Technology to Advance the Kingdom and your Business



Keeping up with technolgy to advance the Kingdom and your business is key to a prosperous year. Stay connected to Divine Resources and get updated about our events and specials. Text " Divine" to 71441

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cated. Divine Connections is

your Divine Resource provid-ing mobile apps, custom QR codes, text messaging and customized promotional

items. We can also promote your business or church on our internet channel, with

magazine ads and customized packaging for your CD's and DVD's. Don't forget that we

offer Social Media Manage-ment for your Facebook, Twit-ter, LinkedIn and YouTube

accounts. Call for your free consulta-tion today. 336.965.0366. Text “Divine” to 71441 (to stay updated with specials, workshops, and events) You are never too late to make it happen. Let’s make it happen.

Applied Communication is

key to getting any message to one person or to an unlim-ited number of people at the right time. It allows you to

deliver your message that addresses any given situation at the exact time you se-

lect. Technology has advanced and offers a wide variety of tools that enable us to

reach any age or culture. With each passing day the power of t h e t e c h n o l o g y a d -

vances. Unfortunately, if we don’t keep up with the ad-vancement of technology we

will be left behind and unable to effectively communicate with the younger genera-

tions. Technology enables us to bridge the gap and keeps us

connected to family, children,

business, and church. For that to happen we all have to keep up. How do you keep up with this technology in order

to maximize the opportunity to stay connected and effec-tively communicate with

your family, children, business, and church? Well, that’s why we are here. Divine Connec-

tions has some Divine Re-sources to get and keep you connected in all those ar-

eas. Divine Connections does not want you left behind so my team and I are putting

resources and workshops together to educate you on the newest communication

tools to keep your family, children, business, and church con n e c t ed a n d edu -

Divine Connections now


* Mobile apps for

Churches and Businesses

*Custom QR Codes

*Text Messaging Mar-

keting and Promotions

*Promotional Items

*Packaging for CDs/


*Reproduction of CDs/


*Social Media Manage-



Divine Resource for churches/businesses



I S S U E :

Mobile App 2


Special $25


Custom QR



OI Ball


Texting 3







Divine Resources

Please call me for more information 336.965.0366

D I V I N E C O N N E C T I O N S .


Divine N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 V O L U M E I , I S S U E 8



I N T E R E S T :

Mobile App

for your

church or


Texting– How

to update

your member

or clients

through a

simple text



your promo-

tional items



P A G E 2

Get in where you

fit in. Call today

to get your $25

special to

promote your

church or business.

Have you gone mobile?

December Special Only $25

Custom QR Codes

Mobile App for churches/businesses “Shepherding your flock in this digital age” The

Kingdom is advancing

and so is technology. As generations continue to

grow the more they are

into technology and in

order to keep up with your children, church,

business, and family you

have to tap into some Divine resources. To a

generation things are

done quick and

instantaneously, by a click of a button. Even

the seasoned saint have

cell phones now. You have to get in the FLOW.

Satan uses tools to draw

people in and the king-

dom is to draw people out of sin and into salva-

tion. Most importantly,

share with them the Gos-pel of Jesus Christ. If

you want to get and stay

in the overflow, see how

our divine resources can enhance your church or

business. A mobile app

is a mobile applica-

tion (or mobile app) is

a soft ware appl i ca-tion designed to run

on smartphones, tablet com-

puters and other mobile

devices. They are available

through application distri-

bution platforms, which are

typically operated by the

owner of the mobile operat-

ing system, .

more than a standard

code. A custom QR

code expresses the

uniqueness of your

brand while allowing

customers/members to

be drawn into your

Custom QR codes are

the link between print

and a mult ime-

dia mobile experience

for your customers. A

branded QRcode is

s c a n n e d 9 0 %

business or church

links. Links can be

connected to videos,

pictures, websites, or


Any great entrepreneur

prepares in advance to

maximize opportunity.

I’m preparing for a pros-

perous year. This special

includes a 15 to 30 sec.

commercial. Commercial

should cover business/

church event, community

event, programs, motiva-

tion for family, church,

childr en, marr iage,

healthy living, and finan-

cial prosperity. Commer-

cials should be already

created and emailed to in

a wmv format. Addi-

tional cost to get a com-

mercial created.

