THE CANTERBURY EPISCOPAL SCHOOL onicle · PDF fileFall is finally here! ... “Do you...


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By Adrianna B.


The presidential

election campaign

has gotten very

heated. The election is in November. During a rally in

North Carolina on September 20, 2016, Donald Trump,

the republican candidate, said that the U.S.’s African-

American communities are in the worst shape they’ve

ever been in. I wanted to look at the history of African

Americans to put his claim in proper perspective.

Slavery in the 1800s was awful. Many African-

Americans were hung and beaten to death because they

couldn’t understand the language their “masters” were

speaking. Then when they were freed, they had no say in

the government. The KKK burned down the little farms

they had, schools for African-Americans were inferior,

and when the African-Americans were brought to court,

they were given unfair trails. After the Great Migration

during World War I, many African-Americans went

north to find jobs. Although the north was much better

than the south, it still had some problems of its own. It

separated the Whites from the African-Americans, by

using signs saying “Colored Restrooms this way” or

“Colored Water Fountain Here”, which often led to the

worst water fountains/restrooms in the city. Not only

did this happen, but when a White man killed an

African-American, he often did not go to jail, or got off

with a lesser charge. During peaceful protests, police

officers often killed many African-Americans, and sent

the rest to jail. Even the children! They would spray

them down with fire hoses, and send them to jail for

being a part of the protests. Unfortunately, the

government was just as bad as the citizens! In 1972, the

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment ended, a forty-year

experiment, using only African-American males, to

cure untreated Syphilis, but the scientists did not tell

the African-Americans the harmful consequences of the

experiment, and all the human subject's protocols

ignored. Today, many African American communities

are still plagued with police brutality, and inequitable

funds for schools and communities. However, it is a

history of strength, resiliency, and overcoming

incredible hardships.

Volume 6: Issue 1

October 2016


Book Corner

FableHaven by Brian Mull

Review by Mia K. 5th

My article is about an awesome book named FableHaven by Brandon Mull. This wonderful book takes you on a journey as Kendra and Seth get closer and closer to solving the mysteries of FableHaven. This book creates a movie in your head. In FableHaven, there are witches, fairies, goblins and much more. Brandon Mull is a great author and this book is appropriate for all ages. There are five books in the FableHaven Series. FableHaven is one of the best books I have ever read. FableHaven is a thrill seeking book that may send a chill up your spine, so don’t miss out! Read the FableHaven Series today.

Movie Review

Ghostbusters 2016

By Anna S. 5th

I went to the movies to see Ghostbusters with my mom and it was amazing. My favorite part was when a ghost was on Patty's shoulders. The Ghostbusters had an assistant at their work and he was very funny and handsome. There was even a maniac trying to take over the world too! I have to say it was kind of scary, but very funny. In this version of the movie the Ghostbusters are women. #GirlPower. I watched the old movie too and the new one is much better. Make sure you see Ghostbusters. You won't regret it!

Cougar Chronicle

“Proven Excellence”

Upper Elementary

A History of Strength & Resiliency

“Bolt” of Lightning

By Tylon D. 6th Usain Bolt, Jamaican Olympian

gold medalist, wins once again

for the last time. Most people

have heard about his false start

in the IAAF World

Championships. He has won 3

gold medals in his career. Usain

Bolt has been running since

forever. He is the fastest man

ever timed.




By Taylor

D. 6th

Wow! All the 6th

Graders are

playing sports this year! Kyndal

R., Adrianna B., Daisha C.,

Willow H., Remi S., Jordan L.,

Alison G., Sarah P. and Myself

are in Volleyball. Brooklyn J.,

Alex P. and Rance G. are in

Soccer. Abdul M., Courtney A.,

Tylon D. and Malik M. are in

Football. So far, soccer and

football have played really

well. The volleyball C team is

still working on new skills and

hasn't played a game yet. Go


By Blake E. 5th I have the first Mystery Cougar for you.

