The forgotten legends off P HS 4 - · maar het steeds groot sukses behaal met...


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Redakteursbrief 3 The forgotten legends off PBHS 4 Necessity is the mother of all invention 5 Leerderopstel: Donker vrees - Friedrich du Toit 6 Possible occupations in the world of conflict 7 Fotodagboek 8 Leerderopstel: Broers - Francois Viljoen 9 Conflict in North Korea 10 Interesting facts about conflict 11

Redakteur Fryhoff du Toit Subredakteur Jaco Mostert Grafika Jaco Visagie Juf. C. Fourie

Joernaliste Dian Jacobs Stephan Stofberg Friedrich du Toit MC v/d Berg Schulz Francois Viljoen Christiaan Fisher Wade Solomon

Fotografie Juf. P. Terblanche Juf. D. Redelinghuys Proeflees Juf. M. Visagie Fasiliteerder Mnr. K. Bezuidenhout



“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” This

quote is from the ancient book, The Art of War, and it is just as applicable to

modern society as to 5th century BC China where it was written. Allthough

the true art is to defeat one’s opponent without fighting, it is not always the

case, and hence we have conflict.

In our world we can interpret conflict in many ways: the fight against

ISIS in the Middle-East, political parties with conflicting ideas or simply people

disliking each other. All of these examples have one thing in common, they

tend to interfere with a happy life in general. If we remember the above men-

tioned quote we can start to think in a different way: what if true victory is not to defeat the enemy in a final

showdown, but to make him your lesser without resorting to conflict and confrontation. Keep this point in mind

when reading about conflict later on, although war and conflict are always romanticised, they are the products of

the failure of civilised ways to deal with a problem, negotiations, open-mindedness, acceptance, etc.

In ons eie HJS-wêreld het ons soos op alle ander plekke konflik, maklik sigbaar met ons sportvetes teen

verskeie skole. Hierdie klein konflikte bied vir ons as leerders `n toetsvlak met `n keuse: ons kan daal tot ons op-

ponent se vlak en vuilspel met vuilspel beantwoord of ons kan die Bloubaadjie trots maak deur soos `n Boishaaier

op te tree. Soos op die speelveld, so ook in die lewe en daardeur word ons voorberei vir die grootmenswêreld

waar mens daagliks konflik gaan moet kan hanteer.

Daarom, met interskole om die draai wens ek ons spanne sterkte toe met hul wedstryde en ek weet dat

ons die konflik op die regte manier sal aanpak.

Die redakteur

Fryhoff du Toit


The forgotten legends of

PBHS By Dian Jacobs

“With the deepest feelings of sincere regret we publish below the names of those

Old Boys of the school who made the supreme sacrifice in World war II.” Laasge-

noemde kom uit die Hoër Jongenskool se jaarblad van 1945.

Die Blueprint se tema vir die kwartaal is konflik. Dit is ook die geval dat heelwat

oudleerders by oorloë betrokke was en die hoogste prys moes betaal. Die Hoër

Jongenskool het onder meer dertig oudleerders tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog ver-

loor. Dit is seker onregverdig om net een persoon uit te sonder, maar ek skryf vir julle

wat van een van hierdie dapper soldate gesê is. Robert Priday was vanaf 1939 tot

1942 ‘n leerder aan die Hoër Jongenskool Paarl.

“He will be remembered by his contemporaries as a most versatile sportsman.

Whilst at school he proved himself to be a brilliant flyhalf. He was the Western Pro-

vince champion over the 440 yds in the under 18 age group and he excelled at cric-


“They shall not grow old as we grow old. We will remember them.” (Laurence

Binyon, For the Fallen)

Die Hoër Jongenskool salueer sy oudstudente wat in oorloë geveg het.

