Talk2M Free Getting Started - eWON · To be able to follow this guide your eWON needs a firmware...


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eWON Application User Guide

AUG 030 / Rev 1.0








Talk2M Free

Getting Started



t This document will show you how to setup your Talk2M Free account, add your eWON in itand link this eWON to your account.In addition, this document will show you how to configure an Internet connection in youreWON.

Table of Contents

1. Hardware and software requirements..................................................................................................3 Hardware requirements....................................................................................................................3 Software requirements.....................................................................................................................3 eWON Firmware Version.................................................................................................................3

2. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................4 What is Talk2M Free?......................................................................................................................4

3. eCatcher Setup and Configuration.......................................................................................................5 eCatcher setup.................................................................................................................................5 Create your account.........................................................................................................................6 Register your eWON........................................................................................................................7 To configure your eWON..................................................................................................................8

4. eWON Talk2M wizard........................................................................................................................10Step 1......................................................................................................................................11Step 2......................................................................................................................................11Step 3......................................................................................................................................13Wizard result............................................................................................................................13

5. How to reach the devices behind the eWON.....................................................................................14 Ethernet device configuration.........................................................................................................14 Talk2M configuration......................................................................................................................14

6. How to «wake up» your eWON..........................................................................................................15 eWON with GSM/GPRS/Edge modem...........................................................................................15

Wake up...................................................................................................................................15Send offline..............................................................................................................................15

eWON with PSTN modem..............................................................................................................16Wake up...................................................................................................................................16Send offline..............................................................................................................................16

eWON with second Ethernet Interface...........................................................................................17

7. eWON IP address configuration........................................................................................................18

8. Internet connection on modem..........................................................................................................20 Modem GSM/GPRS/Edge..............................................................................................................20

Modem configuration...............................................................................................................20Setup outgoing modem connection..........................................................................................21Define the Internet Connection type.........................................................................................22

Modem PSTN.................................................................................................................................23Modem configuration...............................................................................................................23Setup outgoing modem connection..........................................................................................23Define the Internet Connection type.........................................................................................25

9. Internet connection on second Ethernet Interface:.............................................................................26 Ethernet WAN configuration...........................................................................................................26 Define the Internet Connection type...............................................................................................27

10. eWON Networking security .............................................................................................................28


Hardware and software requirements Chapter 1.

1. Hardware and software requirements

Hardware requirementsIn order to follow this guide you'll need:

1 eWON with VPN feature (for examples: eWON2101, eWON2005 or eWON2104).

Software requirementseWON configuration software:The eWON is configured through its web server. So all you need is a standard Web Browser software like Internet Exploreri or Firefoxii.

Additionally we suggest you to download the eBuddy utility on our website : utility allows to list all the eWONs on your network and to change the default IP address of an eWON to match your LAN IP address range. With eBuddy you can also easily upgrade the firmware of your eWON (if required).

eWON Firmware VersionTo be able to follow this guide your eWON needs a firmware version 5.4 or higher.A simple way to realize the eWON firmware upgrade is to use eBuddy, the eWON software companion.

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Introduction Chapter 2.

2. Introduction

What is Talk2M Free?Machine Builders and Infrastructure markets have, for many years, used Modem-to-Modem connections for remote access to devices and outstations. Today, the Internet offers exciting prospects for industry players but also brings more IT complexity. Talk2M Free makes things smarter!

Talk2M (stands for Talk to Machines) is an Internet Service designed to address the growing need for broadband and wireless access to perform remote maintenance & access distant equipments.

The key added-value of Talk2M is the full integration of IT security standards by allowing an Internet communication tunnel between the user and the remote machine without any IT network security change on both sides! This major breakthrough allows easy deployment while hiding the complexity of the IT network infrastructure.

The Free is there because Talk2M exists in different flavors: Free, Pro and ...

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eCatcher Setup and Configuration Chapter 3.

3. eCatcher Setup and Configuration

eCatcher setupYou need to install the eCatcher-free software on your computer.

You will find the eCatcher-free setup program on the eWON website (

The eCatcher-free program is compatible with Windows 2000, XP or Vista.

The eCatcher Setup program will ask you where to install the software (by default in c:\Program Files\eCatcher directory) and if you want to install it for all Windows Users or only one User (we recommend to choose All Users).

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IMPORTANT You must have the Administrator rights to install the eCatcher software

3. eCatcher Setup and Configuration

Create your accountEach time you run eCatcher-free, you will be invited to enter your Username and Password. If you don't see the Login form, click on the Talk2M button on the top-left of the window.

