Tearaway Magazine Term 3 2011



Tearaway Magazine Term 3 2011

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    Rain Francis


    Smokefreerockquest finalist from Attic SkysPhoto of Lady Gaga by Chris Traill

    Photos }

  • {20} Tearaway AUGUST 2011




    L B



    Love him or otherwise,

    youve got to admit Russ

    ell Brand is a

    character. He has an exc

    ellent vocabulary, really

    big hair for a bloke

    and a super-famous wife

    (Katy Perry). He recen

    tly lent his voice to

    Hop, an animated feature

    film. We talked to him a

    bout Hop,

    donkey boys, and other s


    In Hop, youre the voice of the Easter Bunny, E.B. We bet there are some good outtakes.Well, sometimes when Im improvising I just say anything that comes to mind and a lot of the things that come to mind are disgusting. I cant remember specific lines but they would be unsavoury remarks, given the genre.

    Growing up, which was your favourite animated movie? I liked Pinocchio. I liked that little guy, lying and that. But it was a bit macabre, wasnt it, when he had to go to that island where all them boys were turning into donkeys. That freaked me out. A lot of fairy tales, because of their social function, have at their core a peculiar disruptive darkness like if you lie, you will end up a lost boy on an island full of donkey boys. I mean, Ive lied, and that has not happened yet.

    Do you miss being a kid?No, because I have retained a J.D. Salinger-like attachment to perpetual childhood. There are things that are beautiful about childhood, for example being accepting of people, looking for joy in human beings and having an essentially benevolent and optimistic outlook in life. These things you can retain in adulthood.

    If you were a bunny who could poo out something cool, what would it be?Not jelly beans. But I think it would be good to poop complete wedding cakes and then to make one for the English Royal Wedding.

    Why isnt Katy singing on the Hop soundtrack?Shes very, very busy with a lot of things, touring and stuff. I guess shes sort of preoccupied with that and we see each other a lot we live with each other so perhaps its good that the work things are distinct.

    Living in Los Angeles, do you miss London life and your friends?I do miss some aspect of London living, yes. Everyone misses where they are from. It doesnt matter where you go in the world, where you are from is where you are from and you cant escape it.

    Do you miss British food?I dont like not being able to get a good fried egg sandwich, or beans and cheese on toast, or a jacket potato.

    Youve written two autobiographies. Is writing a natural process for you?Its not natural, no, I have to be imprisoned in a room by the people I work with and then I will write. I only write if all other options are eliminated. If its write or eat, I will eat. If its write or look out the window, I will look out the window. If its write or go to the toilet and look on the internet, I will do those things. So once all other possibilities are eliminated, then eventually I will become creative.

    Hop is out now on DVD, and we have three copies up for grabs. Email promotions@academy.net.nz with HOP TERM 3 in the subject line. Remember to include your full name, date of birth and physical address.For full terms and conditions, see page 35.

  • Its been a rough ride for Cantabrians

    over the last

    year. Many people lost loved ones in t

    he February 22

    earthquake, and the frequent aftersho

    cks have taken their

    toll on everyones stress levels. Thats

    why Youthtown

    organised Break From The Quake, a se

    ries of July holiday

    camps for 10-17 year olds from Cante

    rbury. 500 young

    people were flown to different camps in


    Barrier Island and Tongariro, to parti

    cipate in a weeks

    worth of fun and adventure, for free! W

    e asked one happy

    camper to let us take a peek in her dia




    K F


    M T





  • Alcohol is the most widely used drug in the world, and is more dangerous for teenagers than it is for adults when a large amount is used it can actually harm and change the teenage brain. Since the brain is still developing, these changes can be life-long.

    In NZ, 24% of 16-18 year-olds have a substance abuse disorder and 50% are regular drinkers. Taking drugs or drinking regularly can lead to:

    Skipping school and doing badly in schoolwork

    Drifting apart from mates and family Getting in trouble with the police Increasing the likelihood of being

    physically injured, or developing depression

    Spending more and more money buying the substance used

    After looking at what sort of things can happen if you use drugs or drink a lot, doesnt it make sense that there are legal restrictions in place?

