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GREEK COLONY During the eight and six century BC, Greek people built new cities around Mediterranean sea. They wanted to look for metal and farming products. Greeks arrived at Iberian Peninsula in seven century BC because there were a lot of copper, silver and gold. In the Iberian Peninsula the main colonies were: Emporion and Rhode, Hemeroskopeion and Mainake. The city of Athens during the classical period of Ancient Greece was the mayor urban center. In the classical period, Athens was a center of the arts, learning and philosophy.


The acropolis of Athens can be considered the most representative of the Greek Acropolis. The Acropolis was literally the city and was present in most of the Greek cities, with a dual function : to host defense and the main of cult. Agora is a term that is designated by the ancient Greeks to the square of the Greek city-state (polis). It was an open space trade center (market), culture and politics of the social life of the Greeks. It was usually surrounded by major private and public buildings, such as stoas (columned porticos), pritaneos (administrative offices), Bouleterion (building for meetings boulé) and balaneia (bathroom).

SOCIAL CLASSES Citizens: They were the only ones who could own land, and to engage in the affairs of the Polis. For the Greeks, the real business of the citizen was involved in city politics. However they are also distinguished by the qualities they had. Non-citizens: In Athens were called "wogs" and immigrants were living in the city. In Sparta were called "periecos". They were free men and women, but had no political rights and could not hold public office. SLAVES: were devoid of any rights. Both men and women in this condition, very abundant in Greece, were prisoners and were owned by the state or free men. A slave status could be reached in several ways: by being taken prisoner of war, being the son of father and slave mother, debt bondage, abduction, etc.. WOMEN :They were subjected to the male (father or husband), and their movements were very restricted. Those from affluent families rarely out in your home, and within it had assigned its particular space: the "harem". Many activities reserved for men (such as attending games) were forbidden to women.


The welfare and the happiness of the house, called little attention to the Greek, for the most part of time was spent engaged in business, exercise, politics and ceremonies. He lived not for his family, but for the city, so the luxury of this (not in all cases) was his pride. Personally satisfied with a simple and modest life, provided that monuments to their to the rooms that faced him. At first, the Greeks made their houses with bricks. The light was obtained through the glassless windows and skylights, situated at a height that protected the privacy of the family view of the pedestrians. Often a courtyard provided light and ventilation

forcing the door. In the Hellenistic, households become more luxurious. The houses of the rich are made from fine materials. In Greek house, the rooms are laid out around a courtyard. The rooms devoted to visits generally consist of a lobby and dining room, and often in the most accessible part of the house.


Despite the modesty in which many Greeks lived, they had a special care for their personal hygiene. From the Archaic period, from children learned to swim and bathe in rivers and at sea. During the classical period, the houses started having toilets and small tubs, made of clay, stone or brick. Also raised public restrooms, meeting places and discussion, just for women, because women were not satisfied with them.

Free women wore long hair (unlike the slaves, which had short hair ) , which used them to spend several care during different times of day . It could also take several hours beautifying with cosmetics and perfumes. Free women wore makeup to differentiate slaves , used to pay special attention to your nails and body hair shaved . Body hygiene contrasted with dirt and disorder of cities. THE FOOD His daily supply was: bread and pastry, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, eggs and cheese. The drinks were the wine and the kykeon. the symposion was the banquet was typically of the former Greece . It was formed on two parts: the one that was dedicated to the food and the second one to the drink.

OLYMPIC GAMES Olympic Games were invented at 776 a.C. The Olympic Games is a competition of different sports. These games only the men could compete. The more important sports were racing, long jump, discut throw and javelin throw.

GREEK ARCHITECTURE Greek Architecture not used nor arch or vault. The essential element was the columns. They were made of

limestone which was painted by colors.

The most representative building was the temple, whose main function was to house the statue of the deity.

Classic building is the Parthenon temple was built on Athens the goddess Athena.


The Parthenon Temple of Epidaurus


Development of Greek painting was late, because for a long time I considered as a decorative art. Painting of old Greece was basically red and black. In these paintings can be seen nude human figures. Also some gods represented in paintings of that age. CHARACTERISTICS:

- Was monochromatic. - The colours applied to base layers. - The essential element is the line.


HIPPOCRATES Hippocrates de Cos was a physician in Ancient Greece who served during the so-called Age of Pericles. He was considered one of the most prominent figures in the history of medicine and many authors refer to it as the "father of medicine" in recognition of his significant and lasting contributions to this science as the founder of the school that bears his name. This intellectual school revolutionized medicine in ancient Greece, establishing it as a separate discipline in other areas which had traditionally been associated with (notably theurgy and philosophy), making the practice of medicine in a true profession. But usually between mixed medical discoveries of writers hippocraticum Corpus, the practitioners of Hippocratic medicine, and the actions of Hippocrates himself, so little is known about what Hippocrates himself thought, wrote and really made.

