

Keramoti Greece PDF Presentaion

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Our Organisation is pioneer once again. It becomes the first union in Cyprus that

acquires privately owned holiday facilities overseas. As from August 2010, it offers the

opportunity to its members to spend their holidays, at very low prices, in a completely

new, privately owned apartment complex in Keramoti, Kavala (Northern Greece).The

complex, built with modern standards, consists of two two-storey buildings with 21 one-

bedroom apartments and 5 studios.

All apartments and studios are air-conditioned and have their own small kitchen, suit-

able for breakfast and any other meal. There is also a multi-purpose hall, suitable for

use as a conference room, cafeteria, playground, etc.

The modern method of construction blends perfectly with the scenic character of the

surrounding area and the natural environment.

The pitched roofs of the buildings are made with tiles, while it is worth noting that the

apartments have a canted roof, which gives an additional picturesqueness.

Our Union has chosen to build the complex in a privileged area in the municipality of

Keramoti, at a point where the forest meets the sea. The complex is within walking dis-

tance of all the amenities, such as taverns, restaurants, shops, supermarkets and well-

organised natural beaches.


Keramoti is a picturesque seaside village (municipality) in which from above looks

like an island and the only point that links the village with the rest of the region is

its bridge. Keramoti is built on the bay of the homonym gulf , the Delta of Nestos

River, southeast of Kavala, across from the green island of Thassos. Keramoti is the

second port, after Kavala, which communicates with the island of Thassos.

The visitor in Keramoti feels calm yet

not detached from the rest of the world

because of its easy access to the neigh-

bouring areas (see table below), but

also because of the large number of

tourists that populate hotels and apart-

ments during the summer months.

Keramoti is ten (10) kilometres from

the international airport of Kavala,

Alexander the Great, forty (40) kilometres from Kavala and Xanthi, fourteen (14)

kilometres from Hryssoupoli and six (6) nautical miles from the island of Thassos.

There is a regular bus line every hour to and from Kavala and Xanthi and every half

hour to and from Chrysoupoli.

Modern ferries travel every hour (the journey takes about half an hour) from

Keramoti to Thassos.There are 2 daily flights (lasting 40 minutes each) to and

from Athens and numerous flights (scheduled and charter flights) during the

week throughout Europe. There is a direct flight to and from Larnaca during the

period of July-August.

The environment of Keramoti is of rare beauty. There are areas for fishing and

there are beautiful sandy beaches that extend for miles and their crystal clear

waters are suitable

for swimming. The

coast is organized

with umbrellas and

sun beds and the

bather has every-

thing he needs in

order to spend

pleasantly his time

by the sea. There

are also bars along the


The water is crystal clear

and is the richest in both

fish and seafood.The

majority of the residents

earn their living from

fishing. Here the visitor

can find well-organised

mussel cultures that are

considered the tastiest

in the world.

In Keramoti one can also buy fresh,

delicious fish, just when the fishing

boats reach the port after the

overnight fishing. That is what we

call direct from the manufacturer.

Along the main road and near the

harbour there are fish taverns and taverns where one can taste the freshest fish.

How many us do not dream of relaxing in a traditional tavern, sipping ouzo or

retsina, playing backgammon and with plenty of fresh fish on the table? Our

Union makes this dream come true.

One of the most idyllic locations is the Lighthouse, a lush are of pine trees located

at the tip of the peninsula.

A lot of people choose this location to spend a pleasant Sunday, making picnic,

fishing and swimming. Its port is picturesque and ideal for walking. The village is

especially crowded each year on the 6th of August, the day the village celebrates

the grace of Christ.

Kavala Waterfall

One of the features of the area is the Waterfall

of Kavala. There is no need to look for it,

because the gurgle of water echoing from afar

betrays his existence. The waterfall is split into

two parts; the one section reaches 6 meters in

height. The water has created 2 pedestals in 2

levels because it carves for years the rock. The

crystal clear waters in these pedestals are ideal

for swimming during the summer season.

The Delta of Nestos (20 minutes drive away)

As already mentioned,

Keramoti is built on the

Delta of the river Nestos.

