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Immanuel Christian


Presented to

The Faculty of Business, President University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements


Bachelor Degree in Economics, Major in Accounting


Cikarang Baru – Bekasi






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At first, I would like to thank and praise to almighty God who always support, giving

bless, serenity and gracefulness in the process of making this research. The research entitled


IMPLICATION IN IMMANUEL HOSPITAL” made to finish my bachelor education in

President University accounting major. Without God’s guidance and bless I can’t finish this

thesis well. Moreover, I would like to express gratitude to the people who support, assist and

giving the lesson to me:

1. To my parent and family (my father, my mother, my sister and my brother) who

always encourage and support me to finish the thesis on time and give motivation to

keep in track with the thesis making progress.

2. To my advisor, Monika Kussetya Ciptani. SE, Ak, M.Ak who advice and keep

supporting me with the thesis making progress.

3. To the Dean of Business faculty, Head of Accounting Study Program, Accounting

Study Program Lecturer and Accounting Study Program Staff of President University

that give their best effort to help the students in finishing the study program in

President University.

4. To my skripsi friend (Pras, Dicky, Daniel) for always supporting and encourage me

during skripsi writing.

5. To my best, 9 value (Dicky, Stanley, Farhan, Rian, Jefri, Jordan, Robert, Ricky) for

the support and life motivation.

6. To the members of PUMA Accounting and Accounting family Antonius, Aisya,

Aktivani, Daniel, Fajar, Farhan, Mulyani, Pinto, Cika, Mail, Adi, Aricsya, Chantika,

Fredrik, Kiki, Lyra, Ihsan, Nico, Rini and Vani who supporting me to finish this


7. My beloved Managerial Accounting class.

8. To my best friend Antonius, Dicky, Daniel who help me and motivate me during my

university life.

9. To Accounting Department of Immanuel Hospital who support and motivate me in

making this research.

I realize the research is far from the perfection. Thus, any suggestions and

recommendation are expected for the research in order to establish better research in the




TITLE ........................................................................................................................................ i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................................... ii

CONSENT FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT ............................................... iii

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................................. iv

PLAGIARISM DOCUMENT ................................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................................. viii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. ix

INTISARI ................................................................................................................................. x

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 15

1.1 Research Background ................................................................................................. 15

1.2 Research Questions..................................................................................................... 17

1.3 Research Objectives ................................................................................................... 17

1.4 Research benefit ......................................................................................................... 17

1.5 Organization of Thesis................................................................................................ 18

CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................. 20

2.1 Performance Measurement System ............................................................................ 20

2.1.1 Definition of performance measurement .......................................................... 20

2.1.2 The purpose of performance measurement ....................................................... 20

2.1.3 The benefit of performance measurement ........................................................ 21

2.1.4 The characteristic of performance measurement system .................................. 22

2.2 The effect of culture on performance measurement system ....................................... 23

2.2.1 Performance measurement system and regional culture .................................. 23

2.2.2 Hofstede’s Culture Theory ............................................................................... 23

2.3 Balanced scorecard ..................................................................................................... 25

2.4.2 Customer perspective ........................................................................................ 27

2.4.3 Internal business process perspective ............................................................... 28

2.4.4 Learning and growth perspective ...................................................................... 28

CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................................. 30

3.1 Research Method ........................................................................................................ 30

3.2 Data Collection & Analysis ........................................................................................ 31

3.3 Company Profile ......................................................................................................... 33

3.3.1 Company’s Background and History ................................................................ 33

3.3.2 Company’s Vision and Mission........................................................................ 34

3.3.3 Company’s Operation ....................................................................................... 34

3.4 Organization Structure ................................................................................................ 35

CHAPTER 4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................. 36

4.1 Key Issues about Balanced Scorecard form Literature .............................................. 36

4.2 Issues of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Immanuel Hospital ....................... 38

4.2.1 Lack of Preparation on Facing new Strategy .................................................... 40

4.2.2 Less optimum management practice ................................................................ 40

4.2.3 Lack of human resource management .............................................................. 41

4.2.4 Lack of communication .................................................................................... 41

4.3 Implication and Suggestion ........................................................................................ 42

4.3.1 Indonesian culture’s Impact on Balanced Scorecard implementation .............. 42

4.3.2 Factor that helps success on Balanced Scorecard implementation in

Immanuel Hospital ........................................................................................... 44

CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 46

5.1 Conclusion of the research ......................................................................................... 46

5.2 Limitation and Suggestion for Future Research ......................................................... 47

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 48

Appendix ................................................................................................................................. 50

Questionnaire. ........................................................................................................................ 53




Table 4.1 Frequency of balanced scorecard issues indicated by literature


Table 4.2 level of satisfaction on the balanced scorecard issues indicated by


Table 4.3 Scores of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of Indonesia................ 41




This study investigates the issues of balanced scorecard implementation through

literature review and questionnaire, and then consider the cultural characteristic as

the implication on the management practice in Immanuel Hospital. In particular,

the literature review approach used to find the issues of balanced scorecard

implementation as performance measurement include the balanced scorecard

world-wide implementation problem, the key success factor that essential to

makes the balanced scorecard implementation success, and the companies that

more likely to use balanced scorecard as the performance management system.

