th Facial Reanimation · 2019. 12. 3. · Early facial reanimation: personal technique B. Bianchi...


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Facial ReanimationSan Paolo Hospital, Milan - Italy

Milan - 8th April 2019

President: Federico BiglioliInternational guest speakers: Teresa Gonzales-Otero, Charles Nduka, Grazia Salimbeni

EACMFS (European Association for Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery)

S. Paolo Hospital - Health Sciences Department - Milan University

EACMFSEuropean Associationfor Cranio MaxilloFacial Surgery

Facial palsy is a condition that negatively and severely affects the quality of life as it causes functional, aesthetic and psychological deficits. Its prevalence is very high, as it affects one in fifty subjects. The causes are many and, depending on the etiology, spontaneous healing is possible. In cases of partial or complete deficit, it is possible to optimize functional and aesthetic recovery with a surgical or non-surgical procedures.

The course includes live broadcast from the operating room of a “triple innervation” facial reanimation for recent paralysis, completed by in-class comments and scientific presentations on the same topic by a panel of distinguished speakers. The presentation of adjunctive treatment options offers a complete and updated picture of the treatment for different forms of facial palsy.


8.00 a.m. Registration

8.30 a.m. Introduction – F. Biglioli

8.45 a.m. EACMFS promoting Educational Exchange - M. Galiè

9.00 a.m. Multidisciplinary facial palsy management - C. Nduka

Session I: LIVE SURGERY9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Live surgery: “Triple innervation" facial reanimation

F. Biglioli, D. Rabbiosi, F. Allevi - Comments: Grazia Salimbeni

Live surgery introduction: triple innervation F. Allevi

Anatomy of the facial nerve and mimetic muscles C. Sforza

Facial paralysis: role of the neurologist A. Lozza

History of facial reanimation A. Puddu

Neurorrhaphy techniques S. Righini

Technical steps to trace the facial nerve T. Gonzalez-Otero

Early facial reanimation: personal technique B. Bianchi

Early facial reanimation: personal technique G. Salimbeni

Hemi-hypoglossal-facial nerve intratemporalside-to-side anastomosis

T. Gonzalez-Otero

Radiological aspects of cancer invasionof the facial nerve

G. Carrafiello

Facial reanimation in cancer surgery V. Valentini,M. Della Monaca

Physiotherapy of the operated patients A. Previtera,S. Cupello

Taping of operated patients S. Cavallini

Advancements in neural substitutes P. Tos

Objective evaluations of paralysis C. Sforza

Continuous panel discussion:Allevi, Bianchi, Carrafiello, Cavallini, Cupello, Della Monaca, Gonzalez-Otero, Lozza, Previtera, Puddu, Righini, Salimbeni, Sforza, Tos, Valentini

1.00-2.00 p.m. light lunch

Session II: FACIAL REANIMATIONChairmen: A. Bozzetti, G. Felisati, C. Piazza, L. Vaienti

Topics Speakers

2.00 p.m. New technologies for facial palsy assessment and rehabilitation

C. Nduka

2.20 p.m. Mixed technique in cases referred 18-24 months after paralysis onset

F. Allevi

2.40 p.m. Two-stage free flaps surgery and Labbè technique

G. Salimbeni

3.00 p.m. One-stage free flaps surgery D. Rabbiosi

Session III: FACIAL REANIMATIONChairmen: E. C. Campos, A.B. Giannì, P. Nucci, L. Rossetti

Topics Speakers

3.20 p.m. Surgery of facial paresis F. Biglioli

3.40 p.m. Role of botulinum toxin F. Carota,A. Lozza

4.00 p.m. Corneal neurotization F. Bolognesi,P. Fogagnolo,

G. Giannaccare

4.30 p.m. Facial reanimation in Moebius Syndrome B. Bianchi

4.50 p.m. Conclusions

Fabiana AlleviMaxillo-Facial Surgery Specialist, Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit (Dir. Prof. F. Biglioli), San Paolo University Hospital of Milan - Italy

Bernardo BianchiAssitant Professor of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Maxillo-Facial Surgery Surgical Unit (Dir. Prof. E. Sesenna), Parma University Hospital - Italy

Federico BiglioliFull Professor and Head of the Specialization School for Maxillofacial Surgery - Milan University - Italy. Head of Maxillofacial Surgical Unit - San Paolo and San Carlo Hospitals, Milan - Italy

Federico BolognesiResident in Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Policlinico S. Orsola - Malpighi University Hospital, Bologna - Italy

Alberto BozzettiFull Professor and Head of the Specialization School for Maxillofacial Surgery, University Bicocca of Milan. Head of Maxillofacial Surgical Unit - San Gerardo University Hospital, Monza - Italy

Gianpaolo CarrafielloFull Professor and Head of the Radiological Unit - San Paolo and San Carlo Hospitals - Milan University - Italy

