The end of the school year - so, what next?



Controsenso del 23 maggio 2015.

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24 ontrosenso

23 Maggio 2015BasilicataMONITOR

The end of the school year - so, what next? Fine anno scolastico - tempo di ricaricarsi

This is more or less the period that everybody have been looking forward to; the

holiday period. Both we teachers and the students are just up to our neck with the long school year. We just cannot take anymore. We don’t necessarily have to know what we want to do after the school but one thing we know for sure is that we want to stop the routine of school going. We want the sun to blaze on our eyes, we want to try on our bikini and swimming suits. We want to lazy around doing just nothing. We need a battery charger. We want a change in our daily life. It has been a long year. We teachers are fed up of policing the students in and out of the classroom and the students

are more than fed up of being policed by tired, and sometimes, frustrated teachers. So, both sides need a rest. We need to detach for some three months so as to come back and re-appreciate ourselves. The teachers will surely be using this period of time not only to recoup the energy necessary to be able to run a class of 25 teenagers, which is not an easy job if you have to do it for nine months a year, but they will also be using the break for updating and attending some trainings on methodology, classroom management and the like. Teachers need such updating and training otherwise, carrying out teaching with the same approach and methodology without bringing something new could be monotonous and boring. Some teachers would have enough time to dedicate to their family especially in a country like Italy where a very high percentage of teachers are females. And we all know that the job of a woman does not end with going to the place of work but it continues with coming back to tackle house chores. These house chores become tedious because the mentality of Italian men towards their respective wives does does not consider helping. The best an average Italian husband would do is help clear the table after meals. The rest of the chores such as cleaning the house, doing the shopping, the washing up and dish washing are mainly done by the teacher-wife who

would be left with little or no time for herself. So, when some people argue that being a teacher is a ‘’comfortable’’ job, think twice! I would like to see those people with 25 thugish-like students for 4 to 5 hours a day 6 days a week for nine months. You may need a psychiatrist after some years. The students themselves need some time to detach from it all. They need to be able to take off some time and travel. Meet their age-mates from around the world. They need to be encouraged to make the best use of the EU law on free movement of peoples. They can move around all the countries within the UE. These movements are being facilitated also by the fact that fl ight tickets costs peanuts today, if you book earlier. The low cost fl ight carriers are giving away very competitive tariffs for several destinations. The same low cost fl ight carriers would immediately suggest cheap accommodation. A single booking brings about the chain of other services and commodities that go with it, such as, car rent, students’ multi-bedded hostels, cheap restaurants and eateries etc. So, what else? The doors of the world is open to the teenagers. They have the power. The power to travel and spend peanuts and see their Europe and even go further. This would help open their mind towards their un-demarcated globe. Some would even prefer not only to travel but also to add languages

to their travel. They would take up lessons in the morning and sightsee in the afternoons and club in the night. Some would go the extent of taking up temporary job to feel more at home in the country they visit. A work experience is always a good credit to spend on your cv. You may

be able to sustain yourself fi nancially and thus lengthen your holiday with the little you are able to earn while working. So, whatever your choice for the summer holiday, be you a teacher or a student, make the best of it.


l a r r y a d e 1 @ g m a i l . c o m

Dalla parte del la musicaAl Conservatorio “G. da Venosa” di Potenza, l’I.C.”D.Savio” si esibisce nel Saggio di fi ne anno

“La musica esprime ciò che non può essere detto e su cui è impossibile rima-nere in silenzio”(Victor Hugo)

Anche quest’anno, precisamen-te giovedì 21 maggio, gli alunni

strumentisti della Scuola secondaria di primo grado dell’I.C.”D.Savio”, brillantemente diretti dai maestri Do-menico Di Fonzo (sax), Raffaele Pa-truno (percussioni), Rocco Pellegri-no (sax), Pasquale Quero (chitarra), Domenico Sannella(piano), Giovanni Strangio (piano), hanno offerto al pubblico presente nell’Auditorium del Conservatorio di Potenza una performance d’eccezione. Un lungo pomeriggio musicale, all’insegna dell’entusiasmo e della creatività, con un eccellente gioco di squadra, mirato alla valorizzazione e alla maturazione di ciascun allievo. Tanti i brani proposti, individuali e d’insieme, tutti eseguiti con grande emozione e passione, a conferma del forte impegno e dell’interesse per la disciplina. A dare il via le straordinarie musiche di Mozart, quindi, “Oyo como va”, “I feel good”, “Napul’è”, e tanto altro ancora. Splendide le voci che hanno interpretato “Imagine” di J. Lennon e “My heart will go on” di Celine Dion, brani che hanno commosso ed emozionato. A fi nire, l’Inno Nazionale,cantato , naturalmente, da tutti i presenti, rigorosamente in piedi. La musica, dunque, si rivela una presenza signifi cativa nella Scuola, perché matura negli allievi quelle competenze di base indispensabili sia per una cultura personale, sia per

quanti sognano di proseguire nel settore specifi co. Attraverso la musica i ragazzi possono, infatti, esprimere la loro personalità e svilupparla in tutte le sue dimensioni. Essa rappresenta, inoltre, un momento di aggregazione sociale e di integrazione delle diversità, un mez-zo, prima che un fi ne, per lo sviluppo dell’individuo e delle sue potenzialità, dell’ intelligenza e della socialità. Il pubblico, davvero entusiasta e caloro-so, ha accompagnato ogni esecuzione con scroscianti applausi, evidenziando sincero apprezzamento per un percorso formativo di grande impegno e respon-sabilità. Perché la musica è un linguag-gio universale che sa dialogare con tutte le arti e tutte le discipline, oltre a rivelarsi una delle massime espressioni di cultura, democrazia e libertà. Senza dimenticare i valori che si sedimentano e si potenziano in un’attività di gruppo, quali l’amicizia, la collaborazione,la condivisione, la solidarietà. Insomma, la musica come vera e propria Scuola di vita: un’opportunità esclusiva per arricchire e consolidare il proprio”IO”. A conclusione, l’apprezzamento e il ringraziamento della Dirigente, prof.ssa Diana Camardo, che ha ribadito a tutti i presenti, genitori- alunni- docenti, che l’I.C.”D. Savio” si impegna a confer-marsi scuola attenta ai bisogni indivi-duali degli alunni, mirata costantemente a motivare e a canalizzare adeguata-mente le energie vitali e le straordinarie potenzialità degli adolescenti.
