The 5-Minute Essential Shell Tutorial - Linux Mint Community.pdf


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The 5-Minute Essential Shell Tutorial

Alright, far too often (especially in the IRC channels) there is a time where even the most beginner of

users are faced with the terminal. It has many names: terminal, shell, console, "command prompt" even

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as a carryover from those familiar with Windows. Many people are frightened by it for some reason or

another, so this tutorial will attempt to provide you the most basic of commands to enable navigation andbasic system actions from the comfort of your keyboard.

Let's get started shall we? Since everyone's Mint version can be different, I'm not going to detail how to

actually open the terminal. I'll assume you can find it in the menu or by right-clicking in the desktop.


1. You can do almost anything in a terminal which you would also do from a GUI interface.

2. Most commands were designed first to work in the terminal, then a GUI put on top of them.

That's why some GUI's may feel clunky - they were an afterthought at times.

3. The default location for your terminal to open from the menu is in your home folder, also known

as ~

4. Your current directory can be noted by the . operator. Most commands when they act on the

current folder selection, operate on .

5. Commands, locations, and files are case sensitive. /home is not the same as /HOME or /Home.

6. Use the tab key to complete file names. If you have a long driver titled, for example,, simply type dri and it will fill in the rest, provided you don't have 2

names starting with "dri" and if you do, add another character to make it "driv" and try again.

7. Almost any command can be read about in full using the manpage or by typing -h or --help after

writing the initial command. This syntax is either man command_name, command_name -h,or command_name --help.

8. To get even more information, you can use info. A command can be searched for by using info

command_name. For most of these commands which are part of the coreutils package, one can

find info as well using info coreutils command_name invocation where command_name is

replaced by the command searched for.

9. Almost any command can also explicitly display what is happening. This is done usually by the -

v or --verbose

10. You can specify multiple command flags to a command at a time to get more information (see the

ls -al example below.)

11. Command names are not always obtuse - due to space limitations in the old days of Unix they

were shortened, and the conventions stuck.


cd -> Used to navigate the directories. You can move to any location by path.

1. cd This will move you back to your home, same as cd ~

2. cd .. This will take you back exactly one directory. Starting in /home/justin/Desktop, cd .. will

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put me into /home/justin. This can be expanded upon, cd ../../ from the Desktop location instead

will move me 2 back, from my Desktop to /home.

3. cd foldername/ This will move you forward to the given folder in your current folder. Take note

of the missing prefix / it is an important omission. if I am in /home/justin and I want to get to

Desktop, I must type cd Desktop/ without the / before Desktop. Typing / before it places us in the

root of file system, which is incorrect.

4. cd /some/other/path This will take you to the specified folder path, supposing it exists as typed

exactly. Don't forget your tab completion!

ls -> Used to list folder contents. You can view many kinds of file and folder attributes.

1. ls By itself, ls will simply list all your files in the current folder. From fact #4, this literally does ls


2. ls -l Provides a longer listing format including owners, permissions, size, and date modified.

3. ls -a Displays hidden files and folders as well as the normal listing.

4. ls -al Combine options to display both hidden files and in the long format.

5. ls -h Show file sizes in human readable format (K, M, Gbyte) filesizes instead of bytes. Often

used in conjuction with the -l flag.6. You can view files in directories you are not even in. If I am in /home/justin/Desktop, and I want

to view a file in /home/justin, I can do ls ../ list files one directory back (and not have to go back to

do so.)

cp -> Copy files

1. cp file /path/to/folder Copies specified file to the given path.

2. cp -r folder /path/to/folder Copies recursively the contents of the folder to another folder.

3. cp *.extension /path/to/folder Copies files matching the given extension to the new folder. To

copy all .doc files, it becomes cp *.doc /path/to/folder and the folder must exist.4. cp name* /path/to/folder Copies all files starting with 'name' to the given folder. To copy all

files starting with example, it becomes cp example* /path/to/folder and the folder must exist.

mv -> Move files

1. The syntax of mv is similar to the example above with cp exempt for example #2. mv does not

take the -r flag since moving a folder also moves its contents. The syntax is not exact in all

instances, but works with the above examples. Consult your manpages for more details.

rm -> Remove files

1. For all intents and purposes, removing files via rm is permanent. It does not use the Trash bin.

Use with caution and make sure you are deleting explicitly what you want, not what you think

you want. If you decide to get fancy with your delete commands, it's probably going to come

back to bite you.

2. rm file Remove the specified file from the system.

3. rm -r folder Remove the specified folder from the system

4. rm -rf folder Removes the specified folder forcefully from the system. This command can

severely break your configuration if used incorrectly as it will not prompt you if something critical

is being deleted. If you have to use this, chances are something more is broken or there was a

mistake made. This should only be used as an absolute last resort method and is not


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nano -> full command line text editor

1. One can edit files using nano in a terminal to do quick and dirty files all the way up to full

configurations. It's handy, but keep in mind it handles plain text files and programming files,

things like MS Word documents will not open properly!

2. If a file is owned by root, it is not editable as a normal user. nano must be prefixed with sudo in

order to save changes. Otherwise, it will open in read-only mode.

3. nano newfile.whatever Nano creates a new file of the specified name and opens it for editing.4. nano existing_file Nano opens the existing file for editing.

5. From inside nano

1. Save file using the ctrl+o key combination, and either change the name or press entier to

keep the same name. This will save the file.

