The Chowder Chatter - CMCS Sail Chowder Chatter The Official Newsletter of The Caloosahatchee...


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The Chowder ChatterThe Official Newsletter of

The Caloosahatchee Marching and Chowder Society

Cape Coral / Fort Myers, Florida

Next Full Moon: June 2 P.O. Box 101268, Cape Coral, Fl. 33910 June 2015

Commodore’s Message

2015 CMCS OfficersCommodore: Allen Fiske Vice Commodore: Don LawsonVice Commodore – Summerset: Steve Romaine Rear Commodore – Cruising: Kim BrownRear Commodore – Racing: John Churchill Fleet Yeoman – Bev DuffFleet Purser – Bill Cook Past Commodore – Diane Fowler

Chowder Chatter Editor—Steve Roake

Greetings Mates. Memorial Dayis here and the summer weatherhas come along with it. This iswhen we appreciate our biminisand the fans that we have in-stalled everywhere down below.

Our San Tweenie cruise/racewas a great success with PromNight at Tween Waters and avery interesting Race back. OurSailors had a great chance to

practice their upwind sailing skills having to beat intotwenty knots for twenty miles. Thanks Diane andRay for organizing the fun at Tween Waters andOffshore Sailing School for handling the start of therace back.

The following weekend there was a great turnout forthe Jerry Pim Me-morial EstebelNight Race. Eve-ryone was treatedto a moonlit nighton the water andserene conditions.What a gorgeousarea we live in.The next morningmany of the racersgathered at the CCYC Pavilion for Bloody Mary’ssupplied by the Pim Family – Thank You – and awonderful brunch. Many thanks to some of ourwonderful members (Vetters, Duffs, Pims, Stiers)who jumped in to help at the last minute in the ab-sence of Joe and Jennifer Barch, due to a Barchfamily emergency.

Memorial Day weekend, many of our boats areheaded up to Pelican Bay and Danger Island. I un-derstand that there is a tradition that calls for manyboats from surrounding areas like Punta Gorda,Pine Island and Charlotte Harbor to also convenethere. It should be quite a celebration!

Looking ahead, on Saturday, June 6, Diane Fowleris planning our annual Ladies Day Race. This is achance for our female skippers and crews to get outthere and show off their Sailing skills without hin-drance from the men. I am eager to hear how itturns out.

On the administrative side of things, we are almostready to bring our updated Bylaws to you for yourapproval. Be expecting a notice. We are still work-ing on the idea of the club accepting Credit Cardsand will have a report on that soon as well.

It is already time to start thinking about who ourSlate of Officers, Board Members and CommitteeHeads will be for 2016. Please be thinking abouthow you might step up and take some responsibilityfor helping run the club. Everyone should take aturn at something. The club runs smoother, hasmore camaraderie and more fun the more new peo-ple who get involved.

Commodore Allen Fiskes/v Minimum Balance

CommodoreAllen Fiske

Some of the Pim Family helping at theBloody Mary Brunch

Membership and Recruitment

Upcoming Racing EventsJune 6 Ladies Day Drag Queen Race

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 2

Rear Commodore of Cruising’s Report

We had 25 +/- boats up inPelican Bay this past week-end. So far this year we havehad 54 different boats partici-pate in at least one cruise.So the trivia question is –Through the Danger Islandcruise, have we had moreboats with ‘Sea’ in theirname participate or moreboats with ‘Wind’? The nextquestion is if you haven’t

gotten your boat out there, why not?

San Tweenie- Thanks to Diane and Ray for chaper-oning Prom. Check out photos on the CMCS Shut-terfly site. Hard to believe we clean up so well. Afull report from Diane is elsewhere. I left the pricetag on my goodwill suit so I could return it but now itcarries such memories…..

DANGER ISLAND – Memorial Day Weekend –Pelican Bay. It was great between the squalls. Asmuch as the rain was a pain, it really cooled thingsoff for great sleeping every night. Again a full reportof the Danger is elsewhere. Thanks to all whohelped. We raised a few bucks to help on the island.And Dora, our new dinghy, performed admirablyfully loaded in raging seas.

Fisherman’s Village- June 18-21. Bev Duff is lead-ing the charge north to enjoy the charms of PuntaGorda. See the plug elsewhere.

