The Begining Before the End


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  • 8/3/2019 The Begining Before the End



    I was not like anyone else, I was stronger, faster, and more

    skilled at physical activities. My mother says I have my fathers mind

    and abilities but her looks. That was my a good thing because my

    mother was beautiful, I did not know my father at the time so I did not

    think anything about it. You would think my life was perfect from what

    I told you, well you are wrong it is anything but.

    I am writing to who ever found this, who ever this is you

    now contain something precious that can not fall into the wrong

    hands. I needed a way to vent my emotions and to pass the time. So

    let me tell you a little bit about my life before this crazy week of


    I, Grace Johnson (named after my grandmother on my

    fathers side, as from what I am told) am 15 and a freshmen in High

    School. I used to live with my single mother. I have moved from school

    to school over the last 6 years. That was because of weird assurances

    and accidents.

    Now that I know, I don't think they were accidents. My

    mother used to tell me, Grace you are very, Important and you are

    destined for greatness. One day your father will come and see how

    well and wonderful you are. I always Wondered when that day would


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    It is March 14, I had gotten up early that day to go for a run

    in the woods, where I lived in Alanson, Michigan. It was very quite, I

    loved it because It was small. I loved the paths if you went down the

    right one you could find a beautiful waterfall. I started to run like I

    usually did I went up the same trail that lead to the waterfall. I

    stopped to catch my breath then I heard foot steps behind me. Hello

    is any one there? I said out loud.

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    As a matter of fact, yes there is someone here. someone

    said behind me. I turned around and saw a gruesome looking creature.

    So I am guessing your his daughter hmp I thought you would look

    stronger, more like him. You know your father is causing some

    commotion down where I am from. the strange creature said to me. I

    just looked at him like he was crazy because that is what I thought he

    was. I wrinkled my nose, from the stench, he was a shade of green

    and smelt like garbage, like he bathed in it. He wore a black t-shirt,

    and a pair of black jeans. His hair was short and greasy. He had gills(well at least they looked like gills) on the side of his neck that flared

    every time that he talked. The gruesome part about him was his

    disfigured looking face.

    I have not seen, or heard from my father in years. So why

    are you here, talking to me.I said. From even thinking about my

    father then brought up mixed emotions about him, on why he never

    visited and so on and so on. I almost stuttered there but most of it was

    adrenaline from being scared to death. Well I thought and hoped your

    father would come, If I had you captive. He said to me.

    Ha, for once Daniel you're right I looked behind me there

    was a tall man leaning up against a nearby tree. He wore khakis with

    a light blue long sleeve, button-up shirt, with brown loafers. His hair

    was about 2 inches but curly as ever. He looked a little bit like me then

    I could tell he was my father. I looked at him in aww he looked like he

    was in his mid-30's. My mother is only 32, she had me when she was

    17. I watched her grow up as she watched me do the same.

    I am guessing to your response to him your my father. I

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    said to him. He had been looking at the man he called Daniel the

    whole time when I spoke to him he looked at me Haha, yes Gracie I

    am he said then he smiled. All I did was look at him, I could tell from

    that sentence he just said that he had a sense of humor.

    My father was standing in front of me, oh this day I had

    waited for. I was mad at him, he choose then to talk to me, or was it

    because I was in danger. He could have sent a letter just one to try to

    explain. I was crushed . There was one question lingering in my mind,

    How did he know that the man he called Daniel and I were there atthat exact place in the woods.

    Daniel, what do you need, I thought my sparing your life

    and offering a peace offering would keep you away from me. I guess

    that I was wrong As my father said this I was amazed, I think more

    stunned then anything.

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    My father killing? Sparing peoples life's? I could not think

    about it. I just wanted answers. So many things were going through

    my mind. Like did my mom know? Was this the moment when I would

    see my father more? Or would I just be set up to think that. But I didn'tknow that all my questions would soon be answered, sooner than I


    * * * *

    Well about that peace offering, my race and I are

    declining Daniel said to my father. I looked at the tall man, his facial

    expression was emotionless. Oh what a shame I was hoping no blood

    would be shed. my father said while answering him. Haha, well that

    is my favorite part. But I would like to tell you we won't go off and kill

    creatures like you, unless you give us a reason to Daniel said while

    backing up. Same here Said dad as he started to stand up straight.