2. Exit nano by using ctrl+x key combination. If you have unsaved changes, it will ask if

you want to save.

mkdir -> Create directories

1. mkdir folder_name Creates the folder with the specified name

2. mkdir -p /path/to/folder/name Creates each folder as necessary. To create folder

/home/justin/newfolder/2ndfolder, and only /home/justin exists, using mkdir -p will make both

directories newfolder and 2ndfolder.

ps -> List processes

1. ps aux List all processes in detail running on the system, including user, Process ID (PID), and

name of process. Using this, one can view their process list and if necessary, kill unnecessary or

stalled processes.

kill / killall / xkill -> Kill offending processes.

1. kill PID PID is a number referencing the offending process. One should obtain the PID from a

command like ps aux. If a process refuses to die, one can alternatively specify kill -9 PID which

should terminate the process by any means, even uncleanly or if it will mess up the system.

2. killall program Killall kills *by name* all instances of said program. If there are for example 3

firefox sessions open, killall firefox will do just that; kill all firefox sessions. kill would simply

take the specified PID of the offending firefox process you wish to kill, and kill that one only.

3. xkill is a GUI way to click and kill windows. Typing in xkill should present a skull-and-

crossbones icon, and the next window clicked on will be killed.

Pipes -> The most useful thing you will learn in *NIX. Redirecting output of a program to anothers


1. Pipes are represented by the ' straight bar ' otherwise known as the ' | ' key.

2. It is a rarely used key in Windows, it is often found on the backslash key.

3. They are used to link commands together. Pipes take the output of one command and route it to

be used as input for a second command chained together.

4. Consult more online resources with information about pipes and their use as there are volumes.

> and >> redirectors -> Send output to a file instead of the terminal.

1. > is used to *overwrite* currently existing files contents and replace with the output from the new

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2. >> is used to *append* information to currently existing files. This is useful for logging.

3. Example: ps aux > processes.log Sends the output of ps aux to the file processes.log for

viewing the command output in a text editor and overwrites the current contents of the file.

tee -> Send output to both a file and the terminal

1. tee is used in conjunction with a ' | ' in order to take the command output and send it elsewhere.

This is useful if there are errors which fly by the screen before you can read them, this way

whatever goes on the screen is also captured to a file.

2. Example: dmesg | tee boot.txt would run the command dmesg which shows the initial boot info,

and the ' | ' sends the output of dmesg to tee, which then does its job by sending it to the terminal

and to the log file boot.txt.

File Execution -> So you want to execute files or programs from the terminal? Make sure it's marked

executable. If not, see Quick Tip #4 below.

1. Need to execute a file in the current directory after it is marked executable? The ./ operator can

execute the file as a normal user provided you do not need root rights. ./ literally means "in the

current directory" so it does not work on files outside of the present directory.

2. Need to execute a file not in the current directory? You must pass the path to the proper

executing program. If it is a python program, it's python /path/to/file and if it is a shell file, it issh /path/to/file as an example. There are of course other programs, but these will be the most

common for beginners.

3. Need to execute a file with root rights because you received operation not permitted? Prefix the

command with sudo. Thus, from the above example, sudo python /path/to/file will execute thescript with root rights.

4. Need to execute a GUI program from the terminal? Simply type the program name (case

sensitive!) and it will launch. This will render the current terminal unusable. Closing the terminal

while the program is open will kill the program. A better way is to background the program,

using program_name & and then typing the word exit at the terminal to close it and keep the

process running.

5. Need to run a GUI program with root rights from the terminal? Prefix it with gksudo or gksu and

not sudo. Using sudo to launch GUI applications is a bad habit and should be avoided.

6. Do not, do *not* use sudo simply because something receives "Operation not permitted."

Keep in mind what you are doing as you can absolutely *destroy* systems by running

commands in the wrong place with root rights. This point cannot be emphasized enough. Make sure your files come from reputable sources.

Quick tips:

1. Lost yourself in a directory? Not sure where you are? Type pwd to print working directory.

2. Want to calculate your disk space quickly? df -h can give you a quick checkup.

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3. Want to calculate the size of a folder or file quickly? du -cksh target_name can do exactly that.

Want to calculate the size of the current folder? du -cksh .

4. Need to mark a file executable? chmod +x filename can do that. Next time you see a file you

need to execute and it is not marked executable, now you know how to fix it.

5. Want to mount an iso like Daemon-Tools on Windows? Linux has this functionality built in.

Simply create a directory somewhere, say /home/justin/isomount, and issue the command mount -o loop /path/to/myisofile.iso /home/justin/isomount and the contents will be mounted inside that


6. Run a command before, you need to re-run it, but you can't really remember what it was exactly?

Type history into the terminal and it will print out your command history. Want to clear your

history? history -c will wipe the information.

Tags: bash, shell, commands, terminal

Created: 2 years ago.

Last edited: 2 years ago.

Read 72857 times.


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1 week ago


I'm brand new to linux and this is just what I was looking for, a

comprehensive place to start. Learning the command line is just like

learning another programming or coding language. Precisely the

point - a new language to learn. Most of the tutorials I've seen so far

are speaking bigger words than I know at this point, so I don't

understand much of what they're saying. I'm so glad you left this up

after being here for quite awhile.

Not only do I want to learn the command line, it is one of the main

reasons I want to learn linux. That's where the power is!

3 weeks agoelfaure


Agreed, rm -rf some_folder is dangerous business for the newbe.

