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(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade of SMA Nurul

Falaah in Academic year 2019/2020)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (Bachelor of Art) in English Education


Luthfia Ikhwani








The examination committee of the Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that the

skripsi (Scientific Paper) entitled “The Effect of Story Circle Technique on

Students’ Writing Ability of Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the

Tenth Grade of SMA Nurul Falaah in Academic Year 2019/2020)”, by Luthfia

Ikhwani, student’s registration number 11150140000039 was examined at

examination session of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah

Islamic State University by the Committee on February 4th 2020. The skripsi has

been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree

of “S.Pd” (S-1) in English Education.

Jakarta, February 4th 2020


Date Signature

CHAIRMAN : Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D

NIP. 19800730 200912 1 001

SECRETARY : Zaharil An’asy, M.Hum

NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

EXAMINER I : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd

NIP. 19700611 199101 2 001

EXAMINER I : Desi Nahartini, M.Ed

NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002



ABSTRACT Luthfia Ikhwani (11150140000039). The Effect of Story Circle Technique on

Students' Writing Ability of Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the

Tenth Grade of SMA Nurul Falaah in Academic Year 2019/2020). A skripsi of

Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif

Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta, 2020.

Advisor I : Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd

Advisor II: Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL

The objective of this research is to obtain the empirical evidence on the effect of

story circle technique on students' writing ability of narrative text at tenth-grade

students of SMA Nurul Falaah in academic year 2029/2020. This research used a

quantitative method, and the research design was quasi-experimental. The

population of this research is all tenth-grade students of SMA Nurul Falaah. The

total sample is 72 students which is selected through purposive sampling technique.

The sample is divided into two groups, X MIPA 1 as the experimental class and X

MIPA 2 as the controlled class, and each class consist of 36 students. The

instrument which is used in this research was a written test. The results of this

research shows that the post-test mean score of the experimental class is higher than

the post-test mean score of the controlled class (74.06 > 68.36). Moreover, the

statistic hypothesis test shows that the ρ-value of the post-test is lower than the

significance level (0.001 < 0.05) and the tvalue is higher that the ttable (3.627 >

1.666691). It indicates that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected. Furthermore, the effect size of this research is 0.857.

Thus, it proved that the story circle technique is effective at a moderate level to

improve students’ writing ability of narrative text at the tenth grade of SMA Nurul

Falaah in academic year 2019/2020.

Keywords: Story Circle Technique, Students' Writing Ability, Narrative Text


ABSTRAK Luthfia Ikhwani (11150140000039). The Effect of Story Circle Technique on

Students' Writing Ability of Narrative Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the

Tenth Grade of SMA Nurul Falaah in Academic Year 2019/2020). Skripsi

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas

Islam Negri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2020.

Dosen Pembimbing I : Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd

Dosen Pembimbing II: Atik Yuliyani, M.A. TESOL

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris tentang

pengaruh teknik story circle terhadap kemampuan menulis teks naratif pada siswa

kelas X di SMA Nurul Falaah tahun akademik 2019-2020. Penelitian ini

menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah

desain quasy-experimental. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI

SMA Nurul Faalah. Jumlah seluruh sampel adalah 72 siswa yang dipilih melalui

teknik purposive sampling. Sampel dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, X MIPA 1

sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X MIPA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol, dan masing-masing

kelas terdapat 36 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes

tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata post-test dari kelas

eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada skor rata-rata post-test dari kelas kontrol (74,06>

68,36). Selain itu, uji hipotesis statistik menunjukkan bahwa nilai-ρ dari post-test

lebih rendah dari tingkat signifikansi (0,001 <0,05) dan tvalue lebih tinggi dari ttable

(3.627 > 1.666691). Ini menunjukan bahwa hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima dan

hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak. Selanjutnya, Besar efek dari penelitian ini adalah 0,857.

Dengan demikian, hal itu membuktikan bahwa teknik story circle efektif pada

tingkat sedang untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis naratif teks siswa di kelas

10 SMA Nurul Falah pada tahun akademik 2019/2020.

Keywords: Story Circle Technique, Students' Writing Ability, Narrative Text.



الله الرحمن الرحيمبسم

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the King of the day after, and

the Creator of everything in the universe, who has given the writer His gracious

mercy, blessing, guidance, and strength to accomplish her skripsi. Peace and

salutation may Allah addressed to the Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, his

family, his companions, and his disciples.

This research entitled " The Effect of Story Circle Technique on Students’

Writing Ability of NarrativeText (A Quasi-experimental study at Tenth Grade

Students of SMA Nurul Falaah in Academic Year 2019/2020)" is presented to the

Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif

Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta in partial fulfillment the requirements

for the degree of "S.Pd" in English education. There are many challenges and

obstacles which was passed by the writer during completing this research. This

research is a long process, and the writer cannot passed this process without the

help, support and motivation from the lecturers, family, teachers, friends and

institution. Herewith, the writer is pleasure to acknowledge the help, support and

motivation for them who have helped the writer in completing this research.

Firstly, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her beloved

parents, Mr. Mulyadi and Mrs. Ruqoyah who always give countless supports,

advice, loves, prays, and encouragement throughout the study to get the best result.

In addition, the writer would like to express her greatest honor and plenty of

gratitude to the advisors, Mrs. Dr. Farida Hamid, M. Pd., and Mrs. Atik Yuliyani,

M.A. TESOL., for their time, valuable advice, suggestion, powerful feedbacks,

comments, support and their patience in guiding the writer to complete this


Furthermore, the writer also would like to express her sincere thanks and

appreciation to:


1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.

2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D., the Head of Department of English Education.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department.

4. All lecturers of English Education Department for the knowledge, motivation,

advice, and supports during the study.

5. Dori Hidayat, S.Pd.I., the Headmaster of SMA Nurul Falaah, who had given

permission to conduct the research.

6. Irna wardhini, S.S and Sadenih, A.Md, as my teacher advisors and all teachers

and staff of SMA Nurul Falaah for their guidance, advice, and supports during

this research.

7. All students of X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 2 who are willing to contribute their

effort as the participant of the research.

8. All of her dearest friends of Department of English Education 2015, especially

for A class who have given the motivations and supports during this research.

9. To everyone, whose name cannot be mentioned, thank you for helping and

giving big contribution for the writer during doing the research.

Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is far from perfect, but the writer hope

this research will be useful not only for the writer but also to the readers and further

researchers. Therefore, the writer is very welcome to accept the constructive

thought, suggestion, and criticism to enhance this paper.

Jakarta, January 1st, 2020

The writer

Luthfia Ikhwani






ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ i

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ v

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. vii

LIST OF APPENDICES.................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Background of Study.................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Identification .................................................................................. 5

C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................................ 5

D. Research Question ........................................................................................ 5

E. Objective of the Research ............................................................................ 6

F. Significance of the Research ........................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II: THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ............................................. 7

A. Writing ......................................................................................................... 7

1. General Concept of Writing ..................................................................... 7

2. The Purpose of Writing ............................................................................ 8

3. Process of Writing .................................................................................... 9

4. Elements of Writing ............................................................................... 11

B. Narrative ..................................................................................................... 12

1. Definition of Narrative ........................................................................... 12

2. Types of Narrative Text.......................................................................... 13

3. The Purpose of Narrative Text ............................................................... 15

4. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text ................................................ 16

5. Language Features of Narrative Text ..................................................... 17


6. The Example of Narrative Text .............................................................. 18

C. Story Circle Technique .............................................................................. 20

1. Definition of Story Circle Technique ..................................................... 20

2. The Procedure of Story Circle Technique .............................................. 21

3. Story Circle Technique in Teaching Writing ......................................... 23

4. The Advantages of Story Circle Technique ........................................... 25

5. The Disadvantages of Story Circle Technique ....................................... 27

D. Previous Study ........................................................................................... 28

E. Thinking Framework .................................................................................. 30

F. Research Hypothesis .................................................................................. 31

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 32

A. Research Method and Design..................................................................... 32

B. The Place and Time .................................................................................... 33

C. Population and Sample ............................................................................... 33

D. Instrument .................................................................................................. 34

E. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................................... 38

F. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................................................... 39

G. Statistical Hypothesis ................................................................................. 42


A. Research Findings ...................................................................................... 43

1. Description of the data............................................................................ 43

2. Data Analysis.......................................................................................... 49

B. Discussion .................................................................................................. 55

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION................................... 59

A. Conclusion.................................................................................................. 59

B. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 59

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 61



Tabel 3.1 Quasi-experimental Design…………………………………………... 33

Table 3.2 Analytical Scoring Rubric……………………………………………. 35

Table 4.1 Percentage of Pre-test and Post-test Score of Experimental and Control

class……………………………………………………………………………... 43

Table 4.2 Students’ Scores of Experimental Class…………………………….... 45

Table 4.3 Students Scores’ of Control Class……………………………………. 47

Table 4.4 Normality Test of Pre-Test and Post-test…………………………........ 50

Tabel 4.5 Homogeneity Test of Pre-Test and Post-Test………………………… 51

Table 4.6 T-test Result of Post-test……………………………………………... 52

Table 4.7 T-test Result of Gained Score………………………………………… 53

Table 4.8 The Effect Size Result………………………………………………... 54



APPENDIX 1 Instrument of The Research ........................................................... 66

APPENDIX 2 The Analysis of Content Validity ................................................... 70

APPENDIX 3 Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental Class ............................... 71

APPENDIX 4 Pre-Test and Post-Test of Controlled Class ................................... 73

APPENDIX 5 Syllabus .......................................................................................... 75

APPENDIX 6 RPP of Experimental Class ............................................................ 77

APPENDIX 7 RPP of Control Class .................................................................... 105

APPENDIX 8 Students‟ Worksheet .................................................................... 120

APPENDIX 9 Documentation ............................................................................. 126

APPENDIX 10 Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ............................................ 129

APPENDIX 11 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ............................................................ 130

APPENDIX 12 Surat Izin Penelitian ................................................................... 132

APPENDIX 13 Surat Keterangan Penelitian ...................................................... 133

APPENDIX 14 Reference Examination Paper………………………………… 134




A. Background of Study

The purpose of writing for students of second language is to convey

thoughts, ideas, facts and information into meaningful written forms. It requires

the ability to generate ideas and develop them well into written form. Solsky

(2017) believes that when writing, students must create ideas and organize them

into meaningful phrases, clauses and sentences that readers can understand. In

short, writing is a cognitive process that combines generating ideas proficiency

and the ability to arrange sentences correctly so that readers can understand.

Therefore, writing requires an endeavor to express ideas, which are well

organized into written form. Thus, writing is an important skill for students to

learn and master.

There are several reasons why writing is a substantial English skill that

should be learned by the students: First, students must have good foreign

language writing skills to accomplish their education and employment

requirements. These are some of the reasons Durga and Rao (2018) point out the

importance of writing: writing technical documents, researching papers and

presenting facts or information; finding and getting jobs; making presentations

and reports; improving communication skills. Therefore, writing is a necessary

for English as a second language learners in order to achieve their educational

goals and prepare for their future.

Secondly, in terms of education, writing is a kind of measurement which is

aimed to test students' understanding of what they have learned. In line with

Harmer (2004), he pointed out that in educational context, most examinations

(whether foreign language skills testing or others) usually depend on students’

writing performance to determine their knowledge, which is also very important.

Writing is the most used to test students’ proficiency, through writing, teachers

can know how far students' knowledge of the topics they are learning. In short,


writing is a reflection of what students have learned. Therefore, success in

writing indicates success in learning a second language. This is why writing has

become the most challenging area of learning English.

Furthermore, based on Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar

SMA/Ma, the main purpose of English subject are: Improve oral and written

communication skills to achieve the level of information literacy, and realize the

importance of English for improving the competitiveness of the world

community and enhancing students' knowledge of the language and culture

correlation (BSNP, 2006). The statement explained that the English subject aims

to improve students' oral or written communication skills so that they can

compete in a global society and understand the close connection between

language and culture. Therefore, writing is an essential skill to achieve the goal

of English teaching in junior or senior high school. According to the regulations

of the Ministry of Education in 2013, the government attaches great importance

to the writing ability of junior high school (SMP) and high school (SMA)

students. Based on the standard ability of the English lesson for the tenth grade

class, students are required to express their meaning in daily life in short and

functional writing in written form, and in narrative form, simple narrative and

procedure (BSNP, 2006). On the other hand, students in grade X are required to

write simple recount, narratives and procedural essays related to daily life

As discussed before, the tenth grade students of senior high school are

expected to be able to write in various writing types. One of the type is narrative.

Usually, the narrative is formed based on the author’s imagination, but the

narrative text may be based on real events or experiences. Napitupulu and Kisno

(2014) stated that narrative tells stories or events in oral or written form. It can

be deduced that narrative tells a fiction (imaginary work) or occasion based on

real life. The social function of narrative is to amuse readers by telling interesting

stories. The three narrative functions mentioned by Sari and Sabri (2017) are: to

entertain, to teach history and to understand world phenomena.

The students of senior high school of course familiar with kinds of

narrative, they were taught about narrative text since they were in Junior High


School. Somehow, the indicators of learning narrative text in senior high school

are higher and more specific. These are some indicators that senior high school

students must achieve after learning the narrative. For example, students are

expected to recognize the characteristics of the story, describe its social function,

text structure and language features, get detail information from the text, and

make a good narrative text. Although senior high school students have already

learned about narrative text in junior high school, several students still find it

difficult to write good narrative text.

The problems faced by students during writing narrative text exercise can

be influenced by several factors. Taken from teaching experience of the writer

at SMA Nurul Falaah. The first problem is in the pre-writing phase, students

have difficulty to generate the idea. The second, students find writing narrative

in English is a challenge because they lack of vocabulary, therefore they face

difficulty in translating their ideas into English. Third, students lack grammar

knowledge, which makes it difficult for students to organize words in a correct

way. Fourth, students encounter difficulties in conceiving their ideas into written

form which appropriate with the narrative general structure. It proved by

Huznatun, Sribagus and Syahrial (2016) who mentioned common matter of

writing narrative text are: students have difficulty in start writing, students have

adversity to translate their notions into English and students have adversity to

determine appropriate vocabulary, students feel confused about the narrative text

structure and lack grammatical knowledge. In addition, conventional techniques

also make students feel bored and not keen on learning to write. They assume

that writing is a monotone activity in the class. Students just sit on their chair,

try to find ideas and start writing, and focus on writing with correct vocabulary,

sentences and tenses. Moreover, students are not accustomed writing English

essay frequently. To solve the problems, teachers should provide opportunities

for students to increase their writing ability, and think creatively in establishing

a teaching technique that can make the English teaching and learning process

becomes a pleasant activity in the classroom. Teachers can use several methods

or techniques in teaching narrative writing.


In this research, the writer provide a teaching technique which might help

students in developing and increasing writing abilities. The technique is called

by story circles. Story circle is a technique developed by John O'Neill and others.

Students can sit down in a circle and take turns writing on selected topics (Buras,

Randels, & Salaam, 2010). In applying this technique, students are asked to write

a narrative text by contributing their own ideas to one another. This technique

will be used in a group.

There are three phase of this technique, pre-activity, whilst activity, and

post activity. On pre-activity teacher stimulate students’ background knowledge

about narrative, on whilst activity students work together in group to write a

narrative text through story circle technique, and on post-activity, each group

switch their work to another group, and another group will give a feedback or

comments. According to Nash (2014) students learn best when they teach

someone else. The teacher let them to revise their work along with the work with

others. It gives students opportunity to practice giving feedback, asking

clarifying questions of others work. Through this technique, students are

expected to be able to make a good narrative text.

Story Circle Technique will create a collaborative and cooperative

learning. Because, students do their work in group. Graham and Perin (2007)

stated that “Collaborative writing involves making teaching arrangements where

students can plan, draft, revise and edit their own essays together. It has shown

a powerful impact on improving the quality of student writing”. In the

implementation of story circle technique, students write stories together, many

hands collaborate in the process, no one has to bear individual burdens for

finishing the story. In line with Roberts, Blanch and Gurjar (2017) who stated

that the can provide a positive venue for exploring, supporting, enlightening and

maintaining each other. Therefore, every student has the opportunity to write and

help each other in the writing process. Harmer (2007) believes that this type of

group writing is pleasant and useful for improving writing fluency. However, it

can cultivate students' writing habits in the classroom.


Therefore, using story circle may be suitable in improving students’

writing narrative ability. And it has been found that the technique is appropriate

for senior high school students. The writer will also try to conduct story circle

technique in senior high school, hoping that students can improve their narrative

writing abilities. Based on that representation above, the writer want to conduct

a study entitled “The Effect of Story Circle Technique on Students’ Writing

Ability of Narrative Text”.

