t.·:.··· 'N7frif :d.>lT. :·l:·'····:·y·( ·· ;.,I E· ·.;.u ... County...


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I . . ·· . . · . .,. ,,, .. l'/l,l��",ifl.· -·;e ·;;! ;r:T'.' ',T . J f.t,·n I·"J 'iJ ., ·.tYI�'i\ "'I &r ' ; ·' ,,, ·l;·i'uf: • �'i··1 ·

;.,I .. ,H; .. E·" � ·.;.u;�_ · N"· ;�---·.-�·£.·····a···· ··"'�"N··- ·

·' ·"ct'·.1_Vot�� �-u\t.·:.···�'N7frif�:d.>lT. :·l:·'····:·y·(�·· · , . I f 1 J , :J I' , • , ,,. · ho, :.. , � ..-� i1 ,

� .... ) ', l ! . ' • ' ' ' .

),;d l�l>�r: .

. . • . ) . . . . '! ' '

!::.3. I1as the largest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper Published in Union County. '' t•n, �····=..:.::=.;.-:=;:-:-_-.::;;,:::.:-::::::..":':::::::'.'!.�!:::::..=:-··-·� .. �··--:=====-=-=· ======== : ··voL. XXII f. NO. 33 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY, N. J., I•'RIDAY, I<'EBRUA R Y 14-, I90H. i ' f.,r{Ji

�:,;;fAUlKNER Bill IS PAID. NEW BOOKS FOR LIBRARr. $1.50 Pel' Yeur. Single Copy 3c

�.:.:,, ·c" II Snttles' For Rlnh! O' wau Many Addlll�ns Mad!; tome or Which HIUI Wllh Fra"" J "••bes He Is Charged Woman's Club EntErtained by Dtscrl�liia Bill moRE THE SENATE. J. w. Davin Writes lo Slandard t' '': ounc li �II I !I Yot to bi hlalogued. IIR I IIUIII Talk on Westllold Birds. Measure Furt�ercd by Woman's federation

r'"'' Tnroug� Ills Lan� For fll llllolltlou to I hu IIKt ol' 110\1' loookR With Perjurg � �sur· '1'hu f"atul'll of thu muollllg nt� tho Has Many Staunc� Suppor:ors.


l'i. :1 t• I

&,., �t'l

S glvo11 bulnw, Lhm·o nru otbont IGO 1110ro Wnm1111'M Ohth htMI l\lmulny nfCm·nmJu,

Oullel ewer. now bnliiH unt.ulngn<lll fm• tho l'nhlln ance Report. WIIH lho l�tlt\lru Oil " IVt•utllohl Bh'IIH," lu Lho llllul�Ht� nr V�!:/'uotiug lh.u

AN EXCHANGE OF CHECKS. Llhl'lli'Y• hy MJ•, ,T, w. noyd who hotR 11111110 1!11 niJURUM Wliluh [IIU\illllupillntu lliii[IIO,\·

'l'hu lint Is llH fnlli>II'KI uxtonHIVIl Rlnlly or bh,J llru Ill those lnuut lll!illiOii•H, 11IO Nnw ,Joo·Kuy Stnlot NJ>W BOOJ{S. MADE FALSE REPORTS Jlllrt�. ' tudor��:;)�\ nr i"�;:·���·��lulmlnlru:·t.hm·.

�"· ftolknnr Retenlly Bough\ 100 trees an� [�;;:�. the .AacoufJts Balance-Mm� of ; . 1 WHlllii!i!;o,.I;;J•i·llic�

--- llulm•o U1•, Unyol rlollvm•n•l h!H loului'O 11K 11 0 ·""a ' "I too. UIIIJI UJ mont In Rlgl... II '

alvld n�. to Sloc�"oldert ol tlaoa·o 1\'IIH III'OI!IIlur lmHIIIOKK mociln� llut'UIIliH hl ultiuR or Um llt'H� olalss, "\Ill 11 I I �11

whloh suvuml to pro�t.l� f!lL' tlw :nmlnto�

· Commissioner Accepted.

lanker's Lllllnsuranca Co., In 1904, lrtlll�ltotL�l. iUrH. . llltiiOC of tho,',.n .... ·n ......... ..... . · It II Allqe4, naumhnon•ly olootu<l t•m·tml

Olnb, lllllllultua·�

.< •. : .; .: l!'oHtor 1>1, Vooa·hoen, form or Governor g•·uotmgs sont to· n JJirllllltuoHo!Uobcccn of :trow .Torsey,nml Frnuk ,f. Combes mllllllJorR. 'l'hu �·rostuu.u�o

hullolctl ycahn·•lny by tho Hpcufnt Bttnco lii'CKiolotl 111111 ·. grnaut jtuy of Now York which lms lug pnpor oil "Otuh

bocu lnvostli!Rtlllg tho ntfalir• of fluRn· M1·� . • r. D. ·

clod hastftntlous on tho chnrgo of per· A l'ory lnst.rotuloivn· jnry lu connuctlou with 11 sworn fllJKJrt hn<l buon of t.ho lltmkllrs' Lifo haHnl'tauco Oom· but owing t•lll,l' in 11104, wlwn Mr. Voorlwon wns tlw rourlfug JII'Csloleut. mall Mr. Oomll•·H HocreiBry of • lu thnt com pan. > !:"olthor Mr. VorhcoR nor Mr. Combes tho wrui nrrcstod yoHtordny, for District At· ·toral••y ,Jeromo wus usnurml, it is sai<l, 'thnt both wotdtl nppcnr ilcforo J ustico

for nrrnignmcnt loilny .

. Third Grooo-Roso CLLttuuo, Arvilla

Dcroucr, Mllfgl\rct 1\larolm,; Ohurle.� Stoltz, Goorge Yetter, Mamie Cameron ,

• Fourth Grnde-Alice Darry, Anna Wo· Britz Occilitl Bums, Minnie Sclmllort-, Ga·,imJ<H,og�<nC)\orili�C 011 tho Fifth Gmdc- Olivo Ulmer. hold

Si<th Grnde-Honry Hnbh, l1redcrick umt 0.111�11:'"11�,,�� Strmtss. ·

. Eighth Grndo-Olnronce Nostrmul, · Morrill Conklin.


TiiE LAIB.LIN COMPANY· ---.Cleaners and D,...ers of Clothing_._

We make a specialty of · · cleaning or dyeing fancy velvet gowns, . feathers, gloves,

princess dl'esses, Ia�e cwtains, po�tiers, and gentl�mens clothing of every description .

: .. <i7.6'E�st Front.St., Plain,field, N._J�· ------ Tel 858 L.

Q. plant 'I

In . Re �ard lo New Sc�ool Silo.


In Fourth Ward Can Be Secured for

. $1200, Bullalng Erected lorJ32DOO,

., . , , lie Says. .

'NlE UNION COUNTY Y )�r�Ili1UAR\' 1+, 1908. STANDARn. FRIDA , · ' . ·

= 2

is never �111 impa·ovident

,nan. Thrifty habits �u·e developed by the nece.s=

sityof n1eeting that g·reat=



of. all Life



Insurance Pre=

' f'll�aonm In ltpllan Army, 1 •1 Ill lhu 1\nllun 111'11.11' nil C\\Vr�l


, 1'111{1:

I»<HitM nrn HIIJIIIIh•ol. wll h·_mlllitti J rl1�

Cllll�, WIJII'ii lll'� \IHitll fnl"ihll 11'1\IIHIII ;':

Ph•II nr luflll'lllllllnn olm:lull nil ,thu 1

Inllllnr)' JunnoiiVOI'M 111 rnml'· \ uumr l'lll'llh')' nllii'OI'H flU thl'lli!Wh II l'lllll'�ll

ur ln�ll'll!!llnll 1111 lhu [1'11111111� nf J'/11' I I'UIIH [\II' IIIIJllllt'Y (Jtti'[IIIK�U Ul [IO

1'1!11101'111 callcll_u_,.;,) _

. -' ---

WlthdrRW I nlo Tl1yecJr, Du�l thou In? alll'(lllt wtlhln, with•

di'IJIV hJIIJ ilt)'Hilil', ln(ll thy llltlllllli'IHH,

111111 thNo, dcup olnwu, In lho I'III'Y

llll[lliiK ul tho Hlllll tlll'llllll IIIWIII 'd Ull IIHull', thy old IJI'n, tn whll'il thou nloll� lm•l lhu lwy, will ho ln•hlllt ngnlll fill

thN•, ln l<ll tho frngl'llltcll, nil tho fruoh 1!1'1'1111, inul-lh� lli'UCO 111111 (IOWOI' or ILB tiJ1rlng:! .. -l\'n1l '11111'HilllOV,

When 'Huab�ndi Tii·e of J<lsDinO•

\\'111'11 n \l'lfo tliP.rUI'III'H I hut hoi' IJIIH· hnn rl IH th·otl or. hnvlng hOI' Ill•• him aho 101!\'IJI' nfllll' llint iwglucta ll. She lhlnlt• It n sl�n thnt sho Is n Jnvllly chlll'llotor lll'cnllso uhc often hisses hoi' huahnn<l whori ho doesn't 111w it. �Jnn'III'O.RIICll. COWOJ'tlH thnt till')' UCVUI'

eonfuuu that. Uwy ni'O tl!'ctl or l<IHslng

thch· own wii'Os.-Atchlaon moho.

A Tenneacee Utopia.

The Prudential nurmh for lllg Snu<ly! No blln<l

llgcrs, 110 slums; 110 l<lnky hendP<l no· gl'nos! .(.loud chm·clws, goiHl Hchools, good IJeO[lle! Morrhnnls aro huuy, In· uorors whlsl ling us they go to wol'l<, chlhlo·on lnn!:hlng ns they gn lo school ol' lllny, wives singi ng ns they 1•ntch

t.hclr husbnnds' "Jnt.nls.��-ucnlou

County ('l'onn.) Stnr. •

��·----=· :=:=::�;::::::::::::����� -Cures Bil�:�::es�, ;ck ��-- c.·�". !r���--:ftl�: ��-�-.J �:,_\�'yt c:o:· ----C-l�-a-n s {�a the system · Headar.he. Sour S'i,:>m- ·� thoroughly and clears

sallow complexions of , ach, Tnroid Liver and F , s pimples and blotches.