    My prescience shall only be a memory as soon I will be

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    gone. Farewell. I hope I shall see you again Grace but more powerful

    Daniel said to me. Don't worry she will be Said father.

    * * * *

    As Daniel left, my father said to me, I am sorry for you had

    to see that, for us to see each other again in that way. At least he

    didn't have to actually have to take me Captive, that was a relief I

    said to him using the hand motions and everything, He laughed at my

    response. You are too much like your mother he said to me. So who

    was that, and why did he have those weird gill thingies I asked him.That was Daniel, he is apart of a rare race, they live in

    swamps but very powerful. We better hold of on this conversation until

    we get to your mother. She would rather like to have it in her

    prescience. He said to me.

    Daniel and dad kept on saying race, but it was more like

    species from what Daniel looked like. I wondered what kind of

    conversation it would be when we both saw mom.

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    Hey, I'm home I said as we walked into my mom and I's

    cottage. It wasn't too big. It was the perfect size for two people. It had

    2 small rooms, a kitchen that had a small table where we ate, one

    bathroom, and a living room that was the biggest room in the house.

    As I walked into the living room my mom was sitting on the

    couch, Hey, how was your... said my mom, she didn't even finish her

    sentence before she saw my dad. Lilly, he said simply. Jake. she

    responded. My mom stood up and they just stared at each other for a

    moment, dad took a step forward and hugged her, but only for a brief


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    * * * *

    When everything settled down Jake finally said, Remember

    what we talked about not too long ago about Grace and James, on

    how they should meet and then train together. Lilly answered back

    saying Yes, so we are going to tell her now? Yes Jack responded.

    At that moment I was in the restroom taking a shower, I

    knew what that conversation contained after wards for a very deep

    conversation with my father.

    * * * *I walked in the living room from the rejuvenating shower. I

    remember it feeling like all my troubles were washed away. Grace, we

    nee to tell you something that may be a little bit of shock my mother

    said to me. I was thinking of what it was going to be about. From my

    father being gone for so long it was hard to decide what it was going

    to be about. I was leaning farther and farther towards the idea if the

    conversation being something including talk about the man with gills.

    I sat down on the couch, I had put fresh clothes on. I had on

    a white v-neck and some skinny jeans on. My mother was sitting on

    the couch and my father on the other side of the coffee table in a

    chair. I know I have been here for 3 hours and I am now going to

    answer some of your questions and only add to them, but I have

    thought about you every day. The only thing keeping me away was

    you needed to more grown up to handle it. he said to me.

    Gracie, mom began remember when I told you, you are

    special well you get that characteristic from your father. I also told you

    that you are very important well you are. Yes, you do get it from me.

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    Grace you have certain abilities, like strong and fast, you also have

    powers. Have you ever done something, something you can not

    explain? as he said this, things clicked in my mind. From all of the

    weird things happening when I would have to leave because of them.

    Gracie, there is one more thing I would like to tell you at the

    moment he said, you have a brother actually a twin. His name is

    James, he looks just like you. The both of you are identical, in looks

    and physical strength.

    When he said that I was amazed, I never wondered what itwould be like if I have a sibling brother or even sister. My brother so

    happens to want to write with so he will, maybe jump in at times in

    tell his side of the event that takes place.

    So you are telling me I have a twin brother named James

    and the both of us have powers? I said to them. Yes they said

    simultaneously. He is living with your grandmother, actually she is

    the one you were named after dad said to me. It was a lot to process

    at the time. Your mother and I think you and James should come live

    with me to come and train to harness your powers. You can come and

    visit her on holidays and everything he told me Yes hun I know it is a

    lot but it would be safer if you went to stay with your father. she said.

