The Beatles (by Montse)


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The Beatles are pop muscial group most important of all time. They are originally from Liverpool, a city in northwest England.

Components of the Beatles

John Lennon

Paul McCartney

George Harrison

Ringo Starr

We can't speak about 60's decade without mentioning The Beatles revolution.They started playing music in "The Cavern Club", a place in Liverpool that became famous.The Beatles were so successful that created the "fans phenomenon". Their musical career lasted only ten years because they started their single career. Nowadays they are a reference for actual groups.

The Cavern was the venue chosen, there began what would become the basis of their first albums.

They made pop music, with a contagious rhythm.

And that was what happened, are famous in Liverpool, then in England and later around the world.

The Cavern discovered them Brian Epstein who saw the band and the contract for Parlophone.

On August 18th (eigthteenth), 1962 (nineteen sixty-two) was the first appearance of Ringo Starr as the official drummer of The Beatles.

He joined Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison in The Cavern, a local of Liverpool.

Thus was born the band that revolutionized pop music.

With million of albums sold, it became a legend that seems to have no end.

Eleven weeks before their arrival in the United States, occurred a shocking event: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

When the group arrived in the newly John f. Kennedy airport in New York, they were welcomed by thousands of fans and journalists.

Never before had seen so many people at the airport.

The arrival of The Beatles in the United States in 1964 (nineteen sixty-four) marked the expansion of the Beatlemania of the United Kingdom to the rest of the world, establishing the international fame of the Group.

And causing the British invasion, which caused changes in American popular culture.

Some of the most famous titles are:

"Love me do"

"She loves you"


"Get back"

“Yellow Submarine”