Then again, so is sudo -i but at least you only have to enter your

password once for the entire interactive root shell session, and you

can then execute all sudo commands to follow unprompted. Goodwhen you need to be root for more than a single command.

3 weeks agoelfaure

Also add:

sudo apt-get install some_pkg

3 weeks agoelfaure

Good, but add:



echo $PATH

PATH=$PATH:/Path_to_addsudo -i

mount | grep tmpfs

3 weeks agorobert1407

Most of this is way above my skill level. I just hope that I can use

he operating system

4 weeks agopingvin

Дякую за чудову операційну систему.

1 month ago

You cover quite a bit of ground in this tutorial. I just wanted tomention that you have to log in as superuser [sudo] to successfully

mount a drive, and that if you want to use a command that you've

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owlfeathers just recently used, you can use the up-arrow key to scroll through


1 month agonicalatinman

Thank you so much for the tutorial, it helps a lot to beginners like


1 month agokedem


1 month agoVashthestampede

Thank You!!

1 month agoowsla

Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Now I'm off to dive

deeper into the rabbit hole.

1 month agodisPPlay

Great tutorial.


1 month agogadgetboi

i know that some command are simmilar to DOS command but

Linux is different and we must understand the basic first :D

2 months agoMpegforever

Thanks. Did never hear nano or killall. Well, will continue to use

Windoze for work (unfortunately) but am starting now Maya for

personal use.

Compliments for the good work.

2 months ago SteveFAL


Very nice tutorial! My command-line experience goes back to DOS

2.0 and I still find myself inadvertently typing "dir" instaead of "ls",

and, being new to Linux still have a heckuva lot to learn about the

basics. The pipe "|" is a sublimely powerful tool that should have itsown tutorial;- whoever invented that deserves to be rich and happy.

The occasional bit (no pun intended) of dry developer humor in the

shell really lightens things up too. Developer humor? How about

the "less" command doing more than the "more" command. Just

like the old saying "less is more", except in this case, less is more

than more... Monty Python couldn't have thought of a better name

for the command.

Also, I still get a chuckle when I run "sudo apt-get moo".

ANYWAY, I *do* have a suggestion here that may help the

(really) green newbies a bit, RE: The tutorial fact 11. "Commandnames are not always obtuse - due to space limitations in the old

days of Unix they were shortened, and the conventions stuck."

My suggestion is to mention the word (or words) that the command

abbreviation was derived form. Surely most people can figure out

that "cp" is short for "copy" and "mv" for "move", but it may not

be immediately obvious that "ls" is short for "list" and "cd" for

"change directory". YES, a little thought will make many

commands' abbreviations apparent, but once beyond the very basic

ones seeing them in print right after the abbreviation will make

them easier to not just figure out but to remember, i.e. cat(Concatenate).

The command line is much more useful if people REMEMBER the

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commands. :-)

2 months agoRomantis

perfect thx a lot

2 months agoisabelambrocio

One of the reasons that people look into Linux is because they are

sick of corporate greed and want windows off their computers for

good. Linux now can do just about anything that windows can do

but learning it is like learning Chinese and your not from China.

The word terminal is as foreign as a rock from Mars to most, I

remember it cause that's what a computer was before windows

came out, just a black screen with a prompt. You had to tell the

computer what to do. It's not a multiple choice thing, if you didn't

know the command you couldn't even and still can't ask it for help.

I still can't find a complete and easy to understand listing of the old

DOS commands never mind Linux commands.

As an example of the confusion people run into is the DOT

command you speak of, I've played with that for an hour now and

still don't know what the heck it is, and I understand enough of

DOS to get around to doing most things in DOS. Most people have

never seen or heard of DOS.

I think Mint has a real chance of winning over windows. Most

people use their computers these days for Internet, emails, chat,

music, and videos; all of which Linux Mint does with ease. Likeone article said “There are only a few programs that keep people

using windows” and I'll add ease of loading programs and drivers.

But just a few.

Corporate has just become way too greedy and they have made it

blunt that one does not own the product they are paying for just the

medium it's written on. They also control the governments that pass

the laws that protect their greed. We the people don't.

I'm a capitalist, I don't pay for stuff I can't own, and with theInternet I don't need a medium. – Corporate you lose – call it what

you will.

But if we the people could get a few tutorials that change

Chinese(Linux) to English(windows) that transition could be a lot


With windows 8 trying to be as confusing as Linux and the added

point that once you learn windows 8 it's just a pain to use I think

the end of windows is in the horizon.

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But thanks for the tutorial it gave me a few of the commands

needed to navigate the command line.

By the way I used Mint to read this article and write this post. A

free office program, that has got to stick in Microsoft's side. You

got too greedy Bill or should I say WallStreet.

2 months ago DMNashir Help me a lot.. thx..

3 months agosurya_73


3 months agoThomIves

All the things that I have heard my Unix/Linux friends mention for

years and haven't had time to learn or ask are all in here ... and

more! Thanks1

3 months agoray4720

Brilliant start for a newbie

Feel like i am getting somewhere at last

3 months agomanojkumar


3 months agothomasrivaa

I'm newbie...

I'm learning by doing.

Thanks, Pal!!!

3 months agoBenjamin1974

Sweet! now if I could just find the terminal command for clicking

"like" on FB....

3 months ago prashantnalin Still I am getting nothing...................