Moreover, issues of balanced scorecard in Immanuel Hospital are identified by

giving a questionnaire to the staff and managers. The national cultural

characteristic consideration as the implication on the management practice of

Immanuel Hospital is identified by collecting the data from Hofstede’s cultural

theory. In total, 25 balanced scorecard articles are analyzed and 28 respond from

staff level and manager level are collected. The findings reviewed and analyzed

from literature found that performance measures, communication, information

system, reward system and employee involvement are the most issues to be

discussed. From the questionnaire given, findings on the issues of balanced

scorecard implementation in Immanuel Hospital are lack of preparation on facing

new strategy, less optimum management practice, lack of human resource

management and lack of communication. Finally, the study gives suggestions for

Immanuel Hospital while working on balanced scorecard concept which takes the

advance action in creating a strategy as orientation, strengthen hospital culture,

focus on long-term benefit and performance indicator and improve the MIS


Keyword: Balanced Scorecard, Hofstede’s cultural theory, Immanuel Hospital




Studi ini menyelidiki isu implementasi balanced scorecard melalui kajian

literatur dan kuesioner, kemudian mempertimbangkan karakteristik budaya

sebagai implikasi pada praktik manajemen di Rumah Sakit Immanuel. Secara

khusus, tinjauan literatur untuk menemukan masalah implementasi balanced

scorecard sebagai pengukuran kinerja mencakup masalah penerapan balanced

scorecard di seluruh dunia, faktor kunci keberhasilan yang penting untuk

mewujudkan keberhasilan penerapan balanced scorecard, dan perusahaan yang

lebih cenderung menggunakan balanced scorecard sebagai sistem manajemen

kinerja. Selain itu, masalah balanced scorecard di Rumah Sakit Immanuel

diidentifikasi dengan memberikan kuesioner kepada staf dan manajer.

Pertimbangan karakteristik budaya nasional sebagai implikasi pada praktik

manajemen Rumah Sakit Immanuel diidentifikasi dengan mengumpulkan data

dari teori budaya Hofstede. Secara total, 25 artikel balanced scorecard dianalisis

dan 28 tanggapan dari tingkat staf dan tingkat manajer dikumpulkan. Temuan

yang ditinjau dan dianalisis dari literatur menemukan bahwa ukuran kinerja,

komunikasi, sistem informasi, sistem penghargaan dan keterlibatan karyawan

adalah isu yang paling banyak untuk dibahas. Dari kuesioner yang diberikan,

temuan mengenai penerapan balanced scorecard di Rumah Sakit Immanuel

adalah kurangnya persiapan untuk menghadapi strategi baru, praktik manajemen

yang kurang optimal, kurangnya pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dan

kurangnya komunikasi. Pada kajian akhir, penelitian tersebut memberi saran

untuk Rumah Sakit Immanuel ketika menerapkan konsep balanced scorecard.

Saran yang diberikan adalah mengambil tindakan terlebih dahulu dalam

menciptakan strategi sebagai orientasi, memperkuat budaya rumah sakit, fokus

pada indikator manfaat dan kinerja jangka panjang kemudian memperbaiki SIM

secara komprehensif.

Kata kunci: Balanced Scorecard, Teori Budaya Hofstede, Rumah Sakit Immanuel.





1.1 Research Background

Performance measurement is an important aspect that able to show what

happened in the organization or the company. Furthermore, performance

measurement must be sensitive to the internal and external environment of the

organization itself (Shankar Purbey, 2007). Performance measurement also used

in the profit and not-for-profit company valuation of the activity in the


Moreover, one way to detect and seek the problems related to performance

in a. In the not-for-profit sector, performance measurement needed for the

company or organization by checking and evaluating the implementation of the

planned strategy called balanced scorecard. The balanced scorecard itself becomes

the effective object to be researched since it covers main aspects of the company

or organization to achieve its strategic goals. The balanced scorecard becomes the

general inclusive concept which is used to measure the performance by single

metric or single category such as financial metrics. According to Kureshi (2014),

the comprehensiveness of the system determined the complexities of the


The balanced scorecard will also help the organization or company to be

sustainable by detecting its performance. When the company or organization

make approach regarding the sustainability, the balanced scorecard will be used to


be reported and assessed by the management to determine the sustainable aspect

of the method the management used. The workers of the company and the

member of the organization also become the factor. The balanced scorecard will

make sure that there is an alignment of the organization in its strategic objective

and the work being undertaken, but it is not useful approach to control knowledge

by the management (Wake, 2015). Also, the evaluation of balanced scorecard will

detect performance of the board (Mansour, 2017). The balanced scorecard is used

to evaluate the quality of business process and to indicate the information useful

for the business process so that the company or organization will attain the goal

(Ratnasingam, 2009).

Not only manufacturing sector, balanced scorecard has developed and

used in many industries. According to Cheng (2016), many not-for-profit

enterprises or other like already implement balanced scorecard to assess the

performance of its business element. For example, private hospital’s performance

can be measured by using balanced scorecard since most of the income of the

hospitals usually contributed by the foundation of the hospital itself. Although the

contributions from the government exist, the development of the healthcare

service done by government needs to be concerned by the private hospital in order

to maintain the performance of it. Immanuel Hospital that located in Bandung has

been implemented the balanced scorecard performance measurement system for 2

years. The balanced scorecard that already implemented has many implications

that interest the researcher to do the research about it.


Considering the condition above, the writer will do research and test

wheater the implementation of balanced scorecard will effect to the performance

of the company or the organization with title “The Effect of Cultural Dimension

on Balanced Scorecard Implication in Immanuel Hospital”.

1.2 Research Questions

From the background, reseracher formulate the research questions as follows:

1. What are the issues related to BSC implementation in Immanuel Hospital?

2. What are the suggestion and implication for the Immanuel hospital adopting


1.3 Research Objectives

From the research questions above, reseracher propose research objectives as


1. To identify the issue related balanced scorecard implementation in Immanuel


2. To give the suggestion for Immanuel Hospital regarding balanced scorecard


1.4 Research benefit

With the objective already mentioned above, the final results of this study are

expected to be useful for the variety of aspect, especially in the business sector.

The benefit that expected from this research is as follows:

1. Theoretical benefit

The results of the study are expected to be useful for the significant

knowledge in the economic sector. Especially in the field of accounting


and in the next research regarding balanced scorecard. This study may also

help the other researcher in explaining balanced scorecard and company


2. Practical benefit

The hospital can use this research as the reference in studying and

processing significant aspect of the balanced scorecard in order to make

useful and concise decision regarding performance measurement of the

company or the organization.

