Texas Lone Star State. Six Flags? Spain France Mexico Republic of Texas - 1836 State of Texas - 1845...


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TexasTexasLone Star State

Six Flags?Six Flags?

SpainFranceMexicoRepublic of Texas - 1836State of Texas - 1845ConfederacyState again - March 30, 1870


Texas - 1876 Long, concise Statutory or detailed

wording Over 400+

amendments BR = 1st article

US - 1787 Short, vague Liberal or broad

wording Only 27 amendments BR – added after



Geographic size of state makes $$$ important

Closed as to ballot, but open to any registered voter

Elect judges, members of boards, Lt Gov’r and other cabinet members

More party control than at nat’l levelEC vote = 38 now

Local GovernmentLocal Government

Dillon’s Rule– City does NOT have inherent sovereignty to

rule its jurisdiction– City receives its authority from the state

legislature in the form of its charterTX Municipal League = lobbying arm of

city govts’ interest group

Local Govt. cont—Local Govt. cont—

County level– Legislative body = commissioner’s court– Executive body = county judge– Judicial = JP, county ct at law, district court

City level– Legislative body = city council– Executive body = mayor– Judicial = municipal court

Annexation & ETJsAnnexation & ETJs

City’s may annex surrounding unincorporated areas into their geographic territory or city limits

3 year formal process (key = inventory and maintenance of present services)

ETJ = extraterritorial jurisdiction; authority of city over area next to its city limits– Limited control – mainly regulatory, also taxes prior

to eventual annex.

Special districtsSpecial districts

Areas with specific functions which govern autonomously regardless of county/city govts

May overlap geographic areas but supersede jurisdictional authority

ex.: school (#1), water and MUDs, hospital, 9-1-1

Texas ExecutiveTexas Executive

Plural executive – as governor does not select his Lt Govr nor most of his cabinet

Can call 30-day special session for Tx legislature and limits agenda to his topic

Has line item veto but no Pocket veto power No pardon power as subject to recommendation

of Board of Pardons and Parole

Texas LegislatureTexas Legislature

Meets for 140 days biennially or every other year Speaker of House and Lt Governor – most

powerful Terms= 2 yrs for House, 4 for Senate Members

– House: 150 members, 21 yrs old, registered voter, Tx resident for 2 yrs, resident of district

– Senate: 31 members, 26 yrs old, registered voter, Tx resdient for 5 yrs and district resident for 1 yrs

Texas JudicialTexas Judicial

Elected in partisan elections Serves only 4 or 6 years depending on court Has 2 supreme cts

– Texas Supreme Ct = civil cases

– Tx. Ct of Criminal Appeals = criminal cases “ct of last resort” = US Supreme Ct Automatic appeal for death penalty/capital

murder cases


18+, on or before election dayResident of countyUS citizenNot currently under felony sentenceOf sound mindRegister to vote 30 days prior to electionPhoto ID with you when you vote


18+Citizen of state and countyEligible to vote (not nec registered voter)Of sound mind and good moral characterAble to read and writeNot convicted of, or currently under

indictment for, misdemeanor theft or any felony


Sunset laws – require a review or evaluation of agency/program prior to its renewal by the legislature

Criminal trials – 2 parts = 1) verdict (guilt/not guilty) and 2) sentencing

Entitled to atty at point taken into custody; Appointed an atty at later arraignment

Grassroots movement – attempting to influence public officials by gaining support county by county through individual efforts, not party leadership


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