The Arctic Region (Netsilik region insert). Inuit Fur Clothing The Chimney Effect


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The Arctic Region(Netsilik region insert)

Inuit Fur Clothing

The Chimney


Inuit Housing

The Seasonal Cycle

The Seasonal


Winter Seal


Netsilik Hunting Balance Sheet

Amount of Meat

Annual Hunting Return 6,226 lbs.

Cost of Feeding 9 Sled Dogs 4,627 lbs.

* * * * *

Food Available for Humans 1,599 lbs.

Daily Meat Availability 4.38 lbs

Food Consumption

1. Men expend about 2,700 calories per day

2. Adult Men must consume between 2,800 – 3,100 calories in order to maintain body weight (140 lbs.)

3. Adult women consume “somewhat” less calories than men.

Inuit Diet

Primary Foods: SealCaribouWhaleWalrusFishBirds

All are high in protein and fat

Nutritional Breakdown(Percent of Daily Consumption)

Protein Fat Carbohydrates

Inuit 32 66* 2 (200 grams) (185 grams) (10 grams)

U.S. 15 34 50* (77 grams) (174 grams) (256 grams)_____________________________________________

*Polyunsaturated fat: Caribou = 21% / Beef = 3%

*60 - 75% in Developing Countries

Inuit Mortality

Principal Causes of Death:

1. Accidents

a. drowning or freezing to death after capsizing

b. Hunting accidents among men accounted for 15% of all deaths in Baffin Island.

2. Feuds and Murders

3. Suicide - Netsilik: 35 successful suicides 4 attempted suicides

--among 300 people over 50 years

4. Female Infanticide

Inuit Energy Flow