Tandem Surculus Fit Arbor

Agtergrond bron:


Necessity is the mother of all invention

Deur Stephan Stofberg

Baie uitvindsels en nuwe tegnologie het ontwikkel as gevolg van die noodsaaklikheid daarvan. Daar is min

dinge soos oorlog wat ‘n land forseer om baie geld te belê in die ontwikkeling van nuwe tegnologie. Baie van die

uitvindsels wat ons vandag geniet, het sy oorsprong in WW1, WW2, die Koue Oorlog, sowel as die wedloop om

die eerste man op die maan te kry. Tydens oorlog spandeer alle betrokke partye massiewe hoeveelhede hulpbronne

aan die ontwikkeling van nuwe tegnologie wat hulle sal help om die vyand te oorwin.

Voorbeelde hiervan is die eerste beheerbare vuurpyl, naamlik die V2-vuurpyl. Hierdie vuurpyl is hoofsaaklik

gebruik om teikens in Londen te bombardeer. Die Duitse wetenskaplike wat verantwoordelik was vir die ont-

wikkeling en bou van die vuurpyl, was dr. Wernher von Braun. Hy het ook later die Amerikaanse ruimte-

agenstskap, NASA, gehelp om die Saturn V-vuurpyl te ontwikkel wat uiteindelik gebruik is om die Apollo-

sendings na die ruimte te stuur.

Alhoewel die eerste vlug in ‘n ware vliegtuig al op 17

Desember 1903 deur die Wright-broers voltooi is, was die

ontwikkeling van nuwe tegnologie op hierdie gebied maar

stadig. Gedurende die Eerste Wêreldoorlog het generaals

die eerste keer bestaande vliegtuie gebruik om ‘n militêre

rol te vertolk. Bestaande kommersiële vliegtuie is toe

toegerus met gemonteerde masjiengewere om spioenvlieg-

tuie af te skiet. Laasgenoemde was nie baie effektief nie. In

die lig hiervan het beide kante vegvliegtuie ontwikkel wat

vinnig was, maklik kon swenk en duik en later is masjienge

-were op vaste posisies voor die kajuit gemonteer. Hierdie

wapenwedloop om die beste vegvliegtuig te ontwikkel, het

die Geallieerdes sowel as die Sentrale Magte genoodsaak

om nuwer en beter vliegtuie te maak om sodoende ‘n voor-

deel bo hul teenstanders te kry.

In die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het vliegtuie baie vin-

niger en groter geword. ‘n Enkele B-29 Superfortress kon

soveel as 9 072 kg bomme dra en met relatiewe akuraatheid

(vir daardie tydperk) bomme op teikens laat val. Seker een

van die grootste ontwikkelings in vliegtuigtegnologie was

die uitvinding van die eerste suksesvolle stralerenjin. Die

eerste suksesvolle vliegtuig wat met hierdie nuwe stralerenjins toegerus is, was die Messerschmitt Me 262. Dit was

laat in 1944 in gebruik geneem, ten spyte daarvan dat dit verskeie probleme ervaar het, byvoorbeeld die enjins wat

gedurig vervang moes word. Nazi-Duitsland het gedurende hierdie tyd van die oorlog al hoe meer grond verloor,

maar het steeds groot sukses behaal met die afskiet van geallieerde bomwerpers wat oor Duitsland se stede en

fabrieke gevlieg het. Die Messerschmitt Me 262 het ‘n fenominale topspoed van 870 km/h gehad wat heeltemal te

vinnig was vir enige ander vegvliegtuie wat die geallieerdes gehad het, maar dit was nie genoeg om Hitler se Der-

de Ryk te red nie.

In moderne tye het tegnologie rakende die vuurpyl en stralerturbine

al baie verder ontwikkel en dit word deesdae as vanselfsprekend aanvaar.

Ek daag jou uit om self te gaan kyk watter tegnologie sy onstaan te danke

het aan konflik. Die internet en die rekenaar is maar net twee voorbeelde

om mee te begin!

‘n V2-missiel wat opstyg.

‘n Messerschmitt Me 262 in vlug.



Donker vrees

Deur Friedrich du Toit

Dis donker en stil. Die werklikheid sink stadig in en wanneer dit jou inhaal,

versplinter jou alles. Ek is bly dat dit donker is. Ek wil nie sien nie, nie nou nie.

Die gesuis in my ore word minder en ek kan my onreëlmatige hartklop hoor.