B. Problem Identification

As stated in the background of study, students’ writing skills are still low,

especially in writing narrative text. Several problems can be identified as


1) Students have difficulties in generating ideas

2) Students have difficulties to develop their idea into a written text correctly

3) Students are confused with the organization text structure

4) Students get low participation and motivation in learning writing narrative


5) Students are not accustomed to write English essays frequently

C. Limitation of the Problem

This research is intended to overcome students’ problem and students’ lack

of habituation in writing narrative text at the tenth grade of SMA Nurul Falaah

in academic year 2019/2020.

D. Research Question

The research question is: “Is there any effect of using story circle technique

on students’ writing ability of narrative text on tenth grade at SMA Nurul Falaah

in academic year 2019/2020?”


E. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to find out the empirical evidence on the

effect of story circle technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text on

tenth grade at SMA Nurul Falaah in academic year 2019/2020.

F. Significance of the Research

This research is hopefully used to:

1. The English teacher

This research will be useful for the English teacher as the reference to

enrich his/her knowledge in teaching writing narrative text with the

effective technique.

2. The students

The students can be motivated to learn writing narrative text, and as the

result, they are able toward their writing ability on narrative text.

3. The school, this research helps the school provide the eligible students

because they will be more competence in using their foreign language,

especially English.

4. The writer

Through this research, the writer finally discover the effect of story circle

technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text




A. Writing

1. General Concept of Writing

Writing for senior high school students is applied to increase students’

creativity so that students can convey ideas and informations to others properly.

In general, writing is a productive skill, when the writer express the idea, it

means that the writer transforms a language into written words. Basically, many

experts explained the exact meaning of writing. Thereafter, the writer should

propose several definitions written by experts. First, according to Nunan (2015),

writing is a conceptual process of creating thoughts and thinking on how to

convey them to a written form effectively. In short, generating ideas and

arranging sentences involved thinking ability, where the writer should think

what ideas should be written and think how to express them into a written text


Second, Jozsef (2001) revealed that writing is the most complex skills,

including conceptual design, knowledge understanding and expression of

subject experience. In the writing process, the writer should design the idea into

a written text and connect it with prior knowledge or experience. Prior

knowledge, such as: topic-related information and knowledge in understanding

grammar, sentence structure or word selection. By writing, the writer can deliver

messages and share information with readers for specific purposes.

In addition, Yagelski (2015) argued that writing is a kind of meaningful

expression and communication, and it is a way of participating in a continuous

conversation about ideas, events and problems that occur in human life. It can

be conclude that writing is one of thinking ability, communication medium and

self-expression, and an interactive process of building concept which includes

providing, finding, and cultivating information.


In fact, writing is one of activity which has to done by the English as

second language learners. In writing process the teacher can see how far

students’ vocabulary building and sentence structure comprehension. More over

students should write coherently and cohesively in a paragraph or text. It

indicates that writing is a complex cognitive process. Therefore, teachers can see

students' cognitive aspects of learning English through writing activities.

According to Harmer (2007), writing teaching has two focuses, one is the

writing product, and the other is the writing process, which is called product

approach and process approach. The purpose of the process approach is to obtain

the core of various skills used by most writers through pre-writing, editing,

redrafting and final version of the work. Then, the process approach will focus

on the student's process when planning, drafting, editing, and writing the final

version. On the other hand, the product approach can be implicit in the

communication game where students demand quick writing. This method

focuses on the result of writing. However, the writing process is at least as

important as the product.

From several explanations about writing definition above, it can not be

denied that writing is a complex cognitive process because it requires the ability

to generate ideas and effectively develop them into written text. The author

should write down the information clearly by organizing the sentences

appropriately with the result that the audience or readers can understand the

author’s message.

2. The Purpose of Writing

Before starting to write, the writer should have and determine a clear

writing purpose. Harmer (2004) claimed that the writing purpose will affect the

type of text, the language used, and the materials the author chooses to include.

By knowing the purpose of writing, it can help the writer to present the

information effectively.

Basically, the general purpose of writing is to convey information and

ideas. According to Jazwiak (2012), writing has three specific purposes: to

inform, entertain and persuade.


a. To Inform

The purpose of writing to inform is to provide the information on specific

subjects. In order to increase knowledge and understanding of the issue, the

reader should obtain support from facts and credible evidence through

statements to provide clear and accurate information.

b. To Entertain

When a writer writes to entertain the reader, the writer not only provides

information and simple facts, but also makes the ideas as creative and vivid

as possible so that the reader is interested in the writer's writing. On the

contrary, the writer can capture the imagination and emotion of the reader

through the text. Entertainment includes humor, drama, tragedy, and

inspirational ideas.

c. To Persuade

Writing to persuade states an opinion or goal to influence readers’ opinion

about specific subjects. In order to achieve the goal of the writer

successfully, the writer must show clear thinking and provide good


3. Process of Writing

Writing is the activity of conveying information and expressing ideas. This

activity requires a process to generate ideas, choose the purpose of writing,

determine who is the audience, choose appropriate words, organize the sentence

with correct grammatical, and connect one sentence to others sentences become

paragraph coherently and cohesively. In short, in writing activities, writers

should take some steps.

According to Langan (2010), writing process involves following steps:

prewriting, writing first draft, revising, and editing.

a. Prewriting

For the writer, getting started to write is the hardest part. The writer

should consider an interesting topic and have valuable ideas to tell readers

about the information. According to Langan, there are several techniques of


pre-writing that can help writers develop topics and obtain useful words:

free writing (exploring ideas by writing what you think, without worrying

about the correct mechanism, eliminating errors, arranging information, or

Find the exact word), ask questions (generate ideas by asking potential

questions about the topic), list (collect ideas and details related to the topic),

clustering (drawing or drawing, which is how to think about each on paper

The ideas and details are interrelated), the draft outline (a strategy to help

writers achieve a unified, supported, and well-organized paper).

b. Writing a First Draft

In this stage, the writer should prepare to insert the additional

information and details that did not emerge in the pre-writing process. Don't

feel anxiety to make mistakes in grammar, punctuation or spelling. The

writer does not need to spend more time to correct words or sentences that

should be deleted. Instead, the writer’s objective is to state the essay clearly

and provide many specific details for the content of the paper.

c. Revising

Revising means to rewrite a paragraph or essay based on what has

already been written to make it stronger. There are some quick instructions

to help the writer make revisions easier. First, keep the first draft for a period

of time. Reading the draft aloud and trying to listen to the sound of the

writing will help the author find errors in meaning or writing style. Finally,

write other thoughts and changes above the lines or in the blank spaces. The

revision process is divided into two stages: revised content (revised the

content of the paper) and revised sentence (revised a single sentence in a


d. Editing

Editing is the final stage of the writing process. Check and correct

grammar, punctuation, usage and spelling errors in the text. Note that

eliminating errors in sentence technique can enhance average essays and

help maintain a high standard on good essays.


4. Elements of Writing

According to Cali and Bowen (2003), there are five elements of writing:

focus, organization, support and elaboration, style, and convention.

a. Focus

Focus is the topic or theme developed by the writer during the writing

activity. The writer should propose a topic clearly. If the reader is interested

and not confused, then the author may be effective in providing important


b. Organization

Organization is the development, connection and completion of ideas. The

writer must create a well-organized composition for the reader. The writing

should provide effective form from the beginning, middle (body) to the end.

Each paragraph should be related to each other to make it coherent.

c. Support and Elaboration

Support and elaboration is the expansion and the improvement of the

topic/subjects. Support and elaboration provides some details about the topic

or subject, in order to make it become stronger. The details must be linked to

the topic of the writer's argument, and it must be accurate and straightforward.

The writer should provide these ideas with enough strength and explicitness to

make qualified support. The successful use of concrete and specific details can

enhance the validity of the argument. Authors should avoid the deficiencies of

the same argument, such as undeveloped information, redundancy, and

repetitive paraphrasing.

d. Style

Style is the language control and can accept the intent, audience and context

of the writing task. The style determines the use of words and the fluency of

sentences. The ability to use purposeful language improves the effectiveness of

composition by using words, phrases, and explanations that are sufficiently

appealing to the audience. Fluency requires the use of various sentence styles

to establish effective relationships between creativity, triggers, and statements

suitable for writing tasks.


e. Conventions

Conventions include the accuracy of sentence formation, the use of

vocabulary or grammar, and techniques. The writer must specify grammatical

conventions suitable for the writing task. If there are any errors, the

interpretation of the ideas conveyed will distract the reader.

B. Narrative

1. Definition of Narrative

One of the text types that should be learned by the tenth grade students is

narrative. According to Hyland (2009), a narrative is a text that tells a story.

Narratives are usually formed as works of imagination, but they can also be

based on real events. Generally, narrative tells about fiction or imaginary story,

but it is still related to daily life so that readers can expect or imagine that the

story actually happened in real life. In agreement with Antonacci and

O’Cllaghan (2011), one of the factors that make readers understand the text

easily is their ability to connect stories to experiences. If the text is familiar with

the reader’s experience, or any event the reader has seen, heard, or read, it can

enable the reader to understand the internal structure of the narrative text.

Readers can use their previous knowledge about story structure to understand

and predict every moment written in the narrative text.

In addition, Napitupulu and Kisno (2014) claim that the narrative text is

closely related to the narrative text. Basically, the recount text also retells events

or experiences in the past. But however narrative text is different with recount

text, because there are several kinds of narrative based on imaginary story and

not always based on the real story. Even though the story is based on the real

events or experiences, but the writer of narrative text of course adds the story

with some events that never happened in the original story or some other

additions to make the story more interesting.

From some definition of narrative text above, the writer conclude that

narrative text is a kind of text which tells an imaginative story or a story based

on the real events (real story) or experiences.


2. Types of Narrative Text

As explained before, narrative is a text which tells story or real events,

however there are many variations or the subgenres of narrative text. In this

study, the writer presents some experts who explained types of narrative. The

first is Whitfield (2009) who stated that narratives have two main categories, the

first is traditional narratives, which includes fairytales, folktales, fables, myths

and legends. And the second one is modern fiction, which includes fantasy,

mystery and science fiction. Furthermore, Barone (2011) argued that, the fiction

category includes traditional literature (folktales, myths, fables, and legends),

fantasy (the imaginary story), poetry, historical fiction, realistic fiction, and so

on. Even though Barone explained those are as the category of fiction book, but

it has the correlation between narrative product (fiction book) and kinds of

narrative. In addition, Reynolds (2015) mentioned and explained the types of

narrative in detail.

a. Drama

Drama is tales that are written in verse or prose. It is usually written for

theatre show. In drama, through dialogue and action, conflicts and feelings

are conveyed.

b. Fable

Fable is one of narrative text, which tells about animals that can speak and

act like human being. A fable demonstrates a useful truth.The example of

fable are: the hare and the tortoise, the ant and the dove, the mouse and the

lion, and so on.

c. Fairytales

Fairytales is a story about fairies and magic, it usually tells for the children.

And the common characters of fairytales are: fairies, prince and princess,

goblins, angels, trolls, dwarves, giants or gnomes, spells or enchantments in

generalThe example of fairytales is Cinderella.


d. Fantasy

Fantasy is a story or fiction which tells an oddity or another world setting or


e. Fiction in Verse

Fiction in verse is a story or a narrative text which is presented in a verse

form. Fiction verse full length novel with plot, subplot, theme, major and

minor character.

f. Folklore

Folklore is the songs, stories, myth and proverbs of a people which is

inherited from ancestors to their descendants. In accordance with Rakhmi

explanation that folklore is one of traditional narrative. Many of the stories

served an original purpose of passing on traditional knowledge or sharing

cultural believes. Folktale also describes tradition, culture and behavior

(rituals) of a region. The characters of folktale usually represent the opposite

character of good and evil, hero and villain, strong and weak, or wise and


g. Historical Fiction

Historical fiction is a story with fictional characters and events in which the

plot and setting is located in the past or in historical setting.

h. Horror

Horror is a story where events evoke feelings of fear both in character and

the reader.

i. Humor

Humor is a fiction which full of fun, fancy and excitement, the purpose of

humor is to entertain the reader, but it can be contained in all genres of


j. Legend

Legend is a story from past time that may be a true story or not true. It is a

narrative of human actions which is told from generation to generation that

take place within human history.


k. Mystery

Mystery is a fiction which deals with the solution of a crime or a story that

reveal secrets.

l. Myth

Myth is a story originated in ancient times, it tells about the early history of

people or natural event, such as how the world or animals came to exist,

myth also explain gods.

m. Poetry

Verse and rhythmic writing with parables which creates emotional response.

n. Realistic Fiction

Realistic fiction is a story based on the true life or events that actually


o. Science Fiction

Science is a story based on impact or imagined future scientific. Frequently

set in the future or on other planets.

p. Short Story

Is a short fiction that does not support sub-plot.

q. Tall Tale

Is a funny story with excessive exaggeration, a self-bragging hero who does

the impossible with an imbalance.

The writer should know kinds of narrative, because it can influence the

writing style. And it is important for the writer to choose the theme or the kind

of narrative that will be written in Pre-Writing phase.

3. The Purpose of Narrative Text

The purpose of narrative text is to amuse the reader. Basically, people can

relax by reading and enjoy the story. In addition, the writer took some books to

explain the purpose of narrative text. Firstly, according to Kastanis and Flores

(2016), the common purpose of narration is to entertain the readers by gaining

and maintaining the interest. As a matter of fact, most people like to read story.

Because by reading stories, people can relax their minds. Therefore, commonly


in the narrative text, there are many hooks that can attract readers' interest in

continuing to read the story. Secondly, Rakhmi (2012) pointed out that the social

function or purpose of narrative text is to tell stories or past events and attract

readers. As discussed before, narrative text is a text which tells stories or events

that occurred in the past, the stories may a product of imagination work or based

on the real events. In order to make the story attractive to readers, generally, the

writer of the narrative text makes the story lively, so that the reader can imagine

the plot of the story, and it can arouse the reader's interest. When readers are

interested in reading the story, show that the story entertains the reader. On the

other hand, Pardiyono (2013) explained that the aim of narrative text is to trigger

emotions and provide a moral value to the reader. Besides to amuse the reader,

the purpose of narrative text is to trigger the emotions and provide moral value.

Generally, narrative text not only tells the story to entertain the reader, but it also

provide the moral value of life in order the readers’ can take summary and learn

from the story.

From some explanations about the purpose of narrative text, the writer

conclude that the general purpose of narrative text is to entertain the reader and

provide moral value for them by telling interesting stories or events. Therefore,

the writer of narrative should write an interesting story which provide the moral

value to gain readers’ interest and make the readers can learn from the story in

order to achieve the goals of narrative text.

4. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

According to Keir (2009), the generic structure of narrative text are

orientation, complication, resolution, re-orientation. And the explanations are

detailed below:

a. Orientation

Orientation is the beginning of the story, it includes the setting of the events,

basic information about who, what, where, and when (who is the character

of the story, what the story is about, where the story takes place, and when

it happened).


b. Complication

Initiating the sequence of events that cause problems and creating tension

and providing an evaluation of complication events.

c. Resolution

The resolution tells how the problem is resolved in some way.

d. Coda or reorientation (optional)

In this part, usually the writer provides personal comment or moral value.

In line with Siahaan and Shinoda (2008) who proposed the orientation,

complication, resolution, and reorientation are generic structure of narrative text.

Orientation is aimed to introduce the setting and the participants or characters.

Complication tells when story begin arising the crisis or when the character deals

with a problem. Resolution: resolving crisis, for better or for worse.

Reorientation (optional) is the closing of the story it can include the moral value

of the story.

5. Language Features of Narrative Text

According to Collis (2010), the language features of narrative are:

a. Told in the first person (I and we) or third person (she, he, it, they)

b. Usually told in past tense

c. Using nouns for people and things, using action verbs, thoughts and


d. Using adverb, using connection to sequence events and idea.

Knapp and Watkins (2005) also explained several grammatical features of

narrative text:

a. Using action verbs, for example: one day a woman and her son went to the

forest. They saw a magic tree.

b. Using temporal conjunctions, such as: the, after. Example in a paragraph:

Then we arrived at our uncle’s home. After lunch, we went to the "Sydney

Morning Herald" to see how they make paper. After that, we took the train

back to Marrickville


c. Using past tense, unless quoting direct speech, Example: she was a poor

gilr, she lived with her step mother and her step sisters in the enchanted

forest. Her name was Laura,”Laura, you not allowed to go to the party, you

should wash our dirty clothes” said Bella, her step sister.

d. Using action sequence, commonly using action verb (bold), while in

reflection, mental verbs (italicized) are also used. Example: Bell was

ringing, students were running to the canteen.