The Delta of the river Nestos

has a total area of about

500,000 acres and is consid-

ered of the most important

wetlands of Europe. Part of

it is protected by the Ramsar

treaty as a Special Protection

Area and as a Special

Protected Mediterranean Region.

It also belongs to the Natura 2000 Network and is also part of the National Park

of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The area consists of a set of biotopes with

lagoons, wet meadows, reed beds and riparian forest.

The unique composition of flora and fauna of the Delta of Nestos are ideal for

nature lovers, birdwatchers and wildlife, etc. A rare animal species, the water buf-

faloes, are a significant part of the rare fauna of the Delta of Nestos.

It is a place of unparalleled natural beauty and a refuge of important and rare

species. The steep and verdant slopes of Straits are awe-inspiring for guests and

those who travel with the train. In order to feel the greatness of nature, either you

must make canoe along the river or walk the Path of Peace, one of the most beau-

tiful hiking trails available in Greece.

The train runs next to and slightly above the water of the river, penetrates several

times through the rocks and the mountains and offers the travellers unique sights

and sounds. Along the way, there is the train station of Liberia, that is now being

used as the base for various sports, such as rafting, hiking, mountain biking. The

beautifully shaped facilities of the old station provide accommodation and food.

The Narrow of Nestos

(20 minutes drive away)

Hikers who want nowadays to

enjoy the beauty of the Straits,

use the path (that is carved in

many places in the rocks)

walking from Galani village

(10 km from Xanthi) to the

wells of Kromni. The route

continues along the tracks of

the train for anyone who wants

to continue the hiking to the

Train Station of Liberia (3 km)

or even to Stavroupoli

(another 10 km).

It is a route of rare beauty along the water that offers unique emotions and expe-

riences. Overall, and mainly depending on the quantity of water and the season,

the river runs over five hours. Visitors can quench their thirst with the crystal

clear waters from natural sources at the various points, arranged with art by the

Forest Services.

The recreation areas, equipped with benches, tables and the shelters, made with

love, provide food and rest. The rocks of the region made of marble, are eroded for

centuries by the continuous flow of river waters and create, with beautiful decora-

tions of stalactites and stalagmites, steep cliffs and many caves, some of them are

visible from the trail.

Agios Nikolaos

– Porto Lagos

Agios Nikolaos at Porto

Lagos is a dependency of the

Monastery of Mount Athos

Vatopedi. The monastery

complex is built on two small

islands in the lagoon of

Porto Lagos. A wooden

footbridge links the islands

and a second one links them

to the mainland. The

Church of Agios Nikolaos is

built on the first island and

the Chapel of Pantanasa,

where there is a copy of the

miraculous image, is built on

the other island.

Apart from being a stop for

tourists, since the area is

beautiful and it is designated

as a protected habitat, the

monastery is considered

also as a “spiritual” lung.

There is a small fraternity

that comes from the

Vatopedi monastery and the

program, in addition to the

daily services, includes regu-

lar gatherings on “therapy”

for the troubled and the

traumatised soul of the mod-

ern man.

Philippi –

Archaeological promenade

At a distance of approximately 30

minutes from Keramoti there is

one of the most important and glo-

rious in history archaeological

sites of the county. Philippi was

one of the largest towns of Eastern Macedonia. A district that was found two km

east of the city of Philippi certifies that the area of Philippi was inhabited from the

Neolithic era and that the installation of people continued after the Neolithic era.

The reputation of the city spreads worldwide in 42 BC, because of the Philippi’s

historic battle outside of the walls. The battle became a landmark in the history of

Philippi, because the Romans settled and converted the city into a purely Roman


The Ancient Theatre is the witness of the glorious era that Philippi lived. It was

built around 356 BC at the foothill of the hill and its dimensions classify it as one

of the largest ancient theatres. Concerning the city, of special interest is the

Forum, a square paved with marble slabs,with buildings and temples and the

Commercial Market, a large building that was erected in Roman times where the

entire city's commercial bustle existed.

Here, Apostle Paul teached for the first time in Europe (49m.Ch.) the message of

Christianity and baptized, in the river Zygakti, Lydia, the first European Christian.