    Why use drugs and alcohol?

    You might get involved with substances because you feel pressured by friends and dont know how to get out of the situation. Maybe its to make yourself feel better when you are stressed, depressed, or think you dont fit in. No matter the reasons, drugs and alcohol will end up making things worse.

    Short term, the effects might seem great you may feel more chilled and confident. But when drinking too much, things go downhill pretty quickly. You get clumsy and have slurred speech, and could vomit or black out. When the high wears off, the you may feel even more lousy than before.

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  • GA




    WS Pirates, wizards

    ... oh my!and decepticons

    Our leading game-ologist, I


    finds that the latest offer

    ings from the

    game gods range from de

    cidedly average

    to description-defying.





    Title: Xbox 360 Triple PackFor: Xbox 360

    Microsoft has packaged together three must-have Xbox Live Arcade games and released them on one disc. Its an excellent idea that will provide hours upon hours of top quality gaming.

    On this particular disc (which is the first of its kind, to the best of my knowledge) we have: Trials HD a motorcycle trials game that is so addictive that it should be illegal; Limbo a cute, dark game that sees a young boy set off in search of his sister its simplistic in gameplay and very unnerving; finally there is Splosion Man a classic platformer that bursts with humour and personality and includes some quality co-op multiplayer action.

    All three games are critically acclaimed and are essential inclusions in any gaming collection. The fact that you can now purchase them in one handy package is just

    the icing on the cake.

    Title: Red Faction:ArmageddonFrom: VolitionFor: PS3Also on: PC, Xbox 360

    The Red Faction series has been around for a fair while now and it was the pioneer of destructible environments. Encountering a locked door in the original game and being able to blast away the wall around it was most satisfying. Red Faction still has destructible environments, but on a much larger scale.

    Red Faction Guerilla (the previous release) gave us non-linear gameplay and wide-open environments, along with great graphics and quite evil enemy AI, but Volition have decided to turn this latest instalment into a linear, close-quartered affair built around a messy plotline.

    There is also a second mode of gameplay, which is more of a time-waster than anything. Its called Ruin and it gives you a time limit to destroy as many structures as possible, which earns you more powerful weapons to use the next time around. Its fun for some mindless destruction, but the novelty soon wears off.

    Armageddon is decidedly average and will no doubt be seen in a bargain bin near you soon enough.

    Title: inFamous 2From: Sucker PunchFor: PS3

    The original inFamous was a major success for PlayStation, despite having several flaws. Its sequel improves on the original in some ways but manages to find a few annoyances of its own.

    Cole McGrath is back once again and heading for a confrontation with the prophesised colossus The Beast from the end of inFamous.

    Cole is again equipped with superpowers and the choice is yours whether you wish to use them for good or evil, although the game could have easily done without this muddled morality system. Theres a lot of fun to be had, despite an overwhelming air of predictability presiding over the game.

    The camera moves around far too much and can easily become more of a hindrance than a help and the game has a strange pacing to it, along with some extremely irritating enemy encounters that had me reaching for the off-switch on more than one occasion.

    inFamous 2 just doesnt live up to the pedigree of its predecessor, and thats a shame.

    Title: LA NoirFrom: Rockstar GamesFor: PS3Also on: Xbox 360, PC

    Cole (seems to be a very popular name for video game protagonists) Phelps is an LAPD detective. He attempts to climb the ranks in as righteous a way as possible, amid the post-war boom of Hollywoods Golden Age. But this is a time of rampant corruption, high murder rates and a thriv-ing drug trade. When a string of arson attacks, racketeering conspiracies and brutal murders occur, Phelps must infiltrate the seedy LA underworld and discovers a rotten element in his own ranks.