If you have no account, use the Create an account link. A popup window will ask your Name, Username, Password, Company, E-mail and Country. Don't forget to read the Terms & Conditions and accept it.

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IMPORTANT If your network use a Proxy to go on Internet, use the Connection Settings link to fill your proxy settings.

3. eCatcher Setup and Configuration

Register your eWONOnce you are logged into your account, you need to link your(s) eWON(s) to your Talk2M Free account.

Use the New eWON... button to Register your eWON.

Fill the data about your eWON and Save.

eWON Name Give a Name to your eWONDescription Give a Description to your eWONSerial Number Enter the Serial Number of your eWON. If leave empty, this field will be

updated automatically during the next connection of the eWON to the Server.Activation Key ReadOnly parameter. Setup by Talk2M and used to configure the eWON.Connection Type Select the connection type of your eWON between LAN/ADSL, GPRS/EDGE or

PSTN Phone Number This is the phone number used to Wake-Up the eWON.

Only available for GPRS/EDGE or PSTN connection.The phone number must be completely defined. Don't forget the country code and the leading + character (e.g.: +32475112233)

eWON LAN IP Enter the LAN IP subnet of the eWON (e.g.: if you want to reach some IP devices behind your eWON.Leave empty if you want to reach the eWON only.

Network Mask Enter the Mask of the LAN subnet (e.g.:

Table 1: Talk2M Free - eWON parameters

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3. eCatcher Setup and Configuration

To configure your eWONOnce defined in Talk2M Free, you need to configure your eWON to link it with your Talk2M Free account.

Click on the to display the

eWON details.

Click on the to

open the eWON setup page.

You have several methods to configure your eWON.

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3. eCatcher Setup and Configuration

• Configure via SMS:

Click on the button to send an SMS to configure automatically the eWON.

Only available for eWON with an GSM modem.

• Configure via Activation Key:Use the activation key in the eWON Talk2M wizard to configure the eWON.Use the copy link to place the activation key in the clipboard (to paste it in the eWON wizard) see Register with eWON NAME on page 12.

• Configure via eWON Name:Use the eWON Name in the eWON Talk2M wizard to configure the eWON.You can use the copy link to place the eWON Name in the clipboard (to paste it in the eWON wizard) see Register with Activation Key on page 12.

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eWON Talk2M wizard Chapter 4.

4. eWON Talk2M wizard

On your eWON, in the Configuration menu, find the wizard logo and click on it.

The eWON will show you the available wizards, click on the Talk2M wizard.

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IMPORTANT To be connected to Talk2M Free, your eWON must have a firmware 5.4 or above.

4. eWON Talk2M wizard

Step 1Select the Talk2M Free service.

There is 2 Talk2M Free Servers, one hosted in Europe and one hosted in USA.

By default, the wizard will connect your eWON on the European Server. If you want to use the US Server, check the US checkbox.

Step 2Select your preferred method for registering your eWON on Talk2M Free.

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4. eWON Talk2M wizard

Use one of the two registering method proposed:

• Register with eWON NAME:

You'll need to provide the eWON Name (as defined in your account) and the login & password of your Talk2M account.

And click .

• Register with Activation Key:

You'll need to provide the Activation Key generated by your Talk2M account.

And click .

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IMPORTANT Your eWON must have a working Internet Connection to be able to communicate with the Talk2M Free server.Without this Internet Connection, the wizard will fail!Go to chapter Internet connection on modem to setup the Internet Connection.

4. eWON Talk2M wizard

Step 3If your Internet Connection pass through a Proxy Server, the following screen allows you to encode the HTTP Proxy configuration.

If you don't require a Proxy Server, leave empty and click on Next.

Wizard resultAfter all these Configuration steps, the wizard will start to test the two connection ways, will read the eWON Talk2M config and test the VPN connection to the Talk2M Free server.

It will last about 1 minute and will show you the results of all the tests done.

If the global result is SUCCESS, your eWON is now configured for Talk2M Free and you can click on the Done button to exit the wizard.

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How to reach the devices behind the eWON Chapter 5.

5. How to reach the devices behind the eWON

Ethernet device configurationEvery Ethernet device on the remote network must have the eWON IP address as default gateway. Otherwise the equipment can not be reached through the VPN tunnel of the Talk2M connection.

For the eWON 2005/4005 series the eWON LAN IP address must be specified as gateway in the remote device (not the eWON WAN IP address).

Talk2M configurationThe Remote network must be specified in the eWON configuration of your Talk2M account.

In Talk2M, display the details of your eWON and open the «Edit» page.

