Syllabus of Singing Examinations - Royal Irish Academy of ... · phrase taken from the treble part...


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Ceol-Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann

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Syllabus of Singing Examinations

for Local Centres & Schools




Note: Where pieces are listed in the Syllabus, the publishers are given mainly asan aid to locating material, and are merely suggestions; other authoritativeeditions of the music will be equally acceptable.



Introduction 3

Aural Tests (Preliminary to Grade V) 4

Theory Requirements (Preliminary to Grade V) 8

Combined Aural / Theoretical Tests (Grade VI upwards) 9

Recital Certificate Programme 14

Singing 16

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 45

Vocal Duets 66

Class Singing 68

Theory & Harmony Written Paper 71

Publishers & Suppliers 77

Compilers 82

Introduction 3


We hope that teachers and pupils alike will enjoy the wide choice of pieces, whichhave been chosen with a view to the enjoyment of the pupil while at the same timemaintaining pedagogic standards.

It is imperative that teachers carefully study the requirements for all grades so thattheir students enter examinations fully prepared. It should be noted that the Exercises(Scales) and the selection of songs have been extensively revised in this syllabus.The description of sight-reading requirements has also been expanded.

The Recital Certificate Programme (Bronze, Silver and Gold Medal Examinations) areproving increasingly popular with candidates and teachers. However, care needs tobe taken in choosing a suitable programme that will serve the candidate best on theday. For information on the Recital Certificate Programme please see page 14.

All teachers and candidates should make themselves familiar with the ExaminationRegulations and Information leaflet (which is published separately each year).

Please note that this syllabus will be valid for three years, unlike the previous one,which was valid for six years.

We wish to draw your attention to the Music Theatre & Popular Singing syllabuswhich should appeal to many candidates wishing to pursue a less academic andmore popular course. Details appear on pages 45 to 65. Up to Grade II candidatescan choose popular songs from among the given lists. From Grade III onwardscandidates can either follow the Music Theatre & Popular Singing syllabus fromwhich they have a choice of popular songs only, or they can remain with the SingingSyllabus from which they have a choice of art songs only.

For grades Preliminary to V candidates presenting a certificate or result sheetverifying that they have passed the written Theory & Harmony paper for the samegrade as, or higher than, their practical examination will be exempt from the TheoryTests and will be awarded the full five marks for this section.

For Grade VI to Senior Certificate candidates presenting a certificate or result sheetverifying that they have passed the written Theory & Harmony paper for the samegrade as, or higher than, their practical examination will be exempt from thecombined Aural/Theoretical Tests and will be awarded the full fifteen marks for thissection.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus4


A Sample Book is available from all music stockists (see ExaminationRegulations and Information booklet).


Candidates will be asked to perform the following tests:

Preliminary GradeAural Observation:A piece will be played twice by the examiner. Comment whether the second playingwas louder/softer or faster/slower.

Memory:(i) Clap or tap from memory the rhythm of a short 2-bar melody in 2/4 or 3/4

time played three times. The melody will begin on the first beat of the barand the pulse will be given.

(ii) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase within the first three notes of themajor scale (d r m) played three times. The pulse, tonic chord and startingnote will be given before the first playing.

Reading:Clap a 3-bar rhythm in 3/4 or 4/4 time.

Note values �, � + �

Primary GradeAural Observation:Comment on the tempo (fast/slow or changing) and dynamic (loud/soft or changing)of the piece played once by the examiner.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory the rhythm of a short 2-bar melody in 3/4, 4/4 or

6/8 time played three times. The melody will begin on the first beat of thebar and the pulse will be given.

(b) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase, within the range of a third inmajor keys (d r m) played three times. The pulse, tonic chord and startingnote will be given before the first playing.


Clap a 4-bar rhythm in 3/4 or 4/4 time. Note values �, �, �. + �

Aural Requirements & Theoretical Questions 5

Grade IAural Observation:Comment on the tempo, dynamic and articulation (legato/staccato) of the pieceplayed once by the examiner. Italian terms may be used, but are not obligatory.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory on two further hearings the rhythm of a short

phrase taken from the treble part of the aural observation piece.(b) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase, within the range of a fifth in

major keys (d r m f s) played three times. The pulse, tonic chord andstarting note will be given before the first playing. The melody will begin onthe tonic.


(a) Clap a 4-bar rhythm in 3/4 or 4/4 time; note values �, �, �., � and � rest.(b) Sing at sight a 2-bar melody in 3/4 or 4/4 time. Key C major. Note values

� + �Pitch d r m, moving by step only.

Grade IIAural Observation:(a) Comment on tempo, dynamic and articulation of the piece played once by

the examiner.(b) Clap the pulse while the examiner plays the piece a second time.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory on one further hearing the rhythm of a short

phrase taken from the treble part of the aural observation piece.

(b) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase, within the range of a fifth, inmajor or minor keys played three times. The pulse, tonic chord and startingnote will be given before the first playing. The melody will begin on thetonic.


(a) Clap a 4-bar rhythm in 3/4 or 4/4 time: note values �, �, �, �., � and �rest.

(b) Sing at sight a 2-bar melody in 3/4 or 4/4 time

Note values � � + �.Pitch d r m - s involving leaps of a third, d - m, m - s ascending anddescendingKeys C, F and G majors

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus6

Grade IIIAural Observation:(a) Comment on the dynamics and articulation of the piece played by the

examiner.(b) Clap the pulse while the examiner plays the piece a second time.(c) State the time (3/4 or 4/4 time) after second hearing.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory on one further hearing the rhythm of a phrase

taken from the treble part of the aural observation piece.(b) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase, within the range of a fifth, in

major and minor keys played three times. The pulse, tonic chord andstarting note will be given before the first playing. The melody may or maynot begin on the tonic.

Reading:(a) Clap a 4-bar rhythm in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time. Note/rest values as in preceding

grade as well as �. / �� / � in 6/8 time.(b) Sing at sight a 4-bar melody in 3/4 or 4/4 time

Note values � + � + �. + � Pitch d r m - s with leaps, d - m, m - s ascending and descendingKeys C, G, D and F majors

Grade IVAural Observation:(a) Comment on the dynamics and articulation of the piece played once by the

examiner (Italian terms to be used). (b) Clap the pulse while the examiner plays the piece a second time.(c) State the time (3/4 or 4/4 time) after second hearing.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory on one further hearing the rhythm of a phrase

taken from the treble or bass part of the aural observation piece.(b) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase which may be in a major or minor

key played three times. The pulse, tonic chord and starting note will begiven before the first playing. The melody may or may not begin on thetonic.

Reading:(a) Clap a 4-bar rhythm in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time. Note/rest values as in

preceding grade plus �.+ and ���� in 3/4 and 4/4, � and ������ in 6/8time.

(b) Sing at sight a 4-bar melody in 3/4 or 4/4 time

Note values �, � �. + �Pitch d r m - s l with leaps, d - m, d - s, m - s ascending and descending.Keys C, G, D, and F majors

Aural Requirements & Theoretical Questions 7

Grade VAural Observation:(a) Comment on the dynamics and articulation of the piece played by the

examiner (Italian terms to be used).(b) After another hearing (i) state the time (3/4, 4/4 or 6/8); (ii) state whether the

key is major or minor.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory on one further hearing the rhythm of a phrase

taken from the treble or bass part of the aural observation piece.(b) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase which may be in a major or minor

key played three times. The pulse, tonic chord and starting note will begiven before the first playing. The melody may or may not begin on thetonic.

Reading:(a) Clap a 4-bar rhythm in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time. Note/rest values as in preceding

grade plus � � � /� � in 3/4 and 4/4 time and �.� / ��� / ����� in 6/8time.

(b) Sing at sight a 4-bar melody in 3/4 or 4/4 time

Note values �, �, �, �.+ �Pitch d r m - s l with leaps as in preceding grade, plus l/ - d ascending anddescending.Keys C, G, D and F majors - melodies will begin and end on Doh.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus8


For grades Preliminary to V candidates presenting a certificate or result sheetverifying that they have passed the written Theory & Harmony paper for the samegrade as, or higher than, their practical examination will be exempt from the TheoryTests and will be awarded the full five marks for this section.

Preliminary GradeCandidates will be asked to name all notation/expression marks and simple timesignatures in relation to the pieces performed.