4 months ago jimijab

Awesome. terminal is very daunting for noobies but this is rather


4 months agokb5zxm

It took me longer, and I did not finish

4 months agomfzn

i prefer terminal than gui

terminal is faster

4 months agoBigBonsai

The only thing that annoys me every time is that "mv" cannot movefolders, or rather move folders recursively (meaning it doesn't take

the -r option). Annoying. GUI is much better in this respect. Quick


5 months agokeertushar


5 months agoMartinEdwards86

Thank you for the info!

Thank You all for this work and help. I just switched to this os anddue to the the fact that I was sick with window's os and the

problems that always pop up I joined the Linux Community. Since

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5 months ago lucky7 I have been on windows crack since win 3.1 this is simalar to the

old dos and makes sence. Mint is amaizing and thanks for a better


5 months agoMart777

A really good overview for somebody like me, who has only used

the terminal so far to input commands, without knowing what they

actually mean and how they inter-relate.

I have started to use it alongside other learning media eg.YouTube.

Good foundation material.

5 months agopetexanh

Really good tutorial. In a world where so many linux/unix tutorials

give you a keyword and just tell you to look up the man page, its

great to see one that cuts straight through to the more commonly

used basics to give users the confidence in the terminal environment

to explore further for themselves.

5 months ago code4j Great :)

6 months agoyatriparis

Light and clear. Thanks. Jacques. Happy new year !

6 months agoRogerJones

Great tutorial for an old newbie like me.

6 months agoblueXrider


i feel so dumb, i just dont get all these terms and ways to use the

"shell". why isnt it just in regular language, is there a more of abeginner tutorial, sorry im from the usa, we have crummy schools




7 months agomekanik7777

i feel so dumb, i just dont get all these terms and ways to use the

"shell". why isnt it just in regular language, is there a more of a

beginner tutorial, sorry im from the usa, we have crummy schools

7 months agocdustybk

Great tutorial! I only wish I could have seen it when I was starting.

I think one nice thing to add could be whenever typing your

password (for example after sudo some_command), no characters

appear for security reasons.

That is probably the one question I get asked more than anything.

Again, great tutorial!

7 months agolongbowz

I have to say Mint tutorial is most user friendly to newbies I've ever

seen. Thanks! \o/

7 months agodiabolist

Good ice-breaker for the terminal noob

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7 months ago


Awesome down and dirty primer on the terminal, man.

8 months agostephenktatton

This is a good straightforeward tutorial,but whenever i try to use a

terminal I can put in a command but everything freezes when I

attempt to type in my p/word. So it hasn't really helped with my

particular problem.

Apart from that, BRILLIANT.

8 months agodavid_a

Good information for people to have.

Under "Commands", in the "cd" section, you say that typing ..

takes you back. People might think this means "back where I was a

minute ago" - that's the usual meaning of "back". Probably this

should be changed to "up" instead. "Up" sounds strange, but at

least it isn't wrong.

8 months ago Lubuntu

Looks like a great place to start. I've been playing around with Mint

for a while but it's time to get serious about Linux and this is cool

since I'm used to knowing my way around a command prompt inwindows.

8 months ago


Awesome tut :) lots of commands wow thank you

9 months agoda1vinci


Good tutorial! Thanks!

9 months agocallet09

Thanks. Great tutorial

9 months agoolemorten

very nice tutorial!

9 months agoderekpmiles

I'll be back I'm sure ,what I needed to get started.

9 months agoAlthorax

Good stuff here for this noob!

9 months agokkdg

If you write a book, I will buy it definitely

9 months agokkdg

great tutorial in a nutshell!!

9 months agowisdomlight

#A tutorial that demonstrates lreal life examples would be highly


I do not understand what can actually be achieved by an avarege

user like me who knows very little about computing.

Thank you for the conscie explanation.

9 months agoNeorg_64

It took me more then 5 minutes and I will consult it many more

times. Great start for me.

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10 months ago


Just what I am looking for

10 months agobdukes11

Great for beginners like me.

11 months ago


Excellent! *****

11 months agotimothy23

Clear, useful, well done.

11 months agoBear65

Boss thank you!

11 months agoredeemed

Very good tutorial> Just what I was needing. A few possible

typo's, but still clear and concise.

Is this a typo?;

The syntax of mv is similar to the example above with cp exempt

for example #2. Should EXEMPT be EXCEPT?

11 months agooldfagin

Great tutorial... Covers the basics and kick starts the old grey-cells

into wanting to know more!

11 months agoDoyle

Good, but please add something like this to the 'rm' command:

"Make sure you are deleting exactly what you want, by testing the

file selection using the 'ls' command with the same file selection


I figured out this stategy in 1993(Microsoft DOS) when I

accidentally typed 'del c:\*.*' instead of del a:\*.* at my bosses

main work computer and it took all of the rest of a long lunchtime

to fix it, finishing just before he got back. I was clearing my full

floppy before copying a single file. I won't forget the hour of high

stress and potential loss of reputation, access privleges and pay

from that mistake.

1 year agoJML103

Nice tutorial... Helps a lot

1 year agoJML103

Nice tutorial... Helps a lot

1 year agoJML103

Nice tutorial... Helps a lot

1 year agogrimdestripador

Sed and Grep are important. Grep can be used with other programs

to search. Use Grep on Search Terms: grep searchTerm $(find . -

name "*.ext") . Use itself to find in files of this directory: grep -r --include="*.ext" searchTerm

Thank you for these tips. Now I'm going to use pipes more

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1 year ago



1 year agobibliafelipe

Very good tutorial!