Maria had no idea what should she do next. She had been thinking about her

sister, wondering what was in her mind.

e. Narrative frequently use metaphor action verbs to generate illustration

effectively. Example: it was an awful argument. Words flying everywhere.

f. Generally, Playing with sentence structure is one of the narrative feature.

The sentences usually consist of one word or short phrase used to make a

strong emphasis. For example: darkness, silence. As the terrible night in the

enchantred forest.

6. The Example of Narrative Text

According to the syllabus, the type of narrative text learned in the tenth

grade of high school is legend or folklore. Therefore, the author provides the

example of narrative text, which was adopted from Widiati, Rahmah and

Furaidah (2017) in English books of tenth grade of high school. The example of

narrative text is choosen from a famous Indonesian legend, entitled “Malin


The Legend of Malin Kundang

Once upon a time, in West Sumatra, there was a woman and her son

named Malin Kundang lived at a small shelter near to the beach. Malin

Kundang and his mother lived in poverty since his father passed away when

he was a baby. Malin Kundang was a strong boy and a hard worker. He

usually went to the sea for fishing. After getting some fishes, he went home

and gave it to his mother, or sell it to the market. After several years, Malin



Kundang grew up became a diligent man. He sailing everyday to catch

fishes in the sea.

One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a pirate ship

attacking a trader ship. Malin Kundang bravely helped the tradesman fight

the pirates. To thank him, the tradesman asked for Malin Kundang to sail

with him. Malin Kundang agreed, he delighted of tradesman’s offer.

Hopefully he could reach the better life. Then, he left his mother alone at

the shelter.

Several years later, Malin Kundang became rich. He had a big ship

with many crew engaged in the loading and unloading of trade goods. He

also married a beautiful girl. One day, Malin kundang landed his ship on the

coast near by a small village. The villagers realized that was Malin

Kundang, a native man from that village. The news spread quickly across

the town. “Malin Kundang had became rich, now he was here”. An old

woman, Malin Kundang’s mother, ran to the beach to greet the new a

successful man. She wanted to hug him to release the sadness of loneliness

long time ago. When his mother came near to him, Malin Kundang, who

stood up with his beautiful wife and crews, denied that she was his mother.

She begged Malin Kundang to see her and admitted that she was his mother.

But he kept denying and yelled at her “enough, old woman! I never had a

mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that, he ordered his crews

to set sail to leave the old woman who cried and full of anger.

Finally, after feeling angry, she yelled to malin Kundang “I would

curse you, if you did not want to admit me as your mother”. Malin kundang

just set sail with a smile. Suddenly, a thunderstorm swept the sea and tossed

around his big boat. He was thrown on a small island. For him, it is too late

to avoid the curse. Then, little by little his body turned became stone.

This story has no reorientation or coda as conclusion of the story and

provide moral value. But, the moral value is implied in it. As discussed in the

generic structure of narrative text above, reorientation is optional.





C. Story Circle Technique

1. Definition of Story Circle Technique

According to Buras, Randels and Salaam (2010), story circle technique is

a technique developed by John O’Neal and others in the Free Southern Theater.

Where, students take turns to write a story about selected topic while they sit in

a circle sat. The process of story circle is one of community building. Basically,

story circle technique is a technique which is used in groups. In which, students

sit together in a circle and take turn to combine their own ideas into a story. In

line with Vopat (2009) who concluded that story circle is where small groups of

four to six students gather systematically in making drafts, choosing general

writing subjects, practicing to give positive feedback and helping each other

becomes better writer. In other words, story circle technique is a one of teaching

writing technique in which the teacher divide students into several groups, each

groups consist of four to six students, and each groups should write a story in

chain, after that they should practice giving positive feedbacks and help each

other to finish their writing well.

Additionally, Sari and Sabri (2017) stated that story circle or some people

known as the writing circle technique, is one of writing technique, which

engaging groups of students to write in a circle by handing over their paper to

another students on a chain after writing two sentences. This technique make

students adjust their ideas which has been stated by their friend before.

Another experts, Harmer (2007) explained that in the story circle activity,

students join together to write stories. The story circle is as writing activity which

students follow the teacher command to write one sentence on a piece of paper,

after that the teachers ask them to pass it to the person near by them to write the

next sentence. The final stage of this activity is when the piece of paper goes

back to the first writer, and then students are encouraged to read the story they

just finished. The focus of this activity is to build writing habit and cooperative



Based on above explanation, the writer conclude that story circle

technique is a technique in which students sit in a circle to write a story about a

selected topic by passing the paper to the next students after writing one sentence

and adding the next sentence of the story which has written by another student

before. Story circle activities enable students to logically integrate their ideas

with the ideas written by another student, and regard to the sentences unity in

order to write coherent paragraphs or texts. This activity can train students to

generate ideas. Story circle technology can provide collaborative writing.

Supiani (2017) stated that in collaborative writing, students work together to

write papers. Each student participates in writing stories and collaborates in

various steps of the writing process, such as integrating ideas, collecting and

organizing ideas, drafting, revising, and then edit the paper. This kind of

teamwork helps students learn and run the writing process effectively. In short,

during story circle activity, students write their paper cooperatively from the

prewriting phase to the last phase of the writing process that is editing.

2. The Procedure of Story Circle Technique

The procedure of using story circle technique that implied in this study is

adapted from Sari’s and sabri’s study. There are three steps of using story circle

technique which is proposed by Sari and Sabri (2017), and the explanation of the

steps is presented as follows:

a. Pre-activity

The purpose of this activity is to help students retrieve the basic knowledge

about narrative text. Before the activity, the teacher stimulates students' prior

knowledge by giving several questions, example: do you like to read stories? Or

what is your favorite story. After that, students are divided into several groups,

each group consist of five to ten students. Each group gathers around a large

table. The purpose of this step is to form groups of students to discuss and apply

story circle techniques when writing narrative texts. Next, the teacher tells a

story to the students. While teacher read the story for the first time, students are

required to catch the main idea of the story. When the teacher reads the story for

the second time, students are supposed to take notes the key words to help them


remember the plot of the story. Then, the teacher asked some questions to the

students and asked them to find the its answers through group discussions. For

instance: What is the appropriate title for the story? Who is the main character

of the story? Where does the story occured? What happened to the main

character? How does the story end? These questions are asked to allow students

to analyze previously told story. Consequently, the teacher can identify whether

students understanding about the story. After that, the teacher teaches and

explains the students about the material of narrative text.

b. Whilst Activity

And in whilst activity the teacher asked the students to write a story with

the same topic in the new version. Before that, the teacher will explain the

concept of story circle technique. Students will discuss in groups and complete

the story through story circle technique. According to Harmer’s story circle

activity, the teacher dictates the first sentence and each group should continue

the story, while Paramitasari added a step, before the writing activity, the teacher

should read a story out loud twice, and then each Students write two lines of

paper by themselves. Next the teacher ask students to follow the teacher’s

instruction in story circle activity. Students are not allowed to write the different

topic or new story, but they are required to write a new version of the story that

they heard from the teacher in pre-activity. The first student writes the story by

writing two lines, after that the first student passes the paper to the next student,

and this step will be repeated to other students until the story go to the end. When

the essay returned to the first students, each group wrote the resolution of the

story. The teacher asked the students in each group to read the stories they wrote

and compare their stories with the original story. Then, teachers and students

discuss the difficulties they face in writing activities.

c. Post-Activity

In the post-activity, teacher ask students to check and fix the error in their

stories. After finished text, the teacher collects students’ writing and choose the

best one. Finally the teacher give a gifts to the groups that have the best writing.


3. Story Circle Technique in Teaching Writing

Harmer (2007) explained the general instruction for teaching using story

circle technique as following: students are divided in groups of five and sitting

in a circle. Each student write a sentence on a piece of paper. They are asked to

write the next sentence of the story. All students in a group have to write the

following sentence. When all students have written, the teacher tells them to turn

the paper to the students on their left. This procedure continues until the pieces

of paper return to the first writer.

Furthermore, Walch (2019) explained that the concept of story circles is

that students add ideas to each other by continuing to write stories between

students. The teacher tells the students to write narrative text using characters,

themes and plots. All members of the group starts to write when the prompt is

given and continue until the signal is given to switch the paper. At the signal,

each student gives the paper to the next student on the right, and they will

continue writing until all members of the group have the opportunity to write.

When the paper goes back to the first writer, the teacher instructs the students to

write a good ending story.

In addition, Vopat (2009) proposes that the writing circle includes the

following steps: a group of students choose a topic for their writing, and students

write on the topic in any type of genre. Next, the students began to write a story

in a circle. After that, the students shared their writing with another group, and

the other group responded to their writing. Students consider about writing circle

session they just completed and writing their reflections in the notebook.

Students regularly review their drafts and make revisions. Each student

participates in a circle or a group for collaborative revision, editing and

publishing. Vopat's concept of story circle provides less explanation of activities

in story circle technique. However, this concept adds and explains more

information about the post activity, where each group shares or switches its

drafts to other groups, while other groups comment or give feedback on their

writing. The next step is for each group to revise the draft in the form of

collaborative revision and edit some errors to make their writing better. After


writing stories through story circle technology, the concept can also provide

students with reflection.

In this study, to reach the learning objectives of narrative writing through

story circle technique, the writer modifiers the teaching instruction as follows:

a. The teacher asks students some question that related to the topic that will be

presented on the story circle technique to recall students’ prior knowledge.

The question may as follows: do you like a story? What is your favorite


b. The teacher divided students to several groups, each group consist of six

students. Next, the teacher read a story, and the students are asked to listen

the story carefully and take notes, write some keywords of the story, and

remember the structure of the story from the introduction to the end.

c. The teacher asks students some question about the story such as: what is the

tittle of the story? Who are characters in the story? Where the story take

place? What happened to the character? And how the end of the story? These

questions may help students to analyze the story.

d. The teacher asks students some question: What is the text type of the story?

What is the genre of the story? Do you still remember narrative text? What

is narrative text? What are the generic structure and language future of

narrative text? What is the social function of narrative text? These question

should stimulate students’ prior knowledge which has been studied in the

junior high school.

e. The teacher explain the narrative text briefly.

f. The teacher show the text of Sangkuriang’s story and hang it on the

whiteboard. The teacher asks some students who want to participate to

underline the language features of narrative text such as: past tense,

connection word, adverb, temporal sequence and etcetera. And indicate the

generic structure of the story, where is the orientation, complication,

resolution and reorientation.

g. The teacher takes the texts which in the whiteboard and save it.


h. The teacher asks students to write the same topic through story circle

technique. Before beginning the activity the teacher gives the instruction

about story circle technique. The students may use their take notes which

was noted in the pre-activity to write the topic.

i. The students follow the instructions from the teacher. The first student

writes two lines, and after that passes the paper to the student in the left side.

This step will be repeated until the paper go back to the first students. After

that, those students in each group write the resolution of the story. In this

activity the teacher should control each group.

j. The teacher asks students to switch their draft to another group. Another

group will give a comment or the feedback of their writing.

k. The teacher asks each group to give back the paper to original group

l. The original revise and edit the errors of their writing which was commented

and got the feedback from another group, in order to make their writing

better for the final version. And they may compare their writing with the

original story.

m. The teacher asks students to present their final draft in front of the class in a

chain story telling.

n. The teacher asks students about the difficulty that they faced during story

circle technique, the students give the reflection about story circle technique.

o. The teacher give some feedbacks for students’ project and students’ activity

during writing. And the teacher choose the best one of their writing and give

reward for the group who has the best writing.

4. The Advantages of Story Circle Technique

There are several advantages of story circle technique which are proposed

by some expert. The first, Hammer (2007) stated that the results of story circle

technique are usually interesting. Because every student has collaborated in this

process. This group writing activity allows students to enjoy and helps improve

students’ writing fluency. So, the story circle technique provide collaborative

writing in which each student participates in the writing process. This technique


builds students writing habit and then, they are able to develop their writing


Second, Sari and Sabri (2017) infered that story circles can helps students

in expressing their ideas in a simple way, because they only need to adapt their

ideas to their friends’ ideas which have already written. The story circle increases

the skills of storytelling and the understanding of narrative structure. For all

students, this technique is more interesting, exciting and interesting. For

teachers, this technique is useful for building positive relationships between

students, because it requires the entire student to work together to complete their

writing tasks. In short, story circle technique provide the easiest way to generate

ideas because they only add and adapt previous ideas. Story circle technique is

also very useful for improving students' narrative skills and understanding of

narrative text structure, because after the activity, they must analyze the first

draft of others, and should revise their first draft after receiving comments or

feedback from others. This technique can also help teachers build relationships

between students.

In addition, Gunnery (2007) explained that the story circle can address the

curriculum goals. Several goals that are developed through story circle technique

is outlined as follows: generating writing ideas; build self-confidence in writing

(for some students, lack of self-confidence usually makes students stick to

writing). At the same time, students will face self-doubt. Through peer group

activities, students can get rid of doubts; reflect on the purpose of writing and

writing style, because every student is fully involved in writing; develop revision

skills, students should help each other to improve their draft writing; develop

understanding of grammar, punctuation and spelling . When discussing drafts

through writing circle activities, students will learn the correctness of customs

and grammar usage.

Based on several description about the advantages of story circle above, it

shows story circle builds collaborative learning. Supiani (2017) described the

essence of collaborative writing as the process of writing written language in

pairs or groups, in which all members work together to contribute to the writing


process to produce better texts, and also create social interaction between

students in the group to achieve the goal. In short, when students write through

story circle technique, they not only write together, but also interact with their

peers. Echoing the characteristics of Kurikulum 2013, the goal of Kurikulum

2013 is to maintain a balance between spiritual and social attitudes and

knowledge, and apply it to various situations in schools and society

(Permendikbud, 2018). It means that story circle technique is appropriate with

the characteristic of Kurikulum 2013, because students interact each other during

the writing process. Through the story circle technique, students can learn from

their peers, can discuss how to improve the first draft into better writing, can

share knowledge about narrative text structure and language functions with each

other, and have the opportunity to provide feedback or comment on the work of

others. As a result, the story circle technique has a positive impact on the

establishment of student relationships and their social interactions during the

learning process, and it shows the balance between students’ knowledge and

their social attitudes.

5. The Disadvantages of Story Circle Technique

Aside from several advantages that have discussed before, story circle

technique also has several disadvantages. Fransiska (2019) clarified the

disadvantages of using story circle technique in teaching narrative text as

follows: Firstly, students are unfamiliar with this technique. This might make

students feel uncomfortable with the writing process. Teachers should be extra

careful to ensure that students feel uncomfortable. And the teacher are suggested

to encourage students to participate in writing through story circle technique.

Teachers should encourage students to engage comfortably in writing their ideas

and give students the opportunity to write without fear and anxiety about making

errors or mistakes. Secondly, the class would be noisy because students working

in a group, and the teacher needs more energy to handle and monitor the class.

Therefore, when teachers decide to use story circle technique as a teaching

technique for writing narratives, teachers should consider the advantages and


disadvantages of story circle technology in order to find ways to overcome some

problems that emerged in teaching learning process.

D. Previous Study

The writer would like to present some previous studies which are relevant

to this study in order to measure whether story circle technique has a significant

effect on students' writing ability of narrative texts or not. In addition, there are

three previous studies which are represented:

The first study was conducted by Fini Widya Fransiska (2019) entitled “The

Effectiveness of Using Story Circle in Teaching Writing” an experimental

research at eighth graders of SMPN 1 Pringsewu in academi year 2014/2015.

The research methodology of this study is experimental, in which involving

experiments and control groups. The research population was the eighth grade

students of SMPN 1 Pringsewu in academic year 2014/2015. There are 6 classes

(VIII.1-VIII.6), there are 32-34 students in each class. The sample of this

research is VIII.4 (experiment group) and VIII. 3 (control group). Both groups

were given the pre-test, after that the students of experiment class were given the

treatment, at last both classes were given the post test. To collect the data, the

researchers took a written test and analyzed the data by t-test. The results of the

study showed that there is a significant difference in writing ability between

students who were taught using story circle technique and students who did not.

After treatment, the mean is 71.50, the standard deviation is 9, 975, df is 62, and

the significant value is 0.045 lower than 0.05. If the significance is lower than

0.05, it means that the hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that

the use of story circle technique in teaching writing can improve students' writing

ability. Story circle is a technique that can inspire students to learn English,

especially writing.

The second previous study was conducted by Abdul Azis Rifaat (2019)

entitled “Story Circle Technique to Help Non-English Major Students in Writing

Narrative Text”. The research methodology of this study is a pre-experimental

through one group of pre-test and post-test. The population and sample of the

study are all the third semester students of STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang


Nursing Science S1 Program in academic year 2018/2019. The total sample are

35 students. The sample was chosen through total sampling technique, in which

the population is as the sample. The test carried out twice: pre-test and post-test.