July 4th- 50/50 cruise. Or we could call this theinnie/outie cruise. Some wanted to be cozy innie theCape Coral Yacht basin, some wanted to be outieanchored out by the Cape Coral Bridge close to theaction. SO we will do both. Actually, we have to doboth as Jim Lasorella reports a limited number ofslips. Gary Blessing is the head outie- Think short,fun, informal and south of the Cape Coral Bridge toinclude our big sticks. We’ll get the innies and theouties together for breakfast on the 5th.So if you are an innie- contact Jim Lasorella to geton his ‘limited space available’ list( );if you are an outie, let Gary know( )

Fair winds,Rear Commodore—CruisingKim Browns/v TrustMe!!!

Rear Commodore-CruisingKim Brown

Upcoming CruisesJune 18-21 Fisherman’s Village Cruise

New Full Members:

Craig Noden resides in Engle-wood and travels often to FortMyers Beach. He has lived inthe Fort Myers area since 1958.Craig has 56 years of sailingand cruising experiencing andhas a Voyage 43 named Ragtopthat he built in Cape Town,South Africa in 2000 and sailedher home to Charlotte County,Florida. Craig is a semi-retiredreal estate developer/builder.He is interested in cruising, rac-

ing and socializing with other CMCS members.

Don and Lana Montgomery reside in Cape Coraland have lived in the Fort Myers area for threeyears. They have a Westsail 32 named Mary RoseIV. Together, they have logged over 25,000 kmthroughout North America and the Caribbean. Donis retired and Lana is a clinical nurse manager. Donand Lana are interested in racing, cruising and so-cializing with other CMCS members.

Rick Lawrence resides in Cape Coral and is a nativeto the Fort Myers area. He has 58 years of sailingexperience and 45 years of that is cruising experi-ence. Rick has an Albin 27 named Aqua Knot. Heis retired and interested in cruising with other CMCSmembers.

Bev SlagerMembership and Fleet Recruiters/v Sweet Baboo

Membership andRecruitmentBev Slager

Rear Commodore of Racing’s ReportMay was a great month forracing with 2 races beingheld.

In conjunction with the San'Tweenie Cruise, our firstdistance race of the year,the San 'Tweenie Race washeld on May 3. This was achallenging race with strongand blustery winds of 15knots with occasional 20

knot gust. With the wind out of the Southeast, muchof the race was to windward, making for wet andexciting sailing. We owe great thanks to Kim Brownon TRUST ME for getting us off to a good start, andStan Dale aboard MARK 1:17 for being the finishboat. TRIUMPH, with Eric Soronen on at the helm,was the first to finish and won the multihull class. InSpinnaker class, NURDLE took first but only afterdemonstrating great broaching ability under thechute, Diane Fowler aboard WINDY CITY in hotpursuit taking second. John Finnegan's MISSCATHLEEN had a great day, taking first in non-Spinnaker as well as first in fleet on corrected time.AIR SUPPLY with Steve Romaine and JAZZY withGary Blessing took second and third respectively.True Cruising had only a single boat finishing, TomHorner's BENTLEY, although Ian Davis aboardWIND STAR did provide some competition prior towithdrawing.

The following Saturday, May 9, our annual JerryPim Memorial Estebel Night Race was held. Thiswas the second distance race of the year. We hadbeautiful sailing at the start with fair winds at 10knots dying out a bit just around sunset but thenpicking up for a nice finish. Without a volunteer forrace committee, NURDLE served as the start boatprior to pulling anchor and competing, and the com-petitors finished themselves. Multihull class had twoboats with TRIUMPH taking first over Art Monahan'sKRAKEN. Spinnaker class was lonely with justNURDLE who took a TLE, 8 minutes late over thefinish line. Non-Spinnaker was won by MISSCATHLEEN with JAZZY in second and ForrestBanks' MIDNIGHT RIDER dropping out when thewind died. True cruising class hosted two new rac-ers. I made a decision to suspend the time limit forTrue Cruising class in accordance with the wishesof the competitors, none of whom finished within thetime limit. SAIL LA VIE with Mark Beauvois at thehelm, took first with Jason Pim aboard GOPHERBAROQUE coming in second with Will Crane's newCOURTESAN hanging on for third place before anexciting trip home. Bill Misenheimer on boardBAREFEET abandoned the race due to the lightwinds and late hour.

Rear Commodore– RacingJohn Churchill

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 3

Our next scheduled race is the Ladies Day Race onJune 6. This is not part of the formal racing sched-ule but we hope that there will a be great turnout.Contact Diane Fowler for more information.

