The Art of Christmas



The Art of ChristmasBased on a true storyStudy GuideA story of Hope and Compassion

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HE HEART OF CHRISTMAS is a gift for all. Based on a true story of hope and compassion, this film will touch your heart and bring home the spirit of the holidays. Austin and Julie Locke are devastated when they learn that their young son, Dax, has been diagnosed with cancer. But with courage, determination and faith they decide to give Dax one last Christmas, even if it has to be in October. When the community sees the holiday decorations and learns the heartbreaking truth, what happens next is a miraculous outpouring of caring and support.

AWARDED FIVE DOVES BY THE DOVE FOUNDATIONTHE HEART OF CHRISTMAS stars Candace Cameron Bure (“Make It or Break It”), Jeanne Neilson (FAITH LIKE POTATOES), George Newbern (FATHER OF THE BRIDE), Erin Bethea (FIREPROOF), Anita Renfroe (BLESS THIS MESS). Also starring Matthew West (Grammy®-nominated singer / songwriter), who received a 2012 Primetime Emmy® nomination for Outstanding Music and Lyrics for his song “The Heart of Christmas”. ABOUT THE BIBLE STUDY GUIDEThe Bible study draws on the themes in the film and provides an opportunity for personal or group discussion of such topics as holding onto faith during difficult times; why friendship is God’s gift to cherish; how peace in the midst of challenging circumstances is possible, and the importance of treasuring each day. Each topic will reflect on biblical applications and illustrate how life may not always be perfect, but our faith in God can sustain us in our darkest valleys.

BIBLE STUDY INTRODUCTIONThe Heart of Christmas illustrates how fragile life can be when unexpected and tragic circumstances shadow each day. Nevertheless, faith, friends and God’s love can sustain us even in the worst of times. In this study, we will explore what the Bible says about a difficult journey and the resources available to believers.



CHERISH . . . FAITH IN DIFFICULT TIMESJulie and Austin Locke experience a sudden life change when their son Dax is diagnosed with leukemia. Because of his illness, the days of continual treatment are exhausting for all concerned. Let’s explore the biblical promises of God’s help in unexpected difficulties and strength for the journey.

1. Julie feels overwhelmed with Dax’s diagnosis. Read Romans 8:26-27 and 1Peter 5:7 and then describe the comfort these verses bring during challenging times.

2. Dax’s unforeseen illness is devastating to his parents. How are the verses in Luke 18:16-17, James 1:2-4 and Romans 8:28 applicable in their situation?

3. After reading Psalm 18:2, list the ways God sustains us in the midst of adversity. Describe how Julie and Austin experienced God’s strength.

4. If you or a family member were facing an extended or terminal illness, how would Philippians 4:13 and Isaiah 40:29-31; 41:10 give you hope and encouragement?

LESSON TO LEARN: A long-term illness is an arduous path. At one turn there is hope for a cure, while the next is an unexpected curve that causes life to careen out of control. It’s a journey neither Julie nor Austin chose, but their child’s welfare is at stake. The couple relies on their faith for consolation and peace. Biblical promises comfort and sustain us when life seems to be one long marathon without end—or when that trek ends with death of a loved one. God promises to hold us by His right hand, to infuse us with His strength if we wait patiently and trust in His providence. It doesn’t mean we will be released from our struggle, but there is promise that we will have what we need for the journey.

Nevertheless, there are times when faith can waver or we feel hopeless—even unable to pray. It’s during these moments we know the Holy Spirit intercedes in prayer on our behalf; that God loves us and carries our burdens. However, our worrying—failing to let go and let God—can bring discouragement, doubts and questioning faith. When this happens, God asks for child-like trust, believing that “all things work together for good...” even when life may not make sense. Yet, when everything comes together—possibly this side of Heaven—we will see God’s plan. During the interim . . . cherish your faith in God.

CHERISH . . . FRIENDSHIPAt the hospital, Julie meets another mom whose daughter is suffering from the same leukemia as Dax. Discover the role friendship plays in our lives and what the Bible says about its significance.

1. Elizabeth Dunford meets Julie in the children’s ward and instantly provides support in what ways? Read Matthew 18:20 and 2 Cor 1:3-4 and then explain how the scriptures apply to these women’s lives and in your own life?

2. Megan joins Julie’s neighborhood friend, Michelle, to support the Lockes. Read Isaiah 58:10 and John 15:12-13. Describe how the friends exemplify these verses, and discuss the result of their compassion.

