Teacher Interview Protocol-Julian


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Case Study 24

Appendix C

Teacher Interview Protocol

Child’s Name: Julian Age: 5 years old Date: 15/10/2014

Teacher’s Name: Anonymous Place: Classroom Time: 10.00-10.20am

1. What do you think is the child’s family like?Julian is from single parent family, which his mother and father had divorced and Julian stays with his mother now.

2. What are his strengths and weaknesses, and in what condition these are most typically displayed?Strengths: Julian is very adventurous, he likes to try new things and explore things around him. This is most typically displayed when he is in a new environment. For instance, when he goes to a new place, he might start to explore the surrounding by touching things around him. Weaknesses: Julian tends to be aggressive and intolerant. This is most typically displayed when his needs are not met. For example, when his friends took his toys, he tends to snatch the toy back instead of playing together with friends. He has difficulties in expressing his feelings sometimes; he does not know how to speak out his feelings. He does an action instead of speaking it out first.

3. What does he like to do?Julian likes to play Legos and blocks. He loves toys like car and truck too.

4. What does he not like to do?Julian does not like to write, he cannot sit still for more than 10 minutes.

5. Do you ever have any difficulties with his behavior?Yes, sometimes. When he first came to school, he was very moody. He seldom speaks and interacts with other peers. Even now, he still has difficulty in socializing with other peers. But it is so much better as compared to before. Therefore, it is very hard for teachers to know about him, because he seldom expresses his feelings. Teachers have to always be alert and find out ourselves. Besides, he tends to tell lies too.

6. If so, what do you do to address him and how do you handle these behavior challenges?Even though he would not reply and give respond to us, but still we tend to speak more with him. We will talk to him and help him to correct his behavior.

7. What do you think he exhibits the behavior?

Case Study 25

I think it is because of his family. He exhibits such behavior so to get attention from his parents.

8. What important information do you think I should know about the child?You need to have one to one with Julian. He requires more attention from the teacher and you need to have more eyes contact with him. You have to talk nicely and softly to him as well.

9. How does the child express feelings? (If he wants something, does he cry/scream/show anger/frustration)As what I have mentioned before, he seldom expresses his feelings. If he wants something, he will take or grab it directly. Sometimes, he will scream and shows anger if he could not get the thing he wants.

10. Does the child prefer to play alone or play in groups?Play alone.

11. Does he interact with other children frequently?No. but sometime yes.

12. If you could use three words to describe the child, what would they be?Aggressive, Intolerant, Adventurous.