After the pre-test, the treatment is performed, and the post-test is performed after

the treatment. The test results were analyzed by SPSS (Statistical Software

Package for Social Sciences) using t test. The results show that there are

significant differences in writing performance before and after applying story

circle technique. It can be concluded that the story circle technique can improve

the writing performance of S1 nursing course of STIK Siti Khadijah Palembang

in the third semester in academic year 2018-2019.

The third previous study was conducted by Imelda Ayu Widyaswara

(2019) entitled “The Influence of Using Story Circle Toward Students’ Narrative

Text Writing Ability at The First Semester of Ninth Grade at MTs Negeri 2

Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year 2019-2020”. This research is based prior

observation, which shows that students’ writing scores in narrative text are still

lower than the minimum mastery level (KKM) in MTsN 2 Bandar Lampung.

This study is aimed to investigate whether the use of story circles technique has

a significant effect on students' writing skills of the narrative text at the ninth

grade of MTs Negri 2 Bandar Lampung in the Academic Year 2019/2020. The

research methodology of this study is a quasi-experimental design. The

population for this study is the ninth grade students Mts Negri 2 Bandar

Lampung. The sample of this study is divided into two classes, the experimental

class is composed of 40 students, and the control class is composed of 39

students. For collecting data, the researchers used pre-test and post-test. After

obtaining the data from the pre-test and post-test, the researchers analyzed the

data through SPSS using a simple t test and found that Sig = 0.03. This means

that Ha is accepted because sig <0.05. The results show that the story circle has

a significant effect on students’ writing narrative text at the first semester of the

ninth grade in MTs Negri 2 Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2019/2020.

Refering to all previous study, the story circle technique is an effective

technique suitable for all ages (from junior high school students to college


students). All previous studies have concluded that the story circle technique is

an appropriate technique to improve students’ writing skills by requiring

students to have a good understanding of the lesson through classroom exercise.

On the other hand, this study distinguishes from all previous studies. First, one

of previous study used a pre-experimental study without a controlled class.

Meanwhile, other used quasi-experimental as the writer conducted. Second, two

researchers used story circle techniques to teach writing for junior high school

students, and one researcher used story circle techniques to teach writing for S1

program students. Whereas, the writer used story circle technique to teach

writing narrative text for senior high school students. The difference between

this study and previous studies can be seen from the technique sampling. The

first researcher used cluster random sampling to obtain samples from the

population, and the second researcher used total sampling with population as the

sample. Unlike the writer who used purposive sampling where based on the

information from the teacher to get the data. Even though, story circle technique

becomes a meaningful technique for all researchers to make students actively

participate in the teaching and writing process.

E. Thinking Framework

Writing is one of language skill that is necessary for student to master,

especially writing English. By writing, the teacher can see how far students’

understanding about a text, grammar usage, and sentence structure. Because in

writing, students expresses their ideas and organizes them into the good written

text, so that the reader can comprehend what the writer means. During writing

process students should concern to the content of their writing, vocabulary

choices, grammar, sentence structure, and convention to make a meaningful and

good writing. It demonstrates that writing is the most complex language ability

that has to be learned by students since junior high school for initiating the

process of effective writing. Teaching writing is required to develop students '

ability to arrange sentences, choose appropriate vocabulary, and use correct

grammar. As an outcome, the writer should compose good writing effectively,


with cohesion, coherence and unity, so that the readers can understand about the

text and get new information or message from what they read.

However, students have some difficulties in learning writing narrative text

such as: students are worry to make mistakes in writing, students have some

difficulties in generating the ideas, students are confused to develop appropriate

written text, students feel bored and unenthusiastic with the conventional

technique of teaching writing, and students find that writing is a monotonous

activity in the classroom. To overcome these problems, the teacher should

encourage students to join the teaching and learning process actively. In another

side, the teacher should apply an interesting teaching technique in order to make

students can enjoy the writing process.

Story circle technique as a way to help students’ difficulties in generating

ideas and to help them in developing their writing abilities. As stated in previous

study above, the story circle technique can be a proper technique that should be

applied to overcome students’ problems in writing narrative text. Story circle

technique can help students to generate the ideas in a simple way. Besides it,

each students are involved to participate in the writing process, moreover they

can learn from their peers by sharing their knowledge each other during group

working. Therefore, this technique also train students’ to interact each other in a

meaningful context. It shows that story circle technique has positive impact on

students’ socialization and students’ enthusiastic in learning process.

F. Research Hypothesis

Based on the theories and thinking framework above, the writer stated that

the formula hypothesis as follows: there is a significant effect of using story

circle technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text.




A. Research Method and Design

The writer applied quantitative method through quasi-experimental design

in this research. Bungin (2010) stated that the aim of experimental design is to

explain something that will happen between certain variables through

controlling efforts of those variables or the correlation between them, in order to

find the correlation, the effect, or the difference one or more variable. The writer

tried to apply a teaching technique called by story circle technique in writing

narrative teaching to find out the magnitude of the effect which is generated by

story circle technique on students’ writing abilities.

A quasi-experimental is used to identify the cause and effect of

independent variable to dependent variable. In line with the purpose of this

research, it is aimed to find the cause and effect between the story circle

technique and writing ability. According to Sugiyono (2018), an independent

variable is a variable that affects or changes a dependent variable, and a

dependent variable is an output, criterion or outcome variable affected by the

independent variable. In this study, Story Circle Technique is as the independent

variable, and students’ writing ability in narrative text is as the dependent

variable. There for the writer decide to use the quasi-experimental design to

know the effect of story circle technique on students’ writing ability of narrative


The writer took two groups (controlled and experimental class) to conduct

the study. Both groups were given the pre-test before the treatment to know their

writing ability, and the post-test were given after the treatment to know the effect

of story circle technique on students’ writing ability after treatment or

intervention. Creswell (2012) formulated the quasi experimental design on a

table as follows:


Table 3.1

Quasi-experimental Design

Pre and post-test Design Time

Based on the experimental method to get the factual data of the research is

by comparing the test score at the experimental class (who were taught by Story

Circle Technique) and control class (who were taught without Story Circle

Technique) to investigate the significant difference between the score of each


B. The Place and Time

This study was conducted at SMA Nurul Falaah which is located at Jl.

Pahlawan No.6, Kp. Bulak Saga, Rt.03 Rw.06, Cibadung, Kec. Gunung Sindur

Bogor. This research was held for a month in the first semester starting from 7

to 26 October 2019 in academic year 2019-2020.

C. Population and Sample

According to Margono (2010), the population is whole of the data which

become the concern of the researcher in one specific scope and time. The

population of this research is the tenth grade class students of SMA Nurul Falaah

Gunung Sindur Bogor in academic year 2019/2020 consist of 144 students and

choose Controlled Group Pre-test

No treatment (lectures

and students will do



Select Experimental Group Pre-test

Experimental treatment

(applying Story Circle

Technique in teaching

and learning narrative




it was divided into 2 major namely MIPA and IPS where each major has two


According to Margono (2010), the sample is the part of the population, and

it is used as a research object in certain way. The writer took two class as the

object or the sample of the research from research population, because to conduct

quasi-experimental research, the writer needs two groups as participants to

compare the results of both groups. To determine which classes would become

the research samples, the writer selected purposive sampling method. Fraenkel

et al (2015) Point out that purposive sampling method is used based on previous

information about the population and the specific purpose of the research.

Therefore, before using purposive sampling method, the researcher should

discover the information about the population and determine the purpose of the

research so that the sample of the research is relevant to the research. Hence, the

writer selected these two categories as research samples based on several criteria;

they have similar characteristics and abilities in English subject, the number of

students in each class is equal, they are in the same grade, rely on the information

and suggestion of the English teacher, both classes are suitable for the specific

purpose of this research. Therefore, the writer believed that the sample will be

representative based on the information. Thus, the writer took two classes as

samples for this study. They are X MIPA 1 as an experimental class who were

taught by using story circle technique, and X MIPA 2 as a controlled class who

were taught without using story circle technique. There are 36 students in each


D. Instrument

According to Creswell (2012), Instrument is a tool which used to help the

researcher for measuring, observing or collecting the data. In other words, the

writer need the research instrument as a measurement tool which is designed to

obtain the data from the object of the research.

The instrument of the research used to obtain data of this research was the

writing test, which used pre-test and post-test. This test is used to find out

students' English writing ability in narrative text. The writing test used in the


experiment class and the control class is similar. In the pre-test, students are

required to write a narrative text about Malin Kundang within 60 minutes,

consist of 150 words to 200 words. For the post-test, students were required to

write a good narrative essay by choosing one topic about the legend, write

narrative text at least three paragraphs to five paragraphs in maximum of 250

words during 60 minutes. The instruments for both tests are attached in the


The instruments which was made by the writer were appropriate with the

syllabus. The writer used content validity to evaluate the instrument. According

to Sugiyono (2018), content validity is conducted by comparing the research

instrument with the teaching materials. In addition, the author uses analytical

scoring rubric to assess students’ writing ability of narrative text. Students

should pay attention to the following considerations: organization, content,

vocabulary, language use and mechanics. The writer the analytical scoring rubric

adopted from Jacobs et al. in Sara Chusing Weigle (2002), and the table of

analytical scoring rubric is presented as follows:

Table 3.2

Analytical Scoring Rubric

Scoring Element Level Criteria Description




to very


Informative, substantive,

thorough thesis improvement,

related to the designated topic.

26-22 Good to


Several subject knowledge is

broad, and the development of

the paper is limited, mostly

related to the subject, but lack


21-17 Fair to


Subject knowledge is limited,

substantive is insufficient, and


subject development is


16-13 Very poor

Does not display subject

knowledge, non-substantial

knowledge, irrelevant





to very


Fluent expression, clear

presentation/supporting ideas,

concise, well organized, logical

ordering, cohesion.

17-14 Good to


It is a bit messy and loosely

organized, but the main ideas are

prominent, support is limited,

and the order is reasonable but


13-10 Fair to


Lack of fluency, confusion or

disconnection of ideas, lack of

logical order and development.

9-7 Very poor

No communication, no

organization, or insufficient





to very


The scope is complex, effective

word/idiom selection usage,

proficient word form, proper


17-14 Good to


Appropriate placement,

occasional word/idiom form,


choice, usage error, but the

meaning will not be confused.

13-10 Fair to


Limited scope, common

mistakes in word/idiom forms,

choices, usage, confusion or


9-7 Very poor

Esentially interpretation, with

little or insufficient

understanding of English

vocabulary, idioms and word






to very


Effective complex structure,

almost no convention errors,

tenses, numbers, word

order/function, articles,

pronouns and prepositions

21-18 Good to


Effective but simple structure,

minor problems in complex

structures, several agreement

errors, tenses, numbers, word

order/function, articles,

pronouns, prepositions, but few

errors in meaning.

17-11 Fair to


Major problems in

simple/complex structures,

common mistakes or negations,

agreement, tense, numbers, word

order/function, articles,

pronouns, prepositions and/or


fragments, additions, deletions,

confusion or ambiguity.

10-5 Very poor

Few problems with proficiency

in sentence structure rules,

errors, inability to communicate

or insufficient assessment skills.




to very


Demonstrate proficiency in

conventions, with few spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, and

paragraph errors.

4 Good to


Spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, and paragraph

errors will occasionally occur,

but the meaning will not be


3 Fair to


Frequent spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, and paragraph

errors indicate confusion or


2 Very poor

Inability to master conventions,

and focus on spelling,

punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphs, illegible errors in

handwriting, or insufficient


Total score: C+O+V+G+M

E. Technique of Collecting Data

In obtaining the data, both groups would be given the pretest before the

study to determine that they were equal in their performance in the pre-test.


Students are required to write a narrative text about Malin Kundang during 60

minutes, consisting of 150 to 200 words. The writer evaluates students’ narrative

writing ability through pre-test. The test is scored by using analytical scoring

rubric and it is collected as pre-test data.

After providing the pre-test, the writer gives the experimental class

treatment using the story circle technique.The teacher explained the instruction

how to apply story circle technique in teaching and learning writing narrative

text. And the students were asked to work in a group to write a narrative text

by story circle technique in whilst activity. And in the post-activity students

switched their work to another group, and another group gave feedbacks or

comments on the students’ work. After that, each group should revise their

works into a final draft. From treatment, students were encouraged to find the

errors of their friends' work, or to be able to take feedback from another group.

Treatment was already given four times.

And after applying treatment in experimental class, the writer would

give the post-test for both class. For the post-test,students required to write a

good narrative text about one legend that they were chosen into 200-250 words

during 60 minutes. This test was conducted to observe the effect of story circle

technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text. And to determine the

significant difference between students’ writing ability of the controlled class

and experimental class.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Normality Test

The normality test of the data is used to find out the data distribution form

(sample) used in the research (Susetyo, 2010). The normality test is conducted

to know whether the data from the two classes are normally distributed. The

Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Saphiro-Wilk tables were used for normality test. In

order the data have a normal distribution, the sig score in the Kolmogorov-

Smirnov and Saphiro-Wilk tables should be higher than 0.05. In this study, the


writer utilized IBM SPSS Statistic 22 to analyze the normality. And here are

the steps to calculate the normality test by using SPSS statistic 22 which is

presented by Kadir (2016):

a. Open file “metakognisi”

b. In the main menu of SPSS (v.22), choose analyze, and choose sub menu

Descriptive statistic, next click explore.

c. Fill metacognition variable in the dependent list with the score of pre-test

and post-test.

d. in the Boxplots, klik None, next click Normality plots with test, and after

that click continue and OK.

H0: Distribution population is normal, if the probability > 0,05, H0 is


Ha: Distribution population is not normal, if the probability ≤ 0,05, H0 is


2. Homogeneity Test

The homogeneity test of this research was also calculated by using IBM

SPSS Statistic 2. Through the homogeneity test, the researcher can determine

whether the data from the two categories are equal or homogeneous. The

homogeneity test was performed using Levene's table. The score in the Levene

table should be higher than 0.05 to obtain homogeneous distribution data. The

writer conducted the normality and homogeneity tests in pre-test and post-test.

Kadir (2016) presented some steps to calculate the homogeneity test through

IBM SPSS Statistics 22, and the steps are as follows:

a. Fill the data of this research in Data View.

b. Open the main menu Analyze and click Compare Means.

c. Click One-Way ANOVA

d. Fill in the Dependent List with the score of pre-test and post-test and then

fill in the Factors List with the sample groups. Click Options

e. Chose Homogeneity of variance test, next, click Continue and Ok.


3. T-test

After the writer obtained that the data distribution was normal and

homogenous, the writer analyzed the pre-test and post-test of the experimental

class and the controlled class by t-test. The t-test is used to find the significant

difference between the average score of experimental class who were taught

using story circle techniques and the mean score of control class who were

taught without story circle techniques. And it is also used to test the research

hypothesis, that is, whether h0 and ha are accepted or rejected. Before

conducting a t-test, researchers should take the following steps: formulate

research hypotheses, calculate "t" observations or t0, determine "t-table" based

on the degree of independence, and compare t0 and ttable with two standards:

if t-value ≤ t-table then h0 is accepted, if t-value > t-table then h0 is rejected.

And the writer conducted IBM SPSS v.22 to calculate the t-test. The steps to

calculate t-test which presented by Kadir (2016) are as follows:

a. Open SPSS with double click icon SPSS, in Variable View, click value to

label different groups by filling value: 1 and Label: Experimental, value:

2 and Label: control

b. Click Analyze, chose sub menu compare means, next click independent

sample T test.

c. Fill in the test variable with score of post-test, then insert the name of

group (control and experimental) in Grouping Variable, next click

Define Group and write number 1 in group 1 and number 2 in group 2,

next continue to back to the previous menu, and next click OK.

4. Effect Size

The effect size is a standard measure of the distinction between the

experimental class and the controlled class. According to Gravetter and

Wallnau (2013), the purpose of effect size is to provide a measure of the

absolute size of the treatment effect, regardless of the size of the sample used.

Basically, the t-test provides statistically significant results, and in the same

way, the effect size produces statistics, but it determines the strength of the

effect. Ellis (2010) stated that the size of the effect may be the result of the


treatment, which is used to compare groups (treated and untreated), or can

describe the degree of association between two related variables. The writer

used Cohen’s d effect size formula which is formulated by Gravetter and

Wallnau (2013) as follows:

d = mean difference = µtreatment - µno treatment

standard deviation 𝝈

𝝈 = Std Deviation 1 + Std Deviation 2


And here are the percentage of variance explained, r2 (d) based on Cohen’s d

which presented by Mujis (2004):

d = 0 – 0.20 weak effect

d= 0.21 – 0.50 modest effect

d = 0.51 – 1.00 moderate effect

d = > 1.00 strong effect

G. Statistical Hypothesis

1. Ha (alternative hypothesis): There is significant effect of using story circle

technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text.