Time for M e mory's Help. And now, when tho clouds gather

nucl the min huJJends over om· forest 111111 our house, permit us not to he casl down ; lot us· not lose the sa\'OI'

uf 1msl mct'clca. nnd )Jnst Jlltm�nrns: hut 111<e tho vulco of n bini slnglnJ: In tho ·ri<ln/ let' gmteful memory Slll'Vlvc In ·tho·' hoi•i·s. or dnrkiioss.-Uobcrt Louis Stevenson.

.. ChronicConstipation. L'lxative rud yruv It is guaranteed Pleasant to tuKG U ... Gale's Pharmacy. '.·. : '".,.-.. -. ---.,--':-.,. ���;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. . . , ... Value o.f .Work. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;-;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;..._--_--_--;;------ Wot'k' Is llto·'ti·ile' Mend nnd con-



I Where Currency Is Not Used. solot• of mnu, raises him nbove nil Flowors at Birth and De ath. Jn Rhodesia the housewife needs no I his weakness, ' purlftes nml ennobles When n l"rcnch baby :s born his 'money fOI' foml, If one hns cnllco Ol' !Jim, imves· him from tmnptnl!OII and crn<llo Is n1>t to bo s nrc·onn<lod with saiL Nntlve huckstoi'B demnnu clthot' I holf>S him to hour Ills llul'flen tllrollgh hlooms. W hen n l'renchmun dies his 0110 oo· the other, nnd pocket books clays. or sadness, and before 11hlch blel' lllHI his gmvo will be lavishly doc· anti 1mrses oro useless. - , . _ oven the dee]Jest, griefs gtyc way for m·ated with flowers. Tho sum spent on �- · · . _· . , · " ilme. · · - · ··· · lhe ndornmcnt of graYes runs Into the • . · mllllotls nnnually ·In Perc-In-Chaise . . ·Deadly Kamchatkan -•. "To Avoid Wet Feet. nlone. 'l'he tomh of tho Worms de 1 In KnmchnUm thm:o Whim.,fitlthig,Jong tramps ,,wlth my

. To Stop Hlccoua11.

__ ..... --

Acnlnil Nolan. 11. �� IIIIW llllllfl<lii�O, fl lllliMhnhln With

IIIlO Ill' llll ltrfHIIIIIIII'III, tn llillhU 1111 1111• III'CI:S"III')' 1111t..11 l!ll:ll' II ho�pltnl, RIIYH tho Nl•W Ynl'll \\'•ll'lol, 't'hiH IH 1111 IlK• C•!IIOIIL uuglulllllg, Now that h<tllflltnl pallniiiH uro fii'Oiuetml, tilu lltlXl sl<lfl BIIOIII<I hu to BIJCIII'O <llliUL llllliol' [ICIIUI• IY fnr· !!lllr.<•IIH wltn UI'O In It flth' WU)' to Jwcouro l1111111tnl fllltlOIIIS JwcuiiUO of 11 11 I'XCili<S Ill' llfiiHO,

-----Not So 13ad Arter All,

A ymmg l1Hlinlulf111llil wotnun wont to Cillcugo llllll udverttscd · fol' n JIUBI· lion us sletm�ruJrlwr, nut "sweat· llo111'l." Rho guv•l ns her l'cnanns f11r nnch IVIll'lllng or tho nclvertlsomont Hom" un1llrnsn11t OXJlOI'Ionclrs, Hut silo fmmd tlor.ous rcspoudml to h oi' I'O·

<lllc•l fm• hualness nloao, uud RllYR tlmt her full h In hnmun uulm·u Is en· tfrCI)' I'CStUI'Cll,

-----De>uty Made or Marred,

l\1(!n Ol' wonwn mn1<e lhull· own heant)' m· ug;llnnss. llnlwur SJJUHlts' h1 uuc ur Ills novels or n mun who "WI�H u�llur than hu had nuy buRincss to h�:" null, If wo coulll but rend It, Ol'cry 1tUill110 being ctLrl'lcs his ure In his !'nco, nut! Is· �;ood·looltlng 01' t11o •·ovot·so, ns llmt lll'e has been gum! or evil.

Resolved to Talk No More. ' A· FJ'l.m�h wolmm whoso husl.mml

was In hl<lln!l I'I'Oill tho anlho1·lt.lcs In· mlvcrtcnlly hcll·uyell hlu whcruallonta to IL pollee Sll¥. As n l'esnlt tho mnn 1\'US taltell lllllf l 'eCCIVCd ll term O[ fill·

·torlsonmcut. So much dlrl sho lnko to hcm·t this mlsfo1·tunc, bi'Ollflhl about bY ho r gossl11, thnt sho resolved to t·enmtn nmtc to tho end or llor'Jifo.

: . . Tal<e Up Somelhl11g Different;

An "l!null•h" Town, It nny town tlo&ci'Vul lu ha, llfiHOIIIIL, It IN Ntn•nJy IIIII'¥ Ill I lllliiii!N, NllfH l.nrulun Cuuutr7' l'l'llllllhly IL IH lhu IIIUNL u flli)' f�llf(JIKJI 111111 Ulll'ltilllhii'Rl lli'llfll. 111'1111111, 111111 IL IH 11 I fill Ill l111 In, liUIIIK Hu t tJUIHt•, Hll lllltn IIIII) llll'lllnll 1 !I'UIII Ulll' Ul'lllll 1111\llllfllllliii'IIIK �llll!l

Vanua Calva, 'l'ho Ill! dOll t iliiiiiiLIIH Ill one

111111\V II \'UIIIIH lho 111111[, 'J'ho WIIK WIII'HhiJIO<I hy lhnl. lllllllo I tlr.llilll' lomplo llfllll' tiro I tho (JIIIIfH-lhu I'OIIKUII !his KII'IIIII!O fncL In nnllt1nlly IIUUII thnl tho hl'tlVU IVOIIII'II r.nL oil' l.ltuii' hnh' to mul<o fol' tho city's tloronso.

Effeminate, Is tho mnuly typo or burglar

out 111 'lhls uffemhmto ago? not, .but··wo nota lhnt some hrl>ultora who ontorcll n well courceUonoJ'Y estnbllshmont St!'llnrl the othet· night spent tlteh· limo In consuming n clwcolnto, m·enm buns nnu cnkcs,-.-:-Pnnch.

----. Reverence.

· In rovoronce Is· tho c!IIot 110\VOI' ot'Jife; fOVCrence for. tinrc nrid-tirlght In you r roo· whnt Is· tJ·uo nlitl.-trled In of · othors ;· fm• nil tlint Is nmong tho' living,' grunt <lellll.:.:nmJ mnrvelous In tho Uwt cnnnot lllo.-John Ilu•kln.

·A· Secret. Utllo Mary wus de votedly

to n neighbor's cnt nnd"went

Tho uest wny to nvol d ruts Is to _tnko 1111 somuthlng uow-somethlug outircly ill ffcrcnt from tho work which hns .OCCUJ>Ioil tho g1•ontor pait_of 0111' lives: We shot1ld .climb out of. our

'rut, If only fm·_ n lillY, nnil look ilo\vn Into It fi'Om somo hlghm· vlowpolnt.'::: ·

lo piny .w!lh her, Ono dny abe tn-mcd boule, hOI' O)'GS big Wltb eltcmont: :• ·"Why, mcithm·," . she cluhneti,'.- "Jlussy btls killona, didn't· eyei1 !mow she was

Honsclmopcr. '"'"�···-• ·��''" Prospect Street, westfield, New Jersey

nomlll)' fnmlly Is l<ept covered with , room cnlleu the false . . iL often snffore1l from wet fresh flowers nt n cost o! 30,000 rrnucs which ls mnde n liquor feeL. until I· tllseoverod the following ; a your., delirium nnd couvul ·articles of wonrhig UllJJUl'el:" I bought Just a Question of Glasses: .. ,. ,-.

_ A scl�utlst snys ho took ·n_ IJO\Vet•ful glass IUHI. obscrveol a Jct->oL300,000 ·miles high .leaping· [t·oni _tho, smi';-,·-:A few moro pow�rful glasses· nnd -· ho

·will sec n green Jlznrtl with eyes 'us lnrge ns mtlo mablle lnmps lciqilng on his

. becl.-LoulsviUe Courlor-Journul.

Estimates Cheerfully Fur­nished.

Jess lt Is n f�vorltc --,nod ·or. thls' niado leggings,

lns'we of my shoes. 'l'ho 'llien'SJlli\Bh over my rub·

th 'ttO' 111• effects . . . -�'he leggings ' lmt•ede wnlldug; nor lie thoy

feet ns do rubbCI' boots.-

Baby's Idol. In n· certain llltt't oC Chlna··there ls -------------- I 1te1>t 11 llltlo Idol shaped Jlko a child.

d C �v, t j Wbenover o baby ls suffet•fng from In· Edwar 1,1 or digestion, or some other nllmont: tho · 1 · D , mother. climbs_ 1111 the' hl11. to the but

where the Idol ls kept,. rubs the .Idol CARPENTER AND BUILDER, and prays ovor lt for her bnby's 1'0

· cover)', So many bmuls -havo rnbbed the little lmngc tbnl' the Buildings compldetl in nll Lranches. worn qulto smooth�

Office, Shops an� nesidence, ctrner South and Westfield Avenues = '7. 3Westfleld, N.J.:�= I'" : 1 ,Telephone connection,

Foley's Orino Lnx11tivo Is n now rom·





D __ e-c-'-'e1v;d ,

' :

Good Definition.

···;lli�t�l<oof risl<fng , J;tleU· · . a couglt. or- col<l

· c<ly, nn improvement on the lnxntive5 ol I ormer years, ns it docs not gripe c1· rnusonto nutl is plcnsnut to take. It ;, 1 uarnntoetl. Gale's Phnrmncy.

Mrs. Murmy Keith; n ··'-·-"-••"'� '­

Scotch .Indy, from _whom Sir. Wnl!cr Scott dertYcll mnny of .the tl'ndltlonnry stories and anecdotes wrought Ull In Ills Waverly novels, tnxed him one dny with the nuthorshiJl, which he ns usual stoutly dented, 11\\'hn.t," exclrtimcd the ohl Indy, "d'ye think 1 <llnna ken my n.in goats among othm· folk's kn\1 ?"