    I shook my head, saying that I would. You should go pack

    some things, there will be clothes, toiletries. I left the room and went

    to my bedroom. It was simple just a bed and a desk to do homework

    at. I got a backpack from the closet and put my laptop, a couple of

    books, iPod, a notebook, phone, and all of my money. I went back to

    my closet and got my favorite leather jack and put it on and also a

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    pair of black converse.

    I walked out of my room and both of my parents were

    standing up. I put my backpack on and went to say bye to my mom. I

    hugged her, and she said You will come and see me?, You betcha I

    will I said in response. Hey we are going to pick up James on the way

    to an island near Iceland, we are going to take a plane to James too.


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    After the good byes we were on our way to the air port to

    get a flight to Caspian, Wisconsin, originally if we drove if would take 7

    hours but from flying it was only going to take 3 hours. Which I was

    glad about that. We got into a black sleek car, So are you exited

    about meeting your bother soon? Dad asked me. I guess so what is

    he like? I asked him. He is strong like you, stubborn as anyone canbe, smart, also he is younger than you. I bet you were wondering, he

    also asks about you too He said to me.

    What does he ask I said. Well first of all what you just

    asked, What you are like, when he was going to meet you, why the

    both of you did not grow up together. He said. We were almost to the

    air port, I started to wonder the same question. Why did we not grow

    up together? So why didn't we grow up together I asked him hoping

    for an answer. Well, bad people are drawn to the both of you, like

    Daniel. When you two are together the stronger you become, so is the

    force that pulls bad people to you. Your mother and I thought that you

    and James would be safer apart. as he said that I kind of got what he


    Dad pulled into a parking spot near the front door of the

    airport. I unbuckled my seat belt and picked up my only luggage, and

    we headed toward the front door. Why are we going on an airplane?

    I asked him It dose not take as long as driving said Dad.

    Finally we got on the airplane it was scheduled to leave in 5

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    minutes, we barley made it. I sat in the inside so I could look out of

    the window, I liked sitting there so I could see the Lake as we passed.

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    The flight was simple and boring, no malfunctions or

    anything. The whole time I slept the whole way, I wanted the

    conversation to a minimum. I was still frustrated about him justcoming back not even having a conversation of him asking about my

    life before that day. It had been 8 hours ago I was laying in bed not

    know what would become of the day.

    We walked of the plane and my legs were like jello they

    wanted to collapse. Dad and I went to rent a car for the day. Later we

    finally got to our destination the home of my grandmother and twin

    James. It was a two story house with yellow paneling on the outside, It

    had which windows on the front. There was a wrap around porch with

    a swing at the end.

    It was beautiful on the outsides with a garden, it had

    wonderful and magnificent flowers. I could not imagine a my twin

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    living here. We walked up to the front door and rang the door bell. I

    heard commotion and the door swung open. It was an elderly looking

    lady, looking only about 75, she wore a simple long sleeve shirt with


    She looked at my father then at me, when she looked at me

    her eyes lit up like a flashlight. I guessed that she was my

    grandmother. Oh how I have waited to see you again Grace. she

    said to me. Then she hugged me Im glad I finally get to see you

    again to I said in response. She put her arm around my waist andlead me inside. It was even beautiful inside it was like fr om a


    It had great detail, chairs in the right spot. It was like a

    interior designer came in and did awesome work with the place. We

    walking into the living room that was very quaint and organized. She

    had objects that looked from all over the world. What it looked like a

    mask from India, a painting from Paris, ect.

    I sat down on on her couch father sat on the other side of

    me. Grandmother went up the stair I guessed to get James.

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    Hello, I am James Johnson I am 15 and I was home schooled

    when I lived with my grandmother. My father was around my life when

    I was growing up before I new my destiny. He only came around about

    3 times but got less and less as I got older. When I was about seen I

    learned I had a twin named Grace. I was very confused on why she

    was not there with me. At first I thought It was my fault she was not

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    there but I learned it was for our own good.