3. When friends suffer, what does God expect of us? Read James 2:15-16 and 1 Peter 3:8 and then describe what you can do—or have done—for a friend who may be experiencing some kind of physical or emotional struggle, even tragic loss.

4. Is compassion limited to just our friends? Read Luke 10:30-37. What if

Elizabeth hadn’t reached out to Julie when she first arrived

at the hospital? How would her experience

there have been different?


LESSON TO LEARN:Friends provide support and encouragement during tough times in our lives. Such is the case with Julie and Austin Locke. Their friends do everything possible for the family; from providing meals to taking on the task of decorating for Dax’s early Christmas celebration. Friends can also bring support when it is unexpected, but so welcome. At the hospital, Elizabeth was a prayer partner in addition to helping Julie assimilate into daily life there.

God uses friends to reach out to us with His love, bringing comfort, fellowship and understanding. He also promises to be present with us when friends gather to pray. Having tenderhearted friends who are Christ-like can be the balm we need to see us through trouble; the physical touch, the word of encouragement, the prayer in each other’s presence all create a compassionate and safe environment. In adversity, friends—and a friendship with God—are sources to cherish.


CHERISH . . . GOD’S PEACEBoth Austin and Julie feel deep sorrow as they hear the final diagnosis for their son Dax. Learn how there is peace available in times of grief as we study the following scriptures.

1. Read Psalm 56:8; 34:18 and 147:3. Reflect on how these verses can bring peace in the midst of heartache.

2. Julie and Austin face the painful loss of their son. Consider how Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 23:4 and Isaiah 26:3 are a reassurance of God’s presence and peace.

3. Read Psalm 103:13 and then reflect on how God feels toward us in our time of need. In your own words, paraphrase this verse and express how it brings peace and possibly some healing.

4. Consider John 14:27 and then think about a time you have experienced this kind of peace in a difficult situation. If you are able, tell your story.

LESSON TO LEARN:When we hurt or feel overwhelmed with grief, God is there to offer peace in the center of the storm. We see Julie and Austin turning to God to find a sense of His presence as they share the last days of their son’s life. The scriptures offer the encouragement that even in “the valley of death” fear is dispelled; and through trust, perfect peace is available. To know that we have a God who understands our sorrow—even counting our tears—brings us reassurance of a heavenly Father who cares. How good it is to cherish His “peace that passes all understanding.”

CHERISH . . . OUR LIFEMegan Walsh, a modern-day mom, works for extra income in a home based job. In the process, she is unaware of how her ambition is crowding time with family. In contrast to Megan, every moment of each day takes on new meaning for Julie and Austin after Dax’s cancer diagnosis. Review the following questions and verses to learn the importance of cherishing our life.

1. Megan is consumed with her job, sidelining family in the process. What reasons does she give to her husband, Walt, for working excessive hours? Read Mark 8:36 and Psalm 39:6-7 to consider how these verses may apply to Megan. Do they apply to you or someone you know?

2. Explain how Megan’s priorities change regarding family after she reads Julie Locke’s blog. Now, read Proverbs 3:5-6 and Matthew 6:31-33 and then reflect on priorities from a biblical viewpoint.


3. Life is not about the destination, but the journey. Read James 4:14 and reflect on what this verse says to you about your life and the lives of those you love.

4. Read Psalm 90:12; 92:2; 118:24 to find the guidelines for living joyfully in the moment. How can these verses change your perspective on each day?

LESSON TO LEARN:Pursuing our ambitions to get what we want in life may result in our losing what is really important in the process. For example, in Megan’s effort to get a bigger house, new furniture, a savings for college tuition—among other things—family relationships suffer. It isn’t until she reads Julie’s blog and understands the Locke’s tragic situation that she comes face to face with her mistaken priorities. The Locke’s already realize that every day is a gift from God; a truth that is magnified with the news that Dax’s leukemia is terminal. Now, every moment with their son is precious. This raises the question of how we live our lives.

Do we rejoice in each day, thanking God for the potential it holds? Or do we grumble about the blessings that we take for granted? Even in difficult or discouraging circumstances, there is still opportunity for happiness. During Dax’s final days, Julie and Austin choose joy. As we journey through life, let’s remember it is fragile and cherish every moment.

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Julie and Austin Locke, with daughter Madeline, on the set of The Heart of Christmas
