Task 7 asa + ethical issues




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The slogan and name of the brand both imply that the drink can bring you back from the dead. However this statement is clearly caricatured through the images and themes conveyed in the adverts. By exaggerating the zombie theme and using fictional beings to advertise the drink it is clear to the audience that the drink does not actually revive dead people. “12.6    Marketers should not falsely claim that a product is able to cure illness, dysfunction or malformations.”

I have come up with my own designs and my own ideas as well as not copying from anyone else. By using my own ideas and designs I will avoid breaking any copyright laws which may occur. The pictures that are used within the brochure have been taken by myself and I had the models that I shot to sign model release forms therefore not only did I have permission to take their pictures but the pictures are my own and therefore I have not stolen them or broken any copyright laws in using them.

The themes of Death can also be offensive to some people as death is a sensitive subject that can cause great emotional agony. By using a caricature styled zombie and comic-book like features on the beast I have created a world in which the pictures are separated from reality. Exaggerating the effects of the zombie I have been able to portray themes of a sensitive topic without offending or upsetting the audience. "4.3    References to anyone who is dead must be handled with particular care to avoid causing offence or distress."

The depiction of monsters and scary abnormal beings may make children feel scared and the pictures may be uncomforting for children. However these pictures would be only viewable on the website and brochure (which would be accessed online) therefore before entering my website you are required to enter your date of birth, if the age is under 16 years old then the person will not be allowed onto the website. This is due to the person accessing the website needs to be mature enough to handle the abnormal humans and themes of monsters etc. "5.1.5 distance selling marketers must take care when using youth media not to promote products that are unsuitable for children."

In the UK it is the law to be of 16 years of age or over to purchase an energy drink beverage. Therefore on the Zombified product website I will have a page that will block the user getting onto the website unless they confirm they are 16 years of age or older. Even though the user could lie about their age this prevent me from being liable to any illegal misuse of the drink that may occur to under 16’s.