    LA Noir shows off a groundbreaking new animation technology that captures the actors facial nuances like never before. So lifelike are the characters, that its a little bit disconcerting, to be honest. Much like Heavy Rain did a while back, LA Noir blurs the line between gaming and cinematic entertainment.

    The result is a gritty work of art that exhibits unparalleled realism and a level of involve-ment that demands that you come back for more. This will be a lead contender on most Game of the Year lists.

    Title: Duke Nukem ForeverFrom: Gearbox SoftwareFor: Xbox 360Also on: PS3, PC

    It took so long to make that the reboot of the Duke Nukem franchise got dubbed Vapourware and Duke Nukem For Never. Then all of a sudden, the finished game was announced and released, all within a couple of months.

    Except the sad thing is, after so much anticipation and with so many nostalgic fans anticipating something special, Duke Nukem Forever isnt actually finished at all. In fact, the game would have benefitted greatly from another 12 months in production.

    The jokes are there, the nostalgic nods to its roots are there, the smutty innuendo is there and so is the comic book violence. But all of that means nothing without a decent first-person shooter to base it around and that, Im very sad to say, is where Duke Nukem Forever fails miserably.

    So much missed potential will most likely see the ultimate downfall of Duke Nukemforever.

    Title: Green Lantern: Rise of the ManhuntersFrom: Warner BrothersFor: Xbox 360Also on: PS3, Wii, 3DS, DS

    Inspired by the movie of the same name, Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters is a 3rd person adventure that places you as Hal Jordan (or Sinestro if the drop-in, drop-out co-op multiplayer is your style) who, aided by the Green Lantern Corps and his Power Ring, is charged with halting the invasion of the Manhunters and restoring intergalactic order.

    Superhero movie/game tie-ins are pretty much a no-brainer; theyre made to go hand-in-hand and this is no exception. It looks great, has Ryan Reynolds likeness and voice, and despite getting a bit repetitive, is a blast to play.

    As you play, you are able to purchase constructs (special powers) which can then be assigned to button-slots. You can switch these around at will, depending on the type of enemy youre dealing with at the time. There are some tricky level bosses and plenty of puzzle solving along the way too.

    Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters is well worth a three-day, rainy weekend hire and even better if you play it in 3D.

    Title: UFC Personal TrainerFrom: THQFor: Xbox 360Also on: PS3, Wii

    Lets get one thing clear: UFC Personal Trainer, despite being officially licensed to the UFC, is not a UFC fighting game. Instead, what we have here is a fitness trainer that requires Kinect, PS Move or the Wii to play. Personally, the thought of playing this holding any kind of controller seems quite awkward, so Kinect would be the weapon of choice.

    The user is put through a fitness training programme designed by MMA experts certified by the UFC and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) in which you can choose from several trainers, including Frank Mir, Kenny Florian, Javier Mendez and Greg Jackson.

    Your progress and fitness level is monitored and workouts are tailored to suit your level.

    In all honesty this is the best in lounge workout Ive ever had, and I was sore for a couple of days after my first workout, which included a surprisingly intensive initial fitness test.

    If gym memberships are too costly, then I highly recommend UFC Personal Trainer.

    Title: Child of EdenFrom: UbisoftFor: Xbox 360Also on: PS3

    Every once in awhile, a game comes along that almost defies description. Rez, Flower, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, flOw, they all make you sit up and say wow. Add to that list Child of Eden from award winning game designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi.

    Project Lumi is a mission to reproduce a human personality inside Eden, the archive of all human memories. A virus invades Eden and its your job to eradicate it.

    The game can be played with the Xbox controller, but trust me when I say that Child of Eden is best played using Kinect and your hands as the controllers.

    Gameplay is very similar to Rez and flOw, in that its a mix of wire-framed flashy visuals, particle effects and interactive audio that responds to the action on screen.

    Really, Child of Eden is worth investing in Kinect alone. Its one of those games that can sell hardware. Get it. Play it. Love it.

    Its definitely going to end up in my top five of 2011.

