The explanation…



The explanation…. God gathered everybody to-gether in one place. God told Moses, Jesus and Mohamed to choose the people and to form their own clans. First by historical order, Moses picked the most beautiful and the most intelligent women et put them in his clan. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The The explanation…explanation…

God gathered everybody to-gether in one place

God told Moses, Jesus and Mohamed God told Moses, Jesus and Mohamed to choose the people and to form their own clansto choose the people and to form their own clans

First by historical order, Moses picked the most beautiful and the First by historical order, Moses picked the most beautiful and the most intelligent women et put them in his clan.most intelligent women et put them in his clan.

Then, Jesus chose the most beautiful of those leftThen, Jesus chose the most beautiful of those left

and formed the christian clan.and formed the christian clan.

When Mohamed saw what When Mohamed saw what was left he cried :   was left he cried :   

Cover yourselves up ! Cover yourselves up ! For gods sake, cover For gods sake, cover

yourselves up !!yourselves up !!