In the «eWON LAN IP» and «Network Mask» fields enter the information concerning the remote network.

When you connect to your eWON using Talk2M a route will then be automatically created which will route the specified Remote Network addresses through the VPN tunnel (IP range 192.168.0.# in our example).

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How to «wake up» your eWON Chapter 6.

6. How to «wake up» your eWON

Probably you don't want that your eWON stays all the time connected to Internet and Talk2M.

So you need a way to «wake up» the eWON in order to trigger the VPN connection to the Talk2M server.

This can be done in two ways depending on the eWON modem type.

eWON with GSM/GPRS/Edge modem

Wake upThe «wake up» of an eWON with a GSM modem can be done by SMS.

You can send out the «wake up» SMS directly from your Talk2M account using the «Wake-up SMS» button in front of the eWON on which you want to connect.

Send offlineTo disconnect your eWON from the Talk2M Server you can use the «Send offline» button. This button appears in front of your eWON in the Talk2M window once eWON has connected to the Talk2M Server.

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IMPORTANT To be able to receive SMS on the eWON, the «PPP Incoming Connection» must be enabled. The «PPP Incoming Connection» is enabled in the factory default settings. So normally you don't need to change anything.The «PPP Incoming Connection» settings can be changed on following configuration page: Configuration/ System Setup/ Communication/ Network connections/ Modem /Incoming

6. How to «wake up» your eWON

eWON with PSTN modem

Wake upTo «wake up» an eWON with PSTN modem the callback feature of the eWON can be used.

To do this, the Callback feature has to be activated in the eWON.

Enable the Callback feature.

By default, eWON is configured for Callback mode «On Ring».In this mode eWON will trigger the callback when the phone rings between 5 and 15 times. The number of rings between which the eWON will trigger the callback can be defined using the «Number of Rings» and the «Plus number of Rings then On Hook» parameters.

Send offlineTo disconnect your eWON from the Talk2M Server you can use the «Send offline» button. This button appears in front of your eWON in the Talk2M window once eWON has connected to the Talk2M Server.

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Networking Config → Callback

6. How to «wake up» your eWON

eWON with second Ethernet InterfaceDue to the permanent DSL connection the eWON will always be seen «online» in your Talk2M account. So you don't need to «Wake up» the eWON nor to send the eWON offline.

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eWON IP address configuration Chapter 7.

7. eWON IP address configuration

Every eWON™ is shipped with the pre-configured IP address and adm/adm as User Name/ Password.

Probably the network settings of your PC doesn't allow you to connect to the pre-configured IP address.

You can find on our website an utility called «eBuddy» that will allow you to change the IP address of the eWON even if your PC is not on the same IP address range.

eBuddy : (Support/Download Software)

To change the IP address of your eWON using eBuddy, follow the steps below:

- Launch the eBuddy application (eBuddy.exe)

- Click on the «Set IP address» link

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7. eWON IP address configuration

- Enter the eWON serial number in the Serial Number field if you know it, or click on the Browse button. In this case, the dialog box «Select an eWON» will appear showing you all the eWON existing on your Network.

- Once the Serial Number entered, click Next.- Set the new IP Address and the Subnet Mask.

- Click on Next to launch the update and wait for the eWON to reboot:

- When done, click on Finish to exit from the IP Address Wizard.

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NOTE You can find the serial number on the identification label placed at the left hand side of the eWON housing.

Internet connection on modem Chapter 8.

8. Internet connection on modem

Modem GSM/GPRS/Edge

Modem configurationConfigure the modem

Leave the Modem Init String unchanged.

Enter the PIN code of your SIM card.

If you want to use GPRS or Edge, enable the «PDP context definition» and enter the «Access Point Name» (APN) for your GPRS or Edge connection.

The APN specifies to which network your mobile will be connected. So the information of which APN to use should be provided by the Service Provider of your SIM card.

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IMPORTANT The PIN code is only checked when eWON starts up. So if you changed the PIN code, you'll have to reboot the eWON to take the change into account.

Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Interfaces → Modem

8. Internet connection on modem

The «Signal Level», «Network» and «Operator» fields indicate the status of your GSM communication. The signal level must be between 20 and 31 (signal level lower than 18 could work, but the communications will be slower or even interrupted).

Setup outgoing modem connection

Change, if needed, the «Maximum connection Time» setting:

By default the «Max outgoing call duration» is set to 60 minutes. So the eWON will drop the Talk2M connection after 1 hour.