Here Apostle Paul was arrested and was imprisoned by Silla. However, as a result

of a major earthquake that occurred, the sentinel embraced the new faith and then

he freed Apostle Paul.

Paggaio Mount

(40 minutes drive away)

Excursions to the ski resorts and

monasteries. The climbing can

not be absent from such places.

The Paggaio Mount extends to the

county of Serres and Kavala.

Many streams begin from this

mountain; there are also large

wells located in the mountains

and in the surrounding areas that

are fed from the mountain. The

highest peak has an altitude of

1956 meters.

The Monastery of Panagia Ikosifinissa is on the north side of the mountain, at an

altitude of 600 meters. The monastery is perched on a hill. An ancient Greek

Temple predated on the top of the hill. The Monastery is accessible from the west

via the provincial road network in the County of Serres, either through the village

of Kormista or through a separate exit, built along the new Serres-Kavala road.

Thassos (25 minutes by boat)

The island of Thassos is

located in northern Greece,

across the coast of Eastern

Macedonia. The island is

lush and the main source of

income of the residents of

Thasos comes from timber,

marble mining, tourism,

oil, olives, honey, etc.

Olives, pine trees, fir, lin-

den, cedar, dogwood and

other domestic and wild

trees cover an area from the

small valleys up to the peaks of mountains.

The most favourable activities in Thassos include water skiing and fishing, hiking

and mountaineering, hunting and bird-watching. For the first time, the Greek

Ornithological Society and the International Bird Life started to apply a program

for the continuous monitoring of a significant area for wild birds in Thassos (IBA

GR016) by volunteers.

A portion of the island has been desig-

nated of particular value for wild birds

(96 areas in Greece have been classi-

fied similarly) and is among the first

areas nationwide that have entered

into arrangements for monitoring by

volunteers of these organizations.

Kavala (25 minutes drive away)

Kavala offers a beautiful combina-

tion of mountain and sea that

enchants visitors with the first

glance. It is built amphitheatrically

on the slopes of the little mountain

Symbol and it is surrounded by the

green forest. In Kavala you will find

the most beautiful beaches and blue

seas. The old aqueduct, the Castle, the cobbled narrow streets of the Virgin Mary

and the imperious neoclassical buildings are marvellous witness of its history. A

lot of songs were dedicated to its natural beauty. The county of Kavala is a mixture

of elements that are actually remnants of different ages, different cultures. Here

you will find sites and monuments from virtually all eras.

Kavala has the most beautiful andpicturesque harbour of the northernAegean. It is the first European portthat Apostle Paul arrived. Today'sport's configuration allows thegrounding of large commercial shipsand cruise ships. It is the departingport for the ships to Thassos, Limnos,Lesvos, Samothrace and the transitport for ships that make longer trips.

The port of Kavala, located only 500meters from the Egnatia highway,aspires, by the completion of the ver-tical axis, to become the main gate-way to the Balkans, in EasternMediterranean.

The Cave Aggitis (near Kavala)

The Cave Aggitis is locatedin Prosotsani of the coun-ty of Drama and it is thelargest cave river in theworld (21 km in length).Its uniqueness lies in thefact that the river Aggitisflows at the floor. The richdecor includes enormousstalactites. The cave canbe visited at length of 500meters and extends over atotal length of 21 km.Impressive is the exit ofthe river through themountains. The waters ofthe basin of Kato Nevrokopi reach the underground of the river of the cave.

The cave is also called Maara, a name with its etymology either from Arabic meaning«small cave» or from Hebrew meaning «water from the mountain». A very small part ofthe cave at the exit of the river has been known since antiquity. In the region manyarchaeological findings were discovered including a mammoth tusk, and are held in themuseum of Drama. The cave has yielded also unique species such as at 6500 metersdepth a barbell and at 7100 meters depth a tylinari, a unique type of semi-transparentpetrokaravidas. It has been reported that transparent fishes existed in the cave.

The cave is located in the Municipality Prosotsani, Drama and it is accessible fromDrama (Kavala is 25 minutes drive away from Keramoti) and Thessaloniki. It hasbeen utilised and visited since 2001.

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