We will then take a long summer break from racingprior to resuming in September with our third dis-tance race, the Kayusa Cup Race to Captiva onSeptember 12 in conjunction with the South SeasCruise.

Rear Commodore-RacingJohn Churchills/v Nurdle

Rear Commodore of Racing—Continued

Bone Island RegattaThe annual Bone Island Regatta distance racestarted from Naples on Thursday, May 14, 2015.Twelve boats competed in the Naples portion of theevent, which also included a Sarasota start. Of thetwelve competitors, three were from CMCS includ-ing Forrest Banks’ Midnight Rider, John Finnegan’sMiss Cathleen, and Roger Horton’s Adventure, skip-pered by Will Crane. Adventure finished second inTrue Cruising. In the return race from Key West toNaples, Adventure finished first in Non-Spinnakerand Miss Cathleen was second in Non-Spinnaker.

Congratulations to the CMCS racers!

2016 CMCS Racing Schedule (Tentative)

The tentative CMCS racing schedule for 2016 is inthe works and may be subject to change but markyour calendars and watch the Chowder Chatter forupdates. Saturday Jan 23, 2016 Chili Cookoff Regatta BUOY#1

Saturday Feb 20, 2016 Edison Gulf Regatta (C-BOTY) BUOY #2

Saturday Mar 19, 2016 Shrimp Festival Regatta (C-BOTY) BUOY#3

Sunday May 1, 2016 San ‘Tweenie Race Distance#1

Saturday May 7, 2016 Jerry Pim Memorial EstebelNight Race Distance #2

Saturday June 11, 2016 Ladies Race “Special” Saturday Sept 17, 2016 Kayusa Cup (C-BOTY)Distance #3

Sat/Sun Oct 8-9, 2016 Summerset Regatta (C-BOTY) BUOY #4 & Distance #4

Saturday Nov 5,2016 Festival of the Islands Regatta(C-BOTY) BUOY #5

Saturday Dec 10, 2016 Commodore’s Cup (C-BOTY) BUOY #6

Tween Waters Cruise ReportThey call it the SENIOR prom for a reason!!

May 1st and 2nd was enjoyed by 18 CMCS boatsand a number of land cruisers. Tween Watershosted all of us, with a few raft-offs to round out themarina. Fabulous 80-something degree weathertopped it all off.

Friday, these boats arrived: SilverSeas, Ambiance,Windy City, Chase the Clouds, Sail la Vie, Air Sup-ply, Buffy, Hypnautic, no name trawler, Mischief (thenew 48' trawler everyone drooled over), and KestrelII. Although there was no formal pot luck/ happyhour; our trained partiers had a get together at 5pmanyway. Windy City hosted past Commodore Rus-sell Vance and Kathleen. We borrowed Mischief'sdinghy to head down to the Green Flash for a deli-cious dinner. The men's room there is always goodfor a laugh.

Then, Saturday morning, we awoke to a crisp 67degrees. Some of us beach walked. Low tide en-couraged the Sanibel Stoop to collect interestingseashells. Tween Waters dockmaster, Harry,made sure his golf cart arrived with an additional 20folding chairs to accommodate our growinggroup. More club boats arrived: Trust Me, 14 Trac-tors, Miss Cathleen, Gone with the Wind, Jazzy,Windstar, and Tanglefoot. Relaxation continuedpoolside or on the beach. The potluck dinner waswell attended and the dishes were surprisingly dif-ferent.

"It takes a village" to decorate! Found at garagesale: 8' white metal arch with hundreds of twinklinglights. In the box - ready for assembly! Since thiswas clearly a BLUE job; The MEN in our grouparose to thecall andworked to-gether to as-semble it,blow up bal-loons, at-tached, hungcolorful flagsthat spelledout CMCS,duct taped aburgee overthe arch forphotos, plugged in the extension cord to make it allwork! Walking by, I mentioned to the guys, "I loveto see men working. Turns me on". An unknownvoice yelled back, "I have a tool belt on the boat ifyou REALLY want to get worked up!" Such a senseof humor - these men!

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 4

Tween Waters Cruise Report—Cont’d.

