TAKE YOUR ECWID STORE TO THE NEXT LEVEL › wp-content › ... · Tip: New Ecwid Feature for...


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Table of Contents§1. Ecwid CSS. Fully Customizing Your Ecwid Store ......................................................................................... 4

How to Customize Your Ecwid Store .................................................. 5

Digging Deeper: Find Exactly What You Want to Edit .................. 15

§2. Five Ecwid Hacks for Penny Pinchers ....,,,... 16

How to Only Sell 10 Products Even if You Have 100 ............,,,,,,,,,,... 17

How to Charge Extra Costs at Checkout ......................................... 21

How to Offer Local Pickup Without a Paid App ................................ 23

Create a Website Using Ecwid ........................................................ 25

How to Use Ecwid as a Product Catalogue ........................................ 26

§3. The Best of Ecwid’s Blog ......................................... 29

How to Use Content to Attract Customers to Your Store .................. 30

Simple Product Photography Tips to Beautifully

Showcase on Your Store ................................................................ 31

How to Optimize Product Images: Step-By-Step Instructions and An

Overview of Services ....................................................................... 32

Make Facebook Work for Your Small Business ................................. 33

How To Write A Welcome Email That Sells ................................. 34

How to Price Your Products? A Science Backed Answer .................. 35

How to Use Content to Attract Customers to Your Store ..........,,..... 36

How to Create an Online Store Without a Website ......................... 37

About the Author

Daniella is proud to combine her passion for

business, web design and teaching to bring her

clients a unique and outstanding experience.

Daniella's goal is to enable entrepreneurs to

achieve their autonomy in maintaining their

online presence. She proudly uses Ecwid to

achieve that goal.


§1 Ecwid CSS. Fully Customizing Your Ecwid Store

Ever since I started providing Ecwid tutorials, I have received

requests non-stop for CSS tips. Ecwid is very flexible in the

sense that it allows you to customize your store to match your

brand. However, without any CSS knowledge, making these

changes can become very tedious and frustrating for newbies.

So, here is (almost) everything you need to easily make your

store look exactly the way you want it to. All you will need to

do is copy and paste the few lines of code provided here to get

it to look the way you want it to!


How to Customize Your Ecwid Store

Step 1: Creating Your ThemeIt is super easy to create your custom theme in Ecwid. All you have to

do is open your seller dashboard, head over to Settings > Design > CSS


Tip: Create your new theme based on the theme that looks the most like your brand colors or the colors on your website. If your website is dark, you may wish to use the red theme which uses darker colors. If your website is light, you could use the beige or standard theme as a base to

create your custom theme.


Create a new theme: based on the red or beige theme if you have very

few changes you wish to make.

Duplicate: the red or beige theme if you wish to make many changes to

the look of your store.

Create a new theme by clicking on “New CSS Theme.” Rename your

theme to whatever you wish. Ecwid will use the base theme you had Add

code to this theme.


Tip: New Ecwid Feature for WordPress Users! (2016). If you use the Ecwid Plugin on a WordPress site you can use Ecwid’s Chameleon skin feature. Chameleon skin will adapt to the design of your theme by detecting predominant colors and fonts. You can enable Chameleon on the "Advanced" tab in the Ecwid plugin settings in your Wordpress backend.

Step 2: Customizing Your ThemeYou can change, add, remove and edit change many different items

using various CSS styles. All you need to do add some CSS code to your

active theme. You can add and edit different styles to all of the following

labels including font, font size, color, etc.

If you are totally new to CSS you may never heard of Color Hexes. Color

hexes are codes used to identify a color. Knowing the codes you want is

key if you wish to change the colors of your Ecwid store. Here are a few

resources to know and choose your color hexes:

Get Color Hex from Image: if you do not know what your color codes

are you can use this reverse tool to upload your logo or image to easily

extract your color codes.

Color hex pickers:

– http://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker

– http://www.color-hex.com


Popular flat design color codes:

– https://flatuicolors.com

– http://www.flatuicolorpicker.com

You can change, add, remove and edit change many different items

using various CSS styles. All you need to do add some CSS code to your

active theme. You can add and edit different styles to all of the following

labels including font, font size, color, etc.

Tip: You may have to clear your browser cache or open your site in a different browser if changes are not made right away.