Primary GradeCandidates will be expected to name the following in relation to the piecesperformed: major key signatures, simple time signatures, notation and expressionmarks.

Grade ICandidates will be expected to name the following in relation to the piecesperformed: major key signatures, simple time signatures, notation and expressionmarks, and to explain any notation or expression mark.

Grade IIAs for Grade I. In addition candidates will be required to explain all simple timesignatures in relation to the pieces performed. Sharps and flats of major and minorkey signatures to be named in correct order.

Grade IIIAs for Grade II. In addition the candidate will be required to explain all simple andcompound time signatures in relation to the music performed.

Grade IVAs for Grade III. In addition candidates should be able to name the relative major orminor of the keys of the pieces performed.

Grade VAs for Grade IV.

Aural Requirements & Theoretical Questions 9


For Grade VI to Senior Certificate candidates presenting a certificate or result sheetverifying that they have passed the written Theory & Harmony paper for the samegrade as, or higher than, their practical examination will be exempt from thecombined Aural/Theoretical Tests and will be awarded the full fifteen marks for thissection.

Grade VIAural/Visual Observation:A short piece will be played twice by the examiner, a copy of which will be given tothe candidate. The candidate to answer questions as follows:

(a) (after first playing)i Name the tonic key of the piece. Keys: C, G, D, F major. A , E,

D minor. Name the relative major/minor of the tonic.

ii Describe the time signature. Any signature using , �, �, or �.beats.

iii Give technical names for specified notes (tonic, supertonic, etc)(b) (after first or second playing)

i Point out places of melodic interestii From a list of suggested textures, choose the most appropriate to

the piece (eg chordal, two-part, etc).(c) (after second playing)

Point out the position of obvious cadence points.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory the rhythm of the upper line of a short two-part

phrase using treble and bass clefs. The pulse will be given before the firstplaying. The test will be played three times.

(b) Sing from memory a short melodic phrase. The pulse, tonic chord andstarting note will be given before the first playing. The test will be playedthree times.

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& b 43(s)

œ œ .œ jœ œ œ œ œ .œ jœ œ ˙

Reading:Sing at sight a 4-bar melody in 3/4 or 4/4 time

Note values: to � including �.

Pitch: Full major scale extended to a fourth below the tonic (s/ l/ t/ d r mf s l t d0) Leaps between any notes of the tonic chord

Keys: Major keys up to 2 sharps and 2 flatsMelodies will begin on a note of the tonic chord and be within anoctave range. An up beat may be included.


Intervals:(a) Sing any of the following melodic intervals as requested. The pitch of ‘doh’

will be given: d - r/ d - m/ d - f/ d - s/ d - l/ d - t/ d - d0(b) Respond to any of the following harmonic intervals from the same tonic.

Major second and third, Perfect fourth and fifth by (i) singing both notes and(ii) describing the interval.

Aural Requirements & Theoretical Questions 11

& # 44(la)œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ# œ œ .œ

jœ ˙

Grade VIIAural/Visual Observation:A short piece will be played by the examiner, a copy of which will be given to thecandidate. The candidate to answer questions as follows:(a) (after first playing)

i Name the tonic key of the piece. Keys: Majors and minors to twosharps and two flats.

ii Name the relative major/minor.iii Name the dominant key.

(b) (after first or second playing)i Point out melodic repetition and sequence.ii Point out sections which are musically contrasting.

(c) (after second playing)i Point out the position of a perfect or imperfect cadence.ii Point out where the music modulates to the dominant or relative

of the tonic.

Memory:(a) Clap or tap from memory the rhythm of the lower line of a short two-part

phrase using treble and bass clefs. The pulse will be given before the firstplaying. The test will be played three times.

(b) Sing from memory the upper line of a short two-part phrase (using trebleand bass clefs). The tonic chord and starting note will be sounded beforeeach playing and the pulse will be given. The test will be played three times.

Reading:Sing at sight a 4-bar melody in 3/4 or 4/4 time.

Note values: to �

Pitch: Full minor scale m f si l t d r m f si l0 (si always preceded andfollowed by l). Leaps between adjacent notes of the minor tonicchord m - l - d - m - l0

Keys: A, E, D minorMelodies will begin on the tonic (la) and be within an octave range. Anupbeat may be

Intervals:(a) Sing any of the following melodic intervals as requested. The pitch of ‘la’

will be given: l - d (minor third) and l - f (minor sixth).(b) Respond to any major and perfect interval from the same tonic by (i) singing

both notes and (ii) describing the interval.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus12

& 86(m)

jœ œ œ# œ œ œ œ .œ œ jœ œ œn œ œ œ# œ# .œ œ

Grade VIIIAural/Visual Observation:A short piece will be played by the examiner, a copy of which will be given to thecandidate. The candidate to answer questions as follows:(a) (after first playing)

i Name the tonic key of the piece. Keys: Majors to three sharps andthree flats and minors to two sharps and two flats.

ii Name the relative of the tonic, the dominant and the sub-dominantkeys.

(b) (after first or second playing)i Identify whether the piece falls into two or three natural divisions.ii Comment on similarities or differences between these divisions.

(c) (after second playing)i Name the type of cadence at a specified bar (ie perfect, imperfect,

plagal and interrupted).ii Identify modulation as being to the dominant or relative of the tonic

in specified bars.

Memory:Sing from memory the lower line of a short two-part phrase using treble clef only.The tonic chord and starting note will be sounded before each playing and the pulsewill be given. The test will be played three times.

Reading:Sing at sight a 4-bar melody in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time.

Note values: to �Pitch: Full major and melodic minor scales. Leaps in major keys to any

notes of the tonic chord. Leaps in minor keys between any notesof the tonic chord.

Keys: C, G, D, A, F, B flat majors. A, E and D minors.Melodies will begin on a note of the tonic chord and be within anoctave range. An upbeat may be included.


Intervals and Triads:(a) Respond to any of the following: any major or perfect interval, minor third,

minor sixth by (i) singing both notes and (ii) describing the interval.

(b) Respond to major/minor triads in root position, first inversion and secondinversion by:i singing the notes.ii describing the type and position of the triad.

Aural Requirements & Theoretical Questions 13

& ### 44(t)

œ œ œ œ œ œ .œ jœ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Senior Certificate Aural/Visual Observation:A short piece will be played by the examiner, a copy of which will be given to thecandidate. The candidate to answer questions as follows:

(a) i Comment on tonality ie name the tonic key and main modulations.Keys: Majors to three sharps and three flats and minors to threesharps and three flats.Or (Option chosen by examiner)

ii Identify and describe main cadential points.

(b) After a second playingComment on Texture or Structure (technical labels not necessary) orStyle/Period (option chosen by the examiner).

Memory:(a) Sing from memory the lower line of a short two-part phrase using treble

stave only. The tonic chord and starting note will be sounded before eachplaying and the pulse will be given. The test will be played three times.

Reading:(a) Sing at sight a 4-bar melody in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time.

Note values: to �Pitch: Full major and melodic minor scales. Leaps in major keys to any

note of the tonic and dominant chords. Leaps in minor keys to anynote of the tonic chord.

Keys: Majors to three sharps and three flats, A, E, D, B minors.Melodies can begin on any note and will be within an octave range. Anupbeat may be included.


Technical Knowledge: Candidates will be expected to explain or answer simple questions on the physiologyof the voice.

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The Bronze, Silver and Gold Medal examinations give an opportunity to students tostudy and perform pieces of their own choice. They are examined on performanceonly and are not assessed on aural tests, sight-reading, theory, scales, etc.

Candidates may choose any programme that will display their imagination, technicalabilities and individual strengths.

The Recital Certificate Programme is open to all disciplines contained within thecurrent syllabus. Successful candidates will be awarded a medal and a certificate.

The candidate’s programme should be varied and should include:• two or more pieces in the Bronze Medal• three or more pieces in the Silver and Gold Medals

The composers can be from the same era or different eras. The pieces shouldpreferably be contrasting in tempi, keys and mood. Pieces may be of differingdemands so long as the musical execution is of the standard required of theparticular examination.

Good quality arrangements of music from films or of popular or light music may beused as part of the programme. Simplified editions of classical pieces should beavoided as students should be encouraged to study the original versions. Songsmust be sung in their original languages.