1.5 Organization of Thesis

This research will be rganized as follows:

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION contain about the research background, problem

formulation, research objective and reserach benefit by conducting research about

balanced scorecard as performance mesurement. The background of the research

will be the focused on this chapter. The chapter will ended with the explanation of

research systematic writing.

CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW review the theory and literature about

performance measurement system, the effect of culture on performance

mesurement system and the balanced scorecard. The theory about cultural

dimension by hofstede and the performance measurement system definition is

explained in this chapter.

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY which provide data collection

and analysis as systematic method, company profile and the organization structure

of Immanuel Hospital. The company profile explain the historical path of the


Immanuel Hospital. Meanwhile, the organizational structure also describe the

situation of the management practice of the hospital.

CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISSCUSSION disscused about the issues of

balanced scorecard as performance measurement from literature review, issues

about the balanced scorecard implementation in Immanuel Hospital, the

implication of culture to the management practice in the Hospital and the

suggestion from the researcher.

CHAPTER 5. CONSLUSION concludes all of the research and give the limitation

as well as reccomendation for future research. The limitation will explain the

boundary of the research regarding balanced scorecard implementation.

Meanwhile, the recommendation will contain the suggestion for the future

reseracher when researching same topic about balanced scorecard implementation.




2.1 Performance Measurement System

2.1.1 Definition of performance measurement

According to Moulling (2007) performance measurement will give the

information that needed to assess of which an organisation delivers value and

achieves goals. This definition also relates well to the balanced scorecard. The

four scorecard dimensions financial, customer, internal processes, innovation and

learning are implied: financial aspects are included in “delivering value”,

customers and stakeholders are key to the definition, while internal processes,

innovation and learning are central to the way organisations are managed. The

value of the performance will not only be valued by each of the structural

positions in the company or organization, but it will determine by the company or

the organization as a whole.

From the definitions mentioned above, it can be concluded that performance

measurement is the measurement activity that done on the value chain of the

company and the organization itself. From the result, it will become the feedback

for the management to make starting point in making a plan where the company

will do some adjustment on controlling and planning activity.

2.1.2 The purpose of performance measurement

Performance measurements have a purpose to motivate the employees in order

to achieve the organization’s target in accordance with the standard and condition


that company and organization already set. There are also the purposes of the

performance measurement in general:

1. Give the standard for each manager in terms of performance to be


2. To determine the division contribution to whole company or the


3. Motivate the manager to maintain its performance or job so it will in line

with the goals of the company or the organization.

So, the system of performance measurement should be fulfilling its demand as


1. The system must be in line with the company or organization goals which

determine that the system must be kept in touch with the organization

performance and bring the performance in line with the company’s main


2. The performance measurement system should measure critical aspect and

seek for any problem in the performance of the organization in order to

achieve the main goal.

2.1.3 The benefit of performance measurement

According to McNair, C.J. Lynch, R. and Cross, K. (1990), the good purpose of

the performance measurement is as follows:

1. Trace the performance through the customer satisfaction, then it will bring

the good relationship between the company and its customers and


indirectly it will motivate the employees to give its best in order to gain

full customer satisfaction.

2. Motivate the employees to give its effort or serve the customer as the

internal sources of revenue.

3. Identify any cost inefficiency as well as contributing on the reduction of


4. Make strategic purpose to be clearer so it will make the organization

learning process growth.

2.1.4 The characteristic of performance measurement system

The characteristic of performance measurement system with the development

of business paradigm in the year to year which makes business is customer-

focused, the good performance measurement should be effective, at least have

these terms and condition as follows:

1. Make the activity and characteristic in line with the customer perspective.

2. Evaluating on many activities by using performance measurement which


3. In line with all the aspect which influenced the customer, so it will result

in a comprehensive value.

4. Give the feedback for the whole member of the organization about the

problem which is solvable.


2.2 The effect of culture on performance measurement system

2.2.1 Performance measurement system and regional culture

The competitive business and the development of the management

technique has spread and increased. Therefore, performance management system

adoption is increasing since many companies seek for the management system

that will help them to achieve their goals. The competitive advantage among

companies that resulted from the performance measurement system has been

argued (Blundell, 2003).

Some organization have few attentions to the cultural factors to the

performance management system implementation (De Waal, A. A., 2006), in the

result they have the difficulties in implementing the performance management

system. Cultural value affect the management practice significantly. The

acceptance of performance management system like balanced scorecard affected

by the cultural value (Rhodes, 2008). Derived from western countries with the

western cultural influences, the organization especially in the developing country

cannot simply implement the performance management technique in terms of

socio-cultural environment. Therefore, the factor of culture needs to be taken

when assessing the balanced scorecard In Immanuel Hospital.

2.2.2 Hofstede’s Culture Theory

According to Merker, S. L. (1982) about Hofstede (1980) cultural dimension,

Culture have a widely meaning and defined in many different ways. He define

that culture is the collective programming of the mind that differ the member of

one human group from another. In making difference of national culture, Hofstede


(1980) makes classifications of dimension regarding cultural value. The four

dimensions are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism versus

collectivism, and masculinity versus femininity. The last dimension which is long-

term orientation versus short-term orientation later will be added to the fourth

dimension. Its better to use Hofstede’s cultural dimension in order to knowing the

local needs (De Waal, A. A., 2006). This dimension also applied in widely

accounting research as the theoretical basis to investigate the cultural value of

accounting practices (Hofstede, G & Minkov, M, 2011). The dimensions showed

as followed:

1. Power Distance

This dimension explain that the people within culture accept the power

that distributed unequally. If the distance is high, the society tend to be

centralized and the power people accepted tend to unequally distributed.

Contrary, lower distance power impact to high demand of equal power in


2. Uncertainty Avoidance

This dimension extent the member of culture feels or threatened by the

ambiguous or unknown situation. This dimension will resulting anxiety

which bring the culture to face it in different ways.

3. Individualism versus Collectivism

Individualism (high value) and collectivism (low value) differ in the use of

“I” and “we” self-image. Individualism tend to focus on themselves and


direct family only meanwhile collectivism society tend to active and take

care the group in exchange of loyalty.