(ρ-value < sig α = 0.05 and tvalue > ttable).

2. H0 (null hypothesis): There is no significant effect of using story circle

technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text.

(ρ-value > sig α = 0.05 and tvalue < ttable).




A. Research Findings

1. Description of the data

In this chapter, the writer provides the results of this research through

descriptive statistics. This chapter shows a general description of the students'

score in the experimental class and the control class. In addition, the data

representation details are as follows:

a. The Score of Pre-test and Post-test

This section presents the scores of pre-test and post-test from both

experimental and controlled class. These scores are obtained from the pre-test

and post-test scores of the experimental class and the control class through a

written test of narrative text. The pre-test and post-test scores of the two classes

are described in the form of percentages in the table, and the following data are

explained as follows:

Table 4.1

Precentage of Pre-test and Post-test Scores of Experimental and

Controlled Class

F= Frequency



Experimental Class Controlled Class

Pre-Test Post-Test Pre-Test Post-Test

F % F % F % F %

41-50 4 11% 0 0% 3 8% 0 0%

51-60 14 39% 2 6% 15 42% 4 11%

61-70 15 42% 9 25% 16 44% 19 53%

71-80 3 8% 18 50% 2 6% 13 36%

81-90 0 0% 7 19% 0 0% 0 0%

91-100 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

Ʃ 36 100% 36 100% 36 100% 36 100%


From table 4.1, the results showed that the minimum score of the

experimental class and the control class was 41-50. In the experimental class,

4 students scored 41-50, accounting for 11%. At the same time, 3 students or

8% in the control class get a score of 41-50. Then, 14 experimental class

students got 51-60 scores, accounting for 39%. In addition, in the controlled

class, 15 students or 42% of the students scored 51-60 points. The students who

get 61-70 points from the pre-test of the experimental class are 15 students,

accounting for 42%. In contrast, 16 students (44%) in the control group scored

61-70 points. It means that most of students from both classes get the score 61-

70 in pre-test. Moreover there are only few students who get score 71-80 in the

pre-test. In the experimental class there are 3 students or 8% who get the score

71-80 and there are 2 students or 6% who get the score 71-80 in the controlled

class. In the pre-test there are some students who get the score under 50 and

there is no student who gets the score more than 80, it indicates that students’

writing ability of narrative text is extremely low.

After giving the pre-test to both experimental and controlled class, the

researcher gave the treatment by using story circle technique in writing

narrative text for the experimental class. Their scores were obtained as shown

in the table 4.1 above. From the table 4.1. It can be seen from Table 4.1 that

the test scores of the experimental class have improved. It shows that there is

no student of experimental class who get the score under 50. Moreover 50% of

them or 18 students get scores between 71-80. And there are only 2 students or

6% who get the score 51-60. Also, there are 9 students or 25% who get the

score 61-70. Furthermore, there are 7 students or 19% who get the score more

than 80. Meanwhile, the post test scores of controlled class which was not given

the treatment were also improved but not significant enough. As shown in the

table 4.1 above, there is no student who gets the score under 50, but there are

4 students or 11% who get scores 51-60. Most of students in the controlled

class get the score between 61-70 that there are 19 students or 53%. Then, there

are 13 students or 36% who get scores 71-80. However there is no student who

get score more than 80 in the controlled class.


From the data explanation above, the students’ scores in both classes have

improved from the pre-test to the post-test. However, the scores of

experimental class who were treated by using story circle technique shows a

significant improvement from the pre-test scores to the post test scores.

b. The Data of Experimental Class

The experimental class of this study was X MIPA 1 of SMA Nurul Faalah

Which consisted of 36 students. This class was given the treatment in writing

narrative text by using story circle technique. The score of pre-test and post-

test from this class is presented in the table bellows:

Table 4.2

Students’ Score of Experimental Class



Experimental Class Gained Score

Pre-test Post-test

STD1 59 71 12

STD2 50 68 18

STD3 49 63 14

STD4 67 75 8

STD5 54 69 15

STD6 61 75 14

STD7 56 70 14

STD8 63 79 16

STD9 64 76 12

STD10 54 76 22

STD11 51 65 14

STD12 57 71 14

STD13 70 85 15

STD14 69 83 14

STD15 56 71 15

STD16 59 69 10

STD17 46 60 14

STD18 63 77 14

STD19 64 79 15

STD20 66 77 11

STD21 60 74 14

STD22 47 60 13

STD23 56 73 17

STD24 53 67 14

STD25 68 82 14


STD26 62 76 14

STD27 72 85 13

STD28 63 71 8

STD29 58 67 9

STD30 74 86 12

STD31 72 84 12

STD32 58 71 13

STD33 65 79 14

STD34 69 82 13

STD35 56 70 14

STD36 68 80 12

TOTAL 2179 2666 487

MEAN 60.53 74.06 13.53

Maximum score 74 86 22

Minimum score 46 60 8

Table 4.2 presents students’ pre-test and post-test scores of experimental

class. In the pre-test, the lowest score was 46 and the highest score was 74. The

pre-test average score of this class is 60.53. In addition, in the pre-test, no

student scored more than KKM or 75, which means that students of

experimental class does not have good narrative writing skills.

Then, after using the story circle technique in teaching writing narrative

text to treat the experimental class, the lowest score of this class was 60 points,

and the highest score is 86 points. The class mean score was 74.06. In addition,

table 4.2 shows the gained scores of each student. The lowest score was 8 and

the highest score was 22. Then, the average score was 13.53. The scores

presented in Table 4.2 show that there is a significant difference between the

scores of students pre-test and post-test. In addition, 16 students get the score

higher than KKM or 75, which shows that the students' scores pre-test to the

post-test have improved.

c. The data of Controlled Class

The controlled class of this study was X MIPA 2 of SMA Nurul Falaah

which consisted of 36 students. This class was taught by using regular teaching

without any treatments in learning writing narrative text. The score of pre-test

and post-test from this class is presented as follows:


Table 4.3

Students’ Scores of Controlled Class



Controlled Class Gained Score

Pre-test Post-test

STD1 51 56 5

STD2 70 77 7

STD3 74 79 5

STD4 49 59 10

STD5 60 70 10

STD6 54 65 11

STD7 48 59 11

STD8 67 74 7

STD9 57 68 11

STD10 63 76 13

STD11 58 68 10

STD12 67 71 4

STD13 69 75 6

STD14 53 62 9

STD15 61 66 5

STD16 69 78 9

STD17 52 64 12

STD18 55 66 11

STD19 53 57 4

STD20 57 67 10

STD21 55 65 10

STD22 61 61 0

STD23 50 63 13

STD24 62 74 12

STD25 59 68 9

STD26 65 70 5

STD27 65 69 4

STD28 56 67 11

STD29 59 61 2

STD30 69 80 11

STD31 67 76 9

STD32 58 64 6

STD33 66 69 3

STD34 73 72 -1

STD35 62 72 10

STD36 69 73 4

TOTAL 2183 2461 278

MEAN 60.64 68.36 7.72


Table 4.3 above informs students’ scores of pre-test and post-of the

controlled class. In the pre-test, the lowest score was 48, and the pre-test lowest

score of the control group is higher than the lowest score of the experimental

class. The highest score was 74, which was similar to the pre-test highest score

of the experimental class. The mean pre-test score for this class was 60.64. It

is higher than the average pre-test score of the experimental class. In addition,

in the pre-test, no student scored more than KKM or 75 points, which means

that the students of controlled class did not have the ability to write narrative


The teacher uses conventional teaching methods in teaching this class.

Finally, the students conducted a post-test. After the test, the lowest score was

56 and the highest score was 80. The pre-test mean score of this class was

68.36. These scores were lower than the post-test scores of the experimental

class. In addition, Table 4.2 shows the scores obtained by each student. The

lowest score was -1 and the highest score was 13. Then, the mean score was

7.72. The gained score in the table 4.3 above shows that there were a difference

between students’ scores of pre-test and post-test. In addition, Table 4.3 shows

that 7 students got score higher than KKM or 75 points. Although the score has

improved, it is not as significant as the score of the experimental class. Both

the post-test scores and the gained scores for this class are lower than the score

of the experimental class. It shows that there is a significant distinction between

the results of experimental class who were taught by story circle technique and

the results of controlled class who were taught by conventional teaching

Maximum score 74 80 13

Minimum score 48 56 -1


technique. The writer attempts to recapitulate and compare the score of pre-

test, post-test and gained score of both experimental and controlled class in the

following figure.

Figure 4.4

The Differences between the Mean Score of Pre-Test, Post-Test and

Gained Score of both Experimental and Controlled Class

Figure 4.4 shows that in the pre-test, the mean scores of the experimental

class and the control class are almost equal, but the control class is slightly

higher than the experimental class. Meanwhile, the post-test and gained scores

of the experimental class are higher than the scores of controlled class. It shows

that from pre-test to the post-test, the students' performance in the experimental

class has improved significantly. Therefore, the story circle technique

effectively improves students' narrative writing ability.

2. Data Analysis

In this part, the writer applied t-test to analyze the results of pre-test and post-

test of experiment and controlled class statistically. Before calculating the

hypothesis test (t test), the writer should calculate the normality test and the

homogeneity test to measure the normal distribution and homogeneity of the study
















Pre-Test Post-Test Gained Score

Experimental Class Controlled Class


sample variance. After that, the t-test and the effect size are calculated to quantify

the strength of the effectiveness of using the story circle technique. To analyze the

data, the author used SPSS.

a. Normality Test

The writer decided to select Kolmogorov-Smirnov in calculating the

normality test, because the total number of samples in this study is higher than

(>) 50. The sample of the study consists of 36 students of each class, so the

total sample was 72 students. The significance (α) of the normality test is 0.05.

To test the data, the author uses SPSS 24. The following table presented the

results of the normality test:

Table 4.4

Table of Normality Test of Pre-test and Post-test

GROUP Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.


EXPERIMENTAL 0.076 36 .200* 0.979 36 0.713

CONTROL 0.093 36 .200* 0.970 36 0.428


EXPERIMENTAL 0.114 36 .200* 0.973 36 0.508

CONTROL 0.063 36 .200* 0.982 36 0.802

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

According to Table 4.4, it can be seen that the pre-test significance results

of the experimental class and the controlled class are 0.200. Both results are

higher than the significance (α) 0.05. In short, the pre-test data from both

classes are normally distributed.

Meanwhile, in the experimental class and the controlled class, the

significance of the results of the post-test was 0.200. The result shows that the

data of the post-test are higher than the significance (5-007) = 0.05. It can be

inferred that the post-test data of both classes are normally distributed.


b. Homogeneity Test

The writer applied Levene statistic test with the significance (α) = 0.05 to

calculate the homogeneity test. The results of homogeneity test of the pre-test

and post-test are presented in the table as follows:

Table 4.5

Table of Homogeneity Test of Pre-test and Post-test

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

PRETEST 0.034 1 70 0.854

POSTTEST 0.412 1 70 0.523

According to the interpretation of the table 4.5 above, it shows that the

significance result of the homogeneity test in the pre-test is 0.854, which higher

than the significance (α) (0.854>0.05). It shows that the test result data of the

experimental class and the controlled class are homogenous.

Furthermore, the significance result of the homogeneity test in the post-

test is 0.523, which is higher than the significance (α) (0.523>0.05). It indicates

that the data of post-test result from both experimental and controlled class are


c. The Hypothesis Test

After testing the data by using normality and homogeneity test, and it

shows that the results were distributed normally and homogeneous, then the

writer conducted further investigation to test the research hypothesis using t-

test. The purpose of hypothesis testing is to find out the effectiveness of story

circle technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text at SMA Nurul

Falaah. The writer used the mean score of the post-test and the mean score of

the gained score from both experimental class and the controlled class to

calculate the t-test. The significance value (α) of the t test is 5% or 0.05. The

test results are shown in the following table:


Table 4.6

T-test Result of Post-test

Group Statistics

GROUP N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean


EXPERIMENTAL 36 74.06 6.957 1.159

CONTROL 36 68.36 6.352 1.059

From the table 4.7 it can be seen that the mean score of post-test in the

experimental is 74.06, while the mean score of controlled class is 68.36. And

the table of independent sample test above shows that the tvalue is 3.627 and the

p-value or significance (2-tailed) value is 0.001. Then, the writer compared ttable

and tvalue to observe whether story circle technique has a significant effect on

students' writing ability of narrative text. To determine the ttable with the

significance level of 0.05, the writer used the sample of the study minus 2.

There are 72 students as the sample of the research, then 72-2=70. Therefore,

the degree of freedom (df) is 70 and the significance is 0.05. The df value is 70,

and the ttable with a significance value of 0.05 is 1.66691, then it is compared

with the tvalue.

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T Df Sig. (2-


Mean Difference

Std. Error Difference

95% Confidence

Interval of the Difference

Lower Upper


Equal variances assumed

0.412 0.523 3.627 70 0.001 5.694 1.570 2.563 8.826

Equal variances

not assumed

3.627 69.429 0.001 5.694 1.570 2.563 8.826


The comparison shows that tvalue 3.627 > ttable 1.666691 and the p-value or

the significance (2-tailed) value is lower than the significance 0.05

(0.001<0.05). Hence, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (ha) is

accepted and null hypothesis (h0) is rejected, because the tvalue is higher that the

ttable and the p-value is lower than the significance 0.05. It means that there is a

significant effect of using story circle technique on students’ writing ability of

narrative text.

In addition, the author also calculated the mean score of the gained score

from the experimental class and the control class by analyzing the t-test. The

test results are listed in Table 4.7, which are described in detail as follows:

Table 4.7

T-test Result of Gained Score

Group Statistics

GROUP N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean


CONTROL 36 7.72 3.693 0.615

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. T


Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean

Difference Std. Error Difference

95% Confidence

Interval of the Difference

Lower Upper

GAINEDSCORE Equal variances assumed

11.348 0.001 7.722 70 0.000 5.806 0.752 4.306 7.305

Equal variances not assumed

7.722 62.741 0.000 5.806 0.752 4.303 7.308

From the table 4.7 it can be seen that the mean score of gained score in the

experimental is 13.53, while the mean score of controlled class is 7.72. And the


table of independent sample test above shows that the tvalue is 7.722 and the p-

value or significance (2-tailed) value is 0.000. Then, the writer compared ttable

and tvalue to investigate whether story circle technique has a significant effect

on students' writing ability of narrative text. To determine ttable with a

significance level of 0.05, the writer used the sample of the study minus 2.

There are 72 students as the sample of the research, then 72-2=70. Therefore,

the degree of freedom (df) is 70 and the significance is 0.05. The df value is 70,

and the ttable with a significance value of 0.05 is 1.66691, then it is compared

with the tvalue.

The comparison showed that the tvalue was 7.722> ttable 1.666691, and the

p value or significance (2 tails) value was lower than significance 0.05 (0.000

<0.05). Hence, it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis (ha) is

accepted and null hypothesis (h0) is rejected, because the tvalue is higher that the

ttable and the p-value is lower than the significance 0.05. On other words, there

is a significant effect of using story circle technique on students’ writing ability

of narrative text.

d. Effect Size

The effect size is the final calculation after all data analysis (such as

normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test) is calculated. The purpose

of the effect size is to find out the significance level of the effect in the study.

In order to calculate the effect size, the writer used Cohen's d calculation. The

calculation results and Cohen d formula are as follows:

Table 4.8

The Result of Effect Size

Statistic of Post Test Experimental Class Controlled Class

Mean 74.06 68.36

Standard Deviation 6.857 6.352

Effect Size 0.857


Cohen’s d Formula:

d = mean difference = µtreatment - µno treatment

standard deviation 𝝈

𝝈 = Std Deviation 1 + Std Deviation 2


The effect size was calculated manually by using Cohen’s d formula

above, and the calculation can be seen as follows:

𝝈 = 6.857+6.352

2= 6.605

𝒅 = 74.06−68.36

6.605= 0.857

From the table 4.8, it can be seen that the result of the effect size calculation

is 0.857, according to the Cohen d criterion described in the previous chapter,

the effect size result of this study is 0.857, which is included in the moderate

effect category. Moderate effects are between 0.51 and 1.00. From this result,

it can be concluded that the use of story circle technique has a moderate effect

on students' writing ability of narrative text.

B. Discussion

The results of this quasi-experimental study show that story circle technique

effectively improve students' writing ability of narrative text at the tenth grade of

SMA Nurul Falaah in academic year 2019-2020. The study also confirmed that the

level of significant effect is at the moderate level. Therefore, the processed data

provides answers of the research questions raised at the beginning of this study.