When choosing a programme the candidate should maintain the standard as set outfor each Medal examination: (a) Bronze Medal the programme should equate to RIAM Grades II to III (b) Silver Medal the programme should equate to RIAM Grades V to VI(c) Gold Medal the programme should equate to RIAM Grade VIII or higher

If, for musical reasons, the candidate chooses a piece or two easier than thesuggested grades then the programme should be balanced with pieces which aremore difficult than the suggested grade. Candidates will be expected to meet, to thebest of their abilities, the technical and musical demands of all pieces performed.

The time limit for each exam should be observed:

(a) Bronze Medal programme should last between 5 and 10 minutes(b) Silver Medal programme should last between 12 and 15 minutes (c) Gold Medal programme should last between 20 and 25 minutes

Recital Certificate Programme 15

Candidates will be penalised for performing a programme which is shorter than theminimum permitted length, and they could be asked to discontinue a performanceshould they be exceeding the maximum permitted time.

Candidates are encouraged to explore the repertoire and should try to avoidperforming exclusively the current grade pieces.

The duration of the submitted programme will be marked under the section entitledOverall Impression & Choice of Programme.

Candidates are required to present a performance list and original music must beprovided for the examiner.

The Recital Programme will be marked as follows:

(a) Technical Ability 30%(b) Interpretation 40%(c) Overall Impression

& Choice of Programme 30%

Pass Mark 70%

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus16


No marks will be awarded for incorrect music presented at examination. Candidatesusing photocopies of music will be disqualified. Please supply proof of purchase formusic downloaded from the Internet.

For Theoretical Questions and Aural Requirements see pages 5 to 13.

! Sight-Singing will be presented in both Tonic Sol-fa and Staff Notation upto Grade IV inclusive.

! From Grade V upwards Staff Notation only will be presented, but students

may use Tonic Sol-fa if they wish.

! All music must be sung from memory.

! The Vaccai (or Vaccaj) Studies will only be accepted in Italian. The

Schirmer edition of Vaccai’s Practical Singing Method is recommended asthe correct vowel sounds are indicated by IPA symbols (see “Vowelsounds”) and the pronunciation guide is accurate; however theRicordi/Boosey & Hawkes edition is available with each study sung in Italianon the optional CD.

! Music requiring accompaniment will not be accepted unaccompanied.

! Candidates requiring accompaniment must provide their own accompanist.

! Candidates may consult this syllabus to identify the exercise being askedfor by the examiner.

! Scales and exercises may be sung in any key to suit the individual voice.

! Songs may be transposed to suit the individual voice.

! Some songs in the syllabus are marked (M) = Male Voices and (F) =

Female Voices

! Any published edition will be accepted. Editions, publishers and books arementioned in the syllabus as an aid to identifying and finding the songs.

Singing 17

Vowel sounds:The symbols indicated at each stage represent the 7 pure vowels essential fordeveloping resonance and beauty of tone, and as a solid basis for recognising andsinging correct vowels in all languages. They are introduced from Primary gradeupwards. Some of these vowels, which have no pure equivalent in English, aredescribed here as one sound contained in an English diphthong. (A diphthong is asyllable containing 2 vowel sounds as in “day”, which is pronounced “deh-ee”).

The symbols used are from the International Phonetic Alphabet, an article aboutwhich can be viewed at URL:

The sounds represented by these symbols can also be viewed and heard at URL:

(These Web addresses were valid at the time of collating this syllabus)

[i] As in “machine”

[e] (“Closed” e) as in the first vowel sound of the diphthong in “chaos”

or more accurately a French é.

[e] (“Open” e) as in “then”

[a] As the first vowel sound of the diphthong in “aisle” or “light”.

(The English neutralised vowels [Y] as in “father” or [�] as in

“further” are not acceptable beyond the use of [Y] as indicated

in “la” “ma & “ta”)

[]] (“Open” o) as in the first vowel sound of the diphthong in


[o] (“Closed” o) as in the first vowel sound of the diphthong in“obey”

[u] As in “food”

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus18

PRELIMINARY GRADE Exercises: Transpose to suit the candidate's voice.

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

Songs marked with an * are to be sung unaccompanied.

LIST A FOLK SONGSarr Appleby My Father’s Garden (2 verses) (F major) Sing together

& Fowler (OUP) *arr Appleby Skip to my Lou (4 verses) (G major) Sing together

& Fowler (OUP) *Trad Beidh aonach amárach (2 verses) (any edition) *

LIST B ART SONGSP Jenkyns Bessy the Black Cat (Novello / Music Sales)

W R Smith A Pirate Song (Banks)

H Nelson Adventure (D major) John of the North (Lengnick 4713)H Nelson Stay, little blackbird (Gordon V Thompson Ltd 4172)

Singing 19

LIST C POPULAR SONGSS Fain I’m late (C major) from Alice in Wonderland The best of Disney

(Wonderland Music Company Inc / Music Sales)A Wrubel Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (C major) from Song of the South The best

of Disney (Wonderland Music Company Inc / Music Sales)T Gilkyson The Bare Necessities (F major) from Jungle book (Wonderland

Music Company Inc / Music Sales)

Sight-Singing: To sing any of the following pitches as pointed to by theexaminer: Doh, Re, Mi, Soh (only sol-fa given) Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.


Exercises: Transpose to suit the candidate's voice.To be sung to: (a) Sol-fa names

(b) “la”

(c) Vowel, [Y] (“father”) legato

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus20

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

Songs marked with an * are to be sung unaccompanied.

LIST A FOLK SONGSarr Appelby & Michael Finnigin (four verses) G major Sing together

Fowler (OUP) *

arr Appelby & Fisherman’s Night Song (two verses) Sing together

Fowler (OUP) *

arr Sharp The Riddle Song (Novello NOV482032)

LIST B ART SONGSH Nelson Ghosts in the Belfry (Roberton Publications)

A E Gawthorne Bruce and the Spider (Curwen 72062)

Rowley The Lion Tamer (Curwen)

E Thiman The Beech, the Birch and the Lime (Cramer)

T F Dunhill April Rain (Boosey & Hawkes)

LIST C POPULAR SONGSF Churchill The Second Star on the Right from Peter Pan (Hal Leonard-

Disney / Music Sales)F Churchill Never Smile at a Crocodile from Peter Pan (Walt Disney) The

best of Disney (Wonderland Music Company Inc / Music Sales)David & Biddidi-Bobbidi-Boo from Cinderella (Walt Disney) The best of

Hoffman Disney (Wonderland Music Company Inc /Music Sales)Rogers Edelweiss The sound of music (Williamson Music)

Sight-Singing: To sing any of the following pitches or pairs of pitches aspointed to by the examiner: Doh, Re, Mi, Fa, Soh (only solfa given) Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Singing 21


Exercises: Transpose to suit the candidate’s voice.To be sung legato to: (a) Sol-fa names

(b) “la” and “ma”

(c) Three vowels, legato [i] [e] [a]

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

Songs marked with an * are to be sung unaccompanied.

LIST A FOLK SONGSarr Appelby & What shall we do with the drunken sailor? (4 verses)Fowler F major Sing together (OUP) *

arr Appelby & Cockles and Mussels (3 verses) Sing together (OUP)*FowlerTrad arr Hughes I have a bonnet trimmed with blue Irish country songs (Boosey

& Hawkes)arr G Cockshott William and Greta (Danish folk song) (Oxford Choral Songs

(unison) OCS1209/Banks)

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus22

LIST B ART SONGSFleiss attrib Cradlesong (any edition)

MozartBrahms Ladybird (Marienwürmchen): no 6 Seven children’s songs (Curwen

72400 / Music Sales)E Thiman Path to the Moon (Boosey & Hawkes)

H Nelson Shivery Sarah (Roberton Publications 2214)

E Sweeney He! Haw! Hum! Still south I went (Roberton Publications)

LIST C POPULAR SONGSL Bart Where is Love? (C Major) from Oliver (Lakeview / Music Sales)

R Sherman Truly Scrumptious from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Belwin)

R Sherman A Spoonful of Sugar (G major) from Mary Poppins (Walt Disney)The best of Disney (Wonderland Music Company Inc/Music Sales)

R Sherman The wonderful thing about Tiggers from Winnie the Pooh Thebest of Disney (Wonderland Music Company Inc / Music Sales)

Sight-Singing: A simple passage of not more than four bars in 2/4 time, using thefirst five notes of the major scale, beginning and ending on thetonic, in the keys of C, G or F major, in Tonic Sol-fa or StaffNotation, at the candidate’s choice.

Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Singing 23


Exercises: To be sung to: (a) Sol-fa names(b) “ma”

(c) Four vowels, legato [i] [e] [a] [u]

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus24

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

LIST A FOLK SONGSarr A Copland Simple Gifts Old American songs, set 1 (Boosey & Hawkes)

arr A Copland I bought me a cat Old American songs, set 1(Boosey & Hawkes)

arr R Mervyn Mo mhaidrín beag donn(Oifig an tSoláthair M318)

arr H Hughes The Gartan Mother’s Lullaby Irish Country Songs (Boosey &Hawkes)

LIST B ART SONGSCaccini Tu ch’hai le penne, amore 40 arie antiche, vol 3 (Ricordi 101918

/ UMP)Rosa Star vicino The Chester books of celebrated songs, book one

(Chester / Music Sales)Mendelssohn Grüss op 19 no 5 (Peters)

Reger Maria Wiegenlied / Mary’s Cradle Song (any edition)Britten Fishing Song Friday afternoons (Boosey & Hawkes)

LIST C POPULAR SONGSRogers & My favourite things (F) The sound of music Hammerstein (Williamson Music / Music Sales)Sherman Chim Chim Cheree Mary Poppins (Hal Leonard / Music Sales)

Lloyd Webber Whistle down the Wind (F) Whistle down the wind (Really UsefulGroup / Music Sales)

L Bart Consider yourself (M) Oliver (Lakeview Music Publishers / MusicSales)

Schönberg & Castle on a Cloud (F) Les Miserables (Wise/Music Sales)


Sight-Singing: A simple passage of not more than four bars in 3/4 or 4/4 time, inthe keys of C,G,D or F major, beginning and ending on the tonic.Staff Notation or Tonic Sol-fa at the candidate’s choice.Compass d - d' Crotchets, minims and dotted minims Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Please note that up to Grade II candidates can choose popular songs from among thegiven lists. From Grade III onwards candidates can either follow the Music Theatre &Popular Singing syllabus from which they have a choice of popular songs only, or they canremain with the existing Singing Syllabus from which they have a choice of art songs only.

Singing 25

GRADE IIIExercises: To be sung to: (a) Sol-fa names

(b) “ma” and “ta”

(c) four vowels, legato [i] [e] [a] [u]

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus26

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

In List A songs, ornamentation is recommended whereappropriate.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

LIST AA Scarlatti O cessate di piagarmi 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high and

medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396/3397)Vivaldi Vieni, vieni The Chester books of celebrated songs, book two

(Chester / Music Sales)Paisiello Nel cor più non mi sento 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high

and medium low ](Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396/3397)Morley It was a lover and his lass Thomas Morley, The first booke of

ayres (Stainer and Bell)Purcell I attempt from love’s sickness to fly in vain The Chester books of

celebrated songs, book three (Chester / Music Sales)Purcell Ah! how pleasant ‘tis to love (Novello / Music Sales)

Singing 27

LIST BMozart Komm, liebe Zither, komm (KV351) Mozart: 50 songs, high and

low (Peters 4699a / b)Schubert Minnelied (Peters)Schumann Volksliedchen (soprano / mezzo) op 51 no 2 The art of song vol 2

[high &medium-low available] (Peters)Anon Jeunes Fillettes The Chester books of celebrated songs, book

one (Chester / Music Sales)Trad arr Táimse im chodladh (Oifig an tSoláthair)

É Ó GallchobhairTrad arr I know where I’m goin` (soprano / mezzo) Irish country songs

H Hughes (Boosey & Hawkes)

Trad arr The Spanish Lady (tenor / baritone) (A Major) any edition

H HughesVaughan Linden Lea (tenor / baritone) (Boosey & Hawkes)

WilliamsQuilter June (soprano / mezzo) (Boosey & Hawkes)

S Barber The Daisies Collected songs [high / low] (Schrimer / Music Sales)

LIST C Vocal StudyVaccaj Lesson 1, Part 2 in Italian. Vaccai Practical Method (Ricordi,


Sight-Singing: A passage in C, G, D or F major, of not more than eight bars in 3/4or 4/4, beginning on any note of the Tonic Triad, ending on theTonic. Staff Notation or Tonic Sol-fa at the candidate’s choice.Compass t - d' Crotchets, quavers, minims and dotted minims Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus28


Exercises: To be sung to five vowels, legato [i] [e] [a] []] [u]

Singing 29

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

In List A songs ornamentation is recommended where appropriate.

Songs marked with * are to be sung unaccompanied.

LIST AA Scarlatti Gia il sole dal Gange 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high /

medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396 / 3397)Giordani Caro mio ben 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high / medium

low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396 / 3397)Caldara Sebben Crudele 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high /

medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396 / 3397)Purcell Love quickly is pall’d (any edition)

Handel Silent Worship (The Chester books of celebrated songs, bookone (Chester / Music Sales)

Linley Still the lark finds repose Songs of the Linleys (Stainer and BellB569)

Mozart Komm, lieber Mai (Sehnsucht nach dem Frühlinge KV 596)Mozart: 50 songs, high and low (Peters 4699a / b)

LIST BSchubert Heidenroslein (soprano) The Lieder anthology, high and low (Hal

Leonard 740219)Schubert Seligkeit (soprano / mezzo) (Peters)

Schumann Der Nussbaum The Lieder anthology, high and low (Hal Leonard740219)

Trad An raibh tú ag an gcarraig? (any edition) * Stevenson/ Believe me if all those endearing young charms Moores Irish

Moore Melodies (any edition)

Trad arr Hughes I know my love (soprano / mezzo) Irish country songs (Boosey &Hawkes)

Trad arr Britten O Waly, Waly Folksong arrangements from British Isles (Boosey& Hawkes)

Delius Twilight fancies (Boosey & Hawkes)Vaughan The sky above the roof (Boosey & Hawkes)WilliamsBernstein My House Peter Pan in Leonard Bernstein song album (Boosey &


RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus30

LIST C Vocal Study Vaccaj Lesson 2, Part 1 in Italian. Vaccaj Practical method

(Ricordi /Schirmer)

Sight-Singing: A short passage in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time, beginning on any note ofthe tonic triad. Staff Notation or Tonic Sol-fa at the candidate’s choice.Major keys up to two sharps and two flats - may include accidentalsCompass s - d' Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, minims and dotted minimsChoice of staff notation or solfa Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Singing 31


Exercises: To be sung to six vowels, legato: [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [u]

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus32

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

In List A songs ornamentation is recommended where appropriate.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

LIST AParisotti attrib Se tu m’ami (soprano / mezzo) 26 Italian songs and

Pergolesi arias [medium high and medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc3396/3397)

A Scarlatti Sento nel core 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high and medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396/3397)

Durante Danza, Danza 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high andmedium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396/3397)

Dowland Now, o now I needs must part Dowland: Fifty songs, book 1 [highand low] (Stainer and Bell)

Purcell Fairest Isle (any edition)

Storace Peaceful slumbering on the ocean (soprano) Storace: 7 songs forhigh voice (Stainer & Bell)

Singing 33

LIST BBeethoven Ich liebe dich The Lieder anthology, high and low (Hal Leonard

740219)Schubert Das Wandern (tenor / baritone) Die Schöne Müllerin in Schubert

album, book 1, high and low (Peters)Schubert Lachen and Weinen op 59, no 4 The Lieder anthology, high and

low (Hal Leonard 740219)C Schumann Liebst du um Schonheit The Lieder anthology, high and low (Hal

Leonard 740219)Trad arr I will walk with my love (soprano) Irish country songs

H Hughes (Boosey & Hawkes)

Trad arr The Star of the County Down (baritone) Irish country songs

H Hughes (Boosey & Hawkes)

Dunhill The cloths of heaven (Boosey & Hawkes)

A Copland At the river Old American Songs [medium high and low] (Boosey& Hawkes)

Trad arr Oliver Cromwell Folksongs arrangements from the British Isles

B Britten (Boosey & Hawkes)

LIST C Vocal StudyVaccaj Lesson 2, Part 2 in Italian Vaccaj Practical method (Ricordi /


Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than eight bars in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time;in major or minor keys up to three sharps or two flats - may includeaccidentals. Staff Notation only supplied, but candidates may use Tonic Sol-fanames or vowel sounds.Compass s - m’ Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, minims and dotted minimsTonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus34