A gentleman Is born with the ncces· slly of thlukl!lt; of others bcfoo·c he docs of hlms�lf.-l'lorllla '''imc•-Unlnn

whoii Uonoy nml Tnr ";ill nol only.stop your cough hut expel the uol1l from ymu· �ystcm, Foley's Honey n111l Tm· contuins 110 ovintes awl is t:ho hoRL lt1Hl sal'o;t throat llllll lung remedy. Gnlo's PhurJIIUU,)�.

-��� 105 & i07 MARI'\E.T Sr. CoR. WA.SHINO.TON. NEWARK.

��OFF Of cou�e. if yo11 're s2t upon paying usual prices nt so-called February Furniture Sales, you won•t be interested in tile l�f:AL, bargains that are here. But folks who know values will come to our store. We appe,11 to fOur good judgment. Don't put off buy ina. Now is the time to snv? money, We will not nl wn ys sell so cheaply. No concern can stay in the btlslness and do what we me ing-nctunlly tal<ing ONE·QUARTER OFF OF EVERYTHING. In a ·short time we will move to 77·7':J Market Street where our new building is under construction. '

'arpets and Rugs Folding Couch Two distinct couches can be used,

when plnced side by side as a full size bed, and by slid in£( or.e under the other can be used as a separate couch. National spring, 4 75 2 mnttresse.; and 2 bol· slers; I'Cf!�Jiar price $8.00, 1 very spcc1al nt. ............. .

• ??"�..?"%.&"� I

Dining Chairs

Ht•J!IIlnr !'lnlc I ""'"" "''"'•I Our highly polished . �r�����o\��;.�;;;�:.::::::::::·: ��� �9�0�. ��ouches at � 0 if Regular Prices. �h�� •. ��� .. ��: 2.25 t�i;;;e Brussels ...... ........ . �: ·;g 9-1 $2.50 Box Sent )88 Axmin�.i��:::::::::· :·:.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.': $t :.1o 98� SIDEBOARDS, chairs..... .... ...... • All made, laid and lined free, BUFFETS Goo,J nssortmont of

Extraordinary Rug Values. CHINA.•CLOSETS Leather Chairs, all at !4

"l'�'r��r j�;\�", , off of regulnr marl<e<l 27x6o ln. A•m1nster ...... $2.so 1.87 ALL AT y.J' OFF p-

r-l<e_•_· -----Jox7o ln. Axrnlnsler.. .. . $.1.98 2.95 ' �.6><7 fl. Wilton Velvet. $1 2.00 7.Z5

Qxll fl. Brussels ......... $H.OO JJ.25 Parlor Sut'ts an

'd Odd Pt'eces 9xl2 ft. Axrnlnster .. .... $26,00 19.50 9xl2 fl. llest Smyrna . .. $4.1.00 3Z.95 9x12 ft. Wilton, special .. $50,00 34,96 �· YOUR 'PURCtiASES MAY BE CHARGED.

Space does not permit us- to de· scribe the�1. The ori�inal tickets r�mnin and alongside is the special sale ticlwt which tells th� story.

Ranges All y.J Off.

Heating Stove·s At Less 'I' han Cost,

BRASS BED This GoiJ Lncquerecl

!loll, 2 Inch continuous pust, regular 2B 50 price $·10.00, �ale price...... •


Table SJJ.me M· cut, ·12 inch to,,, ll H� e:denslun, reg u I a r rr!ce $1 J. 50, sniP pric.e

8.62 �-he p� ao k·nd nl. . . .. . ........ ... . .... t•l.,:-;0 {�� ��o:g� �;:�� :� .............. .......

. !�-7� . - ...................... --.�0 .... � .. � '

· , Do't�g ,Go�d. · · . . . ._.· ; Do n�t only tulte oconslons'or <lohig

so�u: )vheit \Jtey nrc thri1st. itpon: thee; l>ut;si:uuyto uo ·an the._soo£1'.-'thou. cunst.:.' zeal ·or ·go'otl wot•ks':wll!.'mnke tltec plot: nn'd conti'IYo for tbcm,: sult nml ttsk':ulvlco fot• theiu;'-lt .. tcr. '· ;,[!. · ·

"I won tlcr," snlll hls nhcnmnc11nlly tlnslandlngs to the m·lll chhoporllst, "if ru· (!Uit n lHlh' o' horny handed

Uncle "Spanking of tho p

musutl Uncle Allen Uced thnl 'gelling n general thing,

I ----���


I'IIIWI<i11111NUH IW '1'111'1 lllli\1111 IW I'IIIIHI•lN' IIIU•IJollllllolll•liiH

lifo' '1'111·1 I'OIIN'I'\' IW UNION,

(OIIh•lnl,) llt•KUIIII' tuunllnl� nl' tho llrull'll nr

llitiiiiUII I•'I 'IHIIilllil!li'H llf tho CDUIIIl' U[ llulnn, N, ,J., hultl 1111 'l'hllt'�tla�, .Inn· IIIII')' IJ, 1 DIJH, Ill �IIIII ll• 111,

Hull cull Khmi'OII tho rn11nwlu11 IIIOIUIJOI'H jii'OKUU[I

Dli•unlnt• IChtlto l•'t•oohnhloru Ad· niiiM, Chulolr, llnt•hy, nunnu, Donn• huo, .lin)',· .tunun,. J(l'uh�o, ·MIIUI'i•l', nlulKol, .. l'ul'l')',' 'Piot•imn,. · lluhiKr)ll, Smllh; l!lophou, ,WIIhm• 111111,. \Vuod· 1'111\'-18,


AhHOIII, BIVnlu-2,

'l'ho lllillUIOK lug, wlt.h n Klll!llt :vtH'I'tJoll.nn. llll.lllnllnll, l'lljliOR 1111 Jhu

· . · ci1ii\tit'•i1i I•'I'UIIII.ho

'l'nxn\trui·, ·itH' 1'o th�; ·i1�i� ·

·Union c.Ount.lomon-:;'l'hlsi:honli'd

nlwlh, N, old 'l'u 1.1111 1111111'11 ul' ChnKnll I•'I'Uolwltl·

UI'H� !lnnlhHIIOn-Ynnl' l'rllllllllllrm 1111•

llllilllllil Ill ihiH IIIHIII'I' IIIIH l'l'l'lliVIHI hi1IH fill' IIIII IVIII'II lil'l'lll'lillli{ Ill Jlhlll lll'npul 'tlll hy lhu (!nnlll)' l•lii�hllliH', IIIII I IIIII I I hu lnii'UHI. hltl In hn $·1 IIH,HII,

'l'hll Olilll'lli ii'IUIIIIII UHlil'd 1'111' 1111'1 lfl'lltt!url WIIH $/lull, rwrl 1110 1!//l'ui'• UUOU rit I!IJKI. Ill lhu Wlll'lt IH I'IIIIHI'<l h)' J.ho hll'lllltl!lllt HUIIHIIII ('Ill' lhiH lclml r•r wu''''·

YUill' l!llllllllllloo IH or t ho upltilllll ;�-----·-----... ·---------·----------------------­

lhPL tho WlllltH HhOIIhl bo l'lljJUII'Oi} nt OIICO, PH !hoy Pl'll I ll VOl')' lmd COIIIII· llo11, nnd would tho1'ofo1'o I'OWIII· mend lhnt tho npJtt'Ulll'lnllon rru• tho WOI'I! bo IIICI'OIIHOd fl•om I ho Hlllll !ll'at.'nt•Pi'!llll'lntod-llnllloly, $:JGO, to tho BUill of $·160, ' T.OCIAN.

THE AUTOTONE Hardman Harrington Hensel

Wl' nro 1:11111 to I·IIIIOUIICO lhnt. wo lfurdmnn1 11nrrlngton nnd Hensel,

l'l'icas Ueglnnlng nt $soo, The Aulotonc r<lu ho

11 • • •


The Plano All Can Play Either by Hand or Music Rolls


Coal, Lumber, Building Materials, Mouidings and Kindling Wood, Fertilizers

For Lawn, Co.rden and Field •

. office and Yard--Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing, Westfield Orders by i\fnil Will Hcceivu Prompt Attention.


TETiiWII llNY. 50

· , ,

Special Accomn1odatio!i� .for Bo��cling .Horses.



The Big Bargain Sa e. The One M.ost Talked Of. Glasse.s== TI-JAT FIT.


VAIL. 01<1 Stand, • 03 Park Avenue,



THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD hi• lnulnos�. l'llbiUIIOAI ovor1 l'r1•4t11'1 1\'hn� I� llL'I'tlml I� t'll•UJII'I'Illlon •

Thu StBIIdtud J'ub!'lhlnK Conmu, In' 'l'hu counoll �hnuld ktww whnt th•• '!'Ito 00lollll NOII'IJijtJtvr uf tho '.l'0\1'11 Jlt'flJIIIl uf \\'rHtllcJtl 1\'11111,

' of Woo!llultl. :in II' to tlu.t q ����Uon' \1 , . hn l'l' Jl ft'lllll Ill!' ill ht•l'� or ( ho I'll I II IIIII II

:. Bnl•ll<l 111 !ltu l'""l Oltlao nt Wt•tdrlcl, ('lllllldlns 1\'t�llns !ll'il'll(!!�lltwn� tlmt NiJWJunutT•I .. IIUOUIItl·olno 111nthtr. · , , NIIIIHVIIII''l'ION fl,ftll 111-:11 \'fl,\11 \\'t'�tlldtlncctl� 1\ ll•!lll'liof lt•nclt•, "''

1'..\\'..\JII,IC IN ..\PI'ANUK, HOI110 other IJ!Jtly I'(•JliWl'llllltil•c• 11! tho oleutornto, whluh Hlmllt·nt·dull.v con�l�cr nil Cl\teijtlull� of hll'nl llll·

Jlot·L, nnd nd M mr lnt�ruwtllul',l'

to tho )Jl'OJJiu n111l tho culln<'ll In

no111 0111�• . STANDARD llUILDIN!I,

.\VUifllldo N. J,

-'' r�nall Olllci 1 r. N, 60n.IIBR, �ottllng tl1c Jll'n�lulll� or Jocu 1!01'• · ·. , 794 Ur"d St,, Now•tko N, J, CI'IIIJICil(, ·Advurll>h>K lint ... �'urnl>bod Vll Appllrntlon 1\'hy not pt•t>rt>cd to Cl\1'1')' Olll


CO·OPERATIVE GOiERNMENT. ,\ story i� told of n fnl'lncr who

.purchnMcd n ltu·gc trnct of lnnd in .

und nt onec bcgnll to mnl;e tho soil for tlw mising of .:ue 1\'ns nn expert in his

He hilCII' his busines& 11'0111 ·. d up, and no gmdunle of

ngricullurnl eollegc could more intelligelll mcthorl

,dc�\'clot.:Jmtent of land. J lut

thJM progl'ltlll or C<l•O(lCI'Illi\'C llllllli• <'ipnl uol'l'l'llllll'llt now ? 'l'hcn we ;hn\1 know whom to hlnmu wlwn thing; go) wrong.