Die knop op my maag laat my vooroor buig. Ek druk hard op my maag om die

vrees te laat skiet, maar tevergeefs. Skielik onthou ek die geweerskoot, my liggaam

wat ruk en my arm wat brand. Ek voel aan my arm. Dit is nat, taai en bloederig.

Hoe lank lê ek al hier? Waar is my ma? Waar is my pa?

“Onse Vader wat in die hemel is, laat U naam geheilig word, laat U wil


Ek probeer die res van die gebed onthou, maar ek kan nie. Ek wil uitkom by die deel van die sonde sodat Hy my

kan vergewe en help uit hierdie hel.

Ek het al van hierdie goed gelees. Die aanval is vinnig en hulle probeer soveel as moontlik vat. Dis lank stil. Hulle,

die wetters, het seker klaar ons huis besteel - ons huisie gebuit, net soos die ander mense van wie mens elke dag in die

koerante lees. Ons het nie gedink dit sal so onverwags gebeur nie. Dit was te vinnig, te skielik. Ek dink aan al my ma se

gekerm om die deure en vensters te sluit. Maar nee, ek en my pa is mos slim en sterk. Ons kan mos enige iemand stop.

Nou ja, slim vang sy baas. Sterk help mens ook net mooi boggerol as daar ‘n geweer se loop teen jou kop is.

Ek moet my ma en pa kry. Saggies beweeg ek voel-voel in die gang af. Die Here moet my beskerm vanaand. Die

ou houtvloer kraak onder my. Ek beweeg nog ‘n paar tree. Ek roep saggies na hulle. Daar is geen antwoord nie. Die

aandkos stoot dik in my keel op. Ek begin sweet. My oë raak branderig en my maag kramp van vrees. Ek bewe so dat ek

nie regop kan staan nie. Ek moet myself teen die muur stut . Ek hoor uiteindelik my pa se stem. Hy klink anders as ge-

woonlik, maar ek weet dit is hy. Ek kruip stadig tot by hulle waar hulle op ‘n bondeltjie in die hoek van die kamer sit. Ek

voel hulle warm lywe en hou hulle styf vas.

Ek het al baie gewonder vir wie se lewe ek die meeste sal vrees in so ‘n situasie. Ek wonder nie meer nie. Ek weet



War definitely has a huge influence on the world, especially if we turn our heads and look at the

2017 military budget being at a flabbergasting R47 billion. Don’t think that is a lot? Just imagine what you could do with R47 billion? You could buy fifty 50 ft yachts, ten private jets, sixty two Bugatti Veyrons and you could buy Bill Gates’s house five times over and still have R7 million spending money. So for the go-vernment to spend so much money on war and defence, surely conflict plays a big role in this world. Let’s look at some of the things you could do to play a part in this scene.

The South African Military Definitely not anyone’s first choice when choosing a country to lay your life down for, but as you are probably a South African citizen, what choice do you have? Plus - wouldn’t you want to be like your grandfather and tell war stories to your grandchildren of how you defended your post in Angola against constant enemy attack?

French Foreign Legion The French Foreign Legion is a military service branch of the French Army established in 1831, unique because it was created for foreign nationals willing to serve in the French Armed Forces. Com-manded by French officers, it was also open to French citizens, who amounted to 24% of the recruits in 2007. The Foreign Legion is today known as a unit whose training focuses not only on traditional military skills, but also on its strong morale as its men come from different countries with different cultures. This is a way to strengthen them enough to work as a team. Although it is part of the French Military, it is the only unit of the military that does not swear allegiance to France, but to the Foreign Legion itself. Consequently, training is often described as not only physically challenging, but also very stressful psychologically.

Arms Trader There are two ways you could go when it comes to selling weapons. You could join a company that sells weapons to the government that is privately owned such as Hyperion or could create your own com-pany and sell weapons you manufacture.

Some honourable mentions: American Secret Service US Navy Seals Policeman Ministry of Defence War Psychologist Weapons Manufacturer

Possible occupations in the world of conflict By Mika-Calvin van den Berg Schultz

French Foreign Legion soldier Navy Seal squad

Bron: Bron:





Deur Francois Viljoen

Ek en Ouboet bly saam met Mamma en Pappa in ons huis. Ouboet is my held.