Remember it can be anyone in any grade. Favorite movie: Zootopia

Favorite foods: pizza and spaghetti

Favorite dessert: ice cream

Favorite color: turquoise

Favorite music artist: Jamie Grace

Cat or dog?: dog

Favorite word: doozle

Favorite song: God's not dead

Favorite book series: Junie B. Jones

Write your name and your guess on a

small piece of paper and drop it in "The

Boo-Boo Box" outside Mrs. Lage's room.

Be Your Own Fashion


By Tarae P. 5th

Fashion can be

seen in every

aspect of your

life. You don't

have to follow

trends, but you can design your own

original designs. Fashion can be used

to express yourself through your

clothes and jewelry. All types of

fashion statements are beautiful as long

as you stay true to yourself. Today,

we've gotten away from strict fashion

standards. Experiment and try creating

your own original fashion statement


P A G E 2 C O U G A R C H R O N I C L E



By Daisha C. 6th

A few days

ago, I had the

opportunity to

interview Taj

Jr. or as my

family calls him “Niko”. He is my

brother in Pre-K and it’s his first time

going to a different school. He was

very excited for me to interview him.

started with basic questions. “How is

your year at Canterbury so far?

“Good.” he responded.

“What do you do in Pre-K?”

“We sing the Red song, Blue song,

Good Morning song, and Green

Song. We also eat Canterbury’s

yummy food and play.


Fall Starts

By Remi S. 6th

Fall is finally here!

Usually this means that

temperatures are cooling

down and we can expect

to start wearing sweaters soon, but this fall

started differently. The high on September 22,

2016 was a summery 95 degrees Fahrenheit

with a low of 73 degrees Fahrenheit.

Compared to the historical average of 86

degrees/66 degrees, you’ll see that this autumn

is already hotter than normal. Soon, the

temperatures did return to normal fall weather,

but for a little bit it seemed like fall was

turning into a second summer! Do you

remember the last few days of summer when it

felt like fall? Do you think the seasons were

trying to trick us? So far, October appears to

be a nice descent into the 70s with lots of

sunshine and cloudy days, and hopefully a few

rainy days appearing near the end. However,

you should remember that predictions don’t

always turn out to be correct.

Pre-K @ CES “Do you think Canterbury could be


“A little more playtime and feeding

the bird, but Canterbury is the best

school ever!

“What’s your favorite thing to do at


“I like to sing the Good Morning Song

and dance.”

“Does your teacher make learning


“Yes, by using the Smartboard.”

“Okay, Niko last question then I have

to do my homework. Do you like your



“Well, thank you for letting me

borrow your time.”

“You're welcome.”

Pokémon GO

by Willow H. 6th

We all


the amazing

show called Pokémon. With Pokémon

trainers, Pokestops, and the best off all,

the Pokémon. Some kids always wanted

to be a Pokémon trainer like Ash Ketchum.

Well, now you can!!! Pokémon GO is an

app which lets you travel and catch

Pokémon. It has been downloaded across

the world. You can level up your

Pokémon, hatch new ones and join

teams. You can Join Team Valor, Mystic, or

Instinct. The creators made it so people

can get exercise and have fun at the same

time! So go download Pokémon GO.

Everyday Teacher (An Interview

with my Mom, Shenequa Morgan)