Facts have proved that there is significant effect of using story circle technique on

students' writing ability of narrative text on tenth grade of SMA Nurul Falaah in

academic year 2019/2020. In addition, the research results are consistent with the

previous studies, proving that story circle technique can effectively improve


students' writing ability of narrative text. The following paragraphs explain the


In descriptive statistics, the writer obtained the general accesion of two sample

classes from the pre-test and post-test data, where each class consists of 36

students. First, pre-test scores obtained from the narrative writing test of students

in the experimental class and the controlled class before treatment. The mean pre-

test score of the experimental class was 60.53, while the mean pre-test score of the

control group was 60.64. The difference between the mean score of the

experimental and control classes was 0.11, and the mean score of the control class

was higher than the experimental class. In addition, Table 4.1 also shows that the

pre-test scores of these two classes are dominated by scores between 61 and 70,

and some students have scores below 50. This means that the students in both

classes did not perform well in the pre-test.

Hereafter, the writer used story circle technique to give a treatment for

experimental class in the teaching narrative writing. After giving the treatment to

the experimental class, the writer conducted a post-test on the experimental class

and the control class to find out the differences in their development in writing

narrative texts. Then, the mean post-test score of the experimental class was 74.06,

and it has been significantly improved. The mean post-test score of the control

group was 68.36. From the mean post-test score, it can be seen that the mean post-

test scores of the two classes has improved. But, the mean score of controlled class

was not significantly improved. Because the mean scores of the controlled class

only increased 7. 72 point from 60.64 to 68.36. Meanwhile, the mean score of the

experimental class was significantly improved from 60.53 to 74.06, it indicates that

the mean score of the experimental class had increased 13.53 point.

Furthermore, the data was analyzed by using independent sample t-test through

IBM SPSS, and the statistical results proved the significant effect of story circle

technique. This technique was applied in the treatment process of the experimental

class. It can be seen from the t-test result that the p value (2-tailed significance) is

lower than the significance (α) (0.001 <0.05). Moreover, tvalue is higher that the ttable,


that is 3.627 > 1.666691. It clarified that the null hypothesis (h0) is rejected and the

alternative hypothesis (ha) is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that the story

circle technique has a significant effect on students' writing ability of narrative text.

In addition, the effect size has been calculated using the Cohen d formula to show

a significance level. The result of the effect size is 0.857, it indicates that the story

circle technique has moderate effect on this research.

Besides, story circle technique can build students’ motivation and develop their

knowledge about narrative text through this cooperative learning technique. And

through story circle technique students can improve their exploration. This findings

is in line with the previous study by Fransiska (2019) who stated that story circle

technique is a useful technique for motivating students and helping them to

enhance their exploration and develop their knowledge in writing narrative text

through cooperative learning. Furthermore, story circle technique is also effective

to build students’ relationship with their peers, because this techniques involves

the students to work together in the writing process from writing the first draft,

revising, editing the final draft. And it also can train students to give the feedbacks

and comments for their peers. So from those activity students’ can learn from their

peers and make them more active in the classroom. Therefore, this findings proved

the statement from Sari and Sabri (2017), they stated that story circle technique is

also effective to build students’ relationship among the students, because it engages

all students to work cooperatively to accomplish their tasks. In short, story circle

technique has a positive impact to build students’ relationship and their social

interaction in the learning process, it shows the balance between students’

knowledge and their social quotient. And it is in line with the characteristic of

Kurikulum 2013 which was designed to develop a balance between spiritual and

social attitudes, knowledge, and apply them in various situations in the school and


Therefore, it can be concluded that the story circle technique is effective in

improving students' writing ability of narrative text, and it is integrated with the

goals of the 2013 curriculum, encouraging students to participate in learning


process, productive and cooperative learning through interaction, cooperation and





A. Conclusion

This study used quasi-experimental design in obtaining the empirical evidence

of the effect of story circle technique on students’ writing ability of narrative text

at the tenth grade of SMA Nurul Falaah. The data were analyzed by using SPSS to

obtain the descriptive statistics, hypothesis results, and prove the theories and

previous studies that were discussed in the previous chapter.

From the experimental data, the mean score of the experiment increased by

13.53 points. Therefore, there is a significant improvement from the mean score of

the pre-test to the mean score of the post-test. In addition, the t-test result of the

post-test showed that the p-value (significant 2 tails) was lower than the significance

level (0.001 <0.05), and the tvalue of the post-test was higher than the significance

level (3.627> 1.666691). This means that the null hypothesis of the study (h0) is

rejected and the alternative hypothesis (ha) is accepted.

Furthermore, the findings also confirms that the effect size of the result is 0.857,

it indicates that the effect is categorized into the moderate effect. In short, there is

a significant effect of using story circle technique on students' writing ability of

narrative text at the tenth grade of SMA Nurul Falaah in academic year 2019/2020.

Moreover, the findings proved that the using of story circle technique can achieve

the goals of 2013 curriculum, which enables students becomes active, productive,

and innovative learners through interactive, cooperative and collaborative learning.

Therefore, it can be concluded that story circle technique is effective to improve

students' writing ability of narrative text.

B. Suggestion

This study proves that using story circle technique is effective to improve

students’ writing ability of narrative text. Therefore, the writer provides several


suggestions for teachers, students and further researchers. The writer Hope, these

suggestions are useful for them. And the suggestions are presented as follows:

1. For Teachers

To the teachers who use story circle technique in the teaching and learning

activities, it is important to give the clear instruction about how to do the

story circle technique. It is useful for students in order they can engage the

activities well. Furthermore, the teachers are suggested to control each

group to ensure that every student is participating in the writing process, and

in order to keep the class conducive. And in the pre-activity, the teacher

should read the story clearly in order to make the students are easy to take


2. For Students

The students are suggested to be responsible in their group working and

more active to participate in the writing process. In addition, students should

use the time effectively in writing narrative text through story circle


3. For Further Researchers

The researchers should understand well about story circle technique, they

can explore it from various sources. And the researchers are suggested to

practice what they already know and learn about teaching, in order they can

manage the class effectively and can reach the objectives of the research

well. Furthermore, the researchers are recommended to add the information

about the effect of story circle technique on students’ motivation in writing

narrative text by the questioner as the secondary data.



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(The instrument was used for pre-test and post-test)


The test is used to recognize students’ writing ability in narrative text. The

narrative text material is provided to Grade X of Senior High School in the first

semester.But, actually students of Senior High School have already know the

general component of narrative text such as: definition, social function, the

generic structure, language features of narrative text, and they ever practice

writing short narrative texts, because they have learnt it when they were in Junior

High school. And now, in the Senior High School they study about the narrative

text in other genre, it is folklore. The aim of the test is to determine whether

students master the writing of a good narrative text by considering its content,

organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanics.


For the pre-test, students were asked to write a narrative essay about Malin

Kundang consist of one hundred and fifty words to two hundred words in 60

minutes. And for the post-test students were asked to write a good narrative essay

with choosing one topic about a legend consist of two hundred to two hundred

and fifty words in 60 minutes.


Experimental and Control Group

The test will be performed for the experimental class and the control class

and will be conducted twice. The first writing test is pre-test and the last one is

post-test. The writing test instrument for the experimental and control class is





Name :______________________ Class :_____________________

Time allotment : 60 minutes

Instructions : Write a narrative text about Malin Kundang at least one hundred

and fifty words to two hundred words.

























Class: X

Subject: English

Test: Narrative Text

Time allotment: 60 minutes


1. Write your name and your class on your worksheet

2. Choose one legend that you have known, and write it into a good narrative text

at least 200 words to 250 words.

3. Tips for writing narrative text

a. The text is organized appropriate with the generic structure of narrative

text (orientation, conflict, resolution, re-orientation).

b. Use past tense (there was a little boy, lived a woman and her son)

c. Use adverb of time (once upon a time, one day)

d. Use temporal conjunction (after that, suddenly, then, when, finally)

4. Your written narrative text will be scored based on these considerations:

organization, content, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.




Name: ____________________________

Class: ____________________________





























WRITING TEST: When giving a test, it must be represented in five elements:

operations, types of text, address of the texts, topics, dialect and length of texts.1

Test: Narrative Text (1) Type of text

Time allotment: 60 minutes

Theme: Legend (2) Topics


1. Write your name and your class on your worksheet

2. Choose one legend that you have known, and write it into a good narrative text

at least 200 words to 250 words.

3. Tips for writing narrative text

a. The text is organized appropriate with the generic structure of narrative

text (orientation, conflict, resolution, re-orientation).

b. Use past tense (there was a little boy, lived a woman and her son)

c. Use adverb of time (once upon a time, one day)

d. Use temporal conjunction (after that, suddenly, then, when, finally)

4. Your written narrative text will be scored based on these considerations:

organization, content, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.

(3) Operations

(4) Addresses of texts: the address here is teacher or the researcher of the course

(5) Dialect

(5) Length of text

1 Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers (2nd Ed), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2003), p.84-85



Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores of Experimental Class

Pre-Test Post-Test





1 20 13 11 13 2 1 22 17 14 15 3

2 18 10 10 10 2 2 21 14 13 17 3

3 18 10 10 9 2 3 20 12 13 15 3

4 21 15 11 17 3 4 22 15 14 20 4

5 19 13 10 10 2 5 21 13 15 17 3

6 20 14 11 14 2 6 22 15 15 20 3

7 17 13 10 14 2 7 21 16 15 15 3

8 20 15 11 15 2 8 23 17 15 20 4

9 21 15 10 15 3 9 23 17 15 18 3

10 18 11 12 11 2 10 22 17 15 19 3

11 17 10 11 11 2 11 21 13 13 15 3

12 20 13 10 12 2 12 21 16 14 17 3

13 21 15 14 17 3 13 26 17 17 21 4

14 21 15 13 17 3 14 24 17 17 21 4

15 19 12 12 11 2 15 21 15 14 18 3

16 20 13 12 12 2 16 21 14 14 17 3

17 15 10 10 9 2 17 21 11 12 13 3

18 20 14 12 15 2 18 24 15 15 20 3

19 20 14 12 16 2 19 25 16 16 18 4

20 21 15 12 16 2 20 23 15 14 21 4

21 20 11 13 14 2 21 22 13 17 18 4

22 17 10 9 9 2 22 20 12 13 12 3

23 20 13 9 12 2 23 22 16 14 18 3

24 17 13 10 11 2 24 21 13 13 17 3

25 22 14 13 17 2 25 23 17 17 21 4

26 21 12 11 16 2 26 22 17 14 20 3

27 23 15 14 17 3 27 25 17 17 22 4

28 20 13 14 14 2 28 22 14 15 17 3

29 17 13 13 13 2 29 23 13 13 15 3

30 23 15 15 18 3 30 26 17 17 22 4

31 22 15 15 17 3 31 25 17 17 21 4

32 18 13 13 12 2 32 22 14 14 18 3

33 19 15 15 14 2 33 23 17 16 19 4


34 20 15 16 16 2 34 24 17 17 21 3

35 18 12 12 12 2 35 22 13 14 18 3

36 20 16 15 15 2 36 23 17 16 21 3



Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores of Controlled Class

Pre-Test Post-Test





1 17 10 9 13 2 1 18 13 10 12 3

2 22 15 15 15 3 2 24 17 14 18 4

3 23 18 15 15 3 3 25 17 16 18 3

4 17 10 10 10 2 4 17 12 13 14 3

5 21 13 11 13 2 5 22 15 13 17 3

6 21 12 9 10 2 6 22 13 13 14 3

7 17 10 9 10 2 7 17 13 13 13 3

8 21 15 13 15 3 8 22 16 14 18 4

9 20 13 10 12 2 9 21 14 13 17 3

10 20 15 12 13 3 10 24 16 14 18 4

11 17 14 11 14 2 11 20 15 13 17 3

12 20 13 14 17 3 12 23 15 13 17 3

13 19 16 15 16 3 13 24 17 14 16 4

14 18 12 11 10 2 14 20 13 12 15 2

15 20 14 10 15 2 15 21 14 13 15 3

16 22 15 14 15 3 16 23 18 15 18 4

17 17 12 10 11 2 17 21 13 13 15 2

18 20 13 9 11 2 18 22 14 13 15 2

19 17 10 13 11 2 19 19 12 11 13 2

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Experiment Class

Nama Sekolah : SMA Nurul Falaah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X / Ganjil

Materi : Teks Naratif

Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 45 Menit (4 kali Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun,

ramah lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsif dan

proaktif) dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan bangsa dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan

sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa

dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengalaman faktual, konseptual, prosedural

dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan humaniora dengan

wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

naratif lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait

legenda rakyat, sederhana,

sesuai dengan konteks


3.8.1 Menjelaskan karakteristik, fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan teks naratif.

3.8.2 Mengkategorikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks naratif.

3.8.3 Menentukan simple past tense,

adverb of time dan time

conjunction yang tepat dalam

penulisan teks naratif.

3.8.4 Menyusun teks naratif pendek

dengan tema yang sudah


3.8.5 Menganalisis kesalahan struktur

teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks naratif.

4.8 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

naratif, lisan dan tulis

sederhana terkait legenda


4.8.1 Mengumpulkan informasi tentang

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur

kebahasaan serta unsur intrinsik

dan ekstrinsik cerita pada

beberapa teks naratif.

4.8.2 Mengidentifikasikan struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks


4.8.3 Membuat teks narrative pendek

dengan tema yang sudah di



4.8.4 Mengoprasikan Simple Past

Tense, adverb of time dan time

conjunction dengan tepat dalam

penulisan narrative text.

4.8.5 Mengoreksi kesalahan struktur

teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks naratif.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik teks naratif

2. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks

naratif dengan tepat.

3. Mengumpulkan informasi detail terkait unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik

pada naratif teks.

4. Menjelaskan pola kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense yang tepat

sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dalam narrative text.

5. Memahami penggunaan adverb of time dan time conjunction pada teks


6. Menulis teks naratif pendek dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan secara tepat.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text which tells story or events based on


2. Social Function of Narrative Text

The purpose of narrative text is to entertain or amuse and teach the

reader about life values.

3. Generic Structure of Narrative Text


1) Orientatition tells about the characters involved in the story, where

and when the events happen.

2) Complication/crisis is a series of problems that arise and are

experienced by the characters.

3) Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problems.

4) Coda/Moral Value tells about the changes of the characters’

deed/feeling and the moral value that can be learned

4. Language Features of Narrative Text

1) Using Simple Past Tense

Simple Present Tense is a verb base form used to indicate

that the event is happened in the past.


(+) Subject + Verb II + Object

(-) Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + Object

(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + object?


Long time ago in Priangan Land, lived a little family. The

member of that family were a father in form of dog which was

called Tumang, a mother (her name was Dayang Sumbi), and their

son named Sangkuriang.

2) Using adverb of time: (once upon a time, one day, etc)

3) Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)

4) The character is specific not general (Malin Kundang, sangkuriang,


5) Using action verb but also using mental verb (went, ate, walked,


5. Example and Structures of Narrative Text

The Legend of Gunung Tangkuban Prahu


Long time ago in Priangan Land, lived a little

family. The member of that family were a father

in form of dog which was called Tumang, a


mother (her name was Dayang Sumbi), and their

son named Sangkuriang.


One day, Dayang Sumbi wanted to eat deer’s

heart. So she asked Sangkuriang to hunt with

Tumang to the forest. But, after hunting all day

long, they did not find any deer. Sangkuariang

was desparate. Sangkuriang did not want to

disappoint his mother, then he got an idea to kill

Tumang, took it’s heart and gave it to Dayang


Soon, Dayang Sumbi knew it was Tumang’s

liver. So, she was very angry and she could not

control her emotion. Dayang Sumbi hit her son’s

head and it made Sangkuriang’s head got

wounded. And Sangkuriang went away from his


Many years passed, Sangkuriang grew up as

a strong boy as a strong man. He had wandered

to many places. Finally, he arrived at a village,

and met a beautiful woman. He felt in love with

her. When Sangkuriang and that woman were

discussing their wedding plan, the woman saw a

scar on Sangkuriang’s head. It matched to her

son’s scar. She was shock it was Sangkuriang,

her son who had left her several years ago.

This situation made them could not marry.

Dayang Sumbi told Sangkuriang that he was her

son, but he did not believe it. He still hoped to

marry her. Then, Dayang Sumbi found a way, she

asked Sangkuriang to make a lake and a big boat

in one night, Dayang Sumbi said it would be used


for celebrating their wedding day. And

Sangkuriang agreed Dayang Sumbi’s request.

Sangkuriang tried to make them, he helped by the

spirits and genies. In the mid night the lake and

the boat were almost complete. Dayang Sumbi

was very worried, she thought that she had to stop



Suddenly, Dayang Sumbi got an idea, she lit

up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. Kit

made the cock crowed. Then, the spirits and

genies thought that the day was already dawn.