    * * * *

    I felt a prescience in the room with me. I was listening to my

    music with my head phones on. I turned around and it was my

    grandmother. Hey I said while taking my head phones off. All she did

    was smile There is someone to see you is all she said.

    I had no idea who it was. I could not think of anyone that

    would come see me I had only a couple of friends from walking around

    town and talking to random people, but they were at school who couldit be. I walked down the stairs and I saw my father sitting on the

    couch, but there was a girl sitting by him.

    When dad looked at him so did the girl, at that moment he

    knew who she was. It was his sister, Grace. I sat in the chair across

    from them, I looked at Grace and smiled she did the same. She wore a

    pair of Jeans, a white v neck and some converse with an awesome

    leather jacket that was in her lap. She had long curly hair, the way

    her hair curled was identical to his. When he looked at her she

    resembled mom on what he remembered of her.

    * * * *

    He wore some jeans and a shirt like dads but his

    sleeves rolled up, his hair was about 6 inches up and very curly. I was

    still nervous, but my stomach had less butterfly's . James, I need to

    tell you something. You are coming to live with Grace and I. The both

    of you are going to come with me to train. Where we are going is in

    the mountains in Colorado. It is built within the mountains. People like

    the both of you will be here Dad said, I stopped him. What do you

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    mean people like the both of us. as he said that he looked at me. I

    said my first sentence to James after that.

    Dad says we are special that we have powers. Don't worry I

    have no idea what it means. she said to him. I looked at grandmother

    and she was just sitting there looking at us talk. Your sister is right

    you are special, the both of you are. You will learn over time. Like I

    was saying, Where I live is kind of like a community, or a academy.

    They live there and train these special abilities.

    I will visit Grandmother said I was finally glad she saidsomething. James take your sister to your room and she will tell what

    to pack and what not to. Dad said to him. James led me to his room.

    So here is my room, so what am I to pack? he asked me. Well dad

    only said things other than clothes and stuff like that so I thought he

    meant things to keep busy. I brought my laptop, books, a notebook,

    phone, Ipod, and some money.

    * * * *

    I went to my closet and got my only backpack out, I put my

    laptop in it, iPod, a deck of cards, rubix cube, and my phone. Okay

    that seems about it. So when did Dad tell you about all of this and

    me? I asked Grace. Oh about 3-5 hours ago, right now I have jet lag

    from flying her from Michigan. She responded. I have known about

    you for about 8 years. he told her. Oh I think mom would want to see

    you next time we can go home for an holiday. Yeah I would like that

    he said to her.

    * * * *

    His room was about the same size as mine with a twin size

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    bed, He had a desk with his laptop on it. Next to it was a table with a

    cage on it. It looked to be for an hamster. His room was navy blue with

    sport stars on the wall.

    * * * *

    Are you ready? He asked her. Yeah let's go Grace

    responded. I went and looked in all of my hidden places in case I

    forgot something. Come on I said as I walked out of my room with

    my back pack. We went down the stairs yep we are going to get on a

    plane going towards Colorado gosh I do not want to know how long itwill take to get there. Grace said to him. Yeah it will take forever, but

    it is better than driving it would take like a 2 days I included the stops

    and sleeping. I said to her.

    Yeah Grace responded. As we passed the front door I sat

    my back pack next to it. Hey dad I think I am ready I said to him

    Okay he said and stood up. I will come and visit the both of you

    okay grandmother said to Grace and him. She hugge the both of

    them. And they were off to the air port.

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    I am sorry for the boring part of the story, but it had to get

    in there somewhere. Okay, after we got to the airport we got there

    early that time. When we got on the plane I again sat next to thewindow but James sat next to me with dad in front of us. I sort of

    want to know what this place will look like inside and out. I said to

    James. Yeah me too James said to me.

    Father was looking anxious, well more than usual. Father is

    everything okay I asked him while leaning in the planes chair. Oh

    nothing. He said quickly. I leaned back in my chair kind of

    disappointed that he would not tell me. Father quickly looked to the

    back of the plane. He stared for a brief moment and did something in

    his lap.