Divine Connections has

a global platform that is

viewed by thousands of

people on line. As the

world continues to push

negative media. Divine

Connections focus on

positive media. We have

a holiday special and we

want you to be apart.


D I V I N E C O N N E C T I O N S . I N F O

OI Ball By Lavina Jackson

P A G E 3 V O L U M E I , I S S U E 8

A Spot of Sunshine

By Lavinia Jackson

On any given day, Tabytha

Brown, age 9, can be seen danc-ing and singing. She’s vivacious

and always willing to hug. If

you look into her eyes, the

whites or scalera aren’t white.

They are bluish-purple. This is

one indicator that she has Osteo-

genesis Imperfecta or “brittle

bones”. OI is a rare genetic

collagen disorder. It is charac-

terized by fragile bones that

break easily. In addition to frac-tures people with OI often have

muscle weakness, hearing loss,

fatigue, joint laxity, curved

bones, scoliosis, dentinogenesis

imperfecta (brittle teeth), and short stature. Tabytha stands 49

inches and is 51 lbs or about the

size of a 2nd grader. She has

never let her size or disability

get the best of her. She will find

a way to overcome.

Changing diapers should be

relatively easy to a mom of

three, but not when you don’t

know your child has brittle

bones. Tabytha’s femur popped,

while I changed her, at 2 weeks

old. We were blessed to have an

X-ray tech who immediately

identified the break and referred

us to a specialist. She began

Pamidronate or a form of cal-

cium, soon after. At 2.5 months,

milk went down into her lungs.

Tabby lost consciousness 7

times. The EMS worker, Israel,

stopped the ambulance several

times to revive her. He’s over 6

ft tall .

allows you to build your data

base. You can send out

weekly scriptures or tips on a

specific subject. Send effec-

tive communication to your

members about conferences,

classes, bible study, and wor-

ship service. For business

owners it can be used as a

networking, business oppor-

tunities, informing people

Texting is a marketing tool

that allow customers/

members to opt in using a

specific word and code to

keep them informed of your

latest updates, specials, and

event by using their cell

phone. This is a creative way

to keep them excited and mo-

tivated about what’s going on

in your world. Texting

about volunteer availability,

and seminars/workshops. If

you are an artist as you travel

from city to city get your

fans to opt in so they can

come support you. They can

also buy tickets for concerts

and sale your CD’s. The op-

portunity is endless. What

are you waiting for let’s

make it happen.

to turn their worlds upside

down. I was honorably dis-

charged from the US Coast

Guard to take care of Tabby and my other girls. I have not

worked full-time since then. Her

care is my priority. This is why

I created the OI Benefit Ball on

November 10, 2012, at the

Greensboro Council of Garden

Clubs. OI families truly need a

reason to celebrate and see one

another. OI is rare and you

could go your whole life with-

out seeing another person with

it. The ball aims to change that

and educate the community.

I don’t know what my life

would be without the sunshine that Tabby brings into my life

and everyone around her.

For more information about OI,

please visit 50%

of the proceeds from the OI

Benefit ball will go to OIF.

even ts/314122732010421/?


Tabytha didn’t break, even with

all of his compressions. She was

placed on an oscillator to stabi-

lize her breathing. They had to give her morphine. Tabytha was

fighting back. Even when Tabby

had another broke leg and was

in a spica, or half body cast, she

got up and walked on it the next

day. She was 2. Tabby hasn’t

had a broken bone since she was

4. OI changes the lives of every-

one it affects, not just the chil-

dren who are diagnosed. The

families, like mine, often have

A Spot of Sunshine by Lavina Jackson

Texting (Text “Divine” to 71441) for the latest updates Text “Divine” to 71441

If you look into

her eyes, the

whites or

scalera aren’t

white. They

are bluish-

purple. This is

one indicator

that she has


Imperfecta or

“brittle bones”.

Social Media Platforms

Customize your promotional items

and brand your church, business, or organization

“Helping Businesses Connect to their potential”

We are making it