Emilio C. CamposProfessor and Chief of Ophthalmology University of Bologna S.Orsola-Malpighi Teaching Hospital - Italy

Francesca CarotaMaxillo-Facial Surgery Specialist, private practice centered on facial plastic surgery and medicine, Milan - Italy

Silvia CavalliniProfessional kinesiologist, Graduated in physical and sports education, Milan- Italy

Silvia CupelloPhysiotherapist, Physical Rehabilitation Unit, San Paolo University Hospital of Milan - Italy

Marco Della MonacaMaxillo - Facial Specialist, Oncological and Reconstructive Surgery Unit, Policlinico Umberto I Hospital, La Sapienza University, Rome - Italy

Giovanni FelisatiFull Professor and Head of ENT Surgical Unit and Director of the Head and Neck Department - San Paolo and San Carlo Hospitals, Milan - Italy

Paolo FogagnoloUniversity researcher, Ophthalmology University Department (Director: Prof. Luca Rossetti), San Paolo and San Carlo Hospitals, Milan - Italy

Manlio GalièDirector and Chief of Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery Unit. Center for Orbital Pathology & Surgery. Reference Center for Treatment of Rare Diseases. EACMFS International Teaching Centers Network. St. Anna Hospital and University of Ferrara - Cona - Italy

Giuseppe GiannaccareResearcher, U.O. Ophthalmology Policlinico University S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna - Italy

Aldo Bruno GiannìFull Professor and Head of Maxillo-Facial Surgical Unit and Head of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Science Department - Policlinico University Hospital of Milan - Italy



Teresa Gonzalez-OteroConsultant in Maxillofacial Surgery at La Paz University Hospital. Assistant Professor. Autonomous University Madrid - Spain

Alessandro LozzaNeurologist, Consultant of Neurophysiopathology Department (Dir. Prof. R. Manni), Istituto Neurologico Nazionale Casimiro Mondino Neurological National Institute of Pavia - Italy

Charles NdukaPlastic Surgeon, NHS consultant at Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead - GB

Paolo NucciAssociate Professor and Director of the Ophthalmology Unit- San Giuseppe University Hospital- Milan - Italy

Cesare PiazzaAssociate Professor and Head of the Otorhinolaryngology, Maxillofacial and Thyroid Surgery Departement, Fondazione IRCCS National Cancer Institute of Milan, University of Milan - Italy

Antonino PreviteraHead of the Physical Rehabilitation Specialization School and Physical Rehabilitation Unit, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan - Italy

Antonella PudduM.D, Specialist in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery F.E.B.O.P.R.A.S. Plastic surgeon in private practice at Casa di Cura San Rossore, Pisa - Italy

Dimitri RabbiosiMaxillo-Facial Surgery Specialist, Assistant Professor at Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit (Dir. Prof. F. Biglioli), San Paolo University Hospital of Milan - Italy

Stefano RighiniHead of Oncological and Reconstructive Cervico Facial Unit, San Giuseppe Multimedica Hospital of Milan- Italy

Luca RossettiFull Professor and Director of the Ophthalmology Unit- San Paolo University Hospital- Milan - Italy

Grazia SalimbeniPlastic surgeon, Head of Plastic Surgery Department at S.Chiara Hospital of Pisa from 1971 to 2001- Italy. Actually private practive at S.Chiara and Studi Medici Versilia di Camaiore - Italy

Chiarella SforzaFull Professor of Human Anatomy, Head of Biomedical Health Sciences Department, University of Milan - Italy

Pierluigi TosHead of Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery Department, G. Pini - CTO Hospitals, Milan - Italy

Luca VaientiFull Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Director of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Unit - San Donato Hospital - University of Milan

Valentino ValentiniFull Professor and Head of the Specialization School for Maxillofacial Surgery - Head of Maxillo-facial Oncological and Reconstructive Surgery Unit, Policlinico Umberto I Hospital, La Sapienza University, Rome - Italy


InformationDate: 8th april 2019 Time: 8.00 a.m. – 5 p.m. Place: San Paolo Hospital, Via A. Di Rudinì, 8 - 20142 Milan - Italy Room: Auditorium, sector C, 2° floor

TARGETDoctors specialist in: Maxillo-facial Surgery; Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Neurosurgery; Neurology; Ophthalmology; Otorhinolaryngology

Maximum number: 80 of partecipants

Deadline for admission: 31st January 2019 (admission is subject to availability)

ATTESTATIONavailable at the secretariat as soon as the questionnaire of perceived quality has been filled.

COURSE FEE85,00 € included VAT (69,67 € + VAT), including coffee break and light lunch


SECRETARIATTecniche Nuove SpA Provider Standard ECM ID 1585 Via Eritrea 21, 20157 Milano tel: (+39) 0239090320 e-mail:


Tecniche Nuove SpA Provider Standard ECM ID 1585 Via Eritrea 21, 20157 Milano - tel: (+39) 0239090320

