The Elements (Section 1.3) Dr. C.’s Pre-AP Chemistry Lake Dallas High School Fall 2015


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The Elements (Section 1.3)

Dr. C.’s Pre-AP ChemistryLake Dallas High SchoolFall 2015

Lesson Objectives (Sept. 8th - A Day, Sept 9th - B Day)

Use a periodic table to find names or symbols of elements

Define group, family, period and metalloid

Describe the four regions of the periodic table and their properties

Elements with Symobls you wouldn’t expect

• The first letter of an element is capitalized, the second letter is not.

• Example: If you mean copper you should write Cu, because writing CU is two different elements.• C = Carbon• U = Uranium

Groups vs. Periods

Group: A vertical column of the periodic table. Also called a family Each group (family) contains elements with similar chemical properties.

Period: The horizontal columns across the periodic table.

Periodic Table of The Elements

Properties of Metals

Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat. Most metals are solid at room temperature Most metals can be malleable (Can be hammered or rolled into sheets) Most metals are ductile (can be made into wire)

Properties of Non-Metals

• Non-metals are poor conductors of electricity and heat.• Many are gases• Solids are brittle (easily broken apart)

Properties of Metalloids

• Metalloids share characteristics of both metals and non-metals.• They are considered semiconductors of electricity• They are solid at room temperature• Aluminum is NOT a metalloid even though it touches

the line.

Noble Gases

• Noble Gases are located in group 18 of the periodic table.• Generally chemically unreactive• As the name states – Gases at room temperature

Lesson Objectives (Sept. 8th - A Day, Sept 9th - B Day)

Use a periodic table to find names or symbols of elements

Define group, family, period and metalloid

Describe the four regions of the periodic table and their properties
