The Blood Pressure Solution - Control Your Blood Pressure Naturally


DESCRIPTION Introduction 6Chapter 1: A Silent Epidemic 10Chapter 2: The Hidden Dangers of High Blood Pressure 12Breaking Down Blood Vessels 12Hurting Your Heart 14Killing Your Kidneys 15Brain Damage 16Problems in the Bedroom 17Eye Opening Issues 18Bad to the Bone 18Chapter 3: Understanding Blood Pressure 20What Is Blood Pressure? 20What Do The Numbers Mean? 21How Can We Change Our Blood Pressure? 23Chapter 4: Common Causes of High Blood Pressure 26Chapter 5: The Healthcare Industry?s Answer to HighBlood Pressure 29Chapter 6: The Blood Pressure Solution: Naturally Lower YourBlood Pressure 35Category 1: Dietary Adjustments 38Category 2: Smart Supplementation 51Category 3: Reducing Body Fat 88Category 4: Exercise 91Category 5: Stress Reduction 98Category 6: Eliminating Toxins 117Chapter 7: The Blood Pressure Solution: Implementation Plan 122

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    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 1


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 1


    This manual is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place

    of medical advice and treatment from your personal physician. Readers are

    cfxkugf"vq"eqpuwnv"vjgkt"qyp"fqevqtu"qt"qvjgt"swcnkgf"jgcnvj"rtqhguukqpcnu"regarding the treatment of medical conditions. The author shall not be held

    liable or responsible for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information

    contained in this manual or for any loss, damage, or injury caused, or

    alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by any treatment, action, or

    application of any food or food source discussed in this manual. The U.S.

    Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated the statements in this

    book. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent

    any disease.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 2


    O{"rgtuqpcn"okuukqp"vq"jgnr"oknnkqpu"qh"rgqrng"gplq{"dgvvgt"jgcnvj"cpf"v-ness can be traced back to my youth.

    On my 12th birthday, my Dad gave me an exercise book would forever im-

    plant into my mind the importance of working out and paying attention to

    diet and health.

    Over the years I forgot the lessons in that book and became very unhealthy,

    as did my good old Dad. Though, as fate would have it, that book stayed

    with me, locked away in an old box. But even though I didnt have it on my

    bookshelf...I always knew it was there.

    When I hit my rock-bottom health-wise, I dug that old book out, and it re-

    minded me of what was absolutely possible. It gave me the courage to make

    permanent changes in my life, to reclaim control over my health, and it has

    changed my life for the better.

    The simple truth is that the human body was meant for far greater things

    than just getting old and fat, and succumbing to silent killers like high blood


    So, I am dedicating this book to my Dad, who is the best living example of

    how the principles contained in this book can completely reverse years of

    dietary abuse and neglect.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 3

    Today, Dad plays full court basketball at the local YMCA 3 days a week with

    men half his age, leg presses almost 3 times his bodyweight, and has text-

    book perfect blood pressure readings.

    And believe it or not, hes accomplished all of this just one year after being

    told he could have a stroke at any minute due to chronic and extremely high

    blood pressure readings.

    Thanks Dad...for being such a great example to thousands of others, and for

    being my biggest fan.


    Spring 2013


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 4


    Introduction 6

    Chapter 1: A Silent Epidemic 10

    Chapter 2: The Hidden Dangers of High Blood Pressure 12

    Breaking Down Blood Vessels 12

    Hurting Your Heart 14

    Killing Your Kidneys 15

    Brain Damage 16

    Problems in the Bedroom 17

    Eye Opening Issues 18

    Bad to the Bone 18

    Chapter 3: Understanding Blood Pressure 20

    What Is Blood Pressure? 20

    What Do The Numbers Mean? 21

    How Can We Change Our Blood Pressure? 23

    Chapter 4: Common Causes of High Blood Pressure 26

    Chapter 5: The Healthcare Industrys Answer to High

    Blood Pressure 29


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 5

    Chapter 6: The Blood Pressure Solution: Naturally Lower Your

    Blood Pressure 35

    Category 1: Dietary Adjustments 38

    Category 2: Smart Supplementation 51

    Category 3: Reducing Body Fat 88

    Category 4: Exercise 91

    Category 5: Stress Reduction 98

    Category 6: Eliminating Toxins 117

    Chapter 7: The Blood Pressure Solution: Implementation Plan 122


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 6


    On behalf of the entire Primal Health team, I want to thank you for purchas-

    ing the Blood Pressure Solution!

