The advantages of mobile learning



presented by: Maisa’a A Omar

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The advantages of MOBILE


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Convenience and flexibility:

at the exact moment learning is required.


No two students are the same. Each has their own way of

absorbing information. Through mobile learning,

students are able to learn in their own way.

They can personalize and enjoy learning.

Relevance:Mobile learning gives the learner what they need, when they need it. They can get to it quickly and easily with the device they have

right in front of them already.

Good use of ‘dead time :’

It can happen during dead time

Special Education:Mobile technology

can also benefit those with special needs .We can say that

learning-challenged students have a

chance to be equal to those who are


Fits different learning styles:

•Reading•Video•Listening to podcast•Researching on the internet•Animation


It can even encourage students to communicate more openly when they are in

class .Teachers can also use mobile devices to interact with students that require special attention.

Educational Support:Using smart phones, students have easy access to knowledge. They use their devices as supportive educational tools. They have access to diagrams, articles, essays and other academic information which can improve student performance in the classroom.

Complex interactivity:


People can study when they are commuting and travelling.

Wider Access:1. Students have access to industry experts. 2. Students can read reviews and blogs by field

experts. 3. They can also follow conferences online.4. They also have a chance to interact with

professionals even from their homes or classrooms.


Several students at

different locations can work in the

same documents.

Mobile devices can make the process of learning easier to interact in more and varied


It is amazing to find out how much information a mobile device can carry despite its light weight.

Thank you all…

Prepared by Maisa’a A Omar