How to Change Items

Here are a bunch of codes you can use to change items that appear in

your Ecwid store. All you need to do is create a new theme (Settings >

Design > CSS Themes > New Theme) and paste the codes you wish to use

in your store.

Important: do not forget to replace #FFFFFF (white) with the color

codes you want to appear in your store!

Change the color of prices in your store:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-price {

color: #FFFFFF;



Change the “In Stock” label color:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-inStockLabel {

color: #FFFFFF;


Change border that appears when you hover over a product:


mouseover {

border: solid 1px #FFFFFF;

border-bottom: none;



mouseover {

border: solid 1px #FFFFFF;

border-top: none;


Change default product and description text size:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-descr {

color: #FFFFF; font-family: "Arial";


Change product price font:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-price {

font-size: 20px;



Change the text color of your product options:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-optionPanel label.ecwid-

fieldLabel {

font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF;


Change the product title hover color:


div.ecwid-productBrowser-productNameLink:hover a {

color: #FFFFFF;


Change product browser category label colour (size, font…):

div.ecwid-productBrowser-subcategories-categoryName {

font: normal 19px "trebuchet MS", helvetica,

verdana, sans-serif;color: #FFFFFFF;

margin-top: 15px;

text-align: center;


Change Sign in pop up background color:

div.ecwid-popup {

border: solid 18px #FFFFFF;background-color:

#FFFFFF;padding: 5px;



Change Sign in pop up header font or color:

div.ecwid-popup-headLabel {

font: 30px georgia, "times new roman", times, serif;

color: #YOUR_COLOUR;

margin: 0 0 12px 0;

min-width: 240px


Change the Position of the Mini-Cart

Change Product Titles

How to Add Items

Add drop shadow effect to product images:

.ecwid-productBrowser-productsGrid-productTopFragment img {

background:transparent url(http://kb.ecwid.com/f/

shadow-1000x1000.gif) no-repeat scroll right


padding:5px 10px 10px 5px;


.ecwid-productBrowser-details-thumbnail img {

background:transparent url(http://kb.ecwid.com/f/

shadow-1000x1000.gif) no-repeat scroll right


padding:15px 20px 20px 15px;


Add border around products


Add GIFS as product images

Add tabs to product descriptions

Add a sale price view

How to Remove Items

Remove delivery time from names of shipping methods. If you select

automatic shipping methods for your products such as Fedex, USPS or

UPS, delivery time may also be displayed at checkout. You can hide this

information with the following code:

span.ecwid-shippingOption-days,span ecwid-Invoice-

ShippingDetails-transitTime {

display:none !important;


Remove breadcrumbs. A breadcrumb is a string of links that show your

path on a site. On the left you can see an example of a breadcrumb in an

Ecwid Store (usually found at the top left of your store). You can remove

breadcrumbs with the following code:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-categoryPath {




Remove “Sort By” drop-down menu:

div.ecwid-results-topPanel-sortByPanel {

display:none !important;


Remove “view as” link:

div.ecwid-results-topPanel-viewAsPanel {

display:none !important;


Remove category title:




Remove the Mini-Cart:

div.ecwid-minicart {

display:none !important;


Remove the tax line:table.ecwid-productBrowser-cart-taxAmountPanel,

tr.ecwid-Invoice-Summary-taxRow {

display:none !important;



Digging Deeper: Find Exactly What You Want to Edit

Check out this Youtube video to find out how to dig deeper into the

CSS you would like to edit.

TroubleshootingIf you are having issues with your CSS code, check out these tips on

Ecwid’s Help Center. If ever you are really stuck, all you have to do is

activate one of Ecwid’s default themes (Standard, beige or red).

If, after following this easy tutorial, you still feel like CSS is too

complicated for you, you have the following choices:

– Leave your store as is with Ecwid’s default standard theme.

– Use another one of Ecwid’s free themes (beige or red).

– You could also check out Ecwid’s App Market under Design for various

design customization offers (free to $3,000).

– You could also upgrade to an annual Unlimited plan to benefit from

twelve hours of customization by Ecwid’s design team.

– Check out Ecwid’s custom services for more.


§2 Five Ecwid Hacks for Penny Pinchers

If you loved the hacks in Chapter 4 (Ecwid 101), here are a

few penny-pinching ideas and bits of code to personalize the

look and feel of your Ecwid Store.

Although there are many benefits to having a paid Ecwid

account, some of us cannot afford one during the first months

of testing our sales online. Here are some Ecwid hacks for the

first time online sellers and startups looking to save money.


How to Only Sell 10 Products Even if You Have 100

So you have hundreds of products to sell but Ecwid is limiting you to

only ten. There is a way to add 100 products to your store without having

to upgrade your account.

This tip is best for:

– Businesses on a tight budget.

– Products that have no variations or that are unique.

How to: Get out a pen and paper and find a way to categorize your

products. Let’s say for example you are selling women's clothing. You

have 10 shirts, 20 skirts, 50 pants, and 20 dresses. Instead of making 100

separate products you are going to create one product for each category.

Tip: Do not use Ecwid categories for this tip. Delete the two demo categories and head directly over to the products section to create your



Add your first product called “Shirts.”

Head over to the Options tab and add as many options as you need

(size and color for example). If your products are unique or your stock is

limited (since it is a paid feature to have stocks), you can create unique

products by making an option with the exact name of your product

including its variations (for example: Grey size M, Blue size S, etc).

Note: You will have to manually delete the products once they are out of


Fill in product descriptions so that your clients know exactly what

they are purchasing. Then head over to the Gallery section and upload


all the shirts you are selling. Name each shirt using the reference in your


Tip: Use your SKU to name your products in your description, option choices and gallery names so that your clients are sure of what they are


Next, head over to the Design tab and add the following bits of code!

This code will hide the product price in your storefront making the

products actually look like categories:

.ecwid-productBrowser-CategoryPage-0 div.ecwid-productBrowser-

price {

display: none !important;



This code will enlarge the text on a product image:

div.pswp__caption small, div.pswp__caption__center {

font-size: 30px !important; line-height: 40px



div.pswp__caption__center div {

display: none !important;


div.pswp__caption__center small div {

display: inline !important;


This will make it easier for your client to understand which image goes

with which product, especially if you are offering 10 different dresses in

different sizes.


How to Charge Extra Costs at Checkout

Ecwid offers a paid handling fee option available with a venture plan

(minimum). But you can easily add any fee for free.

So you want to charge a handling fee at the checkout but you do not

want to pay a recurring monthly fee to do so? Easy. Head over to Settings

> Taxes and add a new tax but name it Handling Fees for example.


Choose the concerned zones (make sure you had set up your zones in the

Zone tab). Set the rate and you are done.

This tip is best for:

Anyone wanting to charge extra fees at checkout.

How to: You can name your fee whatever you want. It could be a gift

wrapping service or a fee for extra packaging.

Tip: You could even chargeback Paypal fees if you wanted to by adding a “tax” called “Paypal Fee” and charging back the current Paypal fee rate.


How to Offer Local Pickup Without a Paid App

There is an app in Ecwid’s app market that can enable you to do this

for five dollars a month. There is little to no value to spending five dollars

or any dollar for such an option unless you only function with local

pickup and have a bunch of pickup locations. So here is how to do it, for


This tip is best for:

– Small business offering local pickup

– Those who have one or few pickup locations

How to: Go to Settings > Shipping > New shipping method > Flat

Rate. Do not define any shipping time and name the method Free Local

Pickup for example.


You can set a weight limit if needed (you can use a Custom Table to set

up weight limits). Make the rate $0. Hit Save.

You could also add a mandatory field where your client needs to

specify when they want to come pick their product up. All you have to do

is head over to Settings > General > Cart and scroll down to Order

Comments. Name the order note Local Pickup Date and Time to allow

your clients to specify when they will come pick up their order. You can

make this option mandatory (recommended if you only function with

local pickup).


Create a Website Using Ecwid

So you are on a super tight budget and you want to save money on

purchasing a website, an SSL etc. Then you can use Ecwid’s Starter Site

as a website. Create your Ecwid account, head over to Settings > General

> Starter Site. Click on Change Starter Site URL to customize the name of

your starter site.

Tip: With a Venture plan, you can connect your own domain to your store and therefore make it look more professional. More on how to here.


How to Use Ecwid as a Product Catalogue

If you would like to use Ecwid to show products that you cannot

actually purchase, you can follow these steps to set up a product


This tip is best for:

– Those who would like to create an online catalogue.

– Creating a lookbook.

How to: Head to Shipping > Settings and disable all payment and

shipping methods. Then head over to Design and create a new template

or add the following code to your current template:


To deactivate mini cart widget:

div.ecwid-minicart {

display:none !important;


To hide the "Add to Cart" buttons and the "Qty" fields:

td.ecwid-productBrowser-productsTable-buy,.ecwid .ecwid-btn--

addToBag, div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-qtyPanel {



Now go check out your store! You just created a product catalogue in

no time.

Tip: You could also hide the prices on the store home page by adding

the following code:

To hide the priced on all category pages:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-price {

display: none !important;



To hide the price on the main store page:

.ecwid-productBrowser-CategoryPage-0 div.ecwid-productBrowser-

price {

display: none !important;


Now go check out your store! You just created a product catalogue in

no time.

Tip: You could also hide the prices on the store home page by adding the following code:

To hide the priced on all category pages:

div.ecwid-productBrowser-price {display: none !important; }

To hide the price on the main store page:

.ecwid-productBrowser-CategoryPage-0 div.ecwid-productBrowser-

price {display: none !important; }


§3 The Best of Ecwid’s Blog

Everything you need to take your store one step further, all

in one place. For further reference, check out help.ecwid.com.

Follow Ecwid’s blog to receive tips and tricks every month.


How to Use Content to Attract Customers to Your Store

Posted Sep 21, 2015 by Lina Vashurina, Ecwid Team.

"A couple of months ago, we wrote about how to properly photograph

your products. We received a lot of feedback, and the most common

question was, “How do I remove the background from photos without

Photoshop?” Today we will try to answer this question. Indeed, one does

not always have the opportunity to take pictures with a good background

(white, grey, plain or branded). How to solve the situation if the photos

have already been taken, and the results are not satisfactory?


Simple Product Photography Tips to Beautifully Showcase on Your Store

Posted Feb 19, 2015 by Lina Vashurina, Ecwid Team.

As a merchant, your products (and selling your products) are the key

to your success. How you visually showcase them online can make all

the difference in converting visitors into customers.


How to Optimize Product Images: Step-By-Step Instructions and An Overview of Services

Posted Oct 20, 2015 by Lina Vashurina, Ecwid Team.

Pictures draw the attention of the buyer. In order to keep that attention,

you need beautiful pictures that load quickly. Hence, you will need to

optimize your images. This article will tell you how.What should the size

of the image be? How can you make your online store structured and

beautiful? How can you reduce the picture size but keep the details? Let

us help you.


Make Facebook Work for Your Small Business

Posted Apr 17, 2015 by Jesse Ness, Ecwid Team.

Whether you employ half the city or you’re just starting out, you can

operate your very own Facebook Business page. In short, the biggest

reason to set up shop on Facebook is because it’s where your customers

are. It’s one thing to draw your customers to your brand, but it’s another

to show up where they are already hanging out.


How To Write A Welcome Email That Sells

Posted Mar 29, 2016 by Lina Vashurina, Ecwid Team.

Customers who receive welcome emails are more likely to continue

interacting with your brand, shopping at your store, and reading your

newsletters. Your customer has already decided to take the leap and sign

up with your service, so now is your chance to make a great first

impression with a strong welcome email.

Here we’ll discuss examples of welcome emails and give you ideas,

tips, and techniques for you to implement today in your own welcome

emails to impress your own customers.


How to Price Your Products? A Science Backed Answer

Posted Jul 10, 2015 by Lina Vashurina, Ecwid Team.

Pricing is one of the most important considerations for any business.

How much you charge for a product directly affects how much you can

sell. Getting the pricing right can result in massive revenue boosts.

In this post, we’ll look at some strategies for pricing your products

using proven theories. You’ll learn about pricing science, statistical

models, and pricing optimization based on psychological principles.


How to Use Content to Attract Customers to Your Store

Posted Mar 10, 2016 by Kristen Pinkman, Ecwid Team.

Facebook is the world’s largest social network and a leading platform

for targeted advertising. However, it may be difficult at first to navigate

the Facebook for Business page and its many options for your intended

purpose and outreach.


How to Create an Online Store Without a Website

Posted Aug 18, 2015 by Lina Vashurina, Ecwid Team.

According to research from PWC, 45% of people are buying more goods

from their favorite brands after looking at them in social networks,

especially when they can interact with representatives from the brand.

Shop owners are using social networks to talk about products,

communicate with existing customers, and attract new customers.