1 year ago


really helpful

1 year agorcraig3

Help to be able to have a source of information you can use to

make a cheat sheet.

1 year agoChillyWilly

Awesome! Thanks

1 year agonunya

useful, thanks

1 year agoJimmy_

Thanks this will come in handy

1 year agobibliafelipe

Very good, thank you very much for this Tutorial.

1 year agokp99

Thanks. Very Helpful...

1 year agoThinker


1 year agomdouzzi

Great job! Very helpful for a beginner

1 year agoarovella

Very good.

1 year agobackbone

great tutorials for novice

1 year ago


Great... Thanks

1 year agoNuR1L


1 year agoRavingLoony

Good for a start but a lot of newbies will still be confused - not

necessarily by the article but words like promote/demote when

voting - today people use like/not like whether we like it or not!

And I speak as a wrinklie.

1 year agoantonrorepande

waow, good share..

as a beginner, good for me..

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1 year ago


Great help! Thank you!

1 year agomdouzzi

Thank you very much for this tutorial

1 year agozrslg01

Nice and handy, but still rtfm :) I know one guy, who can reallybenefit from this. best

1 year agoXavierTG

Thanks a lot for your tutorial.

1 year agohexmodz

its help me alot

1 year agocapeferrelometal

This is just great. I just installed Mint 12 LXDE, and love it so far.

Never liked the theatrics of Windows.

I have not typed a command since I used Wang UNIX systemsmearly two decades ago, so it's great to get back into the fun.

The tutorial is wonderful. Nice to know things under the flash is

still intuitive and useful! Thanks!

1 year agopaulthepenguin

This is great for a new user like me :) thank you

1 year agohankrich

thanks, this is very helpful.

1 year agoAllanLindh

Unix is a beast, but you almost made me smile. Thanks very much.Long live VMS!

1 year agonewbiewon

I have learned a great deal about Linux history, how to load

opperating systems, how to coexist with windows and how to

recover from some disasters. Now I want to become a Linux user

and this is a great start. Thanks for thinking of the newbies!

1 year agogtones

can these commands dependent on which version of Mint someone

is using?

1 year agosoulrain

Just went threw this list. Great stuff. Thanks for taking the time toupload it.

1 year agoapet666

thanks man.. god bless..

1 year agoAshBaby

very useful

1 year agouserXVII

Great place to start. Thanks.

1 year ago joroxrd

Thank you very much!

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1 year ago


Thanks really helpful .

1 year agokututech

Nice share, very helpful for me..

1 year ago


Very nice, well-written tutorial.

1 year agosillyousu

hi . Can I translate it into Chinese and post it on my blog?

1 year agoadibhanna

this is very useful! thank you.

1 year agodazw2000

This post is great for the shell commands in a terminal window.

Wishing that i had read them as these are of great use to new users.

May be i shall not keep going in circles. Many Thaks

1 year agostonetrek

Thanks, just what I needed

1 year ago24horsonline

Poderia atualizar para o novo mint

It could bring up to date for new mint

1 year agonicabod

Woopsie! Misplaced closing double quote...

Suggested edit:

"... directory somewhere, say /home/justin/isomount, and issue thecommand

mount -o loop /path/to/myisofile.iso /home/justin/isomount" <---


and the contents will be mounted inside that folder. I added blank


Should be:

Suggested edit:

"... directory somewhere, say /home/justin/isomount, and issue the


mount -o loop /path/to/myisofile.iso /home/justin/isomount

and the contents will be mounted inside that folder." I added blank


(et cetera).

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(OK with me if the @moderator fixes my original post and deletes


Would be very nice to have a Preview function in this software.

Also desirable would be a time-limited (half hour?) ability to edit

your message after posting, and enable the Insert key.

Best, [nb]

1 year agonicabod

Oh, dear. I just spent about half an hour typing a moderately-long

comment, then hit Promote (before "Add comment"), and lost

everything. Should have known better. Only an expert could dig

through RAM and (maybe) find what I'd typed. Second time will

omit and be more concise:

Anyhow: I've come across various explanations of [bash] and theCLI, but usually abandoned them part way through. This is, imho,

excellent writing, as many others have said. (I didn't read most

comments, just scanned).

A few thoughts: If you ever do [rm -rf], do seriously consider

clearing history [history -c] as soon as you can, so you won't do

up arrow Enter.

I'm still mostly mystified by loop mounting. Your example is

helpful, but there's a quite-unfortunate line break just where a

newbie doesn't really know whether to type a space or not.

Suggested edit:

"... directory somewhere, say /home/justin/isomount, and issue the


mount -o loop /path/to/myisofile.iso /home/justin/isomount"

and the contents will be mounted inside that folder. I added blank

lines, because line endings will differ once this is posted*. It's better

to have a too-short line precede an important command (or other

input [text]) than to risk embedding a newline within a command

(or URL).

*Old-timers will recall a need to hit Enter at the end of every line;

this was before automatic line wrap and flowed format became


This collection is good enough to merit translation (as in

Wikipedia). (Care to make a Wikipedia article out of this? That

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way, volunteers will translate!)

Best regards,


midnight hacker in 1960

1 year agopaladin_knight

Clear enough but please add these commands:

1. uname

2. whoami3. which

4. su

5. passwd

etc.. there are tons of basic commands. need to be updated.

1 year agothetomster

very useful for cli newbies like me.

1 year ago


Thanks for the info, both old and new!

