TFAC Newsletter Vol. 49



Dear All, Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming! You've got not only a 3-day holiday, but also a chance to enjoy the atmosphere of the traditional festival. Dragon boat race is on at night until Monday. And don't forget to have some yummy rice dumplings!

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TFACnewsletter vol.


The D-Day for DEHPFood Additives

The D-Day for DEHPThe D-Day for DEHPThe D-Day for DEHP

Dragon Boats Start Racing!2011 Tainan Dragon Boat Competition starts from June 2

and will last for 5 days. As a gorgeous festival, there will

not only be cultural activities, but also cuisine vendors.

Due to the festival, parts of Cingping Rd., Yuping Rd. and Jiankang 3rd St. will be under

the traffic control.

The annual Tainan Dragon Boat Competition has caught everyone’s attention and has be

come as a leading event for other cities and counties to imitate, said Cheng, the Directorcome as a leading event for other cities and counties to imitate, said Cheng, the Director-

General of Bureau of Education.

The director of Department of Sport Chung indicated that, the

dragon boat competition is getting more splendid in recent

years. There will be several different kinds of performances

during June 2 to 5, including local dance groups and singers.

The dragon boat competition has been held during the night The dragon boat competition has been held during the night

since 2004 and has attracted more and more audience. To avoid

traffic congestion, some roads are under the traffic control

during the competition period, (14:00~22:00 from June 2 to 5,

but ~22:30 at June 6) Including the Cingping Rd.(between

Guoping Rd. to Anyih Rd.), Yuping Rd.(between Cingping Rd.

and Yuping 9th St.), and Jiankang 3rd St.( between Anping

Rd. and Yuping 9th St.)Rd. and Yuping 9th St.)




If you have travelled around Taiwan you might noticed that foods

are sweeter in Tainan. Sugar used to be an expensive seasoning,

and the more sugar you add shows off your welthiness in the past.

兩碗飯[ㄋㄥ ㄨㄚ ㄅㄥˊ/jia bern]:2 bowl of rice

點菜[ㄉ一ㄢm ㄘㄞˇ/diam tsai3]:to order

大碗[ㄉㄨㄚ ㄨㄚn/dwa wann]:large bowl (of food)

喝湯[ㄌ一ㄣˊ ㄊㄥ/lin tng]:drink soup

好吃[ㄏㄡ ㄐ一ㄚ/ho jia]:delicicous

多少錢[ㄨㄚ ㄗㄟ ㄐㄧn/wa zei jinn]:how much?


[ㄉ一 ㄅㄚˇ/

d baa]



[ㄍㄟ ㄅㄚˇ/

gee baa]



[ㄍㄨˊ ㄅㄚˇ/

guu baa]



[ㄏㄞ ㄘㄢˋ/

hai tsan]



[一ㄩㄥ ㄅㄚˇ/

yiun baa]



A few friends came to us wondering if we could make more shops to have

English signs and menus for their services. We heard you, and a new

scheme is being introduced right now to achive that. However, don’t let

that take away the fun of being Local! Next time when you order your

food, try do it in Taiwanese, do it in style!

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2F., No. 6, Sec. 2, Yonghua Rd., Tainan