Synopsis Quizzila


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Engineering curriculum never completes without acquiring project experience along with technical information practiced by others. However in the process of learning it is very difficult task to integrate modular technical information without any proper guidance.

Through words I cannot express my feelings but still here I grab this opportunity to express our gratitude to all those informative and supportive pillars who were directly or indirectly involved in the process of completion of my project.

Finally, I would like to thank my Head of the Department Prof. V.K. Saini for his constant guidance, encouragement and moral support.


1. Introduction

Introduction of the Project

2.System Requirement

Hardware Used

Software Used

3.System Design (PROJECT)

Flow Chart

Database Tables

4. Development Methodology

Feasibility Study

5. Bibliography


QUZZILA is a site that offers its users capabilities to create and host quizzes and offers more

features than any other site that too in a very user friendly way. Infact the site itself has been

created while keeping in mind what a user wants and after good amount of requirement analysis.

As a result of the huge amount of effort put in this site is a quiz generator like no other and offers

wide range and huge number of questions of every level for every subject we support. This

application offers high class features for every end whether it’s a school quiz, aptitude test or

college exam.

The features provided include high numbers and range of questions, high level security, back up

to handle unforeseen accidents, extensive score analysis, easy registration process and payment

options. One can easily create his own personalized quiz and set limits and do all he wants with

the quiz he wants to be hosted. This site provides all necessary options during quiz and can be

operated easily by any student even without extensive computer knowledge. It’s a great tool for

hosting quizzes/exams effectively and efficiently. If someone is looking for a test generator,

exam maker or a causal quiz creator, this application fits all the need. Here anyone can make his

own online quiz now with many options at one’s disposal.

The web application offers more security than any other as it offers login system for customers

and then itself generates the accounts of the students/examinee, which are forwarded by the one

interested in hosting online quiz. A user, once he creates his/her account with us is given full

flexibility over his/her options like choosing level of questions, exam time limits etc. However,

for security reasons, no user is allowed to select questions, that is done by quiz maker

automatically but a user can set total no. of questions and questions belonging to every level

(Easy, Medium, and Hard) in the quiz. Each examinee account can only be used once to prevent

misuse unless specified otherwise by the user. The application also has session implementation

to end the session automatically after a limit of time for school and institutional online exam


The application has been developed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as IDE and Microsoft

SQL Server 2005 as back end support, for decorative purpose Adobe Photoshop Creative Suit 5

has been used to enhance the graphical interface of the application.

Project Objective and Scope:

The project has been developed with the objective in mind to serve as the best online quiz maker

web application. This web application works for the purpose of taking and generating online

quizzes for self-assessment or for institutional examination view and also for practicing to tune-

up brain capabilities. The application does these all jobs with great ease and effectiveness. Any

user or any institution can register on the website and generate quiz for oneself or for

institutional exam purpose. There is an easy payment option for registration for the quiz with

credit cards and visa cards. After the commencement of the quiz the score card with analysis of

improvement is generated automatically.

At the current time there is various quiz maker websites on the internet but, our web software is

much more efficient and of course at comparatively lower cost. The software has a wide range of

subject to choose from for the quiz and different levels of question. It has security threads

embedded in it for better environment setup. The application is also developed keeping in mind

to avail people an affordable and convenient medium of taking quiz and self-assessments with

great user friendly interface and graphics.

System Requirement :

Hardware Requirements:

Intel/AMD i386based CPU

Processor: Pentium 4/Athlon (2.13 GHz or Later)

RAM: 256 MB (minimum), 512 MB (optimal).

Standard PS2/USB mouse

Standard Keyboard

Software Requirements:

Microsoft Windows NT/XP/Vista/7


Visual Studio 2008 (IDE)

Microsoft SQL server 2005(Back End Support) Adobe CS5 (Design purpose)

ASP Server/IIS (Testing purpose) Supported

Browsers: Internet Explorer 6(or later) /Mozilla Firefox /Google Chrome/Opera.


An important outcome of the preliminary investigation is to determine that whether

the system requested is feasible. Depending on the results of the preliminary

investigation the survey is expended to a more detailed feasibility study.

