Ten Technologies to Save the Planet Chris Goodall



Ten Technologies to Save the Planet Chris Goodall. 1, Wind 2, Sun 3, Tides and waves 4, Combined heat + power 5, Super-insulated buildings 6, Electric cars 7, Cellulosic biofuels 8, Carbon capture 9, Biochar 10,Soils and forests. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ten Technologies to Save the Planet

Chris Goodall

1, Wind

2, Sun

3, Tides and waves

4, Combined heat + power

5, Super-insulated buildings

6, Electric cars

7, Cellulosic biofuels

8, Carbon capture9, Biochar

10,Soils and forests

The last time we tried to rid ourselves of oil dependency

1000 of these to replace Didcot?

Why not use deserts to generate electricity?

Cost competitive today inSouthwest USA(afternoon peak)

The Scottish sea-snake – riding the waves off northern Portugal

Probably the first fully commercial tidal power generator

The first small fuel cell to be more efficient than a gas-fired power station

The most important building in the world

Billions invested in second-generation, or ‘cellulosic’ biofuels

Faster than a Ferrari

Vattenfall – the only company doing something about carbon capture, rather than whinging about its expense

Fuel from slime – a different form of carbon capture

Putting carbon back in the soil

Much near-desert doesn’t haveto be like this

5000 watts

500 watts

-1000 wattsFossil energy now

Using the first eight Technologies

And carbon storage from last two