Fdlol\1' citi7.cns, oro you sulllclcnl· ly inten•otecl in yom· town'� well· IJl'ing to gi1•c Jltl imiJot·t:mL mntlcr l'ootn· itttm('(.lintc nnd rm·c!ul consitl·

;.ration ! rr so, consider the fnct tltat l'lniufidtl has n Board or 'l'rnclt• an, In eitizl'JJs' urgnnizatiun, nne\ in puint of al'lunl progress tlmt city is setting· tlw pace fot' the rest of the Stat�.. \\'h!lc not so Iorge nnd not so extwricncctl us Plniuncld, we lmi'C youth nnd ctwt·gy on om• side. l'nblic opinion cryslnlized through ol'gunizcd effort will find its con­c•·ctc expres>'ion in n m unicipal gO\'· crnmcnt · thut. is thomugiJ)y'rcpre· scntutivc nnd el(cmplifies the· ideals ol democ1:ncy.


The one thing necessary is orgn­nir.etl r!O'orL Jl we nrc,

indifferent uhout it we cnnnot hope for bette�' things.



Westlield's Enrollment Among Lar�esl In

county Association.

the Union

N�WS Of THE CHURC�[S. Pro�rams ol Service for Several

�enomlnatlons During Gom· lng Week.

Baptist Church. He\', U. ,J. llt•t·••llll'lllltl, Jlll't"r, will

tX:utll'Y tho tmlplt In thu Dnptlot Ohnroh

oil Hmnlny, hoth tttnrnlllg t\ltcl o\'�111111!• A flfteotl mlnu'o tll'nl•o �<·rl•lou wlll J>rUCOI!U tho t•\'Cttilll! HUI'Il\011,

Coniregal\onal Church. IIO\', H. n. Cluerllsny, llll�tor, will 00•

cup)" thn pnlt>lt In tho CorJgrowltlollnl Ohnroh ou Sn111lny morning, ·

YonnK Peoplt•• �lcct\ug nt so\'Oll o'cloclt lu tho church pnrlor.4, Subject, "�1\nlstcrlng to l'risoJwo·s Jlltd tho Poor." T.cnoler, )Its.; �lnhol Klmbnll.

�llcl-woolt prnrcr meeting on WmhJes• clny lll'enlug at eight o'clock ill tho

lccturu room,

Holy Trinity Church.

Hov. A. w. Hnyos; \viii occnpr Ute pulpit' · Olmrch on Suudny; ·

"E\'cry mnn · iu his theme,· "A Yitul. Qucst'imi'""''l'llctrll .Art '£hou ? H

. Ilcgulni.


Ep11orth Eonguo onSmirln� n1inni sovou o'clock. 'fopic, into Victory."

Olns; mcctiug will be lhc church ]Jarloro nt JJcqtler, ,J, S. ,\.

Dlblo study cJqoa Qll nt ei�ht o'clock,

Prnyer mooting 011 .IV cthicts<ln•v:;•c\'en: ing nt cighto'olocl<. in chnrge. : : " · ·

Smulny School nt The Ttnlinus w!ll


Indlvldu.1l--Firm .1nd (�oreor.lliot}

Snvlng and Trust Account�

The Westfield Trust Company � ............................. �.�---

Capital and Surpll,!!.. ili.:Q.Q.Q:..Q.Q

' Rl,hard J; · S:oles •

Robert A, Fairbairn Joseph R. Connoly Robert W, Harden

!'tc!,w(eul Vir•' 11rr.(/t!wl

J'/c,• /1/"I'Sidt'/1/ tl• St'C'.I'·


irnab '.itrrrt. llrntfirl�. N. ll.

a Sacrifice. 35-40 Horse Power

Touring . - Car. . , . .. . ·New 'J'ircs, 'l'op, Si5.Spcdometer, ]?u\l pnicnt. · � Chinrnntccd in perfeclirm condition ·�· ',: ,. �' ' '' ' ,' ' ' ; (' . r ' o

COOK, .. Scotch Plains, N. J.

Also 40 Horse Power Runahoti� lUOS C:u·.

Prc11l11rltk K, 'l'nKI!IUI, l!OUNHI•:J.rllt A'l' 1.,\\f1

Wt'"lllulcl, N. ,J. ']'(tii'H IIHillllhltlllo

WcHIIicici'H uniy JlirKI·clnu

Sea Pood ,\\arket 1 z 5 ill'n:ttl Su·cct

'J'cluphnuc, lBl WcMIIiclit, N.J . Ail lllnds or-----,

Prc8h Fish In Blue Point Optci'S tlllll I Clntns oil the II nil Shell a

'l'ult•l)lltlllt• �';�,

Frank Reca rdo, Painter and Dec

. Wall Papering a Specialty. South mmcl' Street.

,Tabbing l'rlllll!llly <\lluoulml to. P . . U. Jlol< �85, Wcstfiolil,

CA"D. l\Irs. c. r�. l!tJgemnn, 'l'enc]wr

Studio 2i Boulemnl. 'l'ol. 118-ll.

K. Baumann, PHOTOGRAPHER, 36 Elm Streel1 Westlidd,- N, J, '.f

N!i:ar R. R. StoltfGn •

;1�:i::::::::::::::::::::::; 13nchclor of Music, come� to ! South Avenue every Monday to

' ...

Our Warerooms are full of Well Made and Neatly Designed

FURNITURE Call and See Our Stock.

We have confidence in our ability to please.

PowlisQn & Jones 1·lfl-IIH 1�. 1�1tON'I' ""'.r., I'J�AINPI'ELn. '


nnnnnl l\!issionnry •roo. of tho S. will he givo11 nt tho l\I, 1�. by . laclies. of tho. soci-

Admissiou'to the clturr:h by cnnl only. Herbert L. Abrams has solrl · for �I;s,

��cial Clearing Sale of Queen Quafity Shoes $3.50 :Co•• $2.4S =====-­COME AND TAKE YOUR PICK WHiLE THE STOCK LASTS-ODDS AND .e ENDS AND BROKEN SIZES

The Piker Skoe Company Broad St., W stfield, N. J.

his pupils. Pi:tno, OJ'gnn nntl culture. Terms moclcmte.



IIVUI' llu o\ \ 1 B�H,

M. I�H Mouwu'• j•••h•ntu "ohnul, 1111 Ullll'l< HI,, l't•·ttllltlll'tl 'l' lll l'rldta,Y, Iit•JII·itllt •III' UIIth, _

]JOA!Ill t'oll' llroi'KI'K 1�1�111 1111KIIlru, 11'111'111 1111111'• J 1u,'tl lw•w I'll''''· ····r•·•·••nt!l·�. · rtv1tKJ I "'•· moulh. Athll'tt/4.1 l�lmr •hen 1•'111'111, Ut'f 111 11� 111'1 11 . . 1 .

Satiafying Evidence of Strength Th I'Ollghuut the entire period of the recent

ll nunciul c1·isis this hunk wus ublu nnd I'Clllly to 111�et every necessity of its custom· cl's,

ThiH IIJCn liH thut the hunk hnd 1111 amplt: cnsh l'cscrvt:, thnt i ts loans wt:rt: gilt-edgt:d, un ci thnt i ts nsscts were <)Uick nsst:ts, suitnblc . for cmcl'gcncics. /

These facts, strengtht:ned by its conserv­ntivc mnnugumcnt und Governmunt Super­vision , merit yoll l' consideration.

The Peoples National Bank of Westfield


FOR RENT Ill� �llllllllllltt A l'lliii!U,

•·Room I Jwc\l l ng, t\\1 1 1 11 \ ' I'IIVUIUCIIIH -132. 0 0 -

Wm. S. Welch I San (Hulo A�un�)

.1105 Bro•CII Streat, �-------,�-------------

PAINT YOUR HOUSE JKJfOI'U tho }CIJVOK lll•l!lll lo COJIID out - lml'nru the vltttlK will ho •ltunugml uml thu shrnhhm·y In· jut'Uil. Let UK eKlilllnto 11011' KO \I'll !!lUI lll'!liJI tilll \l'lll'lt IlK HOOil IIH tho WLinJ,hur iH lit,

W E L C H B RO S. 'ltJ(g Pll.\C'I'IU,\1, PAI N'J'JtltS

201i Bt·mul Stmot 'l'clophono I J J.,T.

Executor's Settlement· Nulh!nbt lH•I'P11l" Kh'l'll, lhut. thn IWL�t ltlllt Lim lillh�m·!ht•l". I{'Ct •ti\I(UI"tlf l h•rn·\' .Nt•(HIJII m,ll'lt·d, wlll ll!t lltulltf'tl nml Hfnt•�t h\' th1' :;m··

l'llgntt•, ltllll l't•pm•tt•fl l'ur Ht•Uit•mi•uf, tu tho OJ•phun" (�nurt. uf lhu Oonntr flf Unhm, un Wt'd!ll!.'!tlny, lllll l!lt>\'Hnth •lny tlf :\llll't•h JH!x�.

·. J•'tuw�:B u:l\ A. Kt:,.cu. 'l�Oil l i i�N'l'-wlth )Jnt.nl. 'l,wu ntlJulnlng � •·uomH. tr, Huulln·,u·d. • ·. - Local ·,,, .AN''I'J�O-!-lmnll ltntUio, nil 1111)11'0\'I!IIH>UIK,

News About People ol Westfield and lis Suburbs. '"Other Items

-'l'ho 'l'owu Oonncll wlll hohl n rogn· 11r mooting noxt Mnoulny uvoning.