4. Masculinity versus Femininity

Masculinity (high value) defined in society as the competitive,

achievement and success. This also can be mean that best is define by the

winning one. Femininity (low value) define that the society is caring to

raise the quality of life for the other.

5. Long-term orientation versus Short-term orientation

The short-term orientation (high value) prefer to maintain the past and

link while facing present and future. Short-term orientation (low value)

prefer to the pragmatic approach which makes more effort and thrift as

preparation for the future.

2.3 Balanced scorecard

2.3.1 Definition of Balanced Scorecard

Balanced scorecard concept actually is the approach for the management

which developed by Robert S. Kaplan from Harvard business school and David P.

Norton on early 1990. Balanced scorecard which namely from “balanced” and

“scorecard” have different meaning. Balanced means there are equal value

between non-financial and financial performance, short-term performance and

long-term performance, or the internal and external performance. Meanwhile,

scorecard is the tool used for writing the performance score of an employee. It

also can be used for achieving a score that wanted at the future by someone.


In its early, balanced scorecard used for maintaining the system for the

performance of the executive. Formerly it only used by financial side. Later on, it

develops into four perspectives which used to measure the performance or the

company or the organization as a whole. The four perspectives are financial,

customers, internal business process and learning and growth. Balanced scorecard

is able to translate the vision and strategy of the organization in the real

implementation. It proved that it helps many company in implementing its

business strategy to becoming better in performance so it will give better revenue

for the business itself.

2.3.2 The benefit of Balanced Scorecard

The development of balanced scorecard already helps many companies in

order to achieve its ultimate goals. It also has special benefit than traditional

management. The traditional one only measure from the financial perspective

only and only pay attention on tangible instrument, but as the business

developing, the intangible instrument are matters. The balanced scorecard is

answering these kinds of needs through the contemporary management strategy

which consist of financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and


2.4 Balanced Scorecard Perspective

2.4.1 Financial perspective

The benchmark for financial performance that used by balanced scorecard

usually taken from net income and return on investment, because those usually

used by the company to measure the profit. In balanced scorecard the financial


measurement have its important part, where it is the first perspective that

influence to other perspective which will be implemented. The financial

perspective will push to the other 3 perspective that must be achieved in order to

achieve the organization goals.

2.4.2 Customer perspective

The product is valuable when the customer demand is higher than the cost

company expense. The Company must be able to satisfy potential customer with

the best way they can do with the resources they get. There are 2 group of

measurement in this perspective:

1. Core Measurement Group

This group use for the how the company fulfilling the needs of its customers

in order to satisfy, protect, and gaining the market that already targeted. There are

five benchmarks in core measurement which is marketplace, customer acquisition,

customer being maintained, and profitability of the customer and customer


2. Customer Value Proposition

This group of valuation is used for knowing how the company measures its

market value which they hold and potential marketplace which may they enter.

This valuation also can give more positive factor to performance about the

company that must serve in order to achieve the level of satisfaction, loyalty,

retention and acquisition of customer. Value proposition gives the attribute which

company gives in form of product or service which is sold in order to achieve

loyalty and customer satisfaction.


2.4.3 Internal business process perspective

The internal business process perspective gives its role by maintaining and

give the effort to keep the shareholder being satisfied with the financial returns

that resulting from the value proposition. Value proposition also able to attract

and maintain its customer and market that demanded by the customers. There are

three principal:

1. Innovation process

Innovation process is the important aspect in whole production process. In

innovation process it consists of two component which are identification

of customer needs and designing product which suitable for the customer


2. Operational process

Operational process is the activity that done by company from the

receiving order from the customer until the product is delivered to the

customer. It concentrates on the delivered product efficiently and in time.

3. After sales service

After sales service can be the guarantee and the replacement of broken


2.4.4 Learning and growth perspective

This perspective provides the structure for the 3 perspective that already

mentioned, and to generating significant development and long-term maintenance.

It is important for the company to do the investment not only in the equipment for


producing the product or service, but also done the investment the on

infrastructure which are human resources, system, and procedure.

The learning and growth perspective have 3 capabilities scope which in line

relay with the internal condition of the company. As follows:

1. Employee capability

Employee capability is the part of the contribution of the worker to the


2. Information system capability

The level of information provided the reliability and the time when the

information being get.

3. Organization situation

The contribution of the organizational situation is the suggestion that give

to the worker so they may work in accordance and as company want to.




3.1 Research Method

This study aims to analyze issues regarding the balanced scorecard

implementation from the previous studies, seek for the same issue in Immanuel

Hospital by giving the questionnaire and finally giving the suggestion for the

hospital to address the issue. The review will concentrate on the balanced

scorecard’s issues taken from the literature especially from accounting journals

and business journals. The journal will be taken from the online database to cover

the broad coverage of literature regarding the balanced scorecard implementation

(Albertsen, 2014). To acquire rich publication on the balanced scorecard and

performance management system the Google search engine also used (Hoque,

2014) beside other online publication. This research is a qualitative research that

seeks the influence of human behavior on the implementation of balanced

scorecard in an institution.

The issues will appear from the analysis of the literature and categorized based

on some common terms. Afterwards, the researcher will give questionnaires to the

hospital from employees level and manager level regarding the issues taken from

the literature review. The questionnaire will also support the direct observation,

interview, and some documentation to make sure the reliability level of the data.

This study will indicate the essential issues for Immanuel Hospital while working

on the balanced scorecard concept that comes from the first research questions

that analyze and generate some common issues from literature review and


Immanuel Hospital itself. This research hopefully provide useful information on

balanced scorecard implementation, especially on the private hospital.

3.2 Data Collection & Analysis

This research is qualitative research which use primary data and secondary

data, the study needs reference in general as well as responses from the

organization. For secondary data, the approach of the literature review shown in

Figure 3.1 is used from Hoque (2014).

Figure 3.1 Literature review approach by (Hoque, 2014).

