The Curriculum Framework Redesign & What Companies Want Students to Know


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The Curriculum Framework Redesign


What Companies Want Students to Know

Game Education Can Feel Overwhelming

We’ll Win the Battle for You!

IGDA Curriculum Framework Redesign

Developing a Game Education Program Can be Overwhelming and Confusing.

IGDA Curriculum Framework

A tool for universities, colleges and high schools to create & update game education programs.

This is NOT a curriculum, but a scaffold to build your curriculum upon to meet industry standards.

Will give you the tools you need to create a program or class that is relevant to where the games industry is right now!

Global Framework for a Global Game Education Community

The Curriculum Framework will be relevant for the entire global education community.

Framework Availability

Framework will be released by sections as each one is complete.

Easy to Find on the IGDA Website

Living Document

The IGDA Curriculum Framework will live as an easily updated page on the IGDA website that will be updated as needed by a dedicated team of volunteers.

In the same way that Alice in Wonderland is a story that has been updated throughout time.

Diversity is KEY

Our team is dedicated to creating a useful tool that will be well aware of the diversity of students who participate in game education classes and the educators who teach them.

Leading Global Scholars

Game Programs Include a Wide Range of Topics Quality Assurance

Serious Games




Game Design



And Much, Much More

Expanded Framework

Because there are so many facets to game design and development there will be a wide range of topics covered in the Curriculum Framework.

Since the Framework is a living document we will be able to adjust and change the Framework so that it stays relevant.

We will also include appendixes for examples of syllabi, reading material, educational games.

Become a Member and Join the SIG!


Facebook: IGDAGameEducationSIG

LinkedIn: IGDA Game Education SIG Group

If you have any questions, please contact:

Suzanne Freyjadis - Chair