-M1•• Wi?J�both Stout hn� returnml rrom 11 two woeks' visit in PhihuloiJlhht.

-Mrs. Normuu Io'oulk11 nml d11ughtor hnve roturuo:l from n visit in Onul<len, N . • T.

IJnl t:rl ollllllUII'Y:Jil'lt., 1\IIIS,

;n!!, h."hJ::lL �rhr���� �',',',',��!�tu,N �fgA�'"f .• J��.Jtt',';

'.A\'l'll\11', lll'uuldyn. ·· . . · iuAPl'l'A I � u tmi�N HtlNI� 111111 YEl�J�'J'AHrJE

ol IAierest. -IInrvoy .Tnmos wlli lcn.•o to·lliOI'row NINETEENTH ANNUAl REPORT OU'l''l'fmS, Pr•h!tt $H.7.i, (JIJ'ttllltlht. L+.

lhlllrut·tl, !!IIH �uutil l:!th i"ih•t•t!t, Nnwnl'lt, N, .T. ' · -1\l:.t. ntul Mt'.l , llollt'Y OomJ!IOII hnro fur · 1111 �xtotulC!l; iri1• to tho Pucillo - ()1<' '1'11 1·: --t..-,i)-ii �.\-i:T.!-Ih;j"ltlln�:r Snucl ruul Hrn:\•ul tlo· I'! 11\:,.,'l'll . Wtlllnm A. PnJ•kiHII'Hl1 W�1141lloltl

rCtUI'llUtl from II ViHit i n �"""'"u• v ,


- 01•' '('fill --


Ninc�mom honsc eontniuing nll lHOtlcl'll i111tlfO\'CIUUIIhi1 i!JUillll� ing s1enm heat., on lot 50xJ 75, wiLbin livn minutes Wlllk of strt• tiou, fluu location,




is nbsolulcly snfo.

nnd 1\lrs. Ho11�y · Stroot, will Slltlllll

o(,Murch in �'loridt>. q,<i::Alfrotl Jehnsto11 nml fmnily tiiove<l from Brooklyu to tho · house 011 North Avo11uo.

·..:.r.riss Pnulillo IIIlJISloy, or W.LIIIO'CUUO.':I Oim1ult�, i� the guest of Miss Mitchell, of Elmer Stroot.

-A sou nrrivotl nt tho homo nne! lllrs. Thomas Kontwy, ··of Stroot, Snturdl\y ovouhig,

'•. -::Wnltor of

Snrnlt· Bell, of No1v f,omlon,

Olnm Bird, of Now Hnvou,

Ethel Grim, of Now Yorl<, nro of :Mi•• Ann11 Oook, of South

ILVOiltlO. :. :··--'1'1;� J,itorno·y n111l Socinl Oi�cle of the

iluthodist Ohurch wi!l moet ut the home of : lllrs. l!'muk Edwnr.ls, I�ntbroo . \)reS· cent, on Frirlny n!toruoon, Io'ob. 21st, nt

thrao o'clock. York 111 high 11oou on · C.:doloitol , Gooruo R. Dyer, of tho

1\ln.•. Swords is tho <lnnghtor of 'firm ·of . 0, I. Huclsou & Co., aU<l iiir.�. J, S. Irvit!g, . : . ,: : . • : · /New Yorlc, will bo given n <l�nuer by

. · , t · 'Or'· the · " 'lho. Bunch " tomorrow mght nt -Word hns boon l OCOllOI . · . · · • · · ·Ool I 0' 1 " Tho death of :Mrs. George Hnim , . whi�li '�o� ; Rmson��ober.l!,

um Jns "�

o. tf of WilloughbY.. & FINE TO:JL"l nllll O GTLERY

cnrrCJl in Ohicngo h•st Thnrs<lnv. 1\I�s. Bnuch const&otsCof th? �m;;nl . s�eorge

bent; Telop.hone • ' 1 nt of this 0 I Hmlson o., me n ug I .. . .

G.'l. Rardwa . . rr"e . :0 Hann . wn� II ,�ro�or rcsu o niul T: Ornttondou, William J, Bogert, .Tr., . TnE . . . . Q11 town llllll ts snrvtvml hy 11 hns.b�u� . . 1 H E Pearsall nnd Jnmos ]!', Johnston, 1s the : · · . . · . . .. , . , . , . eight cl•tl<lron. Sho wns .bnrom osu 0 ·· '· : · · ·

. ·I i t, · · P11rk Al'e. IUI<l rro ot s�.}?ln��.•!lol<l, N: .• r. I her mother-iu-lnw i n Ohicngo, . I <f tins place. · ·· .

' �;� ·;,,� the ouc subject, u nci that is Real '' '· ; ,' ';No\vhcl'e i n this City or county will ··· .· :,1\f:>you: ��:J1t'�iJch �� Jist of . pmpcrties as you will

;<r\��\'iU���]:�·i�!rtls, : :i.�ts n plensuru to sli.ow our b�·l·gh.ills;:):sb'�rillyoir hn,ve to do iH to cul l , the carrit\gc !l'Yilit�_y:op, tit tliu �lou1·.

, ··: _;,

Central Real , Estate Agency, u nc.)

16 E: L. M STREET,

There Are Several Reasons W�y this is n11 oseollo11t limo to hnvo Willi pnperlug, lu torlor rofiulsblug nud olc<:tll'lltiug 1lnuo. !.lving moro In the house tlmn ont doors, you hnvo lll< ll'll UJll•>rtnuity for tlto o11jowuwnt foo• wltnt Is done, nnd 11 grentor lucon. lil'll to 111toml to tho olotnils oantleotml with it, Wtth tho Now Yenr, como tho now JlnltomH nud iityhJR In wttll llllllUr i111cl whnt wo hnvo nlrendy •cen "''l uxtromoly u l trnet.lvo. Ontsido work hoiug lnrgoly cut otr we nro not so hurl'iml, n o ul yon vnn feol iU<HIII'ml tilnt sntllciont tlmo will bo J,oiven to your work, \Yo woulii ho plonsml tu hni'O you call !11 our Rhow room to talk nnd louk tiH• lllllltor 111'111'. : 'l'ho I'OHnlt will sm·oly ho Jllonslug to yon, It is sur. Jll'iHing wh11t n J'ow dolltU'll llpont on n I'O<>IIl will do,

The Modern Shop Co. Modern Shop Building

Phone :z!l8-J N, L, T1ylur

TAYLOR & SON :Livery, Boarding and Sale .Stables

76 NORTH AVENUE, WESTFIELD, N. J. R�sidence, - 4!> Elm .Street, Phone 1.16-L

Tunison til Co., Ta i l o r s to M e n

1S3 N o:n.•th .A:venue,

1.=-Iainfield, N • • J.

BUS I N ESS COLLEGE 2o8-2lo Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. , Dix Building. Tel. 603 W.

F. R.. BERRIMAN, Principal. Nigl1 t School now in session. Enter at any time.

a Question of V

Have You Looked at

6 -======-��=-�··-:··�;::::·:-=·=����--�- -�- -.-·--=·= fRrEI'OlOE�S GONTIHUEO. un.a: Jnmo• 0' Moore, '28'1101 • I 1 n Jolvllh Ulumottl, I 10 ; 80IOIIIDII

-------- -.· , ,, .• ,. , .\ llllol ,\IU)'Ilf ''· J, . Drown, . u� : llenr)• c. JliiiCh, Sr .. �lr-i7 "1Mf��- '[8··· '&]ER'�'/ H .• .H•. "" ' " ''"' purt1111te ot n vncnnt . u:�. o 7 : Dt•nnl• Wholnn, uo.sG; tho �-.. c,. 'l\

. ·; .:! :: . • :


-.: �

. . ·!· . 1! :':r· .. ,; .· :[_,··· .. ·1 �� :.f 1 . ' . . ,,1" lot ,u! Jn ln ln� t h•• rourthou•o l'l'llllVI'• I cfllnlunl Cltlxcn, • �o ; l'�lor J,,

. . 1.- .. . t) In • h •· n·.l l'' tor the Rllnt !I' JJuahN, H I : .• Jno, Y11n Pelt, f OOO: l � . ; : . . . . " '"' ll'lll'rt.'IIH tho jlO.Hinll' or J. 1 • . JIRUQr, us I : o . "· SohloltorGr.

) 1 1 • 1 • • !n ;a it! lll'o'lti!H�� WRR d�IR)'Otl t �!1.1>11: J,oula A boll, ' 1 2 I 8trRIIKII - '" I

1 ' ·: · • : •. u· ' Inti ! .1 .1 1 1 11;11')' 1-, Rllcl Whqi'CII. lOX�� JlnBI'II iV 1111<1 COIICI'OtO llrltiQU Co., . , . . • ' · ' · ·· ·, ·

-- . ... . . .. :.:.: :_·:��--·- , , .;,:<;;- .;.-" <:, " " ' " " " n� l i n • l Hllld l>f�ml•�a · nru • t' , �, !IIJ•, ,) , J), l,lllReRIIX J,ulllhOI' Cn,, " ,--. .::r• ."tj:· . •'.r. \\''' · · \\ · , . .'lflfhW 1-;) l i<C' '1\::-.- c '� t 1 • • • /'··-u�.� · --:.:,:_,_,!L-:.'1!.!..:��-- · "'-- .:.. . ' " " > ' l ll l > � f $ � :J . Z 6 or l tll )'CRI' lvO • , fG7.0 t : ,J no. Sch mhll, $0,601 J no,

7 4 S l l > • ·r. .rur•·· lw It rllKOI\'ed, thnt the Conrad, 1 � 0 : Jnmc1 (1, �loorll, ARKET. HALSEY � J�ANI!_�!_:__:_ " " ' " ' ·' "'ll . . r·tor he nnd horeb)' Is nu· 1 1 1 7.5ol l c. Jl, Wlnnna, $06,76:

· .. . " " ' · · . . ... ..;·�· -·-·� . . _ .. ;.;·....;,.;.;.;:,· ..;.....;.....;;;;;;;;;;;,;;.;;;;;;.;::;;;;;;;; ,li . ' """' '-"tl to t•nr H:tld tn�•• from the w111, 11. \\'eldon, $U7.30; J. 1, · county rundK. lluner, $ 7.60 ; HoMrt Clnrl!, $ 1 2 1

Fr·,.eholder \\'ood1·nrr PIO\'Cd the A . J,, Bu rnell, · $ 2 3 , 3 7 1 JoiOith ruluptlun of the reaolttllon, ·.nnd on 1\nnt�. f 1 0 : Chns, 11. Smith, UO; rol l r·ull I t w n • u nnnhnousl)' ndoJ>tcd . Cl�nt·ea & lletl!lcn, $ 00.50; Ja�nc \\'.