By Abdul M. 6th

What is your educational background? I have a Bachelor’s Degree and will be returning to school to complete my Master’s. What role have parents played in your classroom? There are always the few who volunteer and support their children but the goal and desire is always for 100% participation. List five adjectives that describe yourself. I am a good listener, very empathetic, caring, funny and passionate about teaching children. What is your approach to classroom management? My approach to classroom management is to always have the students doing something all the way to the end. Also, planning lessons that are challenging and full of extension activities. What could a visitor to your class expect to see? A visitor to my class could expect to see student engagement, mobility, and teacher facilitated activities. When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field? I decided to become a teacher about 7 years ago. I think that mothering your own children is a form of teaching, so it was only natural to want to teach others. What is your least favorite aspect of teaching? Public education is a challenge within itself. But for me, being able to reach all of my students and meeting them were they are to ensure that they grow while they are with me. Describe your teaching style. I would describe my teaching style as student centered, with teacher/student engagement and ultimately students taking ownership of their learning. What is the greatest success you have had in teaching? The greatest success I would say is when you are able to reach even just one student and help them grow as a person. What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today? I believe that the greatest challenge facing students today is being equipped to compete in a job market and to think globally as well.

National Pride By Alex P. 6th


you HEARD?During the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics, a U.S Army reservist stopped his trial run of the pole vault to stand at attention to his national anthem. This solider

truly represents his country and the spirit of the United States people. This proves his national anthem is more important than his trial run. His actions inspired many Americans, including myself, to show that no matter what you are doing,

your anthem shows the spirit and meaning of one’s country. By his actions, he represented his country, the freedom and the meaning of what is important. Too many, it may have seemed an unnecessary action, but by acknowledging the

anthem and standing at attention, he showed his respect to the flag and his country. Inspiring many, he has served this country in the US Army and represented this great nation as an Olympic athlete, he gives me in the inspiration of knowing I can do what I

believe in.

P A G E 3 C O U G A R C H R O N I C L E

The Secret Life of Pets

by Kyndal R. 6th

Do you ever wonder

what your pets do

when you’re gone?

Do they make a

mess? Do they talk

to other pets, or do

they plan to destroy

the human race? We

don’t know. I didn’t

really think of it until

I saw the Secret Life

of Pets. This movie is

a fun-filled movie

that everyone

should see. It

changes the way we

look at our pets. The

Secret Life of Pets is

about a dog name

Max and his owner,

Katie. Katie brings

home a big, furry

dog named Duke.

Max is not happy

about Duke living

with them. In fact,

he thinks he is just

an intruder. Max and

Duke do not get

along, and their feud

causes them to get

lost in New York City.

They try to find their

way back home.

Meanwhile, Max’s

friend, Gidget,

notices that they are

missing, so she

makes all of Max’s

friends go help find

him. In the end,

Gidget and friends

finally find Max and

Duke, and they

make it home just in

time before their

owner gets home.

A Scientific Dilemma

By Khalil H.. 5th

Scientists are still studying

dinosaurs today . Scientists stated that they might be able to bring animals that are extinct back into existence.. The question is "Should they?” First, they are going to need the DNA. They can't bring the species that were extinct 65 million years ago because they do not have their DNA They can bring back the Woolly Mammoth, but not the Allosaurus. They would have to keep them in the forest, so they do not interfere with city life. However, they do not want them to start eating humans. so they really have to think about the consequences. Can you imagine, making a hybrid that starts going hay wire? But for now, it’s a

question worth thinking about.

Dolphin Love

Henley S. 5th

Did you





clicks, whistles, and chirps (yes

they chirp) to make their own

names? They’re really friendly

and love to play games.

Dolphins are very smart; so

smart they came up with a

way that by swimming and

jumping, they are exposed to

air long enough to take a

breath. Dolphins also create a

wall of bubbles confusing fish

and trapping them. Then the

fish get eaten as the dolphins

swarm in and eat the fish. I

love dolphins because they are

so loving, friendly, and smart.

I hope you like dolphins as

much as I do.

Did you find typos and

errors in this edition of

the Cougar Chronicle?