    This guide is more than just a collection of commonly found advice; instead

    it is a system that works together to tackle high blood pressure holistically

    cpf"htqo"ocp{"fkgtgpv"cpingu0"D{"cvvcemkpi"ocp{"qh"vjg"wpfgtn{kpi"ecwugu"qh"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"cv"qpeg."{qw"yknn"etgcvg"c"u{pgtikuvke"ggev"vjcv"yknn"dramatically elevate your health and help you regain normal blood pressure



    This guide was built out of necessity.

    In 2011 my 65-year-old dad was in bad shape. His weight had slowly but

    surely crept up the last several years. Also, his energy levels were very low...

    and along with that came irritability and mood swings. As so often is the


    My mom had convinced him to visit a free local health fair to get a checkup.

    Dad didnt like to go see doctors and she felt like this would be a way to at

    least have a nurse check his basic vitals. Her hope was that everything was

    ok, but she could sense that something was amiss with dads health. That

    chvgtpqqp."cu"vjg"pwtug"rwv"vjg"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"ew"qp"jko"cpf"dgicp"vjg"process of taking his blood pressure reading, she got a strange look in her



    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 7

    p"hcev."ujg"iqv"wuvgtgf"cpf"uvctvgf"vq"dctm"qwv"qtfgtu"vq"o{"rctgpvu0"Jgt"words to my dad went something like this:

    Sir, you need to go to the emergency room right now. I mean right now...

    immediately! Your blood pressure is so high you could have a stroke any

    minute. Go now!

    My parents knew she wasnt joking but Dad just hated the thought of going

    vq"c"fqevqt"cpf"jcxkpi"vq"dg"rwv"qp"ugxgtcn"fkgtgpv"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"medications. He had watched his friend Steve go through this same thing

    cpf"jcf"ykvpguugf"vjg"fgxcuvcvkpi"ggev"vjcv"cnn"vjgug"ogfkecvkqpu"jcf"jcf"qp"Uvgxg0"Pqv"qpn{"ygtg"vjg"ukfg"ggevu"qh"ownvkrng"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"medications making Steve miserable, but the monthly cost was nothing to

    laugh at either.

    So Dad convinced my mom to just take him home and let him try the natural

    way to lower blood pressure.



    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 8

    Naturally, when I found out about my dads skyrocketing blood pressure re-

    sults I had to share with him everything I had learned, and how a few simple

    changes could get his blood pressure under control.

    Jcxkpi"ktvgf"ykvj"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"o{ugnh"c"{gct"gctnkgt"vjcp"o{"fcf."and after experimenting with several approaches, I had stumbled across a

    method of slightly altering my lifestyle, just slightly enough to get my blood

    pressure back in the normal range.

    The information I shared with him worked wonders, and this is not an

    exaggeration in the least.

    Today my dad is 66 yrs. old, works out at the local YMCA every day (some-

    times twice a day), and has more energy and vitality that he had when he

    was in his 40s.

    I probably wouldn t be alive. Ive told Ken several tims: Ken s I look back in hindsight, you saved my life.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 9

    Now, I dont know if you bought this book because you wanted to yourself,

    or if you had someone like my mom pushing you to take a serious look at


    Either way, we are going to begin with the assumption that you have either


    Before I begin teaching you how to naturally lower your blood pressure, I

    want you to fully realize just how serious having high blood pressure really




    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 10

    C H A P T E R 1

    A Silent Epidemic

    High blood pressure has been called the silent

    killer. This is because much of the damage it

    causes to your cardiovascular system, brain,

    kidneys, and other organs does not immediately

    present any noticeable signs such as pain or

    discomfort. Instead, the insidious nature of high

    blood pressure works silently to undermine your

    health with devastating consequences.

    Did you know that high blood pressure (hypertension) is indicated as either

    the primary or contributing cause of death for over 1,000 deaths per day in

    the United States alone?

    Did you know that high blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke?

    Did you know that high blood pressure is a major cause of heart attacks?