T h o Dtrcrtor announced the nt>· nrown , ss; E, D. Shtl@r, $ 1 0 ; At'• ttolnl ru<•nt or �·r·ceholdcr Stet>hnn to thur E. smit h , $ 2,G o o : J, 1,. llnuct·, tlw plnr<• on the South Droad street $ 1 0 : James �loran, $ 0 9 : D. H. \'oor· bridge rnnunltte• of Elhnbeth, for• hies , $63. 1 0 ; A. \\', St iles, $0 ,li0; merh• llclrl h)' Preehotdor Gruener. do .. 1 1 78.!0: s. D. \\'Inter, 1 1 1 .26 . 1 5th The Dl rcctur nlso nnnottnecd the Freeholder J\t•ouso mo1•ed to nd· npJtulntment of �'r•.eholdor Cladek to journ, wblrb wns cnrr·lod, -

ANNIVERSARY the J•latP. on the l'ell' Church street Tho Director doclnred tho bonr<l brlrlge conunlltN!. Hahwa)', formerly adjourned until Thur·sda)', Februnr)' held b)· �···eeholder Gruener. o, ! 90S, at 2 : 30 p . . m,

Tho following bi lls, properly nutll· s. RUSI,JXG RYNO, ted nnd RJIJ>rOI'ed, were read and on Cieri<. roll call unanimously ordered paid , ===========,;.,;;:,;,:,:;


L. BAMBERG E R & co·. , N EW � R K, N. J.

1'1%.: �Jembers Par Account-Thos. J.

Pierson, $ 4 0 : Xonh Woodrurr, ' l O : .r. l,ogan Fa)', $ 1 2 : p, H. �Ieise!, 1 2 4 : Hobt. C. )laurer, $ 2 l : Chas. ..\. Smith, $ 22 : Adolplt H. Gruener, $ 1iO: llenJamln 1\lng, $ H ; S. P. T. Wi lbur, $ 1 6 ; .Jno. X. L'ady, $ 1 6 1 J. Hervey Donne, $ 2 0 ; Jno. J. Dona· hue, $� S : .John Robison, $ 2 4 ; Brad· for·d Jones, $ 2 8 : Henry Krouse, $ l 2 ; Geor�e B. Cladek, $52: E. K. Ad· nms, � I l; Joseph Perry, $30.

Committee Expense Account-Rob!. c. )latrrer, $ 3.60 : Cbas. A. Smith, $ 8 . i 5 : F. 1.. Graves Est., $ 2 l : llrndford .Jones, $i. i S : James A. �Jeek ln•. $ 2 11 ; J. X. Cndy, $ 5.Gil ; Henry Krouse. $ 1 6.6 0 : BenJamin King, $ 1 7.82; S. P. T. ' Wilbur, $ ! . G O : .J. llei'I'C)' Donne, $ 2 . 6 5 ; Juo. .J. Dorrahue, $ l . G 5 : Thos . . J. Pierson . $S.G IJ ; Xoah Woodruff, $5.70: P. H. �Ieise!, $ 7. 9 5 ; .Tno. Robison, $ 6 . 5 0 ; George B. Cladel<, $ j .GO ; E. li:. Ad· ams, $ 1 0 . u 5 : .JosCJ)th Per•ry, $5. 3 �.

Salary Aemuu i-.James W. Fink, $GO ; S. Husllng Ryno, $ 1 0 0 1 N. R. J,ea\'ltt, $ 2 0 8.33. . . ·

Sur·rogate's Account-Chas.' F. \\'. E<· klull'd, $ ·1 .20 : George·• . T: : po:rr'ot, Sunognte, $ 6 88.


Contingent Accouni-Edw'," Taylor. $ 1 8. 3 0 ; l>dw. ]{,'" $ 120 ; Flot·cnce G. Slllos, Kcron & Son, $ 4 0.

I nch! en ta Is Accormt·,c-.llantes . ;: ;:\\' Fin I<, $ 1 2. 5 0 ; • :. H. · $ I 5 S : !•'rank H. Smith, · $ 1 2 0 '; '· Geo. \\'. Cole, $ I 05; .Jno .. l(cron',· &' Sous, $ :JUS ; F. W. Westcott; ··,M> · D.', �GG.fiO; lhe . Amer·ican ,· l.Jnw :Dook Com1mny, $ G : lle>•berf · · Buxton , $2. :Hi ; .1. S. Sllnor, $ 3 5 : , __ �,. - - . ,

Publication Account - EttznjJeth Revue, $ 3 1.25. . . .

Stationer·)· Account -:- Inii�er·Jrtl .\!ann fact.urlng Com1>nny, $ 7 ; � El· il••mliii!Hiil�la.HIBIIIII!Bif.lll!!!!•lfiil•!lli!!••••••••:!:B J Jiutt-l•'lslwr Com Jmny, $ 3.3 5 ; . do.', $:l. D O ; do., $ o ; · Munsoil Stippi)''.Com� ''any, $3 .50 ; tho Standard Pub lish­

To Extract s'pllnter. Take a wlde·mouthed bJttle and al·

most 1111 II full or hot water, then put the Jtart with the splinter over tho mouth or tho bottle and )tress ti ght ly. The suction will draw· the Jlesb down and In n minute or two the hot sto:mr will make the Sl>llntct· como out and draw the soreness out Immediately.

Beasts All Left· Handed. Livingston, the great explorer or

Africa, who had ruorc chances than most men ba1·e to learn tho· habit• or ..,·lid beasts, says In his books that they are all left·httttdod, �o to speak, or Jeft·pa wed, tr you l ike that way or putting It better. The lion, h� says, . al �·ays strikes with Its Jell paw:

A1 Genius Affects Women. A reviewer In �ne of the rcocul

publications, calling attention to �lr Gribble's book about Georg� Sand, says that "we still �elleve that genius, howe1·er It may valllato l.h� nrlmes or. a mao, aggravates the wlckcrlr.es of' ,·: woman.'' '

����� •·t·��<JA2•:2::."-B'��� A .-r-�•TJi'�..-�·T,..;; •rr.•yJ}�:"S�.t.:>'!t. x10�,7;,� �"_flj Ing Concern, $ 1 3 ; F . . R. N'orl·is · & .. ��·'"�";.·.- ,�·; V'l);�i':3<a.il.X-�;n;n?.:<i">5l�m<7.i< V ;u�;om�JK;riw'?b�;-1;<w.,f,l cu .. $ � 8. 7 5 ; do., $ 9 . G O ; do., $1 7.2 0 ;

� E I I ' 1 1 1 "60 'I' l 59 r-v,; Welch Bros.; $13.5 0 ; · Chns.";o.r , · Af-. SJo.3 st:t 1 ts 1ec o . e • • rn fllcl<, � 5 5.50. . ·. · . . m · � Lunacy Account-W. R. Coddlng-m w ,�, CONNOLY co

�l ton, $ 1 5 0 ; New .Jersey State Hospt-m • 1 • • m tal, . ,$8, 3 6 7. 3 7 ; New .Jet·sey State . · ·

ffi · ru l'lllngc for Epileptics, $ 4 9 3 . 3 � .

�� u � ) k d E b 1 � .!all Accou nt-\\'. H. Lawr·ence "'""'·'''"''M• �� llCt6TL9J 7'er,a an m a mers � She!'lrr:.

!?� 1.4 5 ; �I. A. Shang):, •

ii'l � D., $8"· "'1 , Chas. W. Dodd, $ r

EDWr\P D N. BR.O\VN Manager Stein, $ 3 7. 5 5 ; .roser1h Banet·, $ �.,.::; ' • • • Elections Account-Richard I Henry J. Schmidt, $ 1 5.80;

�Office Elm Street W f' ld N J lstou, $ 1 8 ; Roht. r-. Gn m v . I esl Je t • • Hni'I'Y \V, .Jach:son, 15 ; -�ru��ru����5!i':.::rLi 1. �:tt:.rrt:����ru�.,��mst Smilll, $ 2 G : Dennis mm:JX7.iXY.IX:>IS�rn<JX,;;iv�'1:x I" wwav.r��v.v;��i'LI'nffim Public Buildings Accon

��������������������������� of El l•nbeth; $ 1 5.82 : .John . :- $ G 5 ; l{ate Ru · \V:' A l l Woo l Scotc h Waist F lann e l s lmmpel'> $ 1 2 5 ; do;� ·

win, $3 . 6 0 :· Lord · .r . . E. E •. LeYonseller, cheiiCVnnce Co.', � $ 4 G .

at · 39c red uced from SOc. General clcamnce imlc of · . ��.;�:. X�'�d · ·

• O,remnaJits and slightly soiled stock at less than �iloo ; ,· ... --·-· ··" ''· " · $ ·1 3;20; Y. &' N; ,

L. A. P I KE R,

. na n� l!tm�sr ilrmcai �!l�u��emte�(Q)lrSf CcCID �llil@I!D !1�

\WI &�kJMrAJl'����� 'l'rolleys, crosslown cnrs, clevnted rontl� nn<l tho Subway

lend to Wnnumnker's from nll ferries nntl Htnllons, so lime Is snvccl, rn the storo you mny chock your parcels nntl stnrt free handed. 'l'ho rnformntlon Burcntt Ia nl your service, comfort• nblo w.litlng room� offer rest nnd tho !reo entertainments In tho Auditorium 11fford recreation, 'l'herc nrc two lnrgc restnumnls In the store where delicious food Is served nt modemte prices,

This mor.:lt tho g-reat February Sn\o or 11urnlture, Involving II quartet cf II lllillion dol\nrs' WOrth or high·clasa furniture presents wondcr:ul cconomiea. While there Is rich furnltur� lor every roern of the house, there nrc nlm mcdium·prlced pieces to suit the demands of tho average household.

