Term 4, Wk8



2011, Term 4, Week 8 - Beaumont Buzz

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Delivering opportunities for innovative learning, excellence, leadership and success

A The Parkway, Beaumont Hills NSW 2155 T (02) 8824 6470 F (02) 8824 6473 E beaumonthi-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W www.beaumonthi-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 4 – Week 8 Thursday, 1 December, 2011

Our School Newsletter Beaumont Hills Public School

Dear Parents, Change of staff development days for 2012: This year staff at Beaumont Hills participated in a full two day workshop with international educator Lane Clark. This Canadian presenter divides her time between the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. She is highly regarded in her field and therefore demand for her services is at a premium. The initiation of this partnership with Beaumont Hills commenced with a special staff development session after school in early March and was followed by an intensive two day workshop. When a school applies for a change of dates for their Staff Development Days strict criteria is outlined by regional office and must be adhered to. Our working relationship with Lane Clark will continue next year in 2012. Because of her limited availability we will need to change our staff development days for next year. The Regional Director has granted special permission to reschedule our staff development days to accommodate Lane Clark’s availability. Usually the first day of Term 2 and Term 3 would be pupil free days. Next year however, the first day of Term 2 and 3 will be NORMAL school days where all students will attend class. The pupil free days for 2012 at Beaumont Hills will be Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd April. Students will NOT attend school on these two days, thereby allowing all staff to fully engage in these important workshops. Both OOSH and the Island After School Care facilities have already been notified and will adjust their services to accommodate families for these two days. Please contact these organisations if you need to use their services. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me for further information.

Silver Awards: Well done to our Silver award recipients who were guest of honour with their families at a special morning tea. Like your families, the students and staff at Beaumont Hills acknowledge your hard work and commitment to your class, your peers and to your learning. Well done!

November 2011 Silver Award recipients Celebration Concerts: During the week our K-2 and Years 3-6 Celebration Concerts were held, culminating a year of 10th Birthday events. All students K-6, over 580 of them were given the opportunity to perform. Dance, comedy , music and song featured in class items. Colourful costumes and abounding energy highlighted a wonderful evening of entertainment. It also showcased the talents of our teachers and their students. A large production of this kind requires a true team effort. I thank all parents who have assisted their child’s class in the production. Thank you also to all family members of our staff who gave up their weekends and evenings to support the students of our school. Finally, a big thank you to each and every student who gave the very best performance they could. Well done! You should all be proud of your achievement.

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Term 4 – Week 8 Thursday 1 December, 2011

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Congratulations to: Naomi P who has returned after participating in the Australian Softball Championships in Victoria. Naomi is part of the team who are now Australian Champions. Well done Naomi.

Naomi P, 2011 Australian Softball Champion Congratulations to Maddy W on her recent selection as a member of the NSW Trans -Tasman Little Athletic Team that will compete in New Zealand during the Christmas break.

Maddy W, member of the NSW Trans-Tasman Little Athletic Team

Whooping Cough: One of the students has recently been diagnosed with Whooping Cough. Coughing spreads the infection to others nearby. Whooping cough caught at school can spread to any younger brothers and sisters at home it can be especially dangerous for babies. Whooping cough starts like a cold and progresses to bouts of coughing that can last for many weeks. Children with symptoms should see a GP. If your doctor diagnoses whooping cough, please let the school know and keep your child at home until they have taken 5 days of antibiotics. Keep coughing children away from babies. Whooping cough vaccines give good protection against infection but immunity fades. If your school-aged child has younger siblings, it’s a good idea to check that they are up to date with their vaccines.