1 year agothoudahl

Nice first introduction. thx

1 year agoArundathi

Merci beaucoup c'est très clair !

1 year agopaull59

Thanks this was a great refresher....

1 year ago andrei90

Thank you very much for all the details.

Cheers mate.

1 year agoinf3RNo

thank you =) nice tut.

1 year agosalmane

clear enough for newbie, i like this.

1 year agonassosdim

Excellent resource for beginners. I'll share it on twitter :)

1 year agocoolsaddam2525


1 year agokrause

Excelente para quem está começando a trabalhar com linux

1 year agolinuxfanatik

About turning this tutorial into a PDF file, I have (Under

Libreoffice Writer) a facility whereby when I use my Epson Printer

to Print the document under Libreoffice (you just copy and paste it

into a blank document, name it then go to print) you get the choice

of printing to file, actually print, or turn it into a PDF form - whichis great! Linuxfanatik

I have several 'guides' to the CLI (Command Line Interface)

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1 year agolinuxfanatik

Console or Terminal using various Bash or Shell Scripts, but the

one above is the most clear and useful one! I used to do admin with

Unix some forty years ago, when I worked for Plessey PLC, but

when you move onto something else you tend to forget familiar

scripts and texts, and anyway, Unix has moved on from Bell

Associates and Berkeley University in California and improved

since BSD and Solaris came out. I miss Solaris as a Free unix

system since Oracle took it over - who can afford to pay the pricesOracle want to charge when your retired? I will be happy to see

other Tutorials by Justin, like Clem , he's got a great following and

knows a lot that we can all use in Linux Mint.Linuxfanatik

1 year agomoxamandeel


It's nice

1 year agoodyszor

Thanks, very nice intro

1 year agodwcunplugged

This is a very good intro to the command line. I just startedstudying for the LPI level 1 exam, and this is very much the first

stuff you learn. Great job.

1 year agoExaminer

Thank you! From a newbie...

1 year agoKulato

Very much needed for those who are new to Linux.

1 year ago


refrigerator: n. L., a device which, if you look inside it, you should

find a cold beer.

1 year agoranjith

this is great it had helped me to built knowledge a lot thank u!

1 year agosidsparks

I made a pdf of this in response to a couple of comments but don't

know where to put it to link to so here is another option. The whole

of this can be copied by selecting the text using the mouse in the

same way that you would in a text editor or word processor then

use the normal copy command (Ctrl C ) or right click and select

copy. The text can then be pasted into any editor or word processor

of your choice using either Ctrl V or the paste command from theedit menu. Once the text has been pasted it can be printed or saved.

1 year agoNills

really thank you. very helpful info for me.

1 year agoVishal

nice one got to know commands which i was not aware..

1 year agoerictennant

Great for beginners, I think a PDF file would be a good idea.

1 year ago jarhead0311

B nice to have 'Print out' button on these pages.

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1 year agoLabby

Very nice tutorial! Most of these commands I already knew, but it's

a great resource for beginners.

1 year agokingugo

very helpful info for me as a newbie as i hope to learn more. wont

forget to say; it was hard to read and practice

1 year ago blueXrider

What would be nice here is to wrap this all up and have a

download-able PDF

1 year agoblueXrider

Excellent information

1 year agorobman1987


1 year agoivy_s

Very good for newbies.

1 year agobreaker

@peterdoug -

The entire is awesome, it stands for;

The Linux Documentation Project

Here's a good jumping off point also -

1 year agoRavS

Great! Thanks :)

1 year agoSeoolas

Very helopful. I shall be refering back here a lot as I go...

1 year agopois3

all this was needed, it takes time to learn this. thank you. Most


1 year agoBiren

Useful indeed. Thankyou.

1 year agokenhall5551

Very good tutorial. great starting point for newbies. Thanks

2 years agocwoodsp

As a newbie to Mint and, by extension Linux, it's handy to have

easy-to-follow tips and guides. This is one such resource. Well


2 years agododjie60

And to add to all this great tutorial, my favorite is typing xman in

terminal to show manual browser in GUI. I've been using this since

Red Hat 9 and SuSE 9 (I think).

2 years ago Unknown by most you can find and install from the menu as well

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LONNIEFUTURE as any terminal "it's awsome" great thinking.

2 years agopeterdoug


Very helpful.

I would like to see a link to a similarly helpful article that explains

the Linux file system as it is so different from Windows.

That would help me get my head around the terminal.

Newbie to Linux, who's used UNIX, DOS, Windows (95-XP) to

do work.

Many thanks

2 years ago


Really helpful for me... very good tutorial.

Many Thanks, man!

2 years agogenothomas

Nice article...

2 years agoLeaf

great tutorial

2 years ago justin

mysoomro: Thanks for the comment. :) You don't fear the

command line, you always keep in mind that just because

something doesn't work, don't prefix it with sudo by force of habit.

Becoming accustomed to a prompt or denial of an action due to

improper rights to the system is no reason for negligence.

Please don't change the meaning by taking only a snippet of the

intended comment. Fearing the command line and not realizing

consequences of quick actions are two different things. That is the

intention of the warning.

I've seen several instances of people who state "It didn't work, so I

used sudo" only to cause damage to the system (such as a mass

chown -R or something involving local Xorg files.) The goal is tobring this thought to the forefront of the mind when using things

that have such impacts. It should not be any different for a personal

computer than a mail cluster which hosts 25000 mailboxes - good

habits make for proper execution.