Start With the General Topic

Review Aim

• Formulate research question

• Provide implication and suggestion

Collect Prior literature

• Database

• Web publication

Classify literature by

• Topic

• Research Setting

• Findings

Review literature and collect usefull



To fulfill the information and data of balanced scorecard issues for this

research, the data collection is taken from literature review and questionnaire

given to some Immanuel Hospital’s employees and managers. Also, For the first

research question which ask about the issues of balanced scorecard, the data

includes balanced scorecard world-wide implementation problem, the key sucess

factor that essential to makes the balanced scorecard implementation success, and

the companies that more likely to used balanced scorecard as the performance

management system. To solve the problem about balanced scorecard issues in

immanuel hospital, The data will be got from the questionnaire that given to the

managers and staff regarding the issues of balanced scorecard by using the Likert

scale as the basis of opinion. The scale from the Likert scale implementation on

the research will provide the priority level of the data to be used and then to be

researched. The observation, interview, and documentation is done in terms of

reliability level of data.

To answer the second research question, the researcher will discuss the

cultural characteristic of Indonesia based on Hoque (2014) cultural dimension.

From the analysis and identification of issues about the balanced scorecard,

Analyze collected information and get

the findings

Conclude the review


performance management system and analyzing Indonesia cultural characteristic,

the research will provide picture and consideration as the suggestion for the

Immanuel Hospital in implementing its performance measurement system such as

balanced scorecard.

3.3 Company Profile

3.3.1 Company’s Background and History

Immanuel Hospital Bandung is located in Jl. Raya Kopo No. 161,

Situsaeur, Bojongloa Kidul, Kota Bandung, West Java. The hospital was built in

Netherland colonial period. Now, the hospital is run under the foundation of GKP

Sinode West Java. The history of the hospitals is begun as follows:

1900 →Mr. Alkema changes his horse-drawn carriage parking spot on Pasirkaliki

road become medical treatment area.

1910 →Mr. Alkema who was a preacher be replaced by father Yohanes Iken who

was strain establish Zending Hospital Immanuel in Kebonjati road.

1922 →Immanuel hospital was moved to Situsaeur for further development.

1949 →On July 1st, 1949 ownership was acquisition by Gereja Kristen Pasundan

that the operating activity under the maintenance of Badan Rumah Sakit

Gereja Kristen Pasundan (BRS-GKP) Foundation.

1965 – Now → R.S. Immanuel used under the supervision of BRS-GKP

foundation, serve Bandung society region.


3.3.2 Company’s Vision and Mission

a. Vision

Giving services and medical education primarily and innovatively and

concerned to all the patients in the form of God’s Love and Caring.

b. Mission

- Conducting all healthcare services on the patient’s security basis.

- Conducting education, research and developing the scientific culture in

the healthcare industry.

- Developing tertiary services, supreme and develop.

- Establishing work culture and human resource based on Christianity

values in giving supreme services, reliable and ethical competently.

- Establishing cooperation with several parties in order to strengthen

hospital role in services and medical education.

3.3.3 Company’s Operation

The Hospital generally operates in several fields including Medical education,

medical services, medical scientific research and developer for doctor profession,

nurse, oncology and other medical concerns. The hospital also serving an

additional treatment such as home care services with directly conduct the

treatment at the patient’s dwelling. The benefit given to the patients are:

1. Time efficiency and energy

2. Convenience

3. Intensive in supervising the patient’s circumstances and needs

4. Plans care


5. Counseling and guidance treatments

3.4 Organization Structure

Organizational Structure will be enclosed in Appendix




4.1 Key Issues about Balanced Scorecard form Literature

In order to investigate the issue regarding balanced scorecard

implementation, 25 articles identified from published literature were examined in

this study. The title and the author of 25 articles reviewed are mentioned in

Appendix 2. The result shows that issues about strategy are the most discussed.

The following issues are performance measures, communication, information

system, reward system and employee involvement.

Table 4.1 Frequency of balanced scorecard issues indicated by literature


Issues Indecated by Literature Regarding

Balanced Scorecard Implementation

Numbers of Article Indicated

Communication 3

Performance measures 7

Information system 2

Reward system 2

Strategy 9

Employee involvement 2

Source: Primary data (data processing), 2018

a. Communication: Communication is an important aspect for the balanced

scorecard to be effectivly applied during its process to be implemented.


Failness in balanced scorecard recognition and low strategy awareness resulted

from weak communication. The respond from manager and staff also

becoming the benefit for communication aspect that useful for the system in

case there is feedback on the system implemented, in this occasion the problem

faced will be solved in time

b. Performance measures: Studies found that balanced scorecard can become

supportive benchmark and provide theoretical framework for another

measurement system. Previous studies also determine that balanced scorecard

made and use to identify possible gap (strategic measure) of a company against

other leading company

c. Information System: the balanced scorecard that integrates the information

system in company or organization can create the bridge between the

progressive business strategy and the performance indicator. Moreover,

balanced scorecard strengthens the linkage between them. Balanced scorecard

also effective for planning the management information system

d. Reward system : From the literature review, Most literature identify that the

reward and incentive system with the balanced scorecard implementation have

no relationship. The study only found some literature discuss the link between

the balanced scorecard implementation with the compensation. It is beneficial

for organization or company to link the balanced scorecard performance to the

reward system in order to motivate employee and make sure the strategic goals



e. Strategy : Balanced scorecard as a strategy mostly found to be an effective

system in most of the literature reviewed. The perspective are able to foster the

strategy to the employee about the balanced scorecard so it motivate in form of

the commitment with less resistance feeling. The positive attitudes of the

balanced scorecard also make the success of its implementation

f. Employee involvement : Study found that balanced scorecard implementation

creates the meaningful environment for the employee to work, the employee

involvement also impact to the balanced scorecard implementations. Balanced

scorecard utilize an approach to facilitate management strategies.