Exercises: To be sung to seven vowels, legato [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [o] [u]

Singing 35

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

In List A songs, ornamentation is recommended whereappropriate.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

LIST ACaccini Amarilli, mia bella 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high and

medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396 / 3397)Carissimi Vittoria, mio core! 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high and

medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396 / 3397)Bononcini Per la gloria 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high and medium

low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc, 3396 / 3397)Handel Verdi Prati (mezzo) from Alcina The Chester book of celebrated

songs, book two (Chester / Music Sales)Dowland Come again, sweet Love doth now invite (A flat or F) Dowland:

Fifty songs, book 1 [high and low] (Stainer and Bell)Purcell Now Winter comes slowly (bass / baritone) The fairy queen (any

edition)Mozart Das Veilchen (soprano) KV 476 Mozart: 50 songs [high and low]

(Peters 4699a / b)

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus36

LIST BSchubert An Silvia op 106, no 4 Schubert album, book 2, [high / low]

(Peters EP 178a/b/c)Mendelssohn Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (Peters)

Schumann Die Lotosblume 50 selected songs (Schirmer)Massenet Ouvre tes yeux bleus F / G major (any edition)

R Hahn Si mes vers avaient des ailes Mélodies vol 1 (Heugel / UMP)

Fauré Le Secret Gabriel Fauré album, vol 1 [high and low] (Edward BMarks Music / Hal Leonard)

Hughes O men from the fields (soprano / mezzo) A heritage of 20th centuryBritish song, vol 2 (Boosey & Hawkes)

J Ireland Sea Fever (tenor / baritone / bass) (Stainer and Bell)

Trad arr The Salley Gardens Folksong arrangements from the British Isles,

B Britten vol 1 (Boosey & Hawkes)

E Maconchy Ophelia’s Song (soprano / mezzo) (OUP)

H Nelson I think it will be winter (mezzo / tenor) Banks

LIST C Vocal StudyVaccaj Lesson 7 in Italian. Vaccaj Practical method (Ricordi / Schirmer)

Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than twelve bars, in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time.Staff Notation only supplied, but candidates may use Tonic Sol-fanames or vowel sounds.Major keys up to 3 sharps and 3 flats, D, A or E minor - mayinclude accidentals Compass s - m’ Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims. Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Singing 37


Exercises: To be sung to seven vowels, legato: [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [o] [u]

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus38

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

In List A songs, ornamentation is recommended where appropriate.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

LIST AJ S Bach Mein gläubiges Herze / My heart ever faithful (soprano) Bach arias

for soprano (Bärenreiter) or Twenty-Six classical songs (Novello)G Torelli Tu lo sai 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high and medium

low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc3396 / 3397)A Scarlatti Se Florinda é fedele 26 Italian songs and arias [medium high and

medium low] (Alfred Publishing Co Inc 3396 / 3397)Dowland Fine knacks for ladies Dowland: Fifty songs, book 1 [high and

low] (Stainer and Bell) Purcell Music for a while (Novello)

Mozart Un moto di gioia (soprano) 50 songs, high and low (Peters4699a / b)

Mozart Papageno’s aria: Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja (baritone / bass) DerZauberflöte (Bärenreiter, or other edition)

Mozart Voi che sapete (mezzo) Le nozze di Figaro (Bärenreiter, or otheredition)

Munro My lovely Celia (tenor) The Chester books of celebrated songs,book three (Chester / Music Sales)

Singing 39

LIST BSchubert Wanderers Nachtlied D 768 Schubert album, book 1, high and

low (Peters EP 20a/b/c)Schubert Die Forelle The Lieder anthology, high and low (Hal Leonard

740219)Brahms Vergebliches Ständchen (soprano / mezzo) The Lieder anthology,

high and low (Peters)Brahms Feldeinsamkeit Brahms lieder, book 1, high and low (Peters)

Gounod Sérénade (soprano) Charles Gounod: 11 mélodies, high andmedium (Editions Henry Lemoine 26756 / 26755)

Fauré Chanson d’Amour The French song anthology [high and low] (HalLeonard 740163)

R Hahn L’heure exquise (Chansons grises) French art songs of thenineteenth century (Dover)

Trad arr H Harty My Lagan love (Boosey & Hawkes)

Quilter Love’s Philosophy (soprano / mezzo) A heritage of 20th centuryBritish song, vol 4 (Boosey & Hawkes)

Quilter Now sleeps the crimson petal (tenor / baritone) (Boosey &Hawkes)

Vaughan The Vagabond (baritone) (Boosey & Hawkes)

WilliamsB Marmion Brightcap (soprano / tenor) Chamber music (Contemporary Music


LIST C Vocal StudyVaccaj Lesson 5 in Italian. Vaccaj Practical method (Ricordi / Schirmer)

Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than twelve bars, in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time. Examiner to specify whether melody is to be sung to solfasyllables or to one of the following vowel sounds: ah, ee, oh. Major keys up to 4 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentalsMinor keys up to 2 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentals Compass s - m’Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims. Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus40


Exercises: To be sung to seven vowels, legato: [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [o] [u]

Singing 41

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: two from List A and onefrom List B, according to their voice type.

NB: The editions cited here are only suggestions; otherauthoritative editions may be used by candidates if so desired.

Songs marked with * are to be sung accompanied.


(i) Soprano

Handel Bel Piacere Agrippina, HWV 6 (any edition)

Mozart Vedrai, carino Don Giovanni (any edition)

Pergolesi Stizzoso, mio stizzoso (Le serva padrona) 30 arie antiche, vol 1,medium high (Ricordi 50251)

Vivaldi Domine Deus Gloria (any edition)

Schubert Frühlingsglaube D 686 Schubert album, volume 1 high (Peters)

Brahms Mein Liebe ist Grün The Lieder anthology, high (Hal Leonard740219)

R Hahn A Chloris The French song anthology, high (Hal Leonard 740163)

Fauré Nell Gabriel Fauré album, vol 2, high (Edward B Marks Music / HalLeonard)

E Granados El majo discreto Coleccion de tonadillas (Union Musical Ediciones/Music Sales Ltd)

M Head The singer (A Flat) Michael Head song album, vol 2 (Boosey andHawkes)*

L Bernstein I hate music! Leonard Bernstein song album (Boosey & Hawkes)

P Martin The Lake Isle of Inisfree 5 W B Yeats songs (CMC, Dublin)*

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus42

(ii) Mezzo Soprano/Alto

Handel Thou art gone up on high Messiah (any edition)

Handel Recit: Frondi tenere and Aria: Ombra mai fu Xerxes (Chester orany edition)

Paisiello Chi vuol la zingarella 30 arie antiche, vol 1, medium low (Ricordi50251)

Schubert An die Musik The Lieder anthology, low (Hal Leonard 740219)Schumann Widmung (from Myrthen) The Lieder anthology, low (Hal Leonard

740219)Berlioz Villanelle (from Nuits d’Été )The French song anthology, low (Hal

Leonard 740163)Fauré Clair de lune B flat min The French song anthology, low (Hal

Leonard 740163)Montsalvatge Cancion de neqrito a dormir Cinco canciones negras (Southern

Music Publishing)Elgar Where corals lie Sea Pictures (Boosey & Hawkes)

Stanford The bold unbiddable child Charles Stanford: Six songs for mediumvoice (Stainer and Bell B526)

H Nelson Dirty Work (Banks BSS2006)

(iii) Tenor

Handel Comfort Ye Messiah (any edition)

Gluck O del mio dolce ardor 26 Italian songs and arias, medium high(Alfred Publishing Co Inc)

Mozart Ridente la calma Mozart: 50 songs, high (Peters 4699a)

Schubert Ständchen The Lieder anthology, high (Hal Leonard)

Schubert Wohin? (from Die Schöne Müllerin) Schubert album, vol 1, high(Peters)

Fauré Ici-bas Gabriel Fauré album ,vol 1, high (Edward B Marks Music / Hal Leonard)

Fauré Après un rêve The French song anthology, high (Hal Leonard740163)

E Lalo Vainement, ma bien-aimée (from Le Roi d’Ys) Tenor opera arias(Schirmer)

Head Why have you stolen my delight? (A Flat) Michael Head songalbum, vol 2 (Boosey & Hawkes)

Vaughan Silent Noon (F major) (Ashdown / William Elkin)

WilliamsB Marmion When you are old and grey (Creighton Music)