The «Idle time before hanging» up is not useful for an Talk2M connection because a life bit is periodically exchanged to avoid connection interruption due to idle times.

The Call budget management allows you to manage the costs of the outgoing connection. By default eWON is configured to allow 24 hours of outgoing connection during one week (168 hours).

Put 0 into the «Allocated budget» to deactivate the call budget management

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Network connections → Modem → Outgoing → Global

Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Network connections → Modem → Outgoing → Server1

8. Internet connection on modem

For the connection type choose «GPRS» .

Leave the «User name» and «Password» fields empty if not asked specially by your GPRS connection provider.

Define the Internet Connection type

Set the Network connection to «Modem Connection».

Check the «Maintain connection» box only if you want that your eWON stays always connected on Internet.

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Networking Config → Internet Connection

NOTE The «Maintain connection» will only reactivate the Internet connection once the Internet connection is closed. The duration of the Internet connection must still be configured using the «Maximum connection Time» fields of the PPP outgoing connection (see page 21).

8. Internet connection on modem

Modem PSTN

Modem configurationConfigure the modem

Leave the Modem Init String unchanged.

Only adapt the string if the modem needs special settings to comply to your local telephone system.

Setup outgoing modem connection

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Interfaces → Modem

Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Network connections → Modem → Outgoing → Global

8. Internet connection on modem

Enable the PPP outgoing Connection.

Change, if needed, the «Maximum connection Time» setting:By default the «Max outgoing call duration» is set to 60 minutes. So the eWON will drop the Talk2M connection after 1 hour.

The «Idle time before hanging» up is not useful for an Talk2M connection because a life bit is periodically exchanged to avoid connection interruption due to idle times.

The Call budget management allows you to manage the costs of the outgoing connection. By default eWON is configured to allow 24 hours of outgoing connection during one week (168 hours).

Put 0 into the «Allocated budget» to deactivate the call budget management.

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Network connections → Modem → Outgoing → Server1

8. Internet connection on modem

For the connection type choose «Remote access connection» and enter the Server phone number, user name and password of your ISP provider (Internet Service provider).

Define the Internet Connection type

Set the Network connection to «Modem Connection».

Don't check the «Maintain connection» box, otherwise eWON will stay connected all the time on Internet.

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Networking Config → Internet Connection

NOTE A coma «,» can be used in the phone number to insert a pause. This is most often essential if you have to go through a telephone switch.

Internet connection on second Ethernet Interface: Chapter 9.

9. Internet connection on second Ethernet Interface:

The eWON 2005 and 4005 series dispose of a second Ethernet Interface. On these eWON types it is possible to configure one Ethernet Interface to connect to Internet using a DSL Router or the Internet connection of the client network.

Ethernet WAN configuration

Enter the eWON WAN IP address and Subnet MASK.

In the «Default gateway» field, enter the IP address of the DSL router or the Internet access gateway of the client network.

The DNS IP address can also be specified here but is not required for Talk2M connections.

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Network Connections → Ethernet → Eth2 - WAN

9. Internet connection on second Ethernet Interface:

Define the Internet Connection type

Set the Network connection to «Ethernet WAN connection».

Check the «Maintain connection» box, otherwise the WAN interface will not be activated.

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Networking Config → Internet Connection

eWON Networking security Chapter 10.

10. eWON Networking security

Set the WAN Protection level to «Discard all traffic excepted VPN and initiated traffic».

With this setting your eWON will only be reachable from the Internet using the VPN connection. No direct Internet access will be allowed on the eWON WAN interface.

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Configuration → System Setup → Communication → Networking Config → Security

RevisionsRevision Level Date Description

1.0 16/11/09 First release.

i Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Windows and Windows XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation

ii Firefox is a trademark of the Mozilla Foundation

Document build number: 15

Note concerning the warranty and the rights of ownership:

The information contained in this document is subject to modification without notice. The vendor and the authors of this manual are not liable for the errors it may contain, nor for their eventual consequences.

No liability or warranty, explicit or implicit, is made concerning quality, the accuracy and the correctness of the information contained in this document. In no case the manufacturer's responsibility could be called for direct, indirect, accidental or other damage occurring from any defect of the product or errors coming from this document.

The product names are mentioned in this manual for information purposes only. The trade marks and the product names or marks contained in this document are the property of their respective owners.

This document contains materials protected by the International Copyright Laws. All reproduction rights are reserved. No part of this handbook can be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any way without written consent from the manufacturer and/or the authors of this handbook

eWON sa, Member of ACT'L Group. Subject to change without notice.Talk2M Free (Getting Started) Page 29/29