Ek wens ek was al so groot en sterk soos hy.

Mamma en Pappa is werk toe. Tannie Sannie is veronderstel om na my en Ou-

boet te kyk, maar sy lê net voor die televisie. Ouboet speel met tannie Sannie se seun,

Jannie. Hy is net so oud soos Ouboet. Ek moet met my blokkies in my en Ouboet se

kamer speel. Ek is mos nie oud genoeg om saam met hulle te speel nie.

Blokkiesbou is vervelig sonder ‘n maatjie. As ek te lank so stil sit, voel dit asof

daar miere in my broek is. Ek stap na die televisiekamer toe. Die televisiekamer was

eers my kamer, maar nou deel ek en Ouboet ‘n kamer. Tannie Sannie weet nie ek loer

deur die gleuf tussen die deur en die kosyn nie. Sy kyk alweer haar sepies. Dis verve-

lig. Ek wonder wat Ouboet en Jannie nou doen. Ek stap deur die huis, maar ek hoor

hulle nêrens nie. Hulle moet seker buite wees.

Ek stap buitentoe, maar ek sien hulle nie voor die huis nie. Hulle moet seker in die agterplaas wees. Ek stap om

die huis agtertoe, maar ek sien hulle nog steeds nie. Waar kan hulle dan wees? Ek hoor iets op die huis se dak. Dit

moet hulle wees. Wat doen hulle op die dak? Ons mag nie op die dak klim nie. Dit is een van Mamma se reëls. Ek

stap verder van die huis af weg sodat ek beter kan sien.

Ouboet spring van die dak af tot op die bure se dak. Die twee dakke is naby aan mekaar, maar dis ver om te

spring. Jannie gee ‘n paar treë en spring. Hy land op die bure se dak, langs Ouboet.

Ouboet sien my. Hy weet ek wil ook doen wat hulle gedoen het, maar hy dink ek is te jonk. Voor hy iets kan sê,

hardloop ek in die huis in, op met die trap en klim deur die badkamervenster tot op ons huis se dak.

Die grond lyk baie ver van hier bo af. Ek weet as ek te lank wag, sal ek nie spring nie. Ouboet en Jannie kyk vir

my. Ek weet hulle dink ek sal te bang wees om te spring. Ek moet dit doen.

Ek gee twee treë en skiet my so hard as wat ek kan van ons dak af weg. Ouboet kyk vir my. Ek moet dit maak.

Ek sal dit maak.

Ek verloor hoogte. Ek steek my hande uit na die bure se dak. My bors tref die geut. Ek val!

Die rand van die geut skraap oor my keel en vir ‘n oomblik haak my onderkaak oor die geut. My kop ruk op en

ek sien Ouboet en Jannie se oë.

Ek tref die plaveiselstene met my agterkop en ek sien helder ligte soos wanneer Pappa in die motorhuis sweis.

Hy sê altyd ek moet nie na die ligte kyk nie.

Ek voel ‘n warm, nat gevoel in my nek en iets ruik soos die warm ysters wanneer Pappa sweis. Dan voel en sien

ek hoe ek in ‘n swart tonnel ingesuig word. Net voordat dit heeltemal donker word, hoor ek Ouboet se stem van ver af

sê: “Ek het jou mos gesê hy sal spring. Nou kan ek weer alleen in my kamer wees.”


Conflict in North Korea By Christiaan Fisher

As we have experienced over the past few years,

North Korea has really become a country of fierce action and aggression towards any opposing threat. They have made a name for themselves through extreme dictatorship, falsified promises and corrupt ruling by supreme leaders for over two generations.

Many of us fear the threats of the North Koreans, espe-cially the threat of nuclear use in combat, and have not yet come to the realisation of what capabilities this country actu-ally holds. There has been an estimate of 10-16 nuclear mis-siles in the hands of Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un. This might sound mediocre in comparison with the US’s 4760 nuclear missile stockpile, but the size and destructibility of the North Korean missiles have not yet been acquired. An even more frightening fact is that over a 100 state officials of North Korea have been executed by none other than the current Supreme Leader himself. These ruth-less acts are just a number of problems that leave the rest of the world in question of his ruling.

