The Big Bang Theory Document Final


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1. The Scientific support

American astronomer Edwin Hubble described the universe as being in continuous expansion , giving cosmologists a "homework." He assumes that at the beginning, with about 13.7 billion years ago, the universe did not exist yet. What existed was only one point of a very special kind, a so-called singularity, something without dimensions but with an infinite energy. At the "zero" moment this came from his point of singularity (still do not know why) and has shown tremendous energy through an unimaginable explosion, the Big Bang, which still continues today. {{In 1940 Russian-American physicist George Gamow and Ralph Alpher and his assistants Robert Herman launched the idea of incandescent explosion of matter and energy in the early universe.}} Theory name "Big Bang" was given by English astronomer Fred Hoyle in 1950.

There are three major indices for veracity of the big bang theory(reliability Big Bang theory):• Age of oldest stars is 12 to 13.2 billion years, that it corresponds in part to the age of the Universe.• Analysis of the light emitted by galaxies show that galactic objects are away from each other with greater speed, the more distant from Earth, which suggests that the galaxies were once gathered in a single region of space;• Today, in all regions of the Universe there is a background radiation (cosmic radiation) very weak, a kind of fossil remnant from heat and light streams from the first moments of the universe.

2 Physical-mathematical research on the early Big Bang and causes of the initial explosion

There are physicists and mathematicians who, based on mathematical calculations, try to find an explanation of the zero moment of the initial explosion - the Big Bang. Thus:• theory / quantum physics allow researchers to issue a series of theories about the cause that led the Big Bang. The demonstrations made in quantum physics and the theory according to which an elementary particle can be detected in two places at once (hence the conclusion that the particle is in constant vibration) generated the idea that space and time are abstractions, illusions of human thought.• There is supergravity theory "based on the fact that gravitational force is too small compared with the electromagnetic force or other forces (although it manifests itself in the universe as a very powerful and all-embracing force). It is postulated that gravity flows into a "parallel universe" and that the gravitational force remains in our universe is much diminished.

Both theories have led to the development of "membrane theory" or M theory and allowed the conclusion that in the real world must be much more than the three dimensions of our universe, and that therefore there are many universes.

3. Expansion and contraction of the universe

Two scenarios have been proposed to describe the future of the Universe:

In the first variant, the universe has a beginning at the singularity, followed by an expansion phase, if the mass of galaxies exceeds a certain threshold, the so-called critical mass, the force of gravity will able to overcome initial inertia and will eventually slow the expansion, then galaxies will begin to move toward each other, the universe end with a contraction in another singularity, an event called the Big Crunch (high shrinkage). 

The other possibility was that the mass of matter in the universe will not reach the amount necessary to overcome the initial velocity, in which case the expansion would continue forever, in an increasingly slow rate, but will never reach zero.

However, recent evidence indicates that the universe has a continuous acceleration in the rate of expansion - in other words, is expanding faster and faster.

The explanation seems to be the presence of a form of energy ("dark energy") which has not been considered before.


Scientists now believe that the universe began in a tremendous release of energy known as the Big Bang. The universe has been expanding ever since. Evidence for this:

Observation of galaxies flying away from us in all directions (Hubble’s observations).

Finally, may I remind you of some of the main points we've considered. Our universe was formed 13.7 billion years ago in a tremedous explosion.