The largest and most vnrled assortments of merchandise In the country are nt Wanamaker's. The spacious Dress Goods Store nlotte occupies more than half a block, and is lighted by eighty windows and the Rotunda; here you mny eKamlnc, corn• pare nnd select with case nnd dispatch. Our discrlmlnatlng buyers have secured the best output of American and European looms, In silk, woolen, cotton and linen dress goods. The new styles, new trimmings nnd new patterns are now ready; nlso the Sprin1: assortments of suits, coats nnd dresses, trimmed and untrimmed millinery and children's garments.

ThJ tremendous bu)•ing power of two of the biggest retail stores in the worlcl insures Moderate !'rices and Splendid Values, and 6a fine equipment lor the comfort nnd con·

i•el!i.encc · · _oilers every possible ndvnnlnge,


. . Difference � �- -Medal'• Cost. 'A Frenchman, meeting an J•:•rgiJHh , soldier with a Waterloo medal, ani- •1 m'adverled sneerlngly on the govet·o· 1 menL for bestowing such a trl flo, ! which, he declared, did not cost thrPe rrancs. "That ·Is true, to be sura," 1 rerrlled the hero, "It did not cost the English · government quite three rrnncs, but It cost the l•'rcnch a Na· poleon."-New York Press.

Broadway, l'ourll> Avenue, Eighth (a Tenth Street

Frank Reca rdo, Pa i n ter a n d Deco

Wall Papering a Specially. South Elmer Street.

Jo!JIJing Promptly ,\tten<letl to. P. 0. Box 485,

�'ENOING FOR OEMETEllY pLOTS• l.11r11:e Variety or'nranlte M<lftlllllllliP. Pneumatic 'fools fur Ll!tterlntr and

Fine lnveetment. "Put your money In a plano," ad-

. . "·

music house. That's all · 11 you can get negotiable notes . l

,t:: : De still, Fldo 1

· . '· Book Lover•1 Reward, IVho loves to read and reflect has lnld 'by a ·

ol.d ng�.-Carlyle • .

L. L, MANNING a � Fzoout St" Cor. Central Aw••



, : :r�;· ''��,li�1ty: Bath. J•: l t hul' In �oltl '''l•nt lwr •lH' ,,.,;,.Ill

llntJ; J�il\' �CIIl; ' co;;lJ!OI'O With t ho OX• ldhl l'li i l l 1g cll'cci nf tho dnfly hnth, I! IN tl io fuuiulnt loil of. go,od huilllh,

To multo I I ou)u)'I�IJlu. t ho nccosso. l')l'H 11111Hl UO ) I JCI\KIIUl 1\llll ngrc�uhf�, If )'I Ilii' hntli·l·unn

,i IH unt juHI nK

)'(Ill II'Olild hn1•o It, Jot us mnku It Hll,

.'J .. � �:I ID� 1\:R:. 1:�1�1 . .!-\. Z 13J l:t, ·I I l l i'oiul Kl l't•t•l.. 'J'uil'Jl)IOIIU 2/i- J,,

J. W. IVIanhattan DEALER I N

A l l Ki nds of BLU E STONE. l{esldcnce s o mn• Plucc, Plolnrt�ld, N, J .

Fla[[in[, C11rbin[, Sill& ann Copin[. ,\ 1 1 1\'0l'k dono tl lHlm· my [li'I"HOI W I Sl l[ll'l'l'ision :ll11l gu:u·:�n lc•Ptl .


�' ***** * *** ***'***** *******I "�' = T UT··r LE BROS . . : . . � � c . I & L b * - � oa J urn er. �

� =::::-.=-::-=.-:.-=-=-� * ' '* Yards-Westfied avenue LoKa DISTANCE * "' Jj1f ' 'f ELEPHONl �

· !'� Sp1·ing and Broad Sts. , Westfield. *

:� �***********� ********* * � * *

. . . . THE . . . . T1r��(�"cnn�:At�;.t't1:r':.�::::�� :�l�l��\���;:��·,���'·�� GUARANTEE .MORTGAGE


on llfllltl tuul liiHI'IJ.:liKt', nntl IUL"l nlnl't· gng:t"H fol' flu lt•, lll'flll�fpul uml int�'l1!$t gunr· nntt!Ptl, JH'tllnt.t tlm hn·•�Hhll' fi }lUI' Cl'llt wllhuut caru ns In hlxl.!H, Umnu·nnco, oLe . . , OFFICERS•

Armm:w JUof4to:,\N • .• • • • Prt•tdtl�nt . 01WIU1 t�·. P• HUS'I' � .Ylco Prt�. nml CutlliHHl

I f t' I r 11 r . 1 - l tj UrmrAHil .1. Hrmr.t-:t-1 "' •, : •, •. '.CI'C11."111l'Or 11 orum 1011 c tOOl' ll y n�UIH_ IC!� ' Y' ' �:��::m:t.-�:�u�rlwlll�'\ .. -' .;·. ·.� i'l��'C6itl��f.{. Paul Q. Oli.ver, H. n. 1\[NlTl�."\1)� ._ . �. AliiiiKtnnt 'frcnsurer

OARH CJAPI'I'.\L P�\ Tn IN $ 2 15 0 , 0 0 0

Ucprcscnting Tho Gnarnntoo ... _ 1\Iort,gngo �uul /-!:1�1� .. �n.:nll'�lllCO Compitnl: BANK B U l l-D I N G .

'flu.�o:PHONI�: No.· 1 1 1-JJ W;ES'f l!'IllLD, N. _J.

llrnest Wilco11r. Theo. A. Popt Alexander Hunt, Wilcox & Pope� . · .

. GARPENTERS & BUILDERS, Pamter and Decaratar. Latest tlmign in W 11ll pnpor 42 4 44 Cumberland St. ..nys on h11hd. Tel . 1 39•J,

Westfield, N • .1. · !Mimntcs Ohecl'fnlly l!'nrnishotl.

£m and Quimby Streets,

• Jobbing Prom1•tly Attoudutl to 1\'c•tileld, N. J •

_i ------­" ---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;��;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;;:.;;�;;-..;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ··� -

!rho Itiud Yo11 H1wc Always :nought, nnil whicll Ims iJeen in u�o tor over 30 ycrll'S, Jms borne tlto slgnatm·o of

and lms been nuulo muler It is !lOr• sonal SIIJiervision si•:co its J•.•llm�y,

• Allow no one to 1lcccn·o you 111 tlus,

All Conuterfeits, Imitations mul "Jnst-ns·gmHl" at·e but, Experiments tlmt trillo 'vitll ami emlnngcr tlw ]le:�lt11 o� Infants antl Chiltlrcn-Expcrienco against Expcruuent.

What is C.ASTORIA f1astol'fa Is a ltnrmlcss snbstitnto fm: Castor Oil, Pnre­gorle, Drops mul Suotl�ing Syt'IIJIS. It is l'lcnsnnt. �t contains ncitl•or Opium, 1\Iorphino nor other Narcotic substnnce. Its ngo is its gnarnntce. It destroys '\Vm:ms nnd nllnys Fcverislmcss, It cures Di:tl'l'lw:m, ll111� '\V�ml

Colle, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CnnHt•l'at•ma

and ];'latulfmey. It nssimllates the Foo<l, rcg·nl11tcs tho lltomuch mul Bowels, giving bealthy au�l _natnt·al slcc}lr

Tho Childrca'l! Panacea-Tho 1\Iothci''I! l t'tcntl •.


A lrllkflll Dllho Ovor In !lhoiNua 11 Mllluml tonohor WIIM UIIRIII!lll] Ill hor IIIHk ul liJIIChlllll n olnKN ur lorolgn 11hlldrnn t.hn ICnl{· IIKh IIIIIRIIIII!Ilo tlho WIIH lrYIIlll IO mnho hua• JlllllllK lliiihlt'Minnd U1o IIIOIInlnl! ol lhu Wlll'd II'IKIII, llllll IIMIIo<l II nuynnQ In lho clnHY uuuht KI VO II KlllliUIIUU OUIIlillitlllll tliO Wlll'il. (jUiolt lllltl l!lllll]iJunL WIIK tho I'UJi)f Ol tJIIO lltllo Kil'l I "I liiiYII II KOII[UIIIIa, t.ollollol', \Vu hnd lrl11ht OKIIH llli' hi'UI�k· lust lhiN lliUI'IIillg,"-JitJHIUII IJUI'llla,

Htr Modele. "I BI\IV a WliiiiiLIJ �iiUIIIIIlll Ill front or n lihl tliHilllly window In u down· town �l.ol'U tim othm dny," H liYH 1111 oh· HOI'VIII', "with 11 IIUiu lliUI In hor hnnd al10tchlng Hlllllolhlng, 1 nrtorwnl'll ll'ILJ·uutl !hill shu I� one o! lho high· lll'lcud •h·o�KmliiiUJ'l! In Luwn, and thut luw �llccuHa Is duo more limn tin)'• lhlug olsu tu hot• llhlllty to ijkolch uti lli\Y gnwn lhnt CliO u! her CIIHiOIIJUI'Y tnltoa 11 funcy lu 1111d I'UIIruducos lt."­Ciovulntu1 l'Jnlu IJoulor.

Chlnooe Faith In Olnoeng. Many or the Chlnuso hollovo thnt

when nil other rummlfus fnll und death Ia nt hund glusung hus lhc llOWot• Ia bl'lng . buck henl th nntl longevity; houco, when thoy feel tho nood of It ll1oy Will fillY falmlons lJI'lccs rot• eel'· tnln ldndij ur l'UUls. A I'OOl to be ronlly vnlunhlo Rij n connnod lty must como h·om lho mountnlus of Klrln, ot• IJo J'O· puted to huvu come rrom lhei'C,

Convenience In Travel, For women who truvol nw11y rrtim

home, especially If there Is a lmby, a home washing Ufltmmtul! Is must con· vcnlcnt. 'l'hls consists ol a snmll lnb and n tiny galvanized Iron wnshbonrd. These muy be placed in tho sluk und the dnlnly - lingerie and baby clulhes washed out without auy trouble. 1'he lll'tlclcs may be washed as they be­come soiled, · ·

Greedlneas Rebuked. At dlnnel', at u cotm !i·y hotel,

was sitting next to a gelJiuemnn. lind helped himself to an e>nn''""·un, .. IY large Illcce . �f brcnd._. ,'fo�le · It up nnd begun· .to cut' a; suoo it. "Sir," said the· Indignant' mun, ''that, isrtnY :brBnd . . • thousand uardons, sh·/'. lor, "I mlsloolt_' If ·

Have a W ill i ng Heart. .