Singing 43

(iv) Baritone/Bass

Fetis att Pietà Signore 24 Italian songs and arias of the 17th and 18th

Stradella centuries (Schirmer / Music Sales)

orSe I miei sospiri 26 songs and arias, medium low (Ricordi or AlfredPublishing Co Inc)

Purcell Man is for the woman made (any edition)

Handel Thus saith the Lord (D minor) Messiah (any edition)

Haydn Recit: And God created great whales and Aria: Be fruitful all TheCreation (Novello)

Mozart Deh vieni alla finestra Don Giovanni (any edition)

Schubert Der Neugierige (G major) (from Winterreisse) Schubert album,vol 1(Peters EP 20a/b/c)

Schubert Lied eines Schiffers an die Diosküren Schubert album, vol 1(Peters EP 20a/b/c))

Fauré Lydia The French song anthology, low (Hal Leonard 740163)

Fauré Les Berceaux Gabriel Fauré album, vol 2, low (Edward B MarksMusic / Hal Leonard)

Quilter O mistress mine (from Three Shakespeare songs) A heritage of20th century British song, vol 3 (Boosey & Hawkes)

Butterworth Is my team ploughing? (A minor) A Shropshire lad (Boosey &Hawkes)

LIST B Vocal StudyVaccaj Lesson 10, Part 1 in Italian Vaccaj Practical method (Ricordi /


Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than twelve bars, in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time.Examiner to specify whether melody is to be sung to solfasyllables or to one of the following vowel sounds: ah, ee, oh.

Major keys up to 4 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentals Minor keys up to 2 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentalsCompass s - m’Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims; may include triplets

Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus44


Exercises: All scale requirements/exercises from Grade VI to Grade VIIIinclusive.

Three pieces: Candidates must select three pieces: one from each List A, B andC.


LIST A An aria from an oratorio, cantata or mass by any of the listedcomposers:BachHandelHaydnMozartRossiniMendelssohn

LIST B A song in the original language by any of the listed composers:SchubertSchumannBrahmsWolfR StraussFauréDebussyDuparcPoulenc

LIST C An aria from an opera or an art song in English.

Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than sixteen bars, in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8tme.Examiner to specify whether melody is to be sung to solfasyllables or to one of the following vowel sounds: ah, ee, oh. Major keys up to 4 sharps and 4 flats - may include accidentalsMinor keys up to 2 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentalsCompass s - m’Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims; may include triplets Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 45


The Music Theatre and Popular Singing Syllabus starts from Grade III and is analternative to the Classical Singing Syllabus. It has a less stringent emphasis ontechnical requirements, aural tests and sight-singing; however, there is greaterimportance given to presentation and dramatic awareness in this syllabus. It is hopedthat this syllabus will appeal to many children and adults who enjoy singing popularmusic and would like a course to follow while developing their interest and skill. Whileencouraging the dramatic element of the examination candidates should note thatthe emphasis is primarily musical and that the examiner will be a music examiner, asopposed to a speech and drama examiner.

• For each grade candidates will be required to choose three songs: OneMusical Theatre Song marked with an asterisk and any other two songsfrom the list. Each of these three songs carries a maximum of 20 marks.

• The scales/technical requirements for each grade are the same as for theequivalent grade in the Singing Syllabus. Please note the differentweighting of marks; this section is marked out of 10 for the Music TheatreSyllabus as opposed to out of 15 for the Singing Syllabus.

• Candidates have a choice whether to be examined in Aural Tests or Sight-Singing. Candidates must state this choice to the examiner at the time ofthe examination. The requirements for each of these sections are the sameas for the equivalent grade in the existing syllabus.

• Candidates will be assessed on their presentation. This will include suchelements as: • Spoken Introductions for the three songs: Title, Composer, Name

of the Musical the song is from • Short Prepared Improvised Introduction or a Short Prepared

Scripted Introduction for the Musical Theatre Songs performed(marked with an asterisk only). This will set the scene and will alsohelp the candidate get into character

• Movement and Dramatisation• Use of Costume is expected for the First Musical Theatre Song to

be performed. (Candidates may remain in this costume for theduration of the examination)

• The examiner will test the candidate on his/her knowledge of the MusicalTheatre songs performed. Candidates will be asked questions on thecharacter whose song they have sung and on any of the other charactersof the musical. They can also expect questions on the plot of the musicaland general knowledge of the composer(s), placing him/her in historicalcontext and showing awareness of his/her other works.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus46

Candidates may be asked general questions on the background to thepopular songs performed.

• Please note that candidates must choose three songs.

The marking scheme for Music Theatre examinations is as follows:

Song 1 Musical Theatre Song marked with * 20Song 2 20Song 3 20Scales/technical requirements 10Aural Tests or Sight-Singing 10Presentation 10General Knowledge 10

Total Mark: 100

(M) = Male Voices and (F) = Female Voices

Piano Accompaniment and Accompaniment Backing TracksA Piano Accompanist must be present at the examination to play for the candidate.If desired, the candidate can opt to use an Accompaniment Backing Track for 1song only. The Piano Accompanist must play for at least two songs.

Original Written Music must be presented to the examiner for all AccompanimentBacking Tracks being used with the Original CD. Please bring the Original CD accompaniment backing track with you to the examination even if you are using acopy of it. This is for copyright purposes.

When using a Backing Track, the candidate is responsible for bringing his/her ownCD player or Music System. Marks will be lost for CD Accompaniment Tracks that donot work properly at the examination. Candidates are advised to bring an additionalcopy of the Backing track to avoid this happening.

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 47

No marks will be awarded for incorrect music presented at examination. Candidates using photocopies of music will be disqualified. Please supply proof of

purchase for music downloaded from the Internet.

For Theoretical Questions and Aural Requirements see pages 4 to 13.


Exercises: To be sung to: (a) Sol-fa names (b) “ma” and “ta”

(c) four vowels, legato [i] [e] [a] [u]

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus48

Three pieces: Candidates must prepare three pieces: one from each List A, Band C.

Candidates to choose three songs: one of which must be a Musical Theatre Songmarked with an *

Bock & Harnick Matchmaker Fiddler on the Roof (Hal Leonard / Music Sales)* (F)Strouse Maybe Annie (IMP)* (F)Strouse You’re Never Fully Dressed without a Smile Annie (IMP)* (F)Loewe Wouldn’t It Be Loverly from “My Fair Lady” Essential audition

songs for kids (IMP)* (F)Menken Part of Your World from “The Little Mermaid” The illustrated

treasury of Disney songs (Hal Leonard / Disney)* (F)Rice & John I Just Can’t wait to be King from “The Lion King” The illustrated

treasury of Disney songs (Hal Leonard / Disney)* Bart Pick a Pocket or Two Oliver! (Lakeview Music / Music Sales)* (M)Menken Be Our Guest from “Beauty and the Beast” The illustrated

treasury of Disney songs (Hal Leonard / Disney)* (M)

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 49

Menken Under the Sea from “The Little Mermaid” The illustrated treasuryof Disney songs (Hal Leonard / Disney)* (M)

Loewe Get Me to the Church on Time My Fair Lady (IMP)* (M)Abba Thank you for the Music Abba Gold (Music Sales / IMP 032780G)Harborg /Arlen Over the Rainbow (Music Sales)McBroom The Rose All Woman vol 1 (IMP)

Steinberg, Kelly Eternal Flame All Woman vol 1 (IMP)

& HoffsTopham/Twigg/ One for Sorrow Immortality +7 smash hits (Wise Publications)


Sight-Singing: A passage in C, G, D or F major, of not more than eight bars in 3/4or 4/4, beginning on any note of the Tonic Triad, ending on theTonic. Staff Notation or Tonic Sol-fa at the candidate’s choice.Compass t - d' Crotchets, quavers, minims and dotted minims Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus50


Exercises: To be sung to five vowels, legato [i] [e] [a] []] [u]

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 51

Candidates to choose three songs: one of which must be a Musical Theatre Songmarked with an *

Warren Lullaby of Broadway Forty-Second Street (IMP)*

Bernstein & I Feel Pretty West Side Story (Boosey & Hawkes)* (F)SondheimBock & Harnick Far from the home I love Fiddler on the Roof (Hal Leonard / Music