So, they had to go. They left Sangkuriang alone.

Sangkuriang could not finish the boat. So, he

failed to finish Dayang Sumbi’s request and of

course he could not marry her.


Finally, Sangkuriang kicked the boat because

he was very angry. And the boat felt over and

made it upside down. Then, the boat turned out

to be mount Tangkuban Perahu because from a

distant it looks like a boat upside down.

Tangkuban Perahu means boat upside down.

E. Pendekatan, Model dan Metode

1. Pendekatan : Ilmiah (Scientific Approach)

Penerapan metode ilmiah:

a. Mengamati

b. Mempertanyakan

c. Mengeksplorasi

d. Mengasosiasi

e. Mengkomunikasikan


2. Model Pembelajaran : Lecturing, group discussion

3. Teknik Pembelajaran : Story Circle Technique

F. Media dan Alat/Bahan

1. Media : LCD Projektor, laptop, display dan handout narrative text

2. Alat/Bahan : Spidol, papan tulis, spidol berwarna.

G. Sumber Belajar

Buku teks wajib bahasa Inggris yang berjudul “Bahasa Inggris

SMA/MA/SMK/MAK” yang disusun oleh Utami Widiati, Zuliati

Rohmah dan Furaidah, penerbit: Kementrian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan, 2017 di Jakarta

Buku teks Bahasa Inggris berjudul “Talk Active” yang disusun oleh

Lanny Kurniawan dan Kenneth W. Ament, penerbit: Yudhistira,

2016 di Jakarta


H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Pertemuan Pertama

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru masuk ke kelas dan menyapa

menggunakan bahasa inggris agar

English Environment dapat langsung

tercipta di pertemuan pertama. Guru

dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

4. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan dengan

menanyakan pertanyaan terkait materi:

Do you like reading, hearing or

writing story?

What is your favorite story?

5. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban siswa

dengan materi yang akan dipelajari yaitu

narative text.

6. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

secara lisan.

10 menit

Kegiatan Inti


1. Guru membagi siswa kedalam

beberapa kelompok, masing-masing

kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang.

2. Guru membacakan sebuah cerita

legenda. (Malin Kundang)

70 menit


3. Siswa diminta untuk mendengarkan

cerita dengan seksama, mengingat

urutan cerita, dan mencatat poin-poin

atau informasi penting dari cerita


4. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menyebutkan judul, karakter, latar

tempat dan waktu, konflik dan

penyelesaian dalam cerita tersebut.

5. Guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang:

What is the text type of the story?

What is the genre of the story?

Do you still remember narrative


What is narrative text?

What are the generic structure and

language future of narrative text?

What is the social function of

narrative text?

Pertanyaan ini menstimulasi siswa

untuk mengingat kembali materi

tentang narrative text yang telah di

pelajari ketika mereka masih di bangku

Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP).

6. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan, dan guru

merespon jawaban siswa dengan

memberikan apresiasi seperti: good

job, excellent, exactly dan lain-lain.

7. Guru menjelaskan pengertian, fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.

8. Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan guru

tentang pengertian, fungsi sosial,


struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

narrative text.


9. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya terkait pelajaran yang belum



10. Guru menunjukan contoh naratif teks

legenda Malin Kundang yang telah

ditulis dikarton dan menempelkannya

di papan tulis.

11. Guru meminta partisipasi siswa dari

tiap kelompok untuk mengidentifikasi

struktur naratif teks seperti: orientation,

complication, resolution dan

reorientation pada cerita tersebut

dengan memberikan tanda kurung

disamping teks. Dan menggaris bawahi

past tense yang ada pada teks tersebut

dengan spidol berwarna.

12. Siswa berpartisipasi dengan aktif

dalam kegiatan tersebut.

13. Guru memberikan apresiasi dan

feedback atas partisipasi siswa.

14. Guru menyimpan kembali contoh

naratif teks yang telah ditempel dan di

analisa tersebut.

15. Guru mengenalkan story circle

technique untuk memfasilitasi

siswa dalam memahami, membuat

dan menganalisa narrative text.


16. Guru menjelaskan cara melakukan

story circle technique dalam

proses pembelajaran.

17. Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis

narrative text dengan topik yang sama

dengan menggunakan story circle

technique, siswa diperbolehkan untuk

melihat kembali hasil take note mereka

pada awal kegiatan dan diperbolehkan

untuk memodifikasi cerita mereka


18. Siswa mengikuti intruksi dari guru

untuk menulis narrative teks dengan

story circle Technique. pada masing-

masing kelompok, siswa pertama

menulis dua baris cerita. Setelah

menulis, siswa pertama memberikan

kertas tersebut ke teman disebelah

kirinya, lalu siswa kedua mulai menulis

2 baris cerita dan mengoper kembali

kertas tersebut ke teman disebelah

kirinya. Kegiatan ini berlanjut terus

sampai kertas tersebut sampai kepada

siswa yang terakhir. Setelah itu setiap

kelompok harus menyelesaikan cerita

mereka masing-masing. Pada kegiatan

ini guru mengawasi dan memastikan

bahwa setiap kelompok bekerja dengan




19. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk

menukar hasil kerja mereka dengan

kelompok lain.

20. Setiap kelompok memberikan komen

dan feedbacks pada hasil kerja

kelompok yang lain (pada pertemuan

kali ini setiap kelompok mengoreksi

salah satu unsur kebahasaan narrative

text, yaitu past tense dan mengoreksi

kesalahan pada word choice, tanda

baca, atau memberi komen terhadap

konten cerita). Setelah itu, hasil kerja

kelompok yang telah diberikan komen

dan feedbacks dikembalikan kepada

kelompok asal (kelompok pemilik hasil

kerja tersebut).

21. Masing-masing kelompok berdiskusi

untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dan

merevisi hasil kerja mereka yang telah

diberikan komen dan feedbacks dari

kelompok lain. Setiap kelompok boleh

membandingkan hasil kerja mereka

dengan teks asli dari guru.


22. Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan

cerita mereka secara berantai di depan

kelas, kelompok lain mendengarkan

dengan baik.

23. Guru memberikan feedback pada

masing-masing hasil kerja kelompok


siswa dan partisipasi siswa di dalam

proses menulis teks naratif dengan

menggunakan story circle technique.

24. Guru memberikan apresiasi atau hadiah

kepada kelompok yang menulis cerita

dengan baik dan benar juga yang paling

aktif berpartisipasi.

Penutup 1. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan

berikutnya, yaitu melanjutkan membuat

narrative text dengan menggunakan

story circle technique

2. Siswa diminta membuat kesimpulan

pembelajaran pada pertemuan ini

3. Guru menutup pertemuan

dengan mengucapkan hamdalah dan memberi salam.

10 menit

2. Pertemuan Kedua

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa 3. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa menggunakan bahasa inggris agar English Environment dapat langsung

tercipta di pertemuan pertama. Guru dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

4. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan dengan

menanyakan pertanyaan terkait terkait

pembelajaran sebelumnya:

Do you still remember, what you‟ve

learned last meeting?

10 menit


What is it?

5. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban

siswa dengan menyampaikan

pembelajaran selanjutnya.

Kegiatan Inti


1. Guru membagi siswa kedalam

beberapa kelompok, masing-masing

kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang.

2. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menganalisa generic structure dan

language features of narrative text

(past tense dan adverb of time) dari

cerita yang telah mereka buat pada

pertemuan sebelumnya.

3. Guru memberikan feedback dan

mereview kembali pengertian, fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.

4. Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan guru

tentang pengertian, fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

teks naratif.

5. Guru membacakan sebuah cerita

legenda. (Sangkuriang)

6. Siswa diminta untuk mendengarkan

cerita dengan seksama, mengingat

urutan cerita, dan mencatat poin-poin

atau informasi penting dari cerita


70 menit


7. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menyebutkan judul, karakter, latar

tempat dan waktu, konflik dan

penyelesaian dalam cerita tersebut.


8. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya terkait pelajaran yang belum



9. Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis

narrative text dengan topik yang sama

dengan menggunakan story circle

technique, siswa diperbolehkan untuk

melihat kembali hasil take note mereka

pada awal kegiatan dan diperbolehkan

untuk memodifikasi cerita mereka


10. Siswa mengikuti intruksi dari guru

untuk menulis narrative teks dengan

story circle Technique. pada masing-

masing kelompok, siswa pertama

menulis dua baris cerita. Setelah

menulis, siswa pertama memberikan

kertas tersebut ke teman disebelah

kirinya, lalu siswa kedua mulai menulis

2 baris cerita dan mengoper kembali

kertas tersebut ke teman disebelah

kirinya. Kegiatan ini berlanjut terus

sampai kertas tersebut sampai kepada

siswa yang terakhir. Setelah itu setiap

kelompok harus menyelesaikan cerita


mereka masing-masing. Pada kegiatan

ini guru mengawasi dan memastikan

bahwa setiap kelompok bekerja dengan



11. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk

menukar hasil kerja mereka dengan

kelompok lain.

12. Setiap kelompok memberikan komen

dan feedbacks pada hasil kerja

kelompok yang lain. (pada pertemuan

kali ini setiap kelompok mengoreksi

unsur kebahasaan narrative text, yaitu

past tense dan adverb of time, dan

mengoreksi kesalahan pada word

choice, tanda baca, atau memberi

komen terhadap konten cerita). Setelah

itu, hasil kerja kelompok yang telah

diberikan komen dan feedbacks

dikembalikan kepada kelompok asal

(kelompok pemilik hasil kerja


13. Masing-masing kelompok berdiskusi

untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dan

merevisi hasil kerja mereka yang telah

diberikan komen dan feedbacks dari

kelompok lain. Setiap kelompok boleh

membandingkan hasil kerja mereka

dengan teks asli dari guru.



14. Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan

cerita mereka secara berantai di depan

kelas, kelompok lain mendengarkan

dengan baik.

15. Guru meminta siswa

membandingkan hasil kerja

sebelumnya dengan hasil kerja pada

hari tersebut.

16. Guru memberikan feedback pada

masing-masing hasil kerja kelompok

siswa dan partisipasi siswa di dalam

proses menulis teks naratif dengan

menggunakan story circle technique.

17. Guru memberikan apresiasi atau

hadiah kepada kelompok yang menulis

cerita dengan baik dan benar juga yang

paling aktif berpartisipasi.

Penutup 1. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan

berikutnya, yaitu melanjutkan membuat

narrative text dengan menggunakan

story circle technique.

2. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk membuat

narrative text secara individu dengan

memberikan penjelasan struktur dari teks


3. Siswa diminta membuat kesimpulan

pembelajaran pada pertemuan ini.

4. Guru menutup pertemuan

10 menit


dengan mengucapkan hamdalah dan

memberi salam.

3. Pertemuan ketiga

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa 3. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa menggunakan bahasa inggris agar English Environment dapat langsung

tercipta di pertemuan pertama. Guru dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

4. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan dengan

menanyakan pertanyaan terkait

pembelajaran sebelumnya:

Do you still remember, what is

narrative text?

What are the generic structures of narrative text?

What are the language features of

narrative text?

5. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban

siswa dengan menyampaikan

pembelajaran selanjutnya.

10 menit

Kegiatan Inti


1. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam

beberapa kelompok, masing-masing

kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang.

2. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menganalisa generic structure dan

70 menit


language features of narrative text

(past tense, adverb of time dan

conjunction) dari cerita yang telah

mereka buat pada pertemuan


3. Guru memberikan feedback dan

mereview kembali pengertian, fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.

4. Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan

guru tentang pengertian, fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

narrative text.

5. Guru membacakan sebuah cerita

legenda Danau Toba.

6. Siswa diminta untuk mendengarkan

cerita dengan seksama, mengingat

urutan cerita, dan mencatat poin-poin

atau informasi penting dari cerita


7. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menyebutkan judul, karakter, latar

tempat dan waktu, konflik dan

penyelesaian dalam cerita tersebut.


8. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya terkait pelajaran yang

belum dimengerti.


9. Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis

naratif teks dengan topik yang sama


dengan menggunakan story circle

technique, siswa diperbolehkan untuk

melihat kembali hasil take note

mereka pada awal kegiatan dan

diperbolehkan untuk memodifikasi

cerita mereka sendiri.

10. Siswa mengikuti intruksi dari guru

untuk menulis narrative teks dengan

story circle Technique. Pada masing-

masing kelompok, siswa pertama

menulis dua baris cerita. Setelah

menulis, siswa pertama memberikan

kertas tersebut ke teman disebelah

kirinya, lalu siswa kedua mulai

menulis 2 baris cerita dan mengoper

kembali kertas tersebut ke teman

disebelah kirinya. Kegiatan ini

berlanjut terus sampai kertas tersebut

sampai kepada siswa yang terakhir.

Setelah itu setiap kelompok harus

menyelesaikan cerita mereka masing-

masing. Pada kegiatan ini guru

mengawasi dan memastikan bahwa

setiap kelompok bekerja dengan baik.


11. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk

menukar hasil kerja mereka dengan

kelompok lain.

12. Setiap kelompok memberikan komen

dan feedbacks pada hasil kerja

kelompok yang lain. pada pertemuan


kali ini setiap kelompok mengoreksi

unsur kebahasaan narrative text, yaitu

past tense, adverb of time dan

conjunction, dan mengoreksi

kesalahan pada word choice, tanda

baca, atau memberi komen terhadap

konten cerita). Setelah itu, hasil kerja

kelompok yang telah diberikan komen

dan feedbacks dikembalikan kepada

kelompok asal (kelompok pemilik

hasil kerja tersebut).

13. Masing-masing kelompok berdiskusi

untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dan

merevisi hasil kerja mereka yang telah

diberikan komen dan feedbacks dari

kelompok lain. Setiap kelompok

boleh membandingkan hasil kerja

mereka dengan teks asli dari guru.


14. Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan

cerita mereka secara berantai di depan

kelas, kelompok lain mendengarkan

dengan baik.

15. Guru meminta siswa

membandingkan hasil kerja

sebelumnya dengan hasil kerja

pada hari tersebut.

16. Guru memberikan feedback pada

masing-masing hasil kerja kelompok

siswa dan partisipasi siswa di dalam


proses menulis teks naratif dengan

menggunakan story circle technique.

17. Guru memberikan apresiasi atau

hadiah kepada kelompok yang

menulis cerita dengan baik dan benar

juga yang paling aktif berpartisipasi.

Penutup 1. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan

berikutnya, yaitu melanjutkan

membuat narrative text dengan

menggunakan story circle technique.

2. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk

membuat narrative text secara

individu dengan memberikan

penjelasan struktur dari teks tersebut.

3. Siswa diminta membuat kesimpulan

pembelajaran pada pertemuan ini.

4. Guru menutup pertemuan dengan

mengucapkan hamdalah dan memberi


10 Menit

4. Pertemuan keempat

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa 3. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa menggunakan bahasa inggris agar English Environment dapat

langsung tercipta di pertemuan pertama. Guru dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

10 menit


How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

4. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan

dengan menanyakan pertanyaan

terkait pembelajaran sebelumnya:

Do you still remember, what is

narrative text?

What are the generic structures of narrative text?

What are the language features of

narrative text?

5. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban

siswa dengan menyampaikan

pembelajaran selanjutnya.

Kegiatan Inti


1. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam

beberapa kelompok, masing-masing

kelompok terdiri dari 6 orang.

2. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menganalisa generic structure dan

language features of narrative text

dari cerita yang telah mereka buat

pada pertemuan sebelumnya.

3. Guru mereview kembali pengertian,

fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan narrative text.

4. Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan

guru tentang pengertian, fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

narrative text.

5. Guru membacakan sebuah cerita

legenda Candi Prambanan.

70 menit


6. Siswa diminta untuk mendengarkan

cerita dengan seksama, mengingat

urutan cerita, dan mencatat poin-poin

atau informasi penting dari cerita


7. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menyebutkan judul, karakter, latar

tempat dan waktu, konflik dan

penyelesaian dalam cerita tersebut.


8. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya terkait pelajaran yang

belum dimengerti.


9. Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis

naratif teks dengan topik yang sama

dengan menggunakan story circle

technique, siswa diperbolehkan untuk

melihat kembali hasil take note

mereka pada awal kegiatan dan

diperbolehkan untuk memodifikasi

cerita mereka sendiri.

10. Siswa mengikuti intruksi dari guru

untuk menulis narrative teks dengan

story circle Technique. Pada masing-

masing kelompok, siswa pertama

menulis dua baris cerita. Setelah

menulis, siswa pertama memberikan

kertas tersebut ke teman disebelah

kirinya, lalu siswa kedua mulai

menulis 2 baris cerita dan mengoper


kembali kertas tersebut ke teman

disebelah kirinya. Kegiatan ini

berlanjut terus sampai kertas tersebut

sampai kepada siswa yang terakhir.