Based on literature review, the issues is about strategy and performance measure

issues which are the common aspect to be discussed. From the strategy issues,

balanced scorecard implementation can detect a problem and becomes the

problem solution for it. For example problem about the communication among

organization level, studies also found that balanced scorecard implementation can

be in line with other performance management system, for example with the

implementation of Continous Improvement (CI). The balanced scorecard also can

be used as the basis for other comprehensive performance measures model in an

organization or company that have specific purpose for the best achievemet of the

organization itself.

4.2 Issues of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Immanuel


For the first research question that require the issues about balanced

scorecard that exist in Immanuel Hospital, the six issues got from literature in


general becomes the base for detecting the issues in Immanuel Hospital. The

investigation is done by giving questionnaire to staff level and manager level

depend on the issues that suitable to be asked in the questionnaire. The

questionnaire given is made base on the Likert scale that measures the satisfaction

of some issues to be researched in this study. The strategy, performance and

employee involvement issues questionnaire is given to the manager level while,

the communication, reward system and information system issues questionnaire is

given to the staff from the different department. The total number of question are

26 that devided into 6 category based on the 6 issues of balanced scorecard. Here

the result from 28 respondent that researcher found :

Table 4.2 level of satisfaction on the balanced scorecard issues indicated by


Source: Primary data (data processing), 2018

Issues Indicated by


Regarding Balanced



Level of Satisfaction from 28 Respondent (%)


agree Agree


Agree nor


Disagree Strongly


Communication 37,5 42,3 7,1 4,2 8,9


measures 43,8 50,0 3,6 0,9 1,8

Information system 22,1 66,4 7,9 2,1 1,4

Reward system 41,1 51,8 5,4 1,8 0,0

Strategy 53,6 34,8 7,1 3,6 0,9


involvement 34,3 32,1 25,7 7,1 0,7


4.2.1 Lack of Preparation on Facing new Strategy

The balanced scorecard helps the company by creating four separate

dimensions and create specific direction for the strategy of the company.

Unfortunately, Immanuel hospital have no clear strategy in facing new regulation

from the government regarding JKN generated by BPJS kesehatan especially in

cost management. Immanuel Hospital seems to have problem in its BPJS claim

and calculation management. Its often found that the amount of BPJS cost that

hospital to be claim between the finance department, management information

system department and accounting department have unbalance amount. The claim

to BPJS kesehatan also found to be not optimum, the cost amount to be claimed

not fully recieved since the calculation on the claim by the three department did

not balanced. The social culture in Immanuel Hospital is different with others, for

example the medical treatment for preacher is fully borne by the hospital which

lead to high cost of medical treatment. With the high number of preacher,

immanuel hospital seems to have financial risk on the treatment cost than other


4.2.2 Less optimum management practice

The large gap will exist if the power distance have the high score on a

country regarding the decision making between the top management and

employee level (Reddy, 2011). Sometimes, manager put too much attention on the

manager level job and tend to ignore their sub staff problem. Immanuel Hospital

have seperate three main departments in its financial management. The pharmacy

& billing department, finance department and accounting department. Those


department are unitegrated and not efficient. The same job that can be done by an

employee is done by more than one person, this problem caused a high HR cost.

Decision making less involving other member of BOD. The job description and

responsibility distributed to the staff sometimes not clear enough, so when facing

a problem regarding responsibility, one department occasionaly blame another

department. It happened in financial department, which are Finance department

and Accounting department.

4.2.3 Lack of human resource management

The organization structure evaluation is needed for the Hospital. When the

management doesn’t put much attention on the human resources efficiency, it will

lead to high payroll cost. Immanuel Hospital currently facing the high cost of HR

that resulted from high number of employee. Also, organizational structure

evaluation currently done since the new reposition on director makes the

organizational structure not fully effective yet. Immanuel Hospital also not hire

high number of young people as employee which lead to uninnovative work.

Although the training and skill upgrading is held by the hospital of which named

is DIKLIT, the number of employee still becoming problems.

4.2.4 Lack of communication

The hospital seems to have a problem with the claim of the JKN generated

by BPJS Kesehatan. The good communication will lead to the employee

motivation in increasing their quality of work. The communication is too

bureaucratic which often used a letter than meeting. The decision making

becomes consume a lot of time. For example, decision about renovating old


building which need fast response to decide. The decision is made without

involving the other directors, which is lead to one absolute decision. This will also

lead to high risk of ineffective decision and will harm the implementation on the


4.3 Implication and Suggestion

For the second research question that asking about the implication and

suggestion to the Immanuel Hospital, the influence of Indonesian culture on the

balanced scorecard implementations discussed on the basis of Hofstede's cultural

dimension. Later, the study will provide the suggestion on the basis of the

balanced scorecard issues for Immanuel hospital.

4.3.1 Indonesian culture’s Impact on Balanced Scorecard implementation

As Rhodes (2008) finding mentioned on chapter 2, the national culture can

impact on the performance management system and management practice through

the review of management and accounting literature review. Then, the cultural

factor becomes the factors for the management to be concerned when applying the

balanced scorecard. Table 3 show the Hofstede’s cultural dimension from

Indonesia. Through Hofstede (1980) cultural dimension here is the conclusion for

the Indonesia cultural characteristic:

g. Indonesia has the higher value of power distance that explains Indonesian

people are more diverse and have a different identity. The value explains that

power tends to be centralized and obedience is counted on team members.

Means that employee expected to be told what to do and when. The manager

also tends to be respected as the controller in the organization or company.


h. Indonesia has a low score in individualism dimension which means Indonesian

people are collectivist society. The people in Indonesia seems to belong to the

group and take care the other people, in exchange they will recognize with


i. The low score on the masculine dimension of Indonesian people explains that

the people in Indonesia have a low competitive act and tend to concern about

the quality of life. The family comes first then the job. Indonesian people tend

to think that if the superior happy, then they do what they do to maintain that

without concerning any further action and feedback to them. Indonesian people

have low score on uncertainty avoidance dimension. When upset, people tend

to hide its anger and not to show their emotion externally.

j. Indonesia has a high score on long-term orientation dimension which explains

that the truth depends on their situation in the past while dealing with present

and future situation or challenges.

k. Indonesia has a low score on indulgence dimension which explains that

Indonesian people are restraint which not put much emphasis on leisure time.