Sales)* (F)Casey Hopelessly Devoted To You Grease (IMP) * (F)Strouse Little Girls Annie (IMP)* (F)Lane How are Things in Glocca Morra? Finian’s Rainbow (IMP) Wiliams My Name Is Tallulah Bugsy Malone (IMP 9181A* (F)Rodgers & In My Own Little Corner from “Cinderella” (Hal Leonard

Hammerstein HLW00312091) HL.304094 * (F)Menken Colours of the Wind Pocahontas (Hal Leonard / Music Sales) (F)Lawrence/ Fabulous High School Musical 2 (Hal Leonard / Music Sales)

GreenbergFormby Leaning On A Lamp Post George Formby songbook (Music Sales

AM61656) (M)Rogers & There is Nothing like a Dame South Pacific (Hal Leonard) (M) HammersteinCasey Sandy Grease (IMP)* (M)Bart Reviewing The Situation Oliver (Lakeview Music/Music Sales)* (M)Schönberg & Little People Les Miserables (Music Sales)* (M)BoublilCohen Hallelujah Shrek (Cherry Lane Music / Hal Leonard HL 2500414)

Gershwin I Got Rhythm Crazy for You (IMP / Music Sales)*

Sight-Singing: A short passage in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time, beginning on any note ofthe tonic triad. Staff Notation or Tonic Sol-fa at the candidate’s choice.Major keys up to two sharps and two flats - may include accidentalsCompass s - d' Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, minims and dotted minimsChoice of staff notation or solfa Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus52


Exercises: To be sung to six vowels, legato: [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [u]

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 53

Candidates to choose three songs: one of which must be a Musical Theatre Songmarked with an *

Cham, Cham & When There Was Me and You High School Musical (Hal

Seeley Leonard) (F)Loesser Adelaide’s Lament Guys and Dolls (Music Sales)* (F)Loesser If I were a Bell Guys and Dolls (Music Sales)* (F)Dempsey & Loose Ends The Witches of Eastwick (IMP)* (F)RoweJohn/Rice The Past Is Another Land Aida (Hal Leonard HL 00313175)* (F)Lloyd Webber I Don’t Know How to Love Him Jesus Christ Superstar (Music

Sales) * (F)Lerner & Loewe I could have Danced all Night My Fair Lady (IMP)* (F)Hamlisch Nothing from “A Chorus Line” Essential audition songs for female

vocalists broadway (IMP)* (F)Bock If I were a Rich Man Fiddler on the Roof (Music Sales)* (M)Lloyd Webber Close every door to me Joseph and the Amazing Technicoloured

Dream Coat (Music Sales) * (M)Lerner & Loewe On the Street Where You Live from “My Fair Lady” Essential

audition songs for male vocalists broadway (IMP)* (M)Cham, Cham & Get’cha Head in the Game High School Musical (Hal Leonard)*

Seeley (M)White Leave Right Now Audition sourcebook: male singers (Wise

Publications) (M)

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus54

Simon Bridge over troubled water Simon & Garfunkel (Music Exchange)031103P

Russell Get Here All Woman vol 1 (IMP)

Warren How Do I Live All Woman Love Songs (IMP)

The Carpenters Close To You (IMP)O Brien The Time Warp The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Wise


Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than eight bars in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time;in major or minor keys up to three sharps or two flats - may includeaccidentals. Staff Notation only supplied, but candidates may use Tonic Sol-fanames or vowel sounds.Compass s - m’ Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, minims and dotted minimsTonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 55


Exercises: To be sung to seven vowels, legato [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [o] [u]

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus56

Candidates to choose three songs: one of which must be a Musical Theatre Songmarked with an *

Margoshes & Dancin’ on the Sidewalk Fame (IMP)* (M)LevyKander & Ebb Razzle Dazzle Chicago (Faber Music)* (M)Rice I Want to Be Chess (Music Sales AM944955)* (M)Bernstein Tonight West Side Story (Boosey & Hawkes)* (M)Schönberg & Stars Les Miserables (Music Sales)* (M)BoublilLarson Take Me Or Leave Me from “Rent” Essential audition songs for female

vocalists Broadway (IMP)* (F)Coleman Big Spender Sweet Charity (Music Exchange 031044M)* (F)Casey There Are Worse Things I Could Do Grease (IMP)* (F)Schönberg & On My Own Les Miserables (Music Sales)* (F)BoublilPitchford & Out Here On My Own Essential audition songs for female

Gore vocalists Westend hits (IMP)* (F)Kern Bill Show Boat (Hal Leonard)* (F)Gibson Sweet Dreams Patsy Cline: Original keys for singers (Hal Leonard

HL.740072)Hammond/ One Moment In Time Whitney Houston: The greatest hits (Alfred

Bettis Publishing / Faber Music)

Helen Potts Cry Me A River Mari Wilson (Music Exchange 0312587)Herman I Am What I Am All Woman vol 1 (IMP)

Henley/Silbar The Wind Beneath My Wings All woman love songs (IMP)

Mac/Hector Flying Without Wings Audition songs for male singers 4 (WisePublications)

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 57

Nitzsche, Up Where We Belong Rock songs from the movies (Wise

Jennings & Publications)

MarieBonfire Born To Be Wild Rock songs from the movies (Wise Publications)

Stoller/Leiber Jailhouse Rock (Hal Leonard HL.351489) (M)Shaiman/ Good Morning Balitimore Hairspray (Hal Leonard HL 313219 /

Wittman Music Sales)

Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than twelve bars, in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time.Staff Notation only supplied, but candidates may use Tonic Sol-fanames or vowel sounds.Major keys up to 3 sharps and 3 flats, D, A or E minor - mayinclude accidentals Compass s - m’ Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims. Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus58


Exercises: To be sung to seven vowels, legato: [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [o] [u]

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 59

Candidates to choose three songs: one of which must be a Musical Theatre Songmarked with an *

Kander & Ebb Roxie Chicago (Faber Music)* (F)Dempsey & Another Night at Darryl’s The Witches of Eastwick (IMP)* (F)RoweSchönberg & I dreamed a dream Les Miserables (Music Sales) * (F)BoublilSchönberg & I’d Give My Life For You The Boublil-Schönberg collection show

Boublil hits (Wise Publications)* (F)

Lloyd Webber Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again Phantom of the Opera(Really Useful Group / Music Sales)* (F)

Kern Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man Show Boat (Chappell) * (F)Kander & Ebb All I Care About Chicago (Faber Music)* (M)Schwartz Dancing Through Life Wicked (Hal Leonard Corporation)* (M)

Gershwin I Got Plenty o’ Nothin’ (M) Porgy and Bess (Chappell / IMP)* (M)Schönberg & Master of the House Les Miserables (Music Sales) * (M)BoublilJohn/Taupin Come What May from “Moulin Rouge” Audition songs for male

singers 3 (Wise Publications) (M)

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus60

Manilow Copacabana (At the Copa) Copacabana (Hal Leonard HL.313163)(M)

Masser The Greatest Love of All All woman love songs (IMP)

C de Rouge The Power of Love The Celine Dion collection (Music Sales / WisePublications) (F)

Williams/ Let Me Entertain You Audition songs for male singers 4 (Wise

Chambers Publications) (M)Ram The Great Pretender Audition songs for male singers 4 (Wise

Publications) (M)Fisher/Roberts Old Devil Called Love Audition songs for female singers (Wise

Publications) Redding Try a Little Tenderness Audition songs for male singers 3 (Wise

Publications) (M)Cash Man In Black Essential Johnny Cash (Hal Leonard HL306147) (M)Wilson Reet Petite Audition songs for male singers 3 (Wise Publications)

(M)Finn I speak six languages The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling

Bee (Alfred Publishing AP 24493 / Faber Music)

Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than twelve bars, in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time. Examiner to specify whether melody is to be sung to solfasyllables or to one of the following vowel sounds: ah, ee, oh. Major keys up to 4 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentalsMinor keys up to 2 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentals Compass s - m’Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims. Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 61


Exercises: To be sung to seven vowels, legato: [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [o] [u]

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus62

Candidates to choose three songs: one of which must be a Musical Theatre Songmarked with an *

Schwartz No Good Deed Wicked (Hal.Leonard)* (F)Schönberg & The Movie In My Mind The Boublil-Schönberg collection show hits

Boublil (Wise Publications)* (F)Hamlisch What I Did for Love (from A Chorus Line).The singer’s musical

anthology vol 2 (IMP)* (F)Kander & Ebb And All That Jazz Chicago (Faber Music)* (F)Lloyd Webber Think Of Me Phantom of the Opera (Really Useful Group / Music