Write the errors and your

name and grade on a

small piece of paper and

put it in the “Boo Boo

Box” outside Mrs. Lage’s

room. A winner will be

announced in the next


The New IPhone 7

by Alex R. 5th

There are a few things you might not know about the new IPhone 7. First of all, clumsy people won'thave to be worried when holding their phones near water, for the IPhone 7 is water resistant. You can also have your phone on for a longer period of time thanks to the new and improved battery. Even though there are only two sizes, there are four finishes. The finishing colors are rose gold, jet black, silver, and gold. The home button is also completely reengineered. The new home button is customizable for what you like as well. The IPhone 7 also has a new tactic engine. It is a lot better than the old vibration sensor. Also, there is a better camera. With a better camera, your pictures will look even more vibrant. Then people with a Samsung will be wondering why your pictures are clearer than theirs. You can also get accessories for your phone. The accessory I would recommend is a protective case. My mom had her phone for five days, and she already cracked the screen when she

Tech Review

By Jordan L. 6th In 2015, IndieGoGo funded a campaign for Axent Wear's Cat-Ear Headphones. These headphones are available on,, and The cat ears on top are not just for show and are speakers with LED accents. By November 23, 2014 the campaign had raised over $3,000,000. If you're more into gaming than music, the headset comes with a detachable 3.5mm boom mic. The LEDs come in assorted colors. If the cord gets damaged, it is detachable and available at many stores. The idea started with two UC Berkeley students, Wenquig Yan and Victoria Hu. The headphones themselves are a 40 mm driver with 20 Hz to 20KHz frequency response. The headphones are chargeable with a 5 hour battery life with a USB charger. They are available from $109.99 to $129.99. Plus, they look really cool inside and out.

Fun with Puns!

By Rance G. 6th

A bicycle can’t

stand on its own

because it’s two -


What do you call a dinosaur

with an extensive vocabulary? A


What do you do with a sick

chemist? If you can’t helium,

and you can’t curium, then

might as well barium.

What did one ocean say to the

other? Nothing, they just waved.

Did you hear about the

kidnapping? His mom woke him.

What did they say when the cat

was dancing? He has the moves

like jaguar.

What do you call a nosy pepper?

Jalapeño business.

What do you call a cat that eats

lemons? A sour-puss.

What do you call a cat with eight

legs? An octo-puss.

P A G E 4



By Malik M. 6th

I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Nimat Abdullah, who is a fashion designer. "Nimat , what inspired you to be a fashion designer?" Nimat replied," I've loved to make things look pretty,ever since I was a little girl. I went to fabric stores and my mom always let me pick out different fabrics and materials to have my dresses made. I fell in love with textures and beaded patterns and prints." Next, I asked Nimat, " What do you think fashion is?" Nimat replied, " I think fashion can be a person's way of expressing themselves through clothing or maybe even cultural things. It can be made out of your environment , or maybe even represent places you've traveled." "Last question, Nimat. What is the most difficult decision you've made in your fashion career ?" Nimat answered," Insuring that you're giving the client exactly what they want , while insuring it's what they really need ." I was so grateful for the time I spent with Ms. Abdullah.

Fashion is Life Dallas vs. 49ers!!

By Courntey A.


Dallas Cowboys beat the 49ers to have a 3-1 record. It was a tough fight the whole game. San Francisco was up 7-0 in the first quarter. It was the Cowboy’s ball. Dallas got big yardage and they got their momentum pumping. The next play, Dallas scored a 70 yard touchdown. Dallas kicked the ball, and the 49ers got it to the 25 yard line. The 49ers got a big rush for 40 yards. Then they got an open pass to the middle for 20 yards. They scored on a run play leaving the score 14-7. The Cowboys got the ball and Dak Prescott was throwing excellent passes. They caught the pass and got a first down. Prescott threw it to Terrence Williams for the touchdown, leaving the score 14-14 going into the 2nd half. Cowboys kick it off and the 49ers ventured it to the 27 yard line. The 49ers did not score and punted the ball. The Cowboys struck again. 49ers got a safety for two points. The score in the 4th was 16-24. 49ers kick off and the Cowboys get the ball close to the end zone. 49ers get another safety. The Cowboys run down the clock and win the game!!