2 years agomysoomro

Great tutorial. Really helpful for starting up. Thanks.

But I have a question. Do we really don't have to fear command

line? You first said don't be afraid, then in bold face font, you

warned that, : we can *destroy* systems by running commands

in the wrong place with root rights .

2 years ago Great introduction to Bash. Nobody should fear the command line!

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2 years agodazw2000

This is great and well worth taking the time and effort to really read

and learn what the commands and the extension on the actual end

of the command does, in the terminal. and what effects it has on the

system when you use them. Its really a must for me and one shall

highly recommend this tutorial to others. Thank You So So Much.

2 years agointelliginix

Need more info on the bash shell? Check out the Advanced BashScripting Guide

2 years agoCalensito

Really helpful for me, since i install Linux a few days ago.

Thanks man!

2 years agomichaeltristan

Very well written and to the point. Great set of basic/new user

commands clearly defined to get folks on the good foot. Well done,

thank you.

2 years ago


very good tutorial.

2 years agopana

Excellent tutorial for beginners, and nice article for anyone on


I know a lot of this commands, but I refresh my knowledge.


2 years agoHarryKnutz

very much needed....thanks for your time and effort

2 years agondixon

Nice introduction, though maybe you could mention that 'mv' is

also used to rename files?

Also, neat tip: "cd -" alternates between the directory you're in now

and your previous location

2 years agoashtoash

Somewhere I have already read about that :-)

Good article on the basic shell commands.

2 years agoMason-

Great, I knew most of this but the information is great and just to

review is always a bonus. Thanks a lot.

2 years agowanda

Very gread , good tutorial!

2 years agosamriggs

Great tutorial.

Turned it into a pdf and saved it my wife wanted to learn more so

now she has a pdf of it.

Thanks again

2 years agoyellowpike

All I can say is THANK YOU !!!

2 years agoTonya

Many thanks! Very good tutorial!

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2 years ago


A good information for beginner on how to start using the terminal.

Nice tutorial, thanks!

2 years ago jimmyMaruchan

Awesome! Thanks!

2 years ago


very useful..

2 years agostudentbong

Nice One... This help those who transfer from windows like me..

Thank you so much..

2 years agoFlanschbob

Great tutorial, but two things are missing to make it complete:

- Quick tip #6 should mention the use of the arrow up/down keys to

load used commands

- It should be mentioned that your password is 'invisible' when

typing it in. this is quite unusual and very confusing for beginners.

2 years ago Saints_DazzaNice! Good intro to terminal. Great starting point for a seasoned

MS user making the transition to Linux.

2 years agokakapyly

thank you!

2 years agokdh333

Nice tutorial...well done...;-)

2 years ago kevr

@jhpassarelli, this guide is named "The 5-Minute Essential Shell

Tutorial", not "The 5-Minute GUI Tutorial"

2 years ago jhpassarelli

There is a GUI way to mount ISO images... just right click an ISO

amage and select "Open With Archive Mounter". That's all there is

to it!

2 years agobaldwiew

Nice and quick for newbies and a reminder for the likes of me,

almost stuck in the GUI world.

2 years agospyngamerman

thanks nice and easy to understand for a noob like myself command

lines normally scare me but your tutorial definitely takes the edge

off ;)

2 years agohenrymak

This is the first time I use Linux and this tutorials is really helpful. I

spent a lot of time just trying to understand some of the terms used

in the forum and articles. There should be more tutorials like this to

help more people like me migrating to Linux. A glossary of the

technical words use in Linux will be most welcome.

2 years agotroyM

Thank Justin, I just used the Terminal to remove and

install libreoffice. Keep up the tutorials!

2 years ago kephalian

I am a newbie to linux, I like this tutorial. I was long trapped with

the Vendor M5 WIND0z, shopkeeper GATE.Linux is Forme.OPEN SOURCE ROCKZZ.

Its funny how the terminal at first glance can scare ya, then you

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2 years ago


read a tutorial like this and see how relatively simple the commands

really are. Thanks a million for this tutorial.

2 years agoTwix2247

I just switch to Linux from windows (Downloaded Julia x64). I

was a pretty good windows user and have a lot to learn about

Linux. The basic Terminal commands are something new to me

since I was used to MSDOS promt. Thanks for posting this.

2 years agoBlanton

Thank you for this quick guide. Absolutely a must have in the linuxcommunities as a whole :).

2 years agolinus

Thanks!! It's really helpfull

2 years agomikefreeman

Very helpful for the uninitiated! :)

2 years agorubul


2 years agokriskardiak


2 years agoangelomat08

just using this linux mint 10..thanks..i'll try this..^^

2 years agonumn

Everything is in here!

Beginners will thank you for this :)

Thanx for the tip with gksudo!

2 years agoSol_Badguy

Very useful to beginners...

2 years agoQruqs

Lots of good information.

2 years agogrim

Beginner friendly and pretty awesome indeed! Thanks :D

2 years agoblacx

very useful for the beginners... :)

2 years ago jahwarrior4179

I Like it.

2 years agomorris_hunt

I need to download a WIFI driver for Linuxmint 9, that is inside

Windows 7, and learn how to make it operate! Can some help me

by Chatting in Yahoo Messenger, or by

Email,, I am Morris Hunt, mwh2222 in

Yahoo Messenger!

2 years agodorus43

Very nice summary

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2 years agosandyv

Great tips for someone thats as brain dead as I seem to be at times!

