

Completed on 5 January 2009

Strengthened position in Europe and more robust business model in the UK

Partnership with Centrica on existing nuclear fleet

Financial aspects:

- Strong contribution to H1 2009 Group’s EBITDA

- Realisation of synergies

- Financial expenses of the acquisition debt covered by the cash flow generated by British Energy


CEG: a nuclear player recognized for its operating performance and havingchosen the EPR as 3rd generation technology

Acquisition of 49.99% of CENG

- Operating 5 highly efficient nuclear plants for a total capacity of 3.9 GW

- Total consideration of $4.5 billion

- Closing of the transaction on 6 November 2009

Unistar: a JV key to EDF in US New Nuclear Build

Key targets- Develop an industrial partnership and invest in a US nuclear operator to build EPRs together

- Leverage on EDF’s experience and know-how in nuclear energy

Setting up of a 50/50 joint venture Unistar Nuclear Energy LLC (UNE)in July 2007

- With one partner, CEG

- Unistar’s exclusive rights for the development of the US EPR. Priority given to the development of a series of 4EPRs with Calvert Cliffs (Maryland) as the first EPR to be commissioned

- CEG bringing 3 sites where 4 EPRs can be built

- Principle of an Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) contract with Areva/Bechtel consortium

- 500 people (UNE, Areva, Bechtel,…) currently involved in the US EPR project

United States: CEG and Unistar


A European footprint second to none

6M customers

15 GW installed

187 000 customers

12.5 GW installed

26.5M customers

96.6 GW installed

6.7M customers

16.5 GW installed

3.8 GW installed

Trading activities

53,3% 63,3%

1.5M customers

1.7 GW installed



Accelerated expansion in renewable energiesand energy eco-efficiency

Rapid growth in wind power and photovoltaic solar energy

New targets: 4,000 MW installed by 2012, including500 MWc in photovoltaic solar energy

EDF Energies Nouvelles’ capital increase

EnBW’s offshore wind farm projects in the Baltic Sea andthe North Sea

Reinforcement in hydropower

Continuation of the SuperHydro maintenance programme

Water filling of the Nam Theun dam’s Reservoir in Laos

Rollout of energy eco-efficiency offers

* Including EDF trading and EDF Énergies Nouvelles

Buoyant international* businesses bolsters Group’s results,with a material contribution from British Energy

A financial structure amongst the best in the sector

Solid H1 2009 financial performance

Sales: € 34.9bn + 8.2%

EBITDA: € 10.1bn + 12.2%

Net income fromordinary operations: € 2,926M - 5.5%

Net income(Group share): € 3,117bn stable

Net debt: € 24.5bn € 36.8bnEnd-2008 End-H1 2009

of which € 10.8bnlinked to the acquisition

of British Energy


EDF Group’s sales 9 months to 30 September:€48.3 billion












+ 1.3%

+ 13.0%

+ 6.7%

In € million

Group’s sales up 6.7% to €48.3billion driven by strong performanceof international business (+13%)

2.9% organic growth

Good overall resilience indemanding market conditions

+ 4.7%*

+ 1.3%*

+ 2.9%*

* Organic growth11

2009 outlook

Strong increase in reported EBITDA, thanks to the contribution

of British Energy

EBITDA at constant scope and exchange rates close to 2008

level pre-TaRTAM, at standard winter climate conditions, as a

consequence of lower nuclear output expected in Q4 2009

Significant rise in reported Net Income (Group share)

Decline in Net Income from ordinary operations as a

consequence of lower nuclear output expected in Q4 2009

Debt to EBITDA ratio between 2.5 and 3 times, before effect of

announced disposals


Europlace TokyoNovember 16, 2009

The French Stateas a shareholderand the Utilities

Sector in France

The French State as ashareholder


EDF shareholding structureas of end 2008EDF shareholding structureas of end 2008

84.7%French State

Retail and institutionalshareholders13.2%

EDF’s employees2.0%

EDF has been publiclytraded since November2005

The French State is EDF’smain shareholder, with an85% stake

By Law, the French Statemust hold at least 70% ofEDF’s share capital

Treasury stock0.2%


EDF corporate governance

EDF is prone to fulfill the laws of listed companies and the specific rules of apublic sector entity. Both sets of rules have to be combined.

In practice, the conciliation raises no difficulty:

For instance, EDF decided in December 2008 to refer to the AFEP*-MEDEF**recommendations of October 2008 as corporate governance code :

Annual report on the evolution of board's functionning; entrusted to an external firm every threeyears. Regular update of the Board of Directors rules of procedure.

The board has appointed all the appropriate committees

Moreover, EDF is compliant with internal control procedures COSO***

Rating and annual report for sustainable development

In-house group-wide policy : Group social responsability agreement, Groupsustainable development policy, Environmental management systems

*AFEP: French listed companies association . **MEDEF: French companies association***COSO: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations


As a conclusion…

No conflict in being a listed company operating in competitivemarkets and having the State as major shareholder