Feasibility study is a test of a system proposal according to its workability, impact

on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of resources.

The objective of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense

of its scope. During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of

the problem to be included in the system are determined. Consequently, costs and

benefits are estimated with greater accuracy at this stage.

The result of the Feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is simply a report-a

formal document detailing the nature and scope of the Proposed solution. Finally,

Feasibility Study is carried out to select the best system that meets the performance


A feasibility study is carried out to select the best system that meets the

performance requirements. Feasibility is the determination of whether or not

project is worth doing. The process followed in making this determination is called

a Feasibility study.

Objectives of Feasibility Study

The main objectives of feasibility study are:

To identify the deficiencies in the current system. To determine objectives of the proposed system. To acquire a sense of scope of the system. To identify the responsible users. To determine whether it is feasible to develop the new system.

Steps in Feasibility Study

Feasibility study is carried out in the following steps:

Form a project team and appoint a project leader (Systems Analyst). Start preliminary investigation through different fact finding techniques. Prepare the systems flowcharts of the current system. Identify and describe the deficiencies in the current system. Determine objectives of the proposed system. Prepare the systems flowchart of the proposed system. Identify and enumerate the existing computer systems along with their

technical specifications. Determine the cost and benefits of the proposed system. Identify the responsible users and determine the operational feasibility. Prepare the feasibility study report.

Give the oral presentation of the feasibility study.

Types of Feasibility:

The study is conducted to evaluate the possibility of HRM systems to produce the desired outputs .Most successful system projects are not necessarily the biggest or most visible in a business but rather those that truly meet user expectations. Three key considerations involved are:

Types of Feasibility








Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the

effectiveness of a HRM Systems .Most commonly known as cost/benefit analysis,

the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a

system and compare them with costs involved.

Benefits from The System are:

System will be user friendly.

No information gap.

Accurate and latest information will help managers for quick

decision making.

Saving of precious time and resources.

The cost are negligible as the needed infrastructure already exists .As the benefits

greatly overweighs cost, the proposed system is economically feasible.

Economic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the

effectiveness of a proposed system. Commonly known as cost / benefit analysis.

The procedure is to determine the benefit and savings that expected from a

proposed system and compare them with costs.

In case of profit, decision is taken to design and implement the system.

The proposed system is financially feasible because of the following reason:

1. The cost of the system development is not much because of module /

department wise automation.

2. Then organization wants to implement wise so this system cannot take

a heavy amount to implement the system into the form of hardware


3. The proposed system is economic, as it will reduce the time investment

in running the daily transaction.


Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system (Hardware and

software etc.) and to what extent it can support the proposed system.

In case of this system, the required infrastructure i.e. hardware, software

application and technical know-how already exists .Thus the project is then

technically feasible.

This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully

satisfy the user requirements. There are a number of technical issues, which are

raised during the feasibility stage investigation. These are as follow:

Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software,

etc.) and to what extent it can support the proposed addition. Time duration is also

a part of technical feasibility. Time is one of the major factors to decide the success

of the project. If project is not complete within the time duration, the budget will

be increase definitely.

If the budget is a serious constraint, then the project is judged not feasible .So if it

is very serious matter, each project team should keep in mind this, to complete the

project within specified time.

The facility to produce output in a given time.

Response time under certain condition.

Ability to process ascertains volume of package at a particular speed.

Facility to communicate data to distinct location.

The proposed system is technically feasibility because of following reason:

The organization want to build the computer based system for data.

Maintained into the digital form so that maintaining of information will gone

to be easy and retrieval of the information is fast.

After converting data into the digital form cost of stationary is saved.

This system also able to produce the required the report in least time.

This system has also the facility to communication among the terminals to

distant locations.


It is mainly related to human organizational and political aspect. The points to be

considered are:

What changes will be brought with the system?

What organizational structures are distributed?

What new skills will be required?

The proposed system is feasibility because of following reasons:

The system reduce the workload of the staff because on a mouse click he / she the

desired result, work can be done with the help of keyboard and mouse watching the

computer screen not on the paper.

The system will be build on the technology of GUI so that interaction to the system

not be boring as like writing / preparing / maintaining data into the form of the

manual paper. Users that work into the GUI environment works more interestingly

than the paper based. This result work more efficiently.