This society also feel that action is restrained by social norm, on the other side

indulging are somewhat wrong.

Table 4.3 Scores of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of Indonesia

Cultural Dimensions Indonesia

Power Distance 78

Individualism 14

Masculinity 46


Uncertainty Avoidance 48

Long-Term Orientation 62

Indulgence 38


In Indonesia, most manager or sub-manager in the company or

organization like the hospital share their organizational goals and strategy to the

staff and the employee. If there is any problem faced usually it will solve in group

discussion. The employee also can deliver their opinion to the manager. This also

means that vertical and horizontal communication seems to be good.

Unfortunately, Indonesia has very low individualism which explains that it will

influence individual motivation to participate in the individual task. Meanwhile,

balanced scorecard needs cooperation in order to be implemented and developed.

Therefore, individual activities and competition are not very good like western

did. So, it seems to be challenging for Indonesian companies to implement

balanced scorecard.

4.3.2 Factor that helps success on Balanced Scorecard implementation in

Immanuel Hospital

Although it seems there are some barrier for balanced scorecard system to

be implemented in Indonesia, if Immanuel Hospital finds the way to clear the

barrier and keep developed by doing some exploration to other practice regarding

balanced scorecard implementation, hopefully, the hospital will find the better

way in improving its balanced scorecard system.

1. Take the advance action in creating a strategy as orientation.


The balanced scorecard is recognized by many studies to be effective as

the performance measure and mapping the goals to be achieved by the

company or organization. Beside using balanced scorecard as performance

measurement, Immanuel Hospital must consider that it's important to

setting advance strategy by creating the conceptual framework to identify

overall strategy.

2. Strengthen hospital Culture

Rhodes (2008) tell that culture is affecting the performance measurement

system, Immanuel Hospital as the Christian culture based private hospital

already implement the good Christian culture on its operational activity as

the core value. The culture need to be concerned is the national culture that

impacts on the personality of the employee.

3. Focus on Long-term Benefit and Performance Indicator

Immanuel Hospital must be aware of the medical R&D and pay more

attention to medical industry especially for the private hospital. Creating

short-term PI is also important, but the consideration in adapting the short-

term PI to Long-term is more important.

4. Improve the MIS comprehensively

The management Information system improvement and maintenance is

necessarily for better quality of work. From the system developed, the

hospital can gain great benefits such as cost efficiency, lower level of error

occurrence and more comperhensive control system.




5.1 Conclusion of the research

The findings found that the issues of communication, performance

measures, information system, reward system, strategy, and employee

involvement are the most six issues to be disscused. The researcher also give the

questionnaire to the employee and manager at Immanuel hospital to find out the

management situation. The result show that from the issues taken from the

previous literature review, the level of satisfaction on the management situation in

Immanuel hospital are high (average 46,2% Agree on the question about BSC

issues). Later on, the result will be connected with the Hofstede’s cultural

dimension theory. The theory will explain and becomes the implicator of the

culture in Indonesia to management practice on the company or the organization.

The theory also give the description for the researcher to give the suggestions on

the management practice of Immanuel hospital regarding balanced scorecard


The suggestions generate from the study needs the advanced action in

creating strategy as orientation, strengthen hospital culture, focus on long-term

benefit and performance indicator and the last is improve the MIS

comprehensively. The balanced scorecard can help the hospital to anticipate and

solve unpredicted problem and situation on the future.


5.2 Limitation and Suggestion for Future Research

The issues found in this research can be used as the consideration to avoid

any negative effect on the company in implementing balanced scorecard as

performance measurement system. For future research, the literature review may

be done on the broader approach to get reliable data on the issues.

The limitation of this research lies on the time period of research. The

research that only done in Immanuel Hospital only analized one period of

director. Also, in future research, the number of respondend should be added to

investigate balanced scorecard implementation in Immanuel Hospital. Future

research may concern on the balanced scorecard implementation in Indonesian

company other than Immanuel Hospital.



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Appendix 1 Organizational Structure of Immanuel Hospital


Appendix 2 List of article review in this study

No Author (Year) Title

1 Helen Atkinson, (2006) Strategy implementation: a role for the balanced


2 Heidi Rasila, Johanna Alho, Suvi Nenonen,


Using balanced scorecard in operationalising FM


3 Ruzita Jusoh, Daing Nasir Ibrahim,

Yuserrie Zainuddin, (2007)

Moderating Effect of Balanced Scorecard Measures

Usage on Strategy‐performance Relationship: An

Empirical Study of Manufacturing Firms

4 Majidul Islam, , Hani Tadros, (2012)

Corporate Strategy, Employees’ Attitudes Toward

the Balanced Scorecard, and Corporate

Performance: A Contingency Approach, in Marc J.

Epstein, John Y. Lee (ed.)

5 Archana Yemeshvary Ashok Upadhyay,

Sasmita Palo, (2013)

Engaging employees through balanced scorecard


6 Meabh Smith, John Loonam, (2016)

Exploring strategic execution: A case study on the

use of the balanced scorecard within an Irish


7 Mandar Dabhilkar, Lars Bengtsson, (2004) Balanced scorecards for strategic and sustainable

continuous improvement capability

8 Shi‐Ming Huang, Chia‐Ling Lee, Ai‐Chin

Kao, (2006)

Balancing performance measures for information

security management: A balanced scorecard


9 Ignacio Urrutia, Scott D. Eriksen, (2005) Application of the Balanced Scorecard in Spanish

private health‐care management

10 Hemantha S. B. Herath , Wayne G.

Bremser , Jacob G. Birnberg , (2014)

A Balanced Scorecard Strategic Initiative Planning

Model with Resource Constraints, in Marc J.

Epstein , John Y. Lee (ed.)