Students from the Year 3—6 performance




Term 4 – Week 8 Thursday 1 December, 2011

School organisation for 2012: We are in full organisation mode for 2012. In order for us to plan as effective and accurately as possible we need to know numbers of students leaving at the end of the year. Our enrolments for 2012 demonstrate a projected increase and therefore we are looking toward forming another class. This extra class will provide challenges in organisation for the whole school in class composition. There are several options being considered at present. Only when we are absolutely sure of enrolments will our classes for next year be finalised. Please let the office know if you are moving. Western Sydney Regional Award Presentation: On Wednesday Mrs Bromwich and Mrs Thwaites attended the WSR award ceremony at Nirimba Campus to accept our school’s award for ‘Excellence in Education - Innovation in the use of ICT’. Mrs Bromwich coordinates the school’s technology team and Mrs Thwaites has both designed and maintains our school website. Congratulations to all students and teachers of Beaumont Hills on this wonderful achievement. Special Grandparents Concert: You are invited to attend a special school concert being held at Beaumont Hills Public School on Thursday, 8th December, 2011 at 9:30 am. The concert will showcase the many talents of our students including: Drum Group Miss Sarah’s Dance Group Senior Choir Violins Junior Choir Band 2A and 2T Jasmine Flower and Mandarin Morning tea will be provided by our P&C. Come and enjoy a wonderful morning full of entertainment. Could you please RSVP to the school office to assist us with catering and seating, by Monday 5 December, 2011. Heather Thomas Principal

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K—2 End of Year Performance Celebration concert fun




Term 4 – Week 6 Thursday 1 December, 2011

CALENDAR OF EVENTS DECEMBER 5 – Gold Breakfast DECEMBER 6 – Sport In Schools DECEMBER 7 – Scripture Breakfast DECEMBER 8— 9.30am Special Grandparents Concert DECEMBER 9 – Parent Helper Morning Tea - School and Community Christmas DECEMBER 13 – Sport In Schools DECEMBER 14— Presentation Day DECEMBER 15 – 9.30 am Year 6 Graduation 5.30 pm Year 6 Farewell DECEMBER 16 – Last Day of Term 4 for Students Career Education for Women Course: (Course 9072 Skills for Work and Training) The Hills College of TAFE at Baulkham Hills offers a part-time course for women who are interested in returning to work or study. The course aims to broaden career choices and develop the communication and computing skills necessary for work and/or further study. The course runs for 15 hours per week for 18 weeks during school hours. An information session will be held on Tuesday 24 January 2012 at 10am in room C.1.05 at Baulkham Hills College. For information Phone: 9865 1135 Email: susan.t.wood@tafensw.edu.au

PSSA Semi Finals, Friday 2 December: Junior A girls T-Ball at Charles McLaughlin Reserve, Baulkham Hills at 9.30am Boys Basketball playing at the Hills Stadium, Castle Hill at 10.00am Junior and Senior Touch Football teams playing at Memorial Avenue, Kellyville commencing with the Junior game at 9.30am followed by the Senior game. Congratulations to the school teams that have made the semi finals of the CHPSSA summer competitions. The teams involved are the Senior and Junior Touch Football teams, the Junior Girls A T- Ball side and the Boys Basketball Team. Best of luck to all of these teams in the semis this coming Friday. Tony Trollope Sports coordinator Library News: It is that time of the year when the Library needs to get ready for stock take. To assist with the process, all Library books need to be returned. Please have your child return all their borrowed books during their usual library time! Your help is greatly appreciated. Jane Flanagan Librarian School Band News: It’s great to see so many years 2-5 students returning their gold Expression of Interest notes. If your form was returned, your child would have been able to try out some band instruments and decide which one suits best. They would have been given an Enrolment Pack at this time which must be posted before December 16th, 2011. It is important to return packs by this date so students can start at the same time in 2012. If your form was late or your child missed out on Testing, you can still download an Enrolment Pack at www.duralmusic.com.au or email us and we will reply with the forms attached. Late enrolments may miss out on instrument testing, however the sooner the gold form is returned the better the chances of getting tested. For further information, please email your requests to info@teachingservices.com.au

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ADVERTISEMENTS Thursday 17 November 2011

*Disclaimers ‐ we sincerely thank our advertisers for there support of our school.  The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and 

Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.   





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