Thanks much! :)

2 years agoShostako

Very good first tutorial for the beginners. Great work.

2 years agoitonggant


2 years agocorinoco

Useful also to older noobs coming back to *nix after an 18-year


2 years agoSeaCorpseDan

Thanks for taking the time to write this tutorial. Really helped out a

linux noob.

2 years agolinXea

I like the idea of a quick how-to ... Of course the "man" command

will be the most effective to learn the actual use of the commands.

2 years agomerelyjim

Printed to PDF so I can have something to share with other while in

an off-line environment. Nicely done.

2 years ago johnnyp

very nice ... i learned some new trix

2 years agoDervheid

If all tutorials were this well done, there'd be a whole lot more

people digging in deeper. I wanna learn, this doesn't scare me off...


2 years agosouthsidesam

Good noobe article

2 years agoeerika_

Awesome article, Justin. Good work


2 years agoKi3rk3gaard

Truly MINTy fresh now I can be a hero in a half shell ! I have been

putting it off but you've removed some of that initial aversion .

2 years ago crivote

most useful for newcomers and people like me, used to just c&p

terminal commands from googled tips pages. Thanks for providingsome light and clear explanations.

2 years agoLexux

Great Work, very good tutorial. Thanks :)

2 years agoudana071

As a beginner I think I've 2 read this many times.. :D

2 years ago tincotts

Tincotts Having used Linux for 6 or more years, Ive always

worried about

using the terminal, even though familiar (once!) with the old Dos

notation. I feel far more confident now in attempting to try my

hand. Very grateful for the info.

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2 years agoShardon

For someone who was raised on the old DOS command

environment, this was most helpful. Amazing how old habits seem

to just hang out in the memory banks and when in terminal the urge

to use them just comes crashing forward. Nice quick overview and

very helpful.

2 years agosayry


2 years agod_zaxc

good work. thanks.

2 years agoKittyKatt

Awesome article, justin. Good work. :D

2 years agogallus_gallus

the shell never goes out of style, thanks for making it easier for us

2 years agoEd_Frost

Very helpful, thanks a lot!

2 years agom4daredsun

Very nice. Thanks

2 years agowdliming


2 years agogee7

Good article, Justin.

Two things, though, Page Down and Q.

Remember as a newboy to Linux how easy it is to get baffled. For

example, after using the command "man application-name" or "info

application-name" such as "info gnome-terminal" some of the

information will be shown. It would be useful to explain in the

tutorial (1) how to see the rest of the info by repeatedly pressing the

Down Arrow on the keyboard or by one click on Page Down and

(2) more importantly, how to escape from this info and return to

your home at ~$: by pressing the Q key (for quit). I guess thatmany inexperienced users can only escape from their current page

by closing the terminal altogether and then opening it up again to

start something new.

Also some new users may worry that the processes will continue

after closing the terminal, so It's also worth mentioning at the

beginning that that closing the terminal by typing "exit" ("exit" and

then "exit" to close down root, then user) or by clicking the cross in

the top right corner will kill the processes that you have been

running in the terminal, either as root or as user. As an introduction,how to open and close an application (and how to escape from

some its processes) is always a good start.

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It's all very useful stuff, your article can then move from the most

basic to the semi-skilled. Thanks for caring.

2 years agothermodynamics4

Very well done, i was looking in another places and is a bunch of

commands that is not easy to learn at first look. So this is nice and

usefull, Suhana point me to the right direction. Thanks Mint


2 years agonolarut

Great info, thanks for posting.

2 years agokevr

seen tons of new folks asking for pointers to a page with beginning

tutorials to the linux shell. this one is laid out right here for you, just

don't skip sections. very nice :]

2 years agoDeadguy

very nice intro to the shell Justin!!

2 years agonavigator1

good job !!!!!!!thanks

2 years agoleleyx

Really liked it, I'm a complet n00b to linux, but been playing with

MS Command Prompt since monkey years, and love that I can do it

again, weird, huh?

2 years agoKarlozkiller

Really good one, been using different Linux distributions on and

off but never really learned too much about shell scripts and such.

This is great!

2 years agohatani

Thanks! I know some of the basics, but stuff about (gk)sudo andiso mounting was very helpful.

2 years agoheltonbiker

Hi, Man!

I was thinking about a tutorial on shell script, which we haven't

here yet, and I found this one. It's very good! So I think you could

write the next Shell Tutorial, this time teaching people how to save

the commands to a .sh file, writing the shebang, making it

executable, and so on. It is amazing that a process like this is almost

unknown outside linux world, and I for one had been using it a lotearlier if someone taught me how easy and useful it can be.

Thanks for caring!

2 years ago justin

Thank you everyone for the positive votes, it is greatly appreciated!

If there is anything one thinks should be added, please post.


2 years agoBunstonious

Good start Justin.

This is a sorely needed start for those users that "just don't quite get

it" but I am afraid that there are many others that still wouldn't bebothered.

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I for one appreciate the effort that you have put into this. Kudos.

2 years ago justin

@dbpatankar - Agreed, I'm still on the fence about that actually.

Abuse of rm -rf just like any others can have drastic consequences.

I'll add it with warnings.

2 years agodbpatankar

Great start....... congrats!

may be 'rm -rf folder' will also be useful.

Since no user will like to confirm descending in each folder.

2 years ago justin

This is probably incomplete at the current time, but your thoughts

are appreciated. Please let me know. Thank you.

Other tutorials from justin

No other tutorials.

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