Setelah itu setiap kelompok harus

menyelesaikan cerita mereka masing-

masing. Pada kegiatan ini guru

mengawasi dan memastikan bahwa

setiap kelompok bekerja dengan baik.


11. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk

menukar hasil kerja mereka dengan

kelompok lain.

12. Setiap kelompok memberikan komen

dan feedbacks pada hasil kerja

kelompok yang lain. Setelah itu, hasil

kerja kelompok yang telah diberikan

komen dan feedbacks dikembalikan

kepada kelompok asal (kelompok

pemilik hasil kerja tersebut).

13. Masing-masing kelompok berdiskusi

untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dan

merevisi hasil kerja mereka yang telah

diberikan komen dan feedbacks dari

kelompok lain. Setiap kelompok

boleh membandingkan hasil kerja

mereka dengan teks asli dari guru.


14. Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan

cerita mereka secara berantai di depan


kelas, kelompok lain mendengarkan

dengan baik.

15. Guru meminta siswa

membandingkan hasil kerja

sebelumnya dengan hasil kerja

pada hari tersebut.

16. Guru memberikan feedback pada

masing-masing hasil kerja kelompok

siswa dan partisipasi siswa di dalam

proses menulis teks naratif dengan

menggunakan story circle technique.

17. Guru memberikan apresiasi atau

hadiah kepada kelompok yang

menulis cerita dengan baik dan benar

juga yang paling aktif berpartisipasi.

Penutup 1. Guru meminta setiap kelompok untuk

membandingkan hasil kerja mereka

pada tugas pertama hingga yang

terakhir, adakah perbaikan


2. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan


3. Guru menugaskan siswa untuk

membuat narrative text secara

individu dengan memberikan

penjelasan struktur dari teks tersebut.

4. Siswa diminta membuat

kesimpulan pembelajaran pada

pertemuan ini.

5. Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengucapkan hamdalah dan memberi


10 menit


I. Penilaian

1. Indikator, teknik dan bentuk

Indikator Teknik Bentuk

Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dalam narrative text.

Mengidentifikasi kata keterangan waktu

(adverb of time) yang digunakan dalam

narrative text.

mengidentifikasi kata penghubung

(conjunction) yang digunakan dalam narrative


Menjelaskan pola kalimat dalam bentuk Simple

Past Tense yang tepat sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya dalam narrative text

Memahami makna pada narrative text.

Menyusun narrative text tentang legenda

dengan tepat.

Tes Tertulis Essay

2. Instrumen Penilaian

a. Lembar kerja siswa (Terlampir) b. Lembar penilaian sikap (Terlampir)

c. Instrumen penilaian kelompok

Kelompok Aspek Penilaian


skor Nilai Ket.

Gagasan Kerjasama Keaktifan Bahasa








3. Pedomana Penilaian

a. Pedoman penilaian individu

Score: Content + Organization + Vocabulary + Language Use + Mechanics

Proficiency Description Score

Content 30 – 13

Organization 20 – 7

Vocabulary 20 – 7

Language Use 25 – 5

Mechanics 5 – 1

b. Pedoman penilaian kelompok

Keterangan Skor:

Baik sekali 4

Baik 3

Cukup 2

Kurang 1

Kriteria nilai

A 80-100

B 70-29

C 60-69

D < 60

Nilai = Skor perolehan

Skor Maksimal

Bogor, 5 Oktober 2019


Guru Mata Pelajaran Praktikan

Irna Wardhini, S.S Luthfia Ikhwani

X 100





Controlled Class

Nama Sekolah : SMA Nurul Falaah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : X / Ganjil

Materi : Teks Naratif

Alokasi Waktu : 8 x 45 Menit (4 kali Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. mengembangkan perilaku (jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli, santun,

ramah lingkungan, gotong royong, kerjasama, cinta damai, responsif dan

proaktif) dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan bangsa dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan

sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengalaman faktual, konseptual, prosedural dalam

ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait

dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan

mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks

naratif lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait legenda

rakyat, sederhana, sesuai

dengan konteks


3.8.1 Menjelaskan karakteristik, fungsi

sosial, struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan teks naratif.

3.8.2 Mengkategorikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif.

3.8.3 Menentukan simple past tense,

adverb of time dan time

conjunction yang tepat dalam

penulisan teks naratif.

3.8.4 Menyusun teks naratif pendek

dengan tema yang sudah


4.8 Menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks

naratif, lisan dan tulis

sederhana terkait legenda


4.8.1 Mengumpulkan informasi tentang

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur

kebahasaan serta konten cerita

pada beberapa teks naratif.

4.8.2 Mengidentifikasikan struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks


4.8.3 Membuat teks narrative pendek

dengan tema yang sudah di


4.8.4 Mengoprasikan Simple Past

Tense, adverb of time dan time

conjunction dengan tepat dalam

penulisan narrative text.


C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik teks naratif

2. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks

naratif dengan tepat.

3. Mengumpulkan informasi detail terkait unsur intrinsik dan ekstrinsik

pada naratif teks.

4. Menjelaskan pola kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense yang tepat

sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dalam narrative text.

5. Memahami penggunaan adverb of time dan time conjunction pada teks


6. Menulis teks naratif pendek dengan memperhatikan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan secara tepat.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text which tells story or events based on


2. Social Function of Narrative Text

The purpose of narrative text is to entertain or amuse and teach the

reader about life values.

3. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

1) Orientatition tells about the characters involved in the story, where

and when the events happen.

2) Complication/crisis is a series of problems that arise and are

experienced by the characters.

3) Resolution tells about how the characters solve the problems.

4) Coda/Moral Value tells about the changes of the characters’

deed/feeling and the moral value that can be learned

4. Language Features of Narrative Text

1) Using Simple Past Tense


Simple Present Tense is a verb base form used to indicate that the

event is happened in the past.


(+) Subject + Verb II + Object

(-) Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + Object

(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + object?


Long time ago in Priangan Land, lived a little family. The

member of that family were a father in form of dog which was

called Tumang, a mother (her name was Dayang Sumbi), and their

son named Sangkuriang.

2) Using adverb of time: (once upon a time, one day, etc)

3) Using time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)

4) The character is specific not general (Malin Kundang, sangkuriang,


5) Using action verb but also using mental verb (went, ate, walked,


5. Example and Structures of Narrative Text

The Legend of Gunung Tangkuban Prahu


Long time ago in Priangan Land, lived a little

family. The member of that family were a father

in form of dog which was called Tumang, a

mother (her name was Dayang Sumbi), and their

son named Sangkuriang.


One day, Dayang Sumbi wanted to eat deer’s

heart. So she asked Sangkuriang to hunt with

Tumang to the forest. But, after hunting all day

long, they did not find any deer. Sangkuariang

was desparate. Sangkuriang did not want to

disappoint his mother, then he got an idea to kill


Tumang, took it’s heart and gave it to Dayang


Soon, Dayang Sumbi knew it was Tumang’s

liver. So, she was very angry and she could not

control her emotion. Dayang Sumbi hit her son’s

head and it made Sangkuriang’s head got

wounded. And Sangkuriang went away from his


Many years passed, Sangkuriang grew up as

a strong boy as a strong man. He had wandered

to many places. Finally, he arrived at a village,

and met a beautiful woman. He felt in love with

her. When Sangkuriang and that woman were

discussing their wedding plan, the woman saw a

scar on Sangkuriang’s head. It matched to her

son’s scar. She was shock it was Sangkuriang,

her son who had left her several years ago.

This situation made them could not marry.

Dayang Sumbi told Sangkuriang that he was her

son, but he did not believe it. He still hoped to

marry her. Then, Dayang Sumbi found a way, she

asked Sangkuriang to make a lake and a big boat

in one night, Dayang Sumbi said it would be used

for celebrating their wedding day. And

Sangkuriang agreed Dayang Sumbi’s request.

Sangkuriang tried to make them, he helped by the

spirits and genies. In the mid night the lake and

the boat were almost complete. Dayang Sumbi

was very worried, she thought that she had to stop




Suddenly, Dayang Sumbi got an idea, she lit

up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. Kit

made the cock crowed. Then, the spirits and

genies thought that the day was already dawn.

So, they had to go. They left Sangkuriang alone.

Sangkuriang could not finish the boat. So, he

failed to finish Dayang Sumbi’s request and of

course he could not marry her.


Finally, Sangkuriang kicked the boat because

he was very angry. And the boat felt over and

made it upside down. Then, the boat turned out

to be mount Tangkuban Perahu because from a

distant it looks like a boat upside down.

Tangkuban Perahu means boat upside down.

E. Pendekatan, Model dan Metode

1. Pendekatan : Ilmiah (Scientific Approach)

Penerapan metode ilmiah :

f. Mengamati

g. Mempertanyakan

h. Mengeksplorasi

i. Mengasosiasi

j. Mengkomunikasikan

2. Model Pembelajaran : Lecturing, problem solving

3. Metode Pembelajaran : Tanya jawab, task based learning (TBL)

F. Media dan Alat/Bahan

1. Media : LCD Projektor and Laptop

2. Alat/Bahan : Spidol, papan tulis.


G. Sumber Belajar

Buku Teks wajib bahasa Inggris yang berjudul “Bahasa Inggris

SMA/MA/SMK/MAK”yang disusun oleh Utami Widiati, Zuliati

Rohmah dan Furaidah, penerbit: Kementrian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan, 2017 di Jakarta

Buku teks Bahasa Inggris berjudul “Talk Active” yang disusun oleh

Lanny Kurniawan dan Kenneth W. Ament, penerbit: Yudhistira,

2016 di Jakarta.

H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Pertemuan Pertama

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa menggunakan bahasa inggris

agar English Environment dapat

langsung tercipta di pertemuan pertama.

Guru dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

4. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan dengan

menampilkan gambar seseorang dan

pertanyaan terkait materi:

Do you like story?

What is your favorite story

5. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban

siswa dengan menyampaikan indikator

pembelajaran menggunakan PPT

10 Menit


Kegiatan Inti Mengamati

1. Guru menjelaskan pengertian,

fungsi sosial, dan jenis-jenis

narrative text.

2. Guru menjelaskan generic structure

narrative text.

3. Guru menjelaksan unsur kebahasaan (language features) yang

digunakan dari narrative text.

4. Guru memberikan contoh narrative


5. Siswa memperhatikan fungsi

sosial jenis-jenis, struktur teks,

maupun unsur kebahasaan

narrative text.


6. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya terkait pelajaran yang

belum di mengerti.


7. Guru meminta siswa untuk

membuat teks naratif singkat

singkat tentang Malin Kundang


8. Setiap siswa memberikan hasil

kerja mereka kepada teman

sebelahnya untuk di periksa


9. Siswa memperoleh balikan

(feedbacks) atas hasil kerja mereka

dari guru.

70 Menit

Penutup 1. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya

2. Siswa diminta membuat

kesimpulan pembelajaran pada

pertemuan ini

3. Guru menutup pertemuandengan mengucapkan hamdalah dan

memberi salam.

10 menit


2. Pertemuan kedua

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa 2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa 3. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa menggunakan bahasa inggris agar English Environment dapat langsung tercipta di pertemuan pertama. Guru dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

4. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan dengan menampilkan gambar seseorang dan pertanyaan terkait pembelajaran sebelumnya:

Do you still remember, what

you‟ve learned last meeting?

What is it?

5. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban

siswa dengan menyampaikan

pembelajaran selanjutnya menggunakan


10 Menit

Kegiatan Inti Mengamati

1. Guru mereview materi

sebelumnya yaitu menjelaskan

pengertian, fungsi sosial, dan

jenis-jenis narrative text

2. Guru menjelaskan generic

structure narrative text.

3. Guru menjelaskan unsur

kebahasaan (language features)

yang digunakan dalam narrative text.

4. Guru memberikan contoh

70 menit


narrative text.


5. Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan

latihan di LKS


6. Setiap siswa memberikan hasil

kerja mereka kepada teman

sebelahnya untuk di periksa


7. Siswa memperoleh balikan

(feedbacks) dari guru.

Penutup 1. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan


2. Siswa diminta membuat

kesimpulan pembelajaran pada

pertemuan ini

3. Guru menutup pertemuan

dengan mengucapkan hamdalah dan



10 menit

3. Pertemuan ketiga

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa menggunakan bahasa inggris

agar English Environment dapat

langsung tercipta di pertemuan pertama.

Guru dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

4. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan dengan




memberikan pertanyaan terkait

pembelajaran sebelumnya:

Do you still remember,

what is narrative text?

5. Guru memberikan contoh narrative text

dan siswa di minta untuk menjawab


What kind of this narrative text?

From the text, where is the

orientation, complication, resolution

and reorientation part?

6. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban

siswa dengan menyampaikan

pembelajaran selanjutnya menggunakan


Kegiatan Inti Mengamati

1. Guru menjelaskan pengertian, fungsi sosial, dan jenis-jenis dari

narrative text.

2. Guru menjelaskan generic strcture

narrative text (language features) yang

digunakan dalam narrative text.

3. Guru memberikan contoh narrative


4. Siswa memperhatikan fungsi

sosial jenis-jenis, struktur teks,

maupun unsur kebahasaan dari narrative text.


5. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya terkait pelajaran yang belum

di mengerti.


6. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat

teks naratif singkat tentang salah

satu legenda yang ada di Indonesia.

60 menit



7. Setiap pasang diminta untuk

menganalisa teks naratif yang telah di


8. Setelah itu, setiap siswa memberikan

hasil kerja mereka kepada teman

yang lain untuk di periksa bersama-


9. Siswa memperoleh balikan

(feedback) dari guru atas hasil kerja


Penutup 1. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan


2. Siswa diminta membuat

kesimpulan pembelajaran pada

pertemuan ini

3. Guru menutup pertemuan


mengucapkan hamdalah dan memberi salam.

10 menit

4. Pertemuan Keempat

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Berdoa

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

Guru masuk ke kelas dan langsung

menyapa menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

agar English Environment dapat

langsung tercipta di pertemuan pertama.

Guru dapat mempergunakan kalimat

Good morning students

How are you? Are you ready for

English class today?

3. Menstimulasi siswa secara lisan dengan

10 menit


memberikan pertanyaan terkait

pembelajaran sebelumnya:

Do you still remember, what is

narrative text?

4. Guru memberikan contoh narrative text

dan siswa di minta untuk menjawab


What kind of this narrative text?

From the text, where is orientation,

complication, resolution and


5. Guru mengumpulkan banyak respon

siswa dan menghubungkan jawaban

siswa dengan menyampaikan

pembelajaran selanjutnya menggunakan


Kegiatan Inti Mengamati

1. Guru menjelaskan pengertian, fungsi

sosial dan jenis-jenis dari narrative


2. Guru menjelaskan generic strcture

narrative text.

3. Guru menjelaksan unsur kebahasaan (language features) yang digunakan

dalam narrative text.

4. Guru memberikan contoh narrative


5. Siswa memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

jenis-jenis, struktur teks, maupun

unsur kebahasaan dari narrative text.


6. Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk

bertanya terkait pelajaran yang

belum di mengerti.


7. Guru meminta siswa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan yang terdapat

pada buku paket Bahasa Inggris


70 menit


8. Siswa memberikan hasil kerja

mereka kepada teman yang lain

untuk di periksa bersama-sama

9. Siswa memperoleh balikan

(feedback) dari guru.

Penutup 1. Guru meyampaikan rencana

pembelajaran pada pertemuan


2. Siswa diminta membuat

kesimpulan pembelajaran pada

pertemuan ini

3. Guru menutup pertemuan dengan


hamdalah dan memberi salam.

10 enit

I. Penilaian

1. Indikator, teknik dan bentuk

Indikator Teknik Bentuk

Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan dalam narrative text.

Mengidentifikasi kata keterangan waktu

(adverb of time) yang digunakan dalam

narrative text.

mengidentifikasi kata penghubung

(conjunction) yang digunakan dalam narrative


Menjelaskan pola kalimat dalam bentuk Simple

Past Tense yang tepat sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya dalam narrative text

Memahami makna pada narrative text.

Menyusun narrative text tentang legenda

dengan tepat.

Tes Tertulis Essay


2. Instrumen Penilaian

a. Lembar kerja siswa (Terlampir) b. Lembar penilaian sikap (Terlampir)

3. Pedomana Penilaian

Score: Content + Organization + Vocabulary + Language Use + Mechanics

Proficiency Description Score

Content 30 – 13

Organization 20 – 7

Vocabulary 20 – 7

Language Use 25 – 5

Mechanics 5 – 1

Bogor, 5 Oktober 2019


Guru Mata Pelajaran Praktikan

Irna Wardhini, S.S Luthfia Ikhwani




