11 Gérald Naro, Denis Travaillé, (2011) The role of the balanced scorecard in the

formulation and control of strategic processes

12 Douglas E. Ziegenfuss, (2000) Developing an internal auditing department

balanced scorecard

13 Changiz Valmohammadi, Azadeh Servati,


Performance measurement system implementation

using Balanced Scorecard and statistical methods

14 Lars-Göran Aidemark, , Stefano Baraldi, ,

Elin K. Funck, , Andreas Jansson, (2010)

The importance of balanced scorecards in hospitals,

in Marc J. Epstein, Jean-François Manzoni,

Antonio Davila (ed.)

15 Mandy M. Cheng, Kerry A. Humphreys, Managing strategic uncertainty: The diversity and


(2016) use of performance measures in the balanced


16 Michael Ritter, (2003) The use of balanced scorecards in the strategic

management of corporate communication

17 Juha Kettunen, Ismo Kantola, (2005) Management information system based on the

balanced scorecard

18 Oana Alexandra Albertsen, Rainer Lueg,


The balanced scorecard’s missing link to

compensation: A literature review and an agenda

for future research

19 Petr Snapka and Andrea Copikova, (2011) Balanced Scorecard and Compensation

20 Hanne Nørreklit, Falconer Mitchell, (2014) Contemporary issues on the balance scorecard

21 Mary A. Malina and Frank H. Selto (2001)

Communicating and Controlling Strategy: An

Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of the

Balanced Scorecard

22 Anne Wu, (2005) The integration between Balanced Scorecard and

intellectual capital

23 Rainer Lueg, (2015) Strategy maps: the essential link between the

balanced scorecard and action


Marvin Soderberg, Suresh Kalagnanam,

Norman T. Sheehan, Ganesh

Vaidyanathan, (2011)

When is a balanced scorecard a balanced


25 Kurt Schobel, Cam Scholey, (2012) Balanced Scorecards in education: focusing on

financial strategies


Appendix 3 Questionnaire


Bapak, Ibu, Saudara(i) yang saya hormati.

Perkenalkan saya Immanuel Christian selaku mahasiswa Akuntansi, Fakultas

Bisnis, President University. Saat ini saya sedang melakukan penelitian mengenai

isu Balanced scorecard berdasarkan penelitian yang saya lakukan terhadap

management di RS immanuel, dengan pembimbing Monika Kussetya Ciptani. SE,

Ak, M.Ak

Saya memohon bantuan Bapak/Ibu dan Saudara(i) untuk mengisi kuesioner ini,

yang sepenuhnya hanya untuk kepentingan penelitian. Saya menjamin semua

informasi yang Bapak/Ibu dan Saudara(i) berikan akan dijaga kerahasiaannya dan

digunakan sepenuhnya untuk keperluan pengembangan peneltian. Pengisian dari

kuesioner ini hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari 3 menit.

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih atas kerjasama dan bantuan Bapak/Ibu dan

Saudara(i). Tanpa bantuan Bapak/Ibu dan Saudara(i) penelitian ini tidak mungkin



Manager mengkomunikasikan program kerja terhadap karyawannya. (manager

communicate the job desk to his/her staff) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Mengadakan meeting untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada. (have a meeting to

solve the problem) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree


Manager mengkomunikasikan dan menerapkan visi & misi RS di ruangan kerja.

(manager implement the hospital Vision & mission in the office ) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Manager memotivasi staff-nya dengan baik. (manager motivate its employee) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Sering terjadi kegagalan sistem atau server down saat mengerjakan data kantor.

(The system failure happen many times) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5


Agree Strongly Disagree

Manager menyampaikan reward dan punishment untuk staff-nya. (Manager

communicate the reward and punishment system) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Reward System

RS telah menerapkan Upah Minimum Regional untuk pengupahan. (Hospital

aleady set the minimum regional salary) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Bekerja extra atau lembur dibayar. (Doing Overtime is Paid) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Ada benefit (non cash) lain yang diterima selain gaji pokok. (There is other non-

cash benefit recieved beside the salary) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Karyawan bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas kesehatan yang diberikan RS. (employee

can use the medical facility given by hospital) *


Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Information System

Terdapat LAN (Local Area Network) dengan access yang baik. (There are good

LAN in hospital) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Karyawan bisa mengakses seluruh data di setiap komputer mengenai

pekerjaannya. (Employee can access all data needed during its work) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Terdapat ototisasi (di password atau tidak) penggunaan komputer. (there is

authorization in using office computer) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Terdapat maintenance komputer atau system yang baik. (Good computer/system

maintenance) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Terdapat tenaga ahli komputer yang baik dalam mengatasi problem mengenai IT.

(Good skill capability of IT employee in handling the problem related with IT) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree


Strategy yang diterapkan sesuai dengan visi misi perusahaan. (There are proper

strategy implementation that in line with hospital Vision & Mission) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5


Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Setiap manager mengerti akan strategy yang diterapkan atau disampaikan. (Every

manager understand about strategy delivered to them ) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Performance Measure

kebanyakan Karyawan memenuhi target bekerja yang ditetapkan. (Most employee

fulfill their work target) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Karyawan sadar akan pengukuran kinerja yang terdapat di RS. (Employee aware

about performance measurement exist in Hospital) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Terdapat reward and bonus untuk pencapaian lebih dari karyawan. (There are

bonus for the employee for the achievement they got) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Penanganan yang baik terhadap komplain pasien atau mitra. (Good problem

solving to feedback given by patient or partner ) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Employee Involvement

Karyawan mendapatkan training sesuai dengan kebutuhan. (employee get proper

training as needed) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

karyawan terlibat dalam perumusan visi misi. (Employee have participate in the

made of Vision & Mission) *

Mark only one oval.


1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Karyawan terlibat dalam perencanaan angaran.(Employee participate in budgeting

process) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Terdapat saran dari karyawan yang di implementasikan di RS. (There is

implementation from suggestion given by employee) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Selalu mengadakan rapat rutin. (There are routine meeting in office) *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree
