THE BEST ELECTRIC CART IN THE WORLD - EZGOextra carts. The latest date to order carts before xmas is...


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Greetings to Club Managers, secretaries, committees and Board of Management.

We are dropping you a line as your golf club currently lease’s EZGO carts from the team at EZGO NZ. Hopefully you are all hanging in through this cooler period and still managing to get some rounds of golf in. As we all know the Winter can be cumbersome but as always Spring rolls around before you know it and we all get back to top speed as soon as it heats up a few degrees and the turf dries. EZGO has now acquired TekVue Fleet management which is the World leader in golf cart GPS systems. These are great systems and will become available this Spring. We will be trailing and running demo’s of the new systems from August 1st at Akarana Golf Course. The link for Tekvue is so check out the cool features. The 2 biggest points for us are the GEO Fencing that means you can restrict where your carts drive. Its very simple for the club to highlight ‘no-go’ zones over the entire course and the system takes care of the rest. Awesome for course’s that struggle through Winter with too many wet areas resulting in the ‘No CARTS today” signs coming out, costing you revenue

The 2nd feature is the ability to advertise on the digital screen. Really simple to upload effective digital advertisements that actually gain the attention of your customers. This brings us to a very important concern that EZGO has been made aware of involving some clubs around NZ. As part of the terms and conditions of every EZGO lease, golf clubs may not sublet leased EZGO’s. This includes renting and/or leasing carts to 3rd parties outside the bounds of the golf course. This also includes advertising on the EZGO carts. EVERY club must have written consent to

sublet or apply advertising on EZGO golf carts. There are currently a number of clubs around NZ that have advertising on their EZGO’s and we support this 100% provided the club has written permission to do so. We actually encourage the club to seek out more revenue and advertising on the carts is a great way to increase revenue. The reason we must have this in writing is very simple: Firstly we must ensure that the company advertising on the carts is not in conflict with EZGO, Textron and/or NZ Golf values. To date this has not been an issue with any clubs that currently advertise on carts but we must ensure we do not create conflict of interests that then lead to issue’s with the club EZGO/Textron and/or potential advertisers. Secondly EZGO are here to support clubs in every possible way. Therefore we promote the use of advertising on our carts but there are currently companies in NZ that are acting as 3rd parties ‘selling’ the advertising on our assets. Some of the commission rates are as high as 50% which is simply unacceptable. EZGO are happy to accept and encourage clubs using the carts for extra advertising revenue but we will not accept 3rd parties profiteering from this. If 3rd par-ties need to be involved to ‘on-sell’ your advertising space we must have in writing from the club that the commission for such deals is no more than 10%. Why would you want to give away anymore than 10% of your advertising space? 10% is more than reasonable for a 3rd party to clip the ticket as every club has a large resource of members that are usually keen to support the club and promote their own business’s. This works very well for both the members and club. Building these relationships helps the club and increase’s revenue without gifting extra money to 3rd parties that may not have the clubs best long term interests at heart. Please feel free to reach out to us for any idea’s or questions you may have around these above points. EZGO are committed to supporting clubs through increased revenue and support through new technology, idea’s and innovation.

Simply, we are here to help.

Storage for EZGO carts: Is your club wanting extra carts but can’t house them? Please email or call us to discuss if you have this issue. EZGO are working with a local company that build custom made sheds that are perfect for housing your carts. We have negotiated sharp deals and are also willing to help sponsor the building costs related to sheds to house extra carts. Yes, we will help with the costs! Conditions apply but the main objective is the ability to increase your fleet of EZGOs to in turn increase your revenue.

Please also note that all of our lease customers (golf course’s only) are entitled to run 1 x give away per annum of 1 x dozen PROV1 EZGO logo’s golf balls! This is a great offer to engage your members and offer them a chance to win a very cool prize. All you need to do is touch base with Amelia or Pete to get this arranged. We receive the entries then give you the list of your members so you can draw the winner at a suitable time for you and the club, club day, club champs or your annual tournaments. Just let us know.

Lastly, as earlier mentioned Spring will be here before we know it. Time and time again clubs leave it too late to get extra carts. The latest date to order carts before xmas is September 1st. EZGO carts are all made to order in USA so there is a lead time. Please don’t get caught short as (fingers crossed) its going to be a cracking summer with loads of rounds of golf!

Kind Regards,

Pete and the EZGO team.