THEN, after dinner/ happy hour - all returned to theirboats and got outfitted for the PROM! DJ Ray wason hand to make formal announcements, customizethe music, and keep everyone laughing and danc-ing. After "The Stroll", the 4secret judges: Glen Vetter,Bev Slager, ??? (help me,Kim - cannot remember)voted and decided to crownBev Duff and Steve Romaineas the PROM KING &QUEEN. Special mention toour runners up: RodgerPfeiffenberger and ??? JoBeauvois? Seth Barchsported a new look in headwear. Since everyoneaboard Mischief was wearing hats to the party, andSeth had no hat, he settled for wearing his colorfulprint underwear on his head! Very creative, Seth.

BIG FUN and a ton of laughs had by all. See Shut-terfly for photos. For those of you who misseddressing up.... the Drag Queen Contest is rightaround the corner on Saturday, June 6. Get youroutfits READY!!!

Diane Fowler,s/v Windy City

Prom King Steve and Queen Bev

RCC Kim and date Judy

PC Russell and date Kathleen

Seth Barch

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 5

Danger Island Report

Who would have thought you could get 3 cool, lightbreeze, no bug nights in a row in Pelican Bay thistime of year? Ofcourse there wasDanger to be had:An escaped dinghy,dragging anchors,overheated electri-cal (as in smoking),generators thatwouldn’t start, cap-sized sunfish andfour good squallsblasting through theanchorage in 3days. Thanks Mis-chief for giving safeharbor to the idiotsamong us who wereon spit setting up for Chowder when the secondsquall line moved through Saturday. But I am get-ting ahead of myself. Thanks first to Jim Lasorellafor hosting the ‘pre-cruise’ happy hour aboard FourSeasons Thursday evening for the early arrivals.The bulk of the fleet arrived Friday and Saturday. In

the end I have 25boats on my list:Alborada, Ambi-ance, Ariel, Bare-feet, Blank Check,Chase the Clouds,Desperado, FourSeasons, Gonewith the Wind, Go-pher Baroque,Grateful, I Sheet U

Knot, Jolly Mon, Jo’s Boat, Judy Judy, Kestrel II,Mischief, Never Say Never, Sea Puppy, Silver Sea,Stray Cat, Tanglefoot, TrustMe!!!, Wind Dancer.Not only did I run out of fingers and toes but the listgot wet in the squalls. So if I missed someone in thecomings and goings, my apologies and let me know.Friday night we gathered on the spit- ate, drank,made merry and

hightailed it back to our boats just in time. Saturdaysaw the Admiral de Croquet Bev Duff directing herminions (Bob and Cliff Dean) in the construction ofthe finest links croquet course on Cayo Costa.There were subtle and not so subtle terrain issues.Natural vegetation dotted the raked shell. In the endthere were 30 that rose to the challenge. After 5preliminary and 1 final round, the man with the localknowledge gained raking the course won. Bob Duffis the 2015 Black Tie Croquet Champion. DaveMarz and Danny Hazen were runners up. GeorgeNoyes was Admiral de fer a Cheval. He was ablyassisted by Steve Beringer. But it was hot, and theathletically inclined had already left all they had outon the croquet field so we decided to have a squallinstead. Most made itback to their boats.Those that did not de-bated whether or not itwas hail or just bigdrops. After the squallpassed, the bold (the experienced knew better) re-turned to the Spit to prepare for Chowder only to bechased off by the next squall. This was not the yearto build an extravagant chowder mansion of card-board. A rain delay was announced in the height ofthe tempest…..Sunday posed another challenge.While we intended to go back to the spit for lunch, itwas overrun with Tarpon Fishermen fresh from atourney that morning. So with some confusion (mybad) we moved to Dog Beach. Gopher needed tolighten ship of leftover Bloody Mary stores.Never let it be said the CMCS’ers are not willing tohelp a fellow member. The rain delayed Chowdercontest finally got underway about 5-6pm- thingswere getting a bit vague at that point. As you know,the only rule is if you say it is chowder it is. Georgeand Pixie pushed the concept a bit with chunks ofsteak but they said it was ‘chowdah’. We weren’tsure if that was the same as chowder but it wastasty so it passed. Folks were flashing more $1 billsthan in a strip joint as they voted for their favorites.In the end Wind Dancer’s “Florida Spicy’ walkedaway with the 2015 Chowder Grand Prize. CarolPim’s Cookie Chowder was second- helped nodoubt by her granddaughters hustling for her. OurYellow Snow Chowder came in a piss poor third.Thanks all for ‘adapting’. All the chowders weretasty. All the sailors were well fed and all made itback to their boats before the evening’s squall. Inthe end we raised $135 for the ‘Friends of CayoCosta’. Not too shabby given the rain out. Andfinally thanks to Gordon and his crew for taking outthe trash. Always take out more than you bring in.