    Dad are you sure there is not something is not wrong

    James asked him curious himself. If I asked the both of you to stay

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    here would you? He asked us. All I did was stare at him in wonder.

    We came upon the island. It looked like a beautiful winter

    wonderland. Father said that no one knew about it except loved ones

    of the people who lived there. The small airplane landed on a landing

    pad near a frozen waterfall. Father says that it is beautiful in the

    summer, he said it looked almost like a jungle.

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    We were told that the name of the island was Voyager

    Island. Before we got out of the plane dad gave us winter coats. All of

    us walked to the nearest mountain, it was larger than the others but

    covered in less snow. It was about 100 feet away, it took us no time to

    get there.

    When we got to the mountain there was large trees and

    bushes surrounding it. Father lead us to a rather large bush and

    pushed it aside and we saw an opening appeared before us. Father

    signaled us to go in first. When we went inside it appeared to only bea cave.

    I looked at Grace and father confused, Grace looked at me

    with the same expression. Walk on Dad said. Grace went in front of

    me and walked on. As I walked on it felt like I walked through

    something and then I could see where we would live and train.

    It was nice but huge. People were walking to and from

    places, The mountain was hollow inside. There was bookshelf's that

    made a square with spaces between each one and two passage ways.

    In the middle were couches and chairs. On the opposite side of the

    abnormally large room there was a tall door. Also there were 4 stair

    ways 2 on each side of the room, they went up to another floor there

    were 3 stories in all. You could see to the ceiling of the mountain.

    There were railing on each story so you could see all of the numerous

    doors leading to rooms. The walls were red with pictures all over the


    On older looking man was walking towards them. Director

    McCarthy! father said to the man. I guessed that his name is Director

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    were a 2 students following him.

    There was a female and male. This is Leah she will show

    you to your room he said to Grace. And Cole will take you to yours.

    he said nodding toward me.

    Cole was tall and had dark skin. He had short brown hair

    and wore light blue shirt with blue jeans. Leah had straight hair in a

    pony tail and wore a flared tank top and jeans.

    **** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

    I think you will like it here, guys are already talking aboutyou She said smiling at me. I was kind of confused on why they

    would be. We walked past people and they stared at me in wonder

    and aww. Okay we are here Leah said to me. We were at room 56, I

    had to make a mental note of that number and how we had gotten

    there. Trixie, you new room mate is here. She said as the both of

    them walked into the room. Hello I am Trixie said a skinny girl about

    56 she had long curly blond hair, and wore green jacket and skinny

    jeans. Hi I am Grace I said to her and smiled. Nice to meet you I

    said to her and added a friendly smile. Thank you for showing me the

    room Leah I said nicely to her. Your welcome. Dinner will be in an

    hour so don't be late She said to the both of us.

    Leah walked out of the room and shut the door. They

    brought you somethings the other day. They put them in your clothes

    chest. Trixie had said to me. I had not noticed what the room had

    looked like yet but the walls were dark blue and shaped as a rectangle

    with a window and a window seat, on the opposite side of the room.

    There was 2 beds on each side of the longer walls of the room, with a

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    clothes trunk at the end of both of the beds. There was what it is

    looked like a desk for studying.

    I guessed which side was Trixie's bed from there being

    posters beside the bed and on the other side nothing. So how long

    have you been here? I asked her. Well about 2 years. I go home for

    every major holiday. she said to me nice I responded back to her.

    So what are your powers? she asked me trying to make small talk.

    Well about 20 hours ago I was told I had certain powers and that I

    had a twin so I have no idea yet As I said this to her I was looking inthe clothes trunk. It had a couple of tank tops, a hoodie that said

    Forest Academy on it, 4 pairs of jeans, a shirt that said Forest

    Academy, some t shirts that looked like some that I had at home, and

    underwear. Hmmm that is harsh, I have the ability to talk to animals

    and control the earth when she said that to me I was amazed That

    sounds cool I said back to her.

    ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    Cole took him to the third floor and to room 178 and met his

    room mate Legger Scott. He seamed nice enough.