ARCHIMEDES He was a physicist, engineer, inventor, Greek astronomer and mathematician. Although few details of his life is known, is considered one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. Among his advances in physics are the foundations on hydrostatics, statics and the explanation of the principle of the lever. He was recognized for designing innovative machines, including siege engines and the screw of Archimedes, which bears his name. Modern experiments have tested claims that Archimedes designed machines became able to take water or enemy ships on fire using an array of mirrors. Archimedes was considered one of the greatest mathematicians of antiquity.


He was born in year 384 after Christ in Estagina. At 367 after Christ moved to Athens to study at Plato's Academy, which later serves as the master. In 348 he moved to Axos where Herminas serves. During this time he married Pythias, the niece of Hermias, with whom he had a daughter. After the premature death of Pythias marries Erpilis, with whom he has a son, Nicomachus, who will devote his Nicomachean Ethics. He also drafted the policy. In the year 345 BCE after the murder of Herminas, installs in Mytilene (Lesbos) was devoted to the study of biology with Theophrastus. In 334 B.C. Alejandro by accessing the throne, Aristotle returned to Athens and founded the Lyceum. He died in Chalcis Island, land of his mother at age 62.


Homer is the name given to the ancient Greek bard who would traditionally credited with authorship of the major Greek epic poems - the Iliad and the Odyssey. From the Hellenistic period has been questioned whether the author of both epics was the same person; however, not only did not exist before these doubts but the Iliad and Odyssey were considered actual historical accounts.

“THE THEATER OF GREECE” “Legend of the Minotaur “ The theater was invented by the Greeks. It is a type of culture than began between 550 a. C and 220 a. C. In the theater tragedies and comedies are presented. It is a place of land smooth and compact, in which choral songs were performed. Was a Greek mythological creature. Man had half body and half body and half body Toroan had half body bul .The minotaur was the son of Pasiphae and a white bull sent by Poseidon. The king's daughter, Adriadna, fell in

love with the Minotaur. Minos offers the beast, seven women and seven young imposed as a tribute to the city

of Athens.

LEGEND OF THE TROJAN HORSE There was once a king named Priam. He was the king of Troy, a city. Priam had two sons: Paris and Hector. One day the prince Paris was the city of Sparta and knew there was a woman called Helena and was the wife of King Menelaus. Paris was enchanted by the beauty of Helena and I decided to take her with him to Troy. When King Menelaus learned that his wife had taken summoned all the kings of Greece to declare war. Many soldiers and sailed to Troy, landed in front of its walls and surrounded the city. Was the bravest Greek Achilles. The bravest of the Trojans was Hector's brother Paris. The fight was ten years of war and there was a winner. The Greek soldiers, began to think back to their homes. Ulysses, one of the Greek kings, did not want to retire without winning and had an idea. Following his instructions , the Greeks built a huge wooden horse that had a hidden hatch on the right flank and the left was inscribed the words: " With grateful hope for a safe return home after an absence of nine years Greeks dedicate

this offering to Athena , "and within it hid many soldiers . Everyone else got in their boats and simulated returning to Greece, but actually was only until a nearby island. Seeing this, the Trojans fell on deception left the city to celebrate and went to the beach. Everyone wondered what it meant that huge wooden horse. At night, the Trojans decided to enter the horse into the city. This, by its size. They had to break part of the wall Suddenly , when the party was coming to an end, Sinon let out a horse armed Greek soldiers , and opened the doors to the rest of the army had returned to their ships and also entering through the broken wall. The Trojans could not defend themselves and the Greeks killed the guards, capturing and burning the city, which was finally destroyed.

Para la realización de este trabajo se han utilizado las siguientes fuentes electrónicas: Leyendas de la Antigua Grecia. (n.d.). Consultado el 13 de abril de 2014, de

La vida cotidiana en Grecia. (n.d.). Consultado el 22 de abril de 2014 de,

Aguado, M.D. (2012). Historia para niños: 4. La Antigua Grecia. Consultado el 29 de abril de 2014, de

Imágenes fotográficas. (n.d.) Consultado el 2 de mayo de 2014, deágenes+de+la+grecia+clásica

Dibujos de la Antigua Grecia. (n.d.). Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2014, de


Personajes mitológicos. (n.d.). Consultado el 9 de mayo de 2014, de