Within the borders of the country many situations occur that are ridden by conflict and dictatorship. The 10 concentration camps concealed, disguised and described as re-educational camps, is a concern to many who take human rights as a serious priority. The citizens of the country live in fear of making mistakes or breaking the ri-diculous laws that are set out because they, as well as any other living family members, will receive equal punish-ment mostly causing death over a length of time. The punishable time will be served in one of these concentration camps indefinitely, depending on your title or rank. If foreigners enter illegally, for example, or if opposing sol-diers captured by North Korean forces or if foreigners break any laws set out by the Supreme Leader, the same punishment and worse is entitled to them.

The Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) houses most of the North Korean forces, making it one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world. This came after the Korean conflict in 1966-1969 where it was classified as the dead man’s land between the North and South Korean Border. Many nuclear fortifications were built by North Korea in this time period to use against South Korea. They were refused by Russia and shortly thereafter by China for the supply of nuclear force and therefore these fortifications never realised or were used for their actual purpose, but still to this day poses a threat to all as no one knows of its development, growth and destructibility. This could hold mass destruction to South Korea, and furthermore the other targeted countries of the Supreme Leader once these fortifications become a reality.

The leadership of North Korea is the most disturbing aspect of the country. Kim Jong Un, age 34, or so Pyongyang’s propagandists claim, is the youngest leader of any country in the world and probably the most spoiled one too. No one really knows for sure the actual age of Kim, but they say he was born between 1981 and 1984. This ruthless madman has had the entire country and army encouraged to attempt copying his hairstyle be-cause he says it will serve as a source of power and unity to the country. All of his former girlfriends had also been executed and he ordered that his uncle, Jang Song Thaek, and the entire Jang family be executed by heavy machine guns, mortars and propelled rocket grenades. Some were even fed to ravenous dogs, first a joke told by the Chinese, but was soon discovered to have happened. As distracting and disgusting as it may sound, it is the reality North Koreans, even those of authority, face on a daily basis. The citizens having to live by the current mood of their Supreme Leader and his wishes puts fear into every single being roaming North Korean territory. This dictatorship is found in no other country. North Korea, described as a democratic republic, looks to be under extreme communism and extremism rather than a democracy.

This is a country of conflict to definitely look out for in the future, as no one except its highest ranked lead-ers know of the county’s power and nuclear capabilities, and even the highest ranked leaders have no say over the decision making by the Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, the 3rd Kim to have ruled North Korea under dictatorship.

Kim Jong Un and officers of the North Korean military



War Facts:

> Not many people know that Adolf Hitler was actually born in Austria, Braunau am Inn to be more specific.

> The shortest war ever fought between two countries was between UK and Zanzibar on 27 August

1896. Zanzibar surrendered after just 38 to 45 minutes. > The annual global spent on military services adds up to roughly US$1,3 trillion (ZAR 17,7 trillion).

The United States of America accounts for approximately 45% of this spending.

General Conflict:

> The US Coast Guard seizes around 77 kg of Marijuana and around 140 kg of cocaine daily. That amounts to US$9,6 Million (ZAR 126 million) every day!

> In 2008 the Pentagon spent more money in Iraq every five seconds than the average American

earned in a year. > The biggest military base in the world is Fort Bragg which is situated in North Carolina, USA. It

houses a staggering population of 238 646. That is almost five times more people than the entire South African Military.

> The largest ever thermonuclear bomb ever detonated was the Tsar Bomba. Developed by the Soviet

Union, the bomb was released on a testing range on 30 October 1961. It made a fireball about 8 km

in diameter and destroyed everything within a 70 km radius. > The largest tank ever built was the French Char 2C. It was 10,27 m long, 4,09 m wide and 3 m

wide. It weighed a whopping 69 tons. Only ten were produced from 1921 to 1940. > The best-rated tank of all time is the T-34 tank from Russia. It had a top speed of 55 km/h and had

armour that was 65 mm thick.


Interesting facts about conflict

By Wade Solomon