Kim Browns/v TrustMe!!!

Danger Island Report—Continued

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 6

Vice Commodore—Summerset’s ReportThe other day I heard that thereare only 100 days until footballseason begins. Well, there areonly 135 days left until Summer-set! Your Committee is workinghard to make this 50th Summerseta special one. You should bethinking about the weekend ofOctober 9th – 11th too. Where amI docking my boat? Who will bemy crew? How many and whatsizes of T-shirts will I need to or-der? How many 50th Anniversarybanquet dinners will I need? Did I

send Steve $100 yet to get myboat name on the shirt? Whatelse can I do to help, supportthe Regatta, support youthsailing, support CMCS, andsupport the largest PHRF sail-ing/social event in SouthwestFlorida?

I am pleased to inform you that the $200 per childCMCS Grant Program is “sold out” for 2015. Overthirty grants have been issued to deserving young-sters who will be attending the Edison Sailing Cen-ter this summer. Special thanks for our members’cash contributions and in-kind corporate sponsorsfor making this possible. Also, congratulations toJack Gower, a seventeen-year-old who has literallygrown up at the Edison Sailing Center and is a USOlympic Team hopeful. Your Board has awardedJack a $1,000 grant to travel and train in LongBeach, California, to school with some of the finestracing coaches in America. Congratulations to Jackfor making it into this program, and we anxiouslyawait his report about his experiences.

Summerset Raffle Tickets are now available fromSuzanne Aguilera. See the flyer in the ChowderChatter for information on how to obtain yourchances. We now have five major items and mayadd more. All are worth over $500 each! This isHUGE!

So what’s new for Summerset this year?

Joe Periard will be the PRO Dan Merriman will be the racing coordinator. Roger and Peggy Stafford’s boat will be theCommittee Boat

Special Summerset hotel rates are available atthe Diamond Head Resort

The Sunday “sit-down” 50th Anniversary AwardsDinner and Cocktail Reception will be at theDiamond Head Resort.

Vice Commodore-Summerset

Steve Romaine

Special video of this year’s Summerset racingwill be shown at the dinner. Bill Gladstone ofNorth U is coming from New England to make avideo from the top spreader of our video boat.You’re gonna love it!

Skippers’ Bags are unique, and donated byTrader Joe’s

Eric Stone Music at the Pink Shell CocktailParty. I am sure you have all seen him performnautical tunes at the Miami, Fort Lauderdaleand St. Pete Boat Shows. He is great!

Each boat receives two complimentary tickets toSaturday’s Poolside Cocktail Party. Additionaltickets are $5 each. All other entry form costsare the same as last year.

We welcome Florida Premier Yacht Service andSail Repair of Fort Myers as two new additionsto the seven presenting sponsors of the 50thSummerset.

We have sold over 50 collared shirts and twentycaps so far. Everyone loves the shirt quality,the special limited edition 50th logo, and the per-sonalization. And, we now have Ladies Styleshirts, and shirts available in men’s size XXL!Please see the form in the Chowder Chatter toorder. Please wear your shirts and caps to pro-mote the Regatta. Remember, sales will stop inAugust.

We are on-target to have a record number ofdoor prizes from Ella Vickers. Get me moreDacron sails and we will have more prizes yet.

Look for special 50th Anniversary drinking cups,napkins and who knows what else!

Planning is under way for a spectator boat withhonored guests aboard – eg: those who sailedin the First Summerset, and VIPs, including theMayor of Fort Myers Beach.

The 50th Anniversary Keepsake Booklet.

Cindy and I will be away most of June and earlyJuly, with graduations and a trip to Italy to promoteSummerset. I will not be pestering you during thistime. Please, please surprise me with Boat NameSponsor checks in my mailbox upon my return.

Thanks, and Fair WindsSteve Romaine, Vice-Commodore, SummersetSGRomaine294@gmail.com239-482-6280

VC-Summerset Report Continued

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 7

Come join us for a long weekend cruise over Fathers Day to Fishermen’s Village inPunta Gorda on beautiful Charlotte Harbor. Slips a plenty awaiting us ~ so don’thesitate! A rate not to be beat at $2.00 ft + discount. Electric 30 amp $2.50 / day &50 amp $ 5.00 / day.

