The eAoPP: moving from paper to an electronic portfolio Mentor Update


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The eAoPP: moving from paper to an electronic portfolio

Mentor Update

Project drivers

• Cost: both in terms of production of the paper based portfolio and in staff time.

• Grading in practice: We have estimated that the staff time needed to carry out the administration of the current system equates to 50K.

• Carbon foot print as part of its “green agenda” By adopting an eAoPP the Faculty will stop printing 150.000 sheets of paper for each cohort, of which, in a 3 year programme,

• Increased security in the assessment process: reduction in plagiarism issues


Owned and utilised by the student to record learning over


Academic services retrieve practice grades and

competence achievement

Academic tutor interacts with the

student content and uses the eAoPP to

quality monitor the student throughout

their course

Programme leads can quality monitor entire

cohort for quality monitoring programme


Assessed and completed by a

number of practice educators – up to 6

per practice experience

We current ly estimate that we use

approximately 15,000 practice



We anticipate that the eAoPP will assist the student to get from ‘course commencement’ to ‘first post’.


How do I access the site• The eAoPP is hosted externally to the University

and to our Practice partners

• This means it can be accessed by using any computer, smart phone etc. at anytime

• The site is securely hosted and this meets university and information governance standards of our practice partners

• Each mentor needs to create their own personal account


Creating an account

• To access the site either click on the following link or type the web address into your browser

• You can only go into the site once you have been issued with a username and password. This process for students may vary slightly between courses, but for mentors and practice educators the process is the same.


Click on the create account button


Selecting mentor/practice educator

Selecting mentor /practice educator and clicking on register

You will then be asked to complete your personal information


You have now successfully created an account and now need to log in to access

your account


You will then be asked a number of security questions which will be used a key points to verify your identify

• Please record your NMC / Professional body registration number

• Don’t worry about a student number• Please use your works telephone number• Please give your Location as your place of work and

then your Trust/employer

Answer the questions regarding your mentor status

Select two security questions that you will remember


• Any of your colleagues who will be acting as ‘buddies’ or the Practice Leads in your area will also need to create accounts so that the student can select them as well

• Now ask your student to open their account and select you as a mentor – this will then give you access to their eAoPP

1. They do this by clicking on the practice experience they are just commencing

2. This can be found in the left column of their opened


3. Then they need to click on the edit button that can be found at the bottom of the screen

4. Then they select the search button to find your name


…and then selecting you

as their mentor

If you now reopen your eAoPP your students portfolio should be available for you to view


You need to remember to save regularly – a clock will

let you know when your time will expire. If you do not save before this time

your work will be lost

Click on the experience the student is currently about to commence in your area to open their



You can review the students previous

experiences by clicking on this thumb tack

A print view will then appear and you can then

expand and print any section for discussion with your student when setting

their initial learning objectives


1. The First Tab Everything the student needs to do to commence their practice experience

2. The Second Tab

Everything the student needs to complete on this

practice experience

3. The third tabEvidence the

student needs to gather throughout

the course

Finding you way round the site

4. The fourth tabThe assessments that need to be

completed during this

practice experience


Commencing a practice experience

This box will show the dates the student is on

placement with you. It will also list who has been

selected as the mentor / buddies

Clicking on this tab will allow

you to view the SWOT exercise undertaken by

the student


Initial interview

Once the student has set a minimum of two learning needs and submitted this to you for approval you will be able to

view and edit

You can then review the

learning needs and either add

a new objective, give

the student guidance or approve and




Click on the view button to sign when elements of the

induction are complete

You just need to click on the box once this has been completed

Once you have ticked the boxes for some or all of the induction

requirements scroll to the bottom and click save


Completing skills and competencies

1. Click on the edit button

2. When you are happy that the

student has achieved the competence you

click the box and record this

3. Then scroll to the bottom and click



Essential skills Clusters

…..and when recording ESC’s the system is

the same

then click save


Patient feedback can be collected in 2 ways

You can print a form and give this to the service user to

complete and then scan and attach this. Letters and cards

from patients can also be added in this way

…..or if the patient prefers they can be invited to complete the form on line by entering their email

address here.


Practice visits• When the student goes on a visit /spoke experience

away form their placement setting they record this and the person facilitating this will be asked by email to verify attendance

• However, you can view and monitor these

Remember: practice visits should always be linked the experience

being undertaken to facilitate understanding of the patient



Tab 3: Continuous assessment

These are skills and competencies the student needs to

gather evidence for over their course


Tab 4: Assessment

Click on this button to

undertake the mid point assessment

Then select the grade you wish to allocate

to the studentThen click save and next to record the

next grade


When you have completed the

grading grids and are happy with the

marks you have awarded, you can

then give the student written

feedback by clicking on the

continue button


Give the student feedback on how to

develop their practice further then click save

You can then set the learning objectives for the reminder of

the placement


You then follow the same process to

complete the summative assessment

Remember to keep an eye on the clock when you are writing your final report. If you

time out you will lose your work!



• Once the summative assessment is complete you will be asked to complete a progression statement

• At this point you will be asked for your NMC / professional registration number and will be asked one of your security questions to verify your identify


The system will help you keep track of the students you have supported for triennial review

Click on the mentoring history button

A page will open that lists all the students you have

supported using the eAoPP

You can then print this page to submit with your

triennial review form


New ALP module• This module will also be using the eAoPP to record

practice components of the course

• If you are supporting someone on the course you will need to create an account in the same way

When you open your account you then need to click

on my trainee mentors


This is laid out in the same way as the pre-registration programme and is completed in the same way as the pre-registration eAoPP

Further development

• 5 year roll out plan – including development implementation and evaluation phases across 10 health programmes

• Extending into CPD provision and post-graduate training

• Migration options on course completion

• Extending the quality assurance and monitoring of education across the entire student experience

• Research into student/mentor activity using data analytics



Contact numbers

• Southampton university 01256 486712 or

• Clinical education team 5354/6428

Thank you for listening Any questions?

