The Curses


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  • 7/26/2019 The Curses


    Now, More on the curses of Deut. 28 v.30 and v 32... During slavery..our women were raped and our children were taken away from us... v33 we were only crushedand oppressed always(this happened during Slavery and Jim Crow..did it not?) inv36 White Europeans forced Christianity onto our people didn't they? They forced us to worship idols of wood (the cross) v37 White people called us Coons, niggers, jiggaboo, 2/5th's human and every name in the book didn't they? v45 Thesecurses fell upon us and _destroyed_ us didn't they? v49 We were brought from Afr

    ica all the way to America (to the end of the earth) to a land whose tongue we did not understand,eh? v50 and we were slaves to a people that were _extremely_ evil who had NO pity on us..not even our senior citizens nor even little babies shown any kind of mercy...During Slavery..white people used our infants & toddlers as alligator bait! v54 During Slavery...white people tortured us and brainwashed us to mistrust and hate each other v64 Our people were scattered all over the Earth during the Triangular slave trade to America, Brazil, Jamaica, Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba and Mexico andwhile we were in these places...we began to practice Christianity, Islam, & Voodou which was prophecized to happen from Jeremiah 17:4 (it was our fault) We forgot who we were! Most of our people in America has the surnames of our Slavemasters "Johnson" "Smith", "Jones", etc......more to come...