The proposed system is better in use and user friendly as it generates proper

message at run time.

The input from the user is much as the fields like supplier code. Customer code

and current data are included itself by the system.


Behavioral feasibility is procedure to determine an estimate of how strong reaction

the user staff is likely to have towards the development of a computerized system.

It is common knowledge.

Those computer installations have something to do with turnover, transfers,

retraining and changes in employee job status. Therefore, it is understandable that

the introduction of a candidate system requires special effort to educate and train

the staff on new ways of handling the system. All along the above studies and

discussion the users were actively involved and were keen to get a new system,

which would eliminate all the problems in the existing system.

The total project costs, priority, completion time and personnel’s required were

estimated. Initial plans were drawn up to how the project would proceed to its final

implementation, while running the existing system so that company’s information

needs were not affected. Feasibility Study helps to determine performance and cost

Effectiveness of the system, against the system performance requirements set prior

to the feasibility study.


People are inherently resistant to change, and computers have been known to

facilitate change. An adverse reaction and resistance is always expected from the

user staff. Our case is different .The users get the graphical displays of information

which is quickly understandable than capturing the information from reports.


Time feasibility is the determination of whether a proposed project can be

implemented fully within stipulated time frame.

Steps in feasibility analysis:


Form a project team and appoint a project leader.

Prepare system flowcharts and Enumerate potential candidate systems

Describe and identify characteristics of candidate systems.

Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of each candidate


Weight system performance and cost data then select the best candidate system.

To produce periodic reports to management on the performance of the safe

deposit department.

Data Flow Diagram:

Zero level DFD:

Online Quiz

Web Application

Take Quiz



Generate Quiz

Score Card Generation

1 Level DFD:

Online Quiz

Web Application

Admin User

Web Server

User Registration

Take Quiz

Controls Web Application& User accounts

Score card Generated

Payment Web Service

Generate Quiz

Uploads to the Server



The module consists of registering new user on the online quiz application provided with the

user’s details and quiz type specification. Anyone who wants to take quiz can register himself on

the web application going through some easy steps. Here, user need to provide with his personal

details like name, email, address, username, password for the account he’s registering for etc.

After registering on the site one can take demo quiz for evaluation purpose but, for further

quizzes he’ll need to make payment through credit card or visa card. Once thepayment is

confirmed the user can generate quiz of his choice to take.

Payment :

The Online quiz web application uses external payment web services to make payment easily

and securely. There’s many web services which offers this functionality for other websites to

embed payment options in them for example: Paypal, Verisign, International etc. For the purpose

user need to provide a valid credit card number with its validity date and pin.

Generate Quiz:

After the successful payment, in this module the user will be given the privilege to choose from

the various options of type of quiz and generate quiz. The generation of quiz needs information

from user such as subject of quiz, level of quiz (Hard/Medium/Easy), no. of questions, duration

of quiz etc.. After appropriate selection of given options in the quiz generation mode the final

step is to generate quiz then, the user can start the quiz anytime clicking over the button start


Take Quiz:

In this module, after generation of quiz has been done, user can start the quiz anytime clicking

over the button of ‘Start Quiz’. Just After the commencement of the quiz start there is a process

starts called session, which keeps track of the time limit of the quiz session. The main page of the

take quiz module comes where the user needs to answer various questions given there and after

the completion of the time limit the quiz page automatically gets redirected to finish the quiz and

show the user his score card and analysis report.

Score Card Generation:

After the successful commencement of the quiz session there is automatic score card generation

take place which shows the users score in the quiz taken by him and his intellectuality analysis. It

helps user to analyze his result and make gradual assessments in his knowledge.


Altogether the proposed web application seems to meet its desired requirement. In brief the web application does the following things as per the Requirement specification:

A user or student can register on the web application. There is a vast option for selection of subject and type of quiz. The user can take demo quiz for no cost after registration. Paid Quiz can be generated easily after hassle free and secure card payment. User can see his score card and analysis at the end of quiz session automatically. Quizzes can be generated for institutional or school level online exam purpose.


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