We have the use of the Yacht Room for our activities during our stay. Very nice,clean Facilities including showers and laundry. Pool, grills, tennis and bikes all pro-vided free of charge to guests.

Lots to do with amenities a plenty! Close to the Historic town of Punta Gorda. Day ofbeauty at Spa or just lounge around. Eat out or eat In, shop ‘til you drop! If Groupwould like to do Harbor cruise that can be arranged at group pricing.

Planned departure Thurs. June 18 with night at anchor then on to Fisherman’s Vil-lage for 2 or 3 nights with return to Ft. Myers on Sunday the 21st . Those who wishto linger are welcome.

Please contact Bev Duff via Email OR via phone 239-278-3733. The more boats the better the discount!

Please leave skippers name, Boat name, length, beam, draft andcontact phone. Invite you to look at their WEB site:


PUNTAGORDAJune 18-21, 2015

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 8

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 9


Size Boat Name on Name on #Qty. TOTALS-M-L-XL Left Sleeve Right front @$35 Ea $ Amt.

(specify men’s or women’s)Navy shirt w/ goldembroidered letters ____ _____________________ _____________________ ______ _________

White shirt w/gold/blackembroidered letters ____ ____________________ ____________________ _____ ________

Gold shirt w/blackembroidered letters _____ _____________________ ______________________ ______ _________

Navy Cap or White Cap (circle one)w/ gold embroidered letters: boat name or your name:________________ @$20 ea. TOTAL $________


Summerset Logo will be enhanced with the letters “CELEBRATING 50 YEARS 2015”




YOUR NAME: _____________________________________________________

PHONE NUMBER_______________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________

Give Order Form and Payment to Steve Romaine at any CMCS function or mail Order Form and paymentmade out to CMCS to: Steve Romaine, 14721 Calusa Palms Drive, #101, Fort Myers , Fl., 33931.For questions call Steve at 239-482-6280.

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 10

C.M.C.S . CHANDLERYBuy, sell, trade

Members, to advertise your boating-related items free in the CMCS Chandlery, e-mailSteve Roake, Chowder Chatter Editor at

or use your roster for telephone information.Your ad will be listed for 3 months unless you notify me to take your listing out sooner.

Non-members are welcome to advertise their items at a price of $30.00 for 3 months.Business cards or business related listings sent in digital format only :

Members: 3 months, $25.00Non-members: 3 months, $50.00

Send a check made out to C.M.C.S. to :Chowder Chatter Editor, P.O Box 101268, Cape Coral, FL 33910

Is it time to renew your Boat US Membership?Remember to use the CMCS Group ID# GA82335B on your application,

and save half the price of your annual membership fee



"Vixen" has been continually upgraded and is inexcellent condition.

She has earned numerous local "Boat of theYear" awards and still has the amenities of acomfortable cruiser.

A 6kw generator, heat and air and in-motion sat-ellite TV, recent Awlgrip and laminate sails, newports and hatches just start the list of upgrades.

Open to serious offers.Brock Johnson, 239-246-6295,

FOR SALE 30 lb Danforth anchor $80; 22 lb and 20 lb for$50 each.

Rail mounted Grill $50 Gas canister with connecting hose $15 Spot Free Water Softener 1000 and filter sys-tem for boats, Rv's or home, retails for $489,sell for $200 Spot Free Water Softener for yourBoat look for the 1000 model

Steve Landis 466-9292

FOR SALEFortress FX 16 anchorLike new condition, very little use $170Contact: Michael Cains/v Zydeco

CMCS Chowder Chatter June, 2015 Page 11

Summerset GOLD PLUS Sponsors


CMCS Chowder Chatter EditorP.O.Box 101268Cape Coral, FL. 33910

June 6 Ladies Day RaceJune 9 CMS Board of Directors MeetingJune 16 CMCS General Membership MeetingJune 17 Day SailJune 18-21 Fisherman’s Village CruiseJune 23 Chowder Chatter deadlineJuly 4-5 50 / 50 CruiseJuly 14 CMCS Board of Directors MeetingJuly 21 CMCS General Membership MeetingJuly 23 Chowder Chatter DeadlineJuly 25 CMCS Picnic