    Tgugctej"ujqyu"wu"vjcv"cdqwv"8;'"qh"rgqrng"yjq"jcxg"c"tuv"jgctv"cvvcem."99'"yjq"jcxg"c"tuv"uvtqmg."cpf"96'"yjq"jcxg"eqpiguvkxg"jgctv"hcknwtg."also have blood pressure.

    In the United States, over 31% of the adult population has high blood

    pressure. Thats 1 in 3 adults! That works out to around 78 million people,


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 11

    cpf"vjg"tgugctej"eqptou"vjcv"qpn{"cdqwv"jcnh"qh"vjgo"jcxg"vjgkt"jkij"blood pressure under control.

    Whats even more alarming is the fact that another 30% of the U.S. popula-

    vkqp"uwgtu"htqo"rtgj{rgtvgpukqp0"Vjku"ogcpu"vjcv"vjgkt"gngxcvgf"dnqqf"pressure readings are not yet high enough to make a diagnosis of full-blown

    hypertension. However, the diagnosis of prehypertension should be taken

    as a serious warning. Without immediate dietary and lifestyle changes, they

    will be facing the development of hypertension in the near future.

    Cnn"vqnf."ctqwpf"382"oknnkqp"W0U0"cfwnvu"ctg"uwgtkpi"ykvj"c"eqpfkvkqp"vjcv."when uncontrolled, can lead them to having a stroke, heart attack, kidney

    damage, and even brain damage.

    As you can see, not only is high blood pressure a silent killer...but it has also




    1. n.a. High Blood Pressure Facts, Centers for Disease Control and March 20, 2013. April 23,





    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 12

    C H A P T E R 2

    The Hidden Dangers of High Blood Pressure

    Perhaps the most insidious thing about high blood

    pressure is that fact that it presents almost no

    symptoms that you can readily identify. Instead, it

    silently works to undermine your health from the

    inside out...often with devastating consequences.

    " In fact, the list of life-threatening conditions that are

    directly caused by high blood pressure is stunning.

    Breaking Down Blood VesselsPerhaps the greatest damage that high blood pressure does is to damage

    vjg"xguugnu"vjcv"oqxg"vjg"dnqqf"ctqwpf"{qwt"dqf{0"Vjku"ku"c"etkvkecn"vtcpu-port system that delivers oxygen and nutrients, and takes away carbon

    dioxide and wastes.

    p"rctvkewnct."jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"cgevu"vjg"ctvgtkgu0"Vjgug"ctg"vjg"xguugnu"that take blood away from the heart to deliver oxygen and nutrition. They

    are under a higher amount of pressure than that of the veins, which take

    blood back to the heart.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 13

    Having constantly high pressure causes the cells that make up the inside of

    your blood vessels to become damaged. They can actually become

    jctfgpgf0"[qw"okijv"vjkpm"cv"tuv"vjcv"vjku"ocmgu"vjgo"uvtqpigt."dwv"kv"actually makes them weaker.

    The tissue of the blood vessels needs to be elastic so that it can stretch

    when pressure increases, and go back to its original shape when pressure


    When you consume a lot of high processed foods, and your diet includes

    hqqfu"eqpvckpkpi"qwt."uwict."cpf"cp{"qh"vjqug"ocpwhcevwtgf"hqqf/"nkmg"ingredients, all of that bad type of fat in your diet can collect in the

    hardened areas of the arteries, and eventually cause blockages. Because

    this system delivers blood to all parts of the body, blockages can cause

    many of those parts to receive reduced amounts of nutrition and oxygen.

    Its important to note that a high fat diet isnt the cause of blockages in your

    arteries. Rather it is the combination of bad fats, in conjunction with

    consuming high amounts of processed foods, which results in the killer

    combination. In fact, recent studies show that a diet with higher fat content,

    as long as processed foods are removed from the diet, can help bring a

    persons overall health markers back into normal ranges.

    Eventually blockages can lead to heart attacks, a condition where the heart

    fqgupv"igv"gpqwij"qz{igp"cpf"vkuuwg"cevwcnn{"fkgu0"[qw"ecp"cnuq"dgeqog"the victim of a stroke, which is bleeding in the brain that has the same result

    of tissue death.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 14

    Yjgp"ctvgtkgu"dgeqog"ygcm."vjg{"ecp"fgxgnqr"cpgwt{uou0"Vjgug"ctg"ctgcu"qh"ygcm"ycnnu"kp"vjg"ctvgtkgu"vjcv"dwddng"qwv0"Cu"vjg{"dwddng"qwv."vjg{"become stretched and unnaturally thin.

