The Chinese Civil War & the “Forgotten War” 1944 - 1953


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Cold War ConflictsThe Chinese Civil War & the “Forgotten War”

1944 - 1953

Chinese Civil War


Nationalists Led by Mao Zedong

Relied on aid from the U.S.S.R.

Highly motivated leadership and strong, well-trained guerilla army.

Led by Chiang Kai-ShekRelied on aid from the

U.S. (~$3 billion)Highly corrupt

governmentPolicies often did not

merge with his party beliefs

Chinese Civil War

The United States sends military aid, but does not commit troops.

Despite attempts, we are unable to negotiate peace.

Chinese Civil War

Republic of China People’s Republic of China

Chinese Civil War – Major Issues

Containment fails!

“Domino effect”—Once one nation falls, they will all fall.

The U.S. does not recognize the new Communist government in China.

Has the U.S. government been infiltrated?

The Korean War

Korea is split after WWII Which conference gives

Korea independence?

38th Parallel marks division between North Korea and South Korea

North Korea = Commie

South Korea = Democracy

The Korean War

Surprise, surprise – North Korea is occupied by…

The Korean War

North Korea invades South Korea in June 1950.

The Korean War

General Douglas MacArthur counterattacks & forces the North Koreans to the Chinese border.

The Korean War

China joins the fight & forces UN troops back to 38th parallel.

MacArthur pushes Truman to wage full-scale war against China Truman eventually fires MacArthur

Impact: The Forgotten War

The Korean War is a stalemate

Costs $67 billion leads to citizens supporting the Republican candidate in the 1952 election (Dwight D. Eisenhower)

Increased fear of communist aggression

