The French Revolution: Napoleon’s Grand Empire “I maybe short, but I think big!”


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The French Revolution:

Napoleon’s Grand Empire

“I maybe short, but I think big!”


The Revolution will come full circle with Napoleon elected EmperorHe will try to expand his empireTopics

–Napoleon Takes the Throne–War of the Third Coalition–French Empire

Napoleon Takes the Throne

Coronation of Napoleon

Crowning of the Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David

The Imperial Image is Back

New French Empire

War of the Third Coalition,1805 - 1807

Battle of Austerlitz, 1805

Napoleon on the eve of the Battle of Austerlitz by Pascal

End of the Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman Empire in 1789

Arch de Triumph, Paris

French Empire in 1810

French Empire

Continental System

Peninsular War “The Spanish Ulcer”

The Third of May 1808: The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid

by Francisco Goya

Spread the Revolution

Enlightenment ideas•Imposed rational constitutions

•Spread the Napoleonic Code•Ended feudalism and manorialism, but the landlord remained

•Religious tolerance spread

•Economic Restructuring

Drew support from professionals and progressives


Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor and expanded his empireEverywhere his empire spread, Revolutionary ideas went with him