    Gxgpvwcnn{"vjgug"ecp"dwtuv"cpf"ecp"dg"c"ecwug"qh"uvtqmg0"[qw"ecp"cnuq"dnggf"to death internally when an aneurysm bursts, and there are often no symp-

    toms that this is even happening until it is too late to repair the damage.

    h"cnn"vjku"uqwpfu"rtgvv{"uect{."kv"ujqwnf0"Jgctv"fkugcug"cpf"uvtqmg"ctg"vjg"number one killers of both men and women, higher than any cancers or


    Hurting Your Heart While weve discussed how heart attacks can happen when arteries are

    damaged, there are some other problems caused by high blood pressure


    When your heart is constantly under arterial high blood pressure, it has to

    yqtm"jctfgt0"Vjku"eqpuvcpv"ygct"cpf"vgct"qp"vjg"jgctv"ecp"ecwug"kv"vq"simply get weak, and wear out.


    If you have had a heart attack thats damaged your heart, this progression

    kpvq"jgctv"hcknwtg"ecp"jcrrgp"gxgp"hcuvgt0"Vjku"itgcvn{"kpetgcugu"{qwt"tkum"qh"future heart attacks and heart failure.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 15

    [qw"ecp"cnuq"jcxg"rtqdngou"urgekecnn{"cgevkpi"vjg"ctvgtkgu"vjcv"uwrrn{"dnqqf"vq"{qwt"jgctv0"Vjgug"ctg"ecnngf"eqtqpct{"ctvgtkgu0"Vjg{tg"urgekcnkgf"in that they deliver blood to and from your heart in order to provide it with

    oxygen and nutrients.

    If they become hardened or blocked, they can cause your heart to perform

    cv"c"nqygt"tcvg."cpf"gxgp"ecwug"c"jgctv"cvvcem0"Vjg{"ecp"cnuq"ecwug"{qw"vq"have an irregular heartbeat or chest pain.

    Pqtocnn{"{qwt"jgctv"ku"cdqwv"vjg"ukg"qh"{qwt"uv."dwv"yjgp"{qw"jcxg"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"{qw"ecp"uwgt"htqo"cp"gpnctigf"jgctv"qp"qpg"ukfg0"Vjg"nghv"side of your heart is responsible for delivering blood to the rest of the body.

    When you have high blood pressure, this side can get harder and larger, as


    Killing Your Kidneys[qwt"mkfpg{u"ctg"cnuq"itgcvn{"cgevgf"d{"jcxkpi"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg0"Ocp{"people dont know that these organs help to regulate your blood pressure


    When you have high blood pressure, your kidneys can actually develop

    scars. Within your kidneys are millions of tiny blood vessels that become

    damaged when theyre exposed to constant high pressure.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 16

    Cu"vjg{"dgeqog"uecttgf."vjg{tg"nguu"cdng"vq"fq"vjgkt"lqd"qh"nvgtkpi"dnqqf0"Vjku"ecp"ecwug"{qwt"dqf{"vq"pqv"dg"wpcdng"vq"nvgt"ycuvg"rtqrgtn{."and can lead to kidney disease.

    You can also have an aneurysm in the blood vessels of your kidneys. This

    type of aneurysm is very deadly due to the amount of blood that travels

    through your kidneys. Because your entire blood supply passes through

    them, you could die from massive internal bleeding.

    Finally, you may develop kidney failure. Kidney failure is the inability of your

    mkfpg{u"vq"nvgt"ycuvg"gkvjgt"dgecwug"qh"fcocig"vq"vjg"nctig"qt"vjg"uocnn"arteries that deliver blood to them.

    When this happens you may have a buildup of toxins, as well as swelling,

    fwg"vq"cp"kpetgcugf"coqwpv"qh"dqfkn{"wkfu0"Qxgt"vkog"{qw"oc{"tgswktg"dialysis. This is a necessary procedure that involves removing the blood

    htqo"{qwt"dnqqf."cpf"vjgp"nvgtkpi"kv"vjtqwij"c"ocejkpg."yjkej"ku"vjgp"ugpv"back to the body.