Standard's c�eckers and C�ess Column.

CllfiCI\UIUI, " SIIIKI� Coruur,"

''" til llh•"ly tll ll'lol'llllt llnu ul' Jllny rl'lllll t l111 l- ul' lnHt Wllllit l'liiiH 1-lliiRI

1 1 -tn, �� · I H, lfi · ��. �n · 1H, J �- 111, IH- J .J , tl-1�, �11-1·11 Hl - 17, �I - 1·1 , (II) I ll -· �0, (11·-11, Ul' 11-10 etmhl 11lHn 1Ju IIIIIJ'ot!), (h) �II · ur., R-1 11 Ia) U l - l ll, ·I -H, 27-�11. II · l0, 2fi-�J I l tl·- 17, 2 1 - 1 ·1 , U-11, �II - 2•J, II-I01 110-�111 ltl- 1 7, ��­�I�, I J - J fl, ltl · IO, l ' J.I1 _ �11 �2, H-1 1 , �·.-JH, U - 7, 1 8 . 111 n�H, �IJ-111, 1 ·1-17, I ll · I ll, I I -- lr., 1 11.-1 �, 7-:-101 1 � -H, III ­I�, H-11, !n-IH, 11..,.7i :18-�2, 7-111, 2� �r.. 111-u, 2r.�uo;·: u .;u; 17.· �� . 10 ti, 1 -10, 2N - 24, 20,-27" II� �11, 21 -�r.. Dmwn, ·· . . . ,. . :

{tl) 11 - J O, 211.-2fii· l 0_:1 7, 2/i-2 1 , J-0, 21--1-t, f! •• jo, ' H�l, li�J.J, �-1-lll, u•"l W. hus l\ wlianlntr!Ju�ltlon,

·(b) �.J-Ill lu8os,·II..,.JO, 21l ··2fi, IQ-17, 2iJ--2 1 , 1 --11, 21-141 11,-10, IIQ-201 J Q-1 7, 2u--21 , 2�·lli''21'7J.J, 11-'-10, mut n; win� •l nlnu il'hiolf hu shoultt tiu 111Jlu to koop. B. ivinJ!, .:;,:8>, · , , .

(u) 211-211, II -' I 0,'2u 2 1 , 111 - 17, 2 1-i · l , 1 II, IIO:; �Ji,:i{t.:JO: 25 � 2 1 , ' 1 0-17; 21-1�, · 2-lli. ,iilli;'IV, ··c,\n'not ·�1\l'o l •ls m11u ut 'r4 •. :. Jf ll·li;s,·.: .. . • · '

�'ho follul\·l,g.ls n Ji;;o o��mplo or Llw " Sh•glo . Oo!'noi,\1. pliiyotL by · Spnytll (whlt�);, lui,lllm', <)f' -�i qt(gul<or Plnym·," ngulust.\Vylllci;thou .woi·hl chnnttJiOI I ,

' lJ ":" fo, 2�-J8,· JuC' 22o' :iu-J81 12 - J a, 2fl-2»; �o�20/ 2U�22;: s�t2�·2·1-tn, ·1-. -f-*J! ' (O�)·_Ii�:�§��:I ; t_J-1_0, ·_UJ-28;

1 II! oi�; II0JIJ; 1 1J�HI1 12 � Jfl, 211-!0, . 1 0-ltl; 24-,1r.; : 7,-1 1 i' 111.:..7, 2-18, 22.:' 1.0, 0 ': Hi,' l li"-,ilj I�JO;�fi-22, 8 -J 1 , ,2?�2iJ,)IL). � �7:J.n;·.2:J_�)�11 I�L...;_2U, 20 -- 1 0, 1 5--;24, Q8-::1il; �20..:24, 10-::-HI, 2.J -27, 1 0�1 � , 2T:� l�J ·,-�I _l�:..·.�nH-.2i, 7-:-2, - 27-2a,t2 - ,u,- •io�Jn; ;o"-'to; 2�..;.111, Dmwn. .. nu.; ·__,-' f,. : , '- ' • . ·: f/I'!;�F,.,, __ . , -i;,(n) 5,-,n,,.22:::-l$;f.Jl-JO, 18- 15, !0-JO, 211-;-22,-1U.,::2ri;' 30--2:1 • . W. wilm. ;�;,.; i:� :/l)L;{ok . .

• ·1 -_. s a . 12

Jli . l!l .

'fhinldng and ree!lng l>lensure . ln the t>el'formnnce of your dl\lly .duty will add to your life and fortune nnd win tho •·espect of your neighbors. I P•·olJl.eni:Nc

Must Have Hubby'a Con1ent. A Frenchman can secure a divorce

from his wife It she goes on . lbe stage without bls consent. ·

Dish Appreciated by Czar. Peter the ·Great consumed baked

goose stutled with apples, and consid· e•·cd it a line dish.

Bank of England'• Capital.

The .capital of the Bank of. Eng·

In Use For Over 30 Years. land Is £14,600,000. It bas stood at

· 1 tbo same figure for the past 90 years.

'I'HE er:NTAtJR CtllilllfiANW, 'r'J M�RAA'f ETRI:U, NEW'IDPK CrfVo I . Genlu1 of Commo_ n lien_ ••· : .. <h'llJlS 1\11�1 i•, in 11 yellow tmclmge. -Ro· Common sense le the genius of our, . fuse substitutes. G11lo's Ph:u·nmoy',' ' . � age.-Gree!ey. --- - - - · 1 ·

Sale of B ack Silks. Thousands of Worth of New Silks

at Cut Prices. A yen•· ugo . we tiU\'cl'!is�tl

nllundcd It will I'umomum· it as year. 'l'his ymt• 11'01 hnvo· h�lltl

lllnck Sitl;s 1�1\;�'i:' l;�;•r,;,:,umh ' :' · .. ' : "'· ·,, '' . . _:. ' · , � i. • , . I buller I'cHsmJ foi· Youi· ·e:ou1lug IIJCiltS :· ' -'·. ' --··� ; •" ·�; {\.: \:�:/J:,�·::.!;,;�·;._, ;

ll'nck Tnffeln'' Sllk-1 ll inches wlllo, oxtm liti11vy •tunltty,. llltl'U. Hlll<, fast hll\cl!, l'Pgulnr 3911 liOo mluo, sn1o price, ya\1'11 U nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ul·ck Tntlcln SIII<- Fnll 27 incheswitlc, n very hmulsome Aill<, ltlllltf\Jtteetl lo 1\'Cill', uico 69c l1rigltt blnck, 11 gmml !.00 '•alno, finlu }lricu, ynrll nt

lllack Taffeta Sllk-112 inches witlo, tlll JHU'u silk, goad firm <illlllity, for on tire snits or 69C co1tts, IL good I .CU vnluo, snlo pdcu, yurd nt. , • , • , .

lllnck l'cnu de Cygne-l�nll 27 inches willu, very ulco, rich, loright hlnclr, wit bnt hcuvy qmth· ty, !Ill silk, woulrl be uhcnp 89c nt 1 . 211, sa1o !Jrice, ynrd nt . . • • • . , , . • . . , , . , • . • • . . .

Black 'l'nlfela · Sllk-27 i nchos· witle, nn : oxtrnorlli1mfy ltn!L''J" qn11lity, the real rnstllug kiu<l, for full coKtmn<'K or L'Outs, " 98 G bnrgnin at ·t:a!J, �nlo tn:ico, yurt! . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .

�nl1• of lllnrk Sillls. 'J'ho�c wl1o hl'sl Halo .ul. Jlluck Sillts t)C 'tho to nra·nngo, �o us to sell stnplo .

So· yo.ii ' ace the!'c is n · f:iome of., the induce·

Ill• ck Tr.ffela ·.Silk- 20 . Inches - wldo, n vNy.: .lhio gnnlo, suitnblu for ontJro sultK or COU[H, 49c W('ar· i·.:tlllrtwtacd1�lio\'nluo sulo }II" leo, ynrcl 11t, , , . • , , ,

lllnck J>eJu de �ole-Full 2i iu. wide, }mro 1lye, flul"h, rich j<·t blncl<, 11 sillnmt<d for wear nml cnmtot bo rlllplir•ntc!l for 69C I u.s thnn $1 , >nle pt·icc, yam! . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . .

Bloc k Toffetn . Silk-Full Ha itwhc.• . wiilc, oxlm hcl\\'y, nil JIIU'U ;,i]k 1\11!1 WiiJ Weill', llU '79c l'Xcoplionul ,.,.Juo nt $1 .10, 1 tmlo lll'it:o, ynrtl nt. . . . . . .

Hinck Chiffon Talfela !'llk­D2 inches wide, flue jet bhtck, tmro <lye, for eutlru suits

. 98G or cants, good vuluo nt J.UO, •nlo Ill'ico, yurt! nt . . .

lllo< k l'eau de Sole-Full 36 inches witlo, ull puru sillc. nice hright lJlrwk, goorl l.w1n'y wci!lht, 11 sill< lhnt will wear nut! 1· 00 look well, tl'l\1 l'nlue, l.�O, ut yartl . . • . . • . . . . . .


TH E D A V I D S T R A U S C O. ... K. N . J. ·+-

Wohl ert's Fi ne Tools.

toves and Ran

Ash Cans.

Telephone 6.2• W.

Oil Heaters.

1..- RANGE .

Is Something that I Householder should have I'J O D I RT, A:T O'R 'ASH ES

5 1 4.0 0 I 528,0 !) The Cranford Gas Light Co .


Prospe t St.

-;---· ; ···� '·

'"· ,. ·,., ' • <

DARJ'>, FRIDAY, T•'BBRUAR\' ! 4, 1908.

THE WELLING'fON VISIBLE TYPEWRITER ,, .. "•'� .... -� ....... " ' " -�·� -.. ---.,._-� .--., ---.. �---
