The Carswell Times - Carswell Community Primary … pebbles, leaves, flowers, petals, sticks , water...


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The Carswell

Times 22nd May 2015

Coffee morning, Friday 5 June

Our next coffee morning for all parents and carers will be

straight after drop off on Friday 5 June. Please join us for

free tea, coffee and home-made cakes. It’s the last coffee

morning of the school year so please come along to buy

second-hand uniform and meet other parents over a cup-


Royalty to attend the

Summer Fair!!

We’re very excited to announce that royalty will be attending this year’s Summer Fair!

Sadly, the Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Charlotte weren’t available. But Queen Elsa, from the kingdom of Arendelle, has said she will be honoured to attend our fair.

Queen Elsa has promised not to send Carswell into eternal winter, but is looking forward to trying her luck on the Minecraft Creeper Game, having her face painted to look like her snowman friend Olaf, zooming down the bouncy slide and enjoying a delicious smoothie and burger at the BBQ.

You may also see the queen at the boothless photo stall – where you can dress up in funny wigs, hats and glasses for a memorable photo opportunity!

Don’t miss the Carswell Summer Fair, on Saturday 13 June, from 11.30am – 3pm.

Donations needed! Half-term’s the ideal time for a clear-out. And we know just what to do with those unwanted gifts and toys!

The Summer Fair needs unwanted toys, games, puzzles and children’s books for the toy stall. Everything must be clean and in good condition.

We’re also looking for tombola prizes – both for adults and children. Unwanted gifts, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, juice or wine would be ideal.

Please bring any donations to the school office. Thank you!

The “Village Fair” – some tips for exhibi-


Letters have been sent home in book bags today with details about a new event at this year’s Summer Fair...the “Village Fair” children’s competitions. Please read the letter for details of this event. Below

are some additional tips for the children:

Category 1: Best Dressed Teddy Bear – do not worry if you do not have a teddy bear, any

soft animal can be dressed.

Category 2: Paint a Picture – children can use any type of paint on paper or cardboard.

Category 3: Junk Model a Building - we are sure there will be some big, ambitious entries in this category. The only rule limiting size is that the exhibitor must be able to carry their

own exhibit ie no adult assistance.

Categories 4 and 6: Make a creature from vegetables/fruit only. You can use cocktail sticks to attach limbs, eyes etc but everything else must be made from fruit and veg. Some adult assistance may be required if sharp implements are needed for children to realise

their visions.

Category 5: Create a garden on a plate (using only things found in nature). Traditionally this is best done on a china plate but any sturdy plate will do – you will not be judged on your plate, just what is on it. Avoid flimsy paper plates or your garden may accidently slide off on the way to the fair. Use pebbles, leaves, flowers, petals, sticks , water etc to create a beautiful miniature garden. You can have structures in your garden eg a bridge

but they must be built from materials found in nature.

*Categories 4-6: You might want to practise your design in advance but it will look fresh-

est and best if put together on the morning of the fair.

The Gardenorama Plant Sale

This year we will hopefully have another great selection of plants at the Summer Fair. At the moment we have lots of perennials including a selection of beautiful penstemons, per-ennial phlox, lavenders and hardy geraniums to name but a few. We have some cosmos, sunflowers and even some cheeky late season sweet peas in the annuals department. For those after some edibles there will be strawberry plants, courgettes, French beans, chives...maybe some chillies. Please note all of the above are susceptible to slugs, aphids

and hot days so no guarantees at this stage...

*Last year we sold most of our stock in the first hour of the fair so get in early to avoid dis-


We are also going to be running our own raffle. There is a gorgeous patio rose in a large terracotta pot, a pair of beautiful hanging baskets and a fantastic book to be won. The book is Laetitia Maklouf’s “Virgin Gardener”. As the title suggests it is suitable for begin-ners (even if you only have a window sill to garden in!) but I think also very inspirational for more experienced gardeners. A big thank you to Nicki and Mark at the fabulous Mostly

Books on Stert Street for donating this.

Term 6

Tuesday 2nd June - Yr3 Museum of Natural History

Wednesday 3rd June - Yr2 Jonathan’s Jungle

Friday 5th June - Creature Curriculum Farm Visit

Tuesday 9th June—Roving Books Library *NEW!

Saturday 13th June-Summer Fair

Monday 6th—Friday 10th July Hill End Week

Thursday 16th July - Sports Day

Dates are also available on our school website


John Mason School

Thursday 25 June Induction Day

Larkmead School

Thursday 25 and Friday 26 June

Induction Days 8.30am-3.10pm

Fitzharrys School

Thursday 25 June Induction Day/

Information Evening at 6.30pm


Children need to be at their stop for the following times:

1st Stop Cholswell Road arrive for 8:10 am

2nd Stop Spar / Costcutter Shop arrive for 8:15 am

3rd Stop Spey Road arrive for 8:20am


Will has mislaid a pair of

orange astro turf shoes,

size 5. His name is in-

side—if you have spotted

them please tell the office


Thank you

Other Awards

Dear Parents and Carers,

PHEW! I often start by saying that we’ve had a busy week but this week has topped it all

with our Ofsted inspection. Ofsted inspects schools about once every three years and this

inspection happened for Carswell three years to the day! The Inspectors worked along-

side our senior leadership team for two days to evaluate the work of our school. Thank

you to the 60 (!) parents who managed to complete the online survey in a very small win-

dow of time; that was very much appreciated. The outcome of the inspection is confiden-

tial until the report is published in three weeks time when you will be able to read it for

yourselves. I will let you know as soon as it is published.

In other news:

Daisy popped into see me on Monday with some excellent homework

based on their Italian Restaurant Project along with Smiriti who was

sent for an award for simply being ‘an absolute star learner’! Well done

girls, it’s always a pleasure to spend time with you.

Congratulations to Rebecca McDonald who completed the Moonwalk

last weekend. We are always keen to hear about challenges which par-

ents undertake as well as it demonstrates to children that learning and challenges are life-

long! Well done Rebecca on completing your mission.

This week the children have been learning all out the UNCRC (United Nations Convention

on the Rights of the Child) and UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emer-

gency Fund). UNICEF is our chosen charity for our annual Big Dance which will be per-

formed at our Summer Fair on 13th June (you will be welcome to join in of course!). Chil-

dren will be taught the dance during the two weeks after half term and will come home

with sponsor forms then.

Finally a massive THANK YOU to the wonderful FOCS team who single-handedly set up,

hosted and cleared up after, the Internet Safety Evening on Tuesday. From those I have

spoken to, the talk was highly informative and interesting and parents were able to spend

some time talking with each other about this important subject. The fact that we have a

PTA who are able and willing to take over meant that I was able to spend that time pre-

paring for our inspection. Thank you also to those of you who came along and participat-

ed in another of our events.

Here we are at half—term with our favourite term of the year coming up. Have a lovely

holiday. See you at 8:35am on 1st June.

Warmest wishes,

Tina Farr