    Ultimately, having kidney failure may result in the need for having a kidney

    vtcpurncpv0"Jqygxgt."vjg"nkuv"hqt"vjku"ku"xgt{"nqpi."cpf"vjg"rqqtgt"{qwt"qxgt-all health is, the less likely you are to get an organ transplant.

    Brain DamageHigh blood pressure is also very bad for the brain. As we already discussed,



    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 17

    However, there are other problems associated with high blood pressure. For

    example, people with high blood pressure are at a greater risk for dementia.

    This can come as a result of not having enough oxygen being delivered to

    the brain.

    You can also have impairment to your brain that keeps you from being able

    to process information. The earlier in life that you begin to experience high

    blood pressure, the greater the damage will become as you age.

    Problems in the BedroomOne of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction in men is high


    Dwv"kh"{qw"ctg"c"yqocp."fqpv"vjkpm"vjcv"{qwtg"q"vjg"jqqm0"Yqogp"cnuq"tgn{"qp"uvtqpi"dnqqf"qy"vq"vjg"xcikpcn"ctgc"hqt"ugzwcn"ctqwucn"cpf"ucvkuhce-tion. So both men and women should be aware of this issue so that both

    sexes are able to identify and prevent any problems of this nature.

    In fact, treating high blood pressure often eliminates the need to take drugs,

    such as Viagra, for sexual dysfunction. Your best bet for good sexual health

    is maintaining good heart health.

    Fkewnv{"unggrkpi"ku"cpqvjgt"hcevqt"vq"eqpukfgt0"Uvwfkgu"pqvg"vjcv"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"cpf"unggr"crpgc"iq"jcpf"kp"jcpf0"Unggr"crpgc"mggru"{qw"htqo"getting enough sleep, and actually puts you at risk for heart disease and

    other problems.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 18

    Eye Opening Issues[qwt"g{gu"ctg"cnuq"xgt{"ugpukvkxg"vq"ejcpigu"kp"{qwt"dnqqf"rtguuwtg0"Vjg"blood vessels of the eyes are very small and fragile, and are particularly

    vulnerable to being damaged as a result of having high blood pressure.

    When the retina is not correctly supplied with blood, it can become

    damaged. You can have blurred vision, or even a complete loss of vision,


    If you also have the secondary condition of diabetes, youre particularly at

    risk for this type of problem. Diabetes and high blood pressure greatly

    increase your risk of eye disease and loss of sight.

    Additionally, you could face is blockage in the blood vessels leading to your

    optic nerve. This, too, can lead to permanent blurred vision, and even blind-

    ness. So its critical that you pay attention to your blood pressure to main-

    tain good vision.

    Hkpcnn{."qpiqkpi"jkij"dnqqf"rtguuwtg"ecp"ecwug"c"dwknfwr"qh"wkf"kp"{qwt"g{g0"The excess pressure this creates can cause damage and scarring inside the

    eye, which can lead to permanent vision deterioration.

    Bad to the Bone[qw"okijv"dg"uwtrtkugf"vq"mpqy"vjcv"{qw"ecp"gxgp"uwgt"htqo"dqpg"nquu"cu"c"tguwnv"qh"rtqdngou"ykvj"{qwt"dnqqf"rtguuwtg0"Rgqrng"ykvj"jkij"dnqqf"pressure lose more calcium than those who have normal blood pressure.


    Copyright 2013. Primal Health LP. 19

    As calcium leaves the bones and enters the bloodstream, bones can be left

    weak and brittle. This increases your risk for both osteoporosis, as well as a

    itgcvgt"tkum"qh"dtqmgp"dqpgu"fwg"vq"kplwt{0"p"hcev."oquv"jkr"htcevwtgu"kp seniors are actually a result of bone disease.

    Yjkng"ogp"ecp"uwgt"htqo"quvgqrqtquku."yqogp"ctg"igpgtcnn{"oqtg"cv"tkum"chvgt"ogpqrcwug0"v"ku"korqtvcpv"vq"mggr"vtcem"qh"{qwt"dnqqf"rtguuwtg."cpf"take corrective action whenever necessary.



