The Egg Carton



Genius Hour

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  • By Khushveen Bal

    The Egg Carton

  • Once Upon a time there was a egg carton named Egg Carton. One day, he decided to prove to the world that he was not that stupid. Egg Carton decided to start by not screwing up breakfast.

  • Egg Carton decided to make chicken for breakfast. So he went to a farm, stole a chicken and put it in the sun to bake. Luckily, the chicken ran away when he wasn't looking. While that was happening, he decided to warm the milk. So Egg Carton put the milk in the dryer and went to make the bread.

  • Egg Carton took the bread out of the fridge and plastic wrap and ate it. He didn't toast it or anything. He just ate it. Anyway, the drying cycle was done, so he took the out the glass he put in and yelled WHERE IS THE MILK?! Egg Carton got so mad he chucked the dryer out the window and put a paper with a smiley face on it in its place.

  • Then he baked cookies. Well, all he did was shape flour mixed with water and chocolate chips to look like wet cookies. Then, he woke up his huge, extended family. To save time, I won't name all of them, but they were mad. Then Egg Carton said, I made breakfast!. Everyone started laughing. Then, Egg Carton's brother, Babaganoosh jumped up and ate all the cookies.

  • Egg Carton suddenly yelled THE CORN! and ran outside to see a cat eating the chicken. Then a loud BOOM came from the room the dryer was in (or used to be in). While Egg Carton and his sister Shenquina ran to see what happened, Egg Carton kept saying Please be Iron Man, PLEASE be Iron Man!.

  • When they got there, all that was there was a smiley face on a paper where the dryer always was. Since Egg Carton didn't care, he went outside to ride his horse that he thought was a bird. Egg Carton yelled Run Birdie, RUN! and Birdie galloped off.

  • Not knowing where Birdie was taking him, Egg Carton declared We're going to ice-cream world, NOW!. Birdie was so annoyed he bucked Egg Carton into a bear cave. Now, the bears were used to this so they just continued to eat their honey while Egg Carton threw a fit.

  • All of the sudden Egg Carton got an idea. Egg Carton ran to a skydiving class, and jumped out before getting any instruction on how to use a parachute. He hadn't really thought it through about where he would land, and did a face plant on a brick building.

  • Then Egg Carton ran to a nearby harbour, jumped on a cargo ship, and went to Siberia. When he got there, he found a wooly mammoth tusk just sitting on the ground. It was about 10 feet long, so Egg Carton dragged it back to the ship. In a few hours, Egg Carton was stranded in the Arctic, surrounded by penguins.

  • Egg Carton ended up making a penguin friend. His name was Pedro. Egg Carton didn't know what caused the ship to sink, but he did remember a few things. He remembered taking a trip to the storage room on the bottom of the ship.

  • Then he remembered using a jackhammer on the bottom of the ship. Next thing he knew was that people were jumping into lifeboats and he and the wooly mammoth tusk were pushed into one. Then Egg Carton woke up to see Pedro holding the wooly mammoth tusk, before more penguins came.

  • As soon as the flashback was over, a cargo ship came and rescued Egg Carton, Pedro, and the wooly mammoth tusk. When they got back to Egg Carton's house, Egg Carton and Pedro sold the $60,000 wooly mammoth tusk on eBay for $5.