Sales)* (F)Schönberg & Why God Why? Miss Saigon (Chappell)* (M)BoublilBernstein Maria West Side Story (Boosey & Hawkes)* (M)Lloyd Webber Music of the Night The Phantom of the Opera (Really Useful

Group / Music Sales)* (M)Gershwin It Ain’t Necessarily So Porgy and Bess (Chappell / IMP)* (M)Sondheim Johanna from “Sweeney Todd” The singers’s musical theatre

anthology vol 1 (IMP)* (M)Schönberg & Bring Him Home Les Miserables (Music Sales)* (M)BoublilLopez/Marx Purpose Avenue Q The Musical (Hal Leonard)* (M)Rogers & Oh What A Beautiful Mornin’ from “Oklahoma” Musical theatre

Hammerstein classics (HLE/Music Sales)* (M)Rogers & Soliloquy from “Carousel” Vocal Score-Revised Edition

Hammerstein (Williamson HL.1121001/Music Sales) * (M)Clarkson Addicted Kelly Clarkson: Breakaway (Hal Leonard HL 306731)

Warren Think Twice (F) The Celine Dion collection (Music Sales / WisePublications) (F)

Warren There You’ll Be from “Pearl Harbour” (Hal Leonard HL 352344)(F)

Knight/ The Best Simply the best of Tina Turner(Hal Leonard HL 2500722)

Chapman (F)Williams/ Angels Audition songs for male singers 3 (Wise Publications) (M)ChambersJohn/Taupin Your Song from “Moulin Rouge” Audition songs for male singers

3 (Wise Publications) (M)

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 63

James Suspicious Minds Audition songs for professional male singers(Wise Publications) (M)

Kander & Ebb When You’re Good to Mama Chicago (Faber Music) (F)Steinman It’s All Coming Back to Me Now The Celine Dion collection (Music

Sales/Wise Publications) (F)

Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than twelve bars, in 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time.Examiner to specify whether melody is to be sung to solfasyllables or to one of the following vowel sounds: ah, ee, oh.

Major keys up to 4 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentals Minor keys up to 2 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentalsCompass s - m’Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims; may include triplets

Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus64


Exercises: To be sung to seven vowels, legato: [i] [e] [e] [a] []] [o] [u]All scale requirements/exercises from Grade VI to Grade VIIIinclusive.

Candidates to choose three songs: one from the Music Theatre List, one from thePopular Song list and a third song from either list.

Music Theatre ListSchwartz Defying Gravity Wicked (Hal.Leonard Corporation) (F)Bernstein Glitter and be gay Candide (Boosey & Hawkes)

Weill Surabaya Johnny Kurt Weill Songs: A centennial anthology vol 2(IMP) (F)

Merrill/Styne Don’t Rain on my Parade Funny Girl The singer’s musical theatreanthology vol 3 (IMP) (F)

Manilow Man Wanted Copacabana (Hal Leonard HL 313163) (F)Sondheim Green Finch and Linnet Bird from “Sweeney Todd” The singer’s

musical theatre anthology vol 1 (IMP) (F)Schönberg/ I’m Martin Guerre The Boublil-Schönberg collection show hits

Boublil (Wise Publications) (M)Schönberg/ Bui-Doi The Boublil-Schönberg collection show hits (Wise

Boublil Publications) (M)Manilow Dancin’ Fool Copacabana (Hal Leonard HL 313163) (M)Kern Ol’ Man River The singer’s musical theatre anthology vol 1 (IMP)

(M)Bock She Loves Me The singer’s musical theatre anthology vol 2 (IMP)

(M)Leigh The Impossible Dream from “Man of La Mancha” (Music Sales)


Popular Song ListReznor Hurt Johnny Cash 1932-2003 Memorial song book (Wise

Publications) (M)Kravitz Are You Gonna Go My Way Audition songs for male singers rock

classics (Wise Publications) (M)Weill Mack The Knife from “The Threepenny Opera” Robbie Williams:

Swing when you’re winning (Faber Music) (M)Williams Feel Audition songs for professional male singers (Wise

Publications) (M)Clarkson Behind These Hazel Eyes Kelly Clarkson: Breakaway (Hal

Leonard HL 306731) (F)

Music Theatre & Popular Singing 65

Barry/ River Deep Simply the best of Tina Turner (Cherry Lane Music/

Greenwich Hal Leonard HL 2500722) (F)Tesori/Scanlan The Girl in 14G (That’s Music to my Ears Ltd & Thoroughly Modern

Music Publishing Company) or (Hal Leonard HL 02500585)Thompson/ I Have Nothing Whitney Houston: The greatest hits (Alfred

Foster Publishing AP.PFM0028) (F)

Sight-Singing: A passage of not more than sixteen bars, in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8tme.Examiner to specify whether melody is to be sung to solfasyllables or to one of the following vowel sounds: ah, ee, oh. Major keys up to 4 sharps and 4 flats - may include accidentalsMinor keys up to 2 sharps and 3 flats - may include accidentalsCompass s - m’Crotchets, dotted crotchets, quavers, dotted quavers, semiquavers,minims and dotted minims; may include triplets Tonic chord and tonic note played by examiner suited tocandidate’s voice.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus66


Performance of the songs is the only requirement in this examination.No marks will be awarded for incorrect music presented at examination.

Candidates using photocopies of music will be disqualified.

Music requiring accompaniment will not be accepted unaccompanied.Candidates requiring accompaniment must provide their own accompanist.


Candidates should present two of the following:

Reger Virgin's slumber song (Banks 2369 – version for SS) or (Schirmer / Music Sales – version for SA)

arr E Sharpe The Castle of Dromore (Banks)

Montague The Owl and the Pussycat (Banks)

PhillipsArmstrong Five Eyes (Boosey and Hawkes)

GibbsSchubert The Quiet Serenade (Roberton / Goodmusic)

arr H Nelson


Candidates should present two of following:

Mendelssohn I would that my love (Novello / Music Sales)

Humperdinck Evening Prayer Hansel and Gretel (Roberton 75075 / Goodmusic)

Vaughan Linden Lea (Boosey and Hawkes)

Williamsarr RowleyH Nelson Little Miss Muffet (Paterson / Music Sales)

Handel O lovely peace Judas Macabeus (Banks)

Campian Never weather-beaten sail (Oxford Choral / Banks)

arr Poston

Vocal Duets 67


Candidates should present two of the following:

Vivaldi Laudamus Te Gloria (Novello / Music Sales)

Offenbach Barcarole Tales of Hoffmann (Ashdown EA 16496 / Music Sales)

Brahms Die Schwestern op 61 Four duets (any edition)

Purcell Sound the trumpet (any edition)

Rossini Duetto buffo di due gatti (Cat duet) (Ricordi / UMP)

Britten A cradle song: sleep, beauty bright (Faber Music)

arr H Nelson Kitty McGee (Cumann Náisiúnta na gCór)

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus68


No marks will be awarded for incorrect music presented at examination.Candidates using photocopies of music will be disqualified.

Music requiring accompaniment will not be accepted unaccompanied.Candidates requiring accompaniment must provide their own accompanist.


Scales: Class to sing major scales from the tonic, ascending anddescending one octave. The scales will be chosen within a rangesuitable for junior voices.

Sight-Singing: Class to sing from the blackboard / whiteboard a simple unisonmelody in 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4 time, in the major keys of C, F or G, notmore than 4 bars in length, with note values from crotchet tosemibreve.

Ear Tests: The notes of a suitable major scale having been written on theblackboard/whiteboard and the key note sounded, the class willsing the other notes of the scale as the examiner points to them.Compass one octave from the key note.

Theory: Individual members of the class will be asked questions on:• value of notes and rests• time-signatures, related to the programme presented• key-signatures, related to the programme presented• signs, abbreviations and expressions commonly met with

Note: The questions will be of a difficulty suited to the age ofthe class members.

Songs: Choose two from List A and one from List B.

LIST A UnisonBritten Lone Dog Friday afternoons (Boosey and Hawkes)

Trad arr Hunt Oliver Cromwell Voiceworks 2 (OUP)

A Copland Ching-a-ring chaw (Boosey and Hawkes)

Britten Hodie Christus natus est A ceremony of carols (Boosey & Hawkes)

Lawrence All over the world Singing Sherlock, Book 1 (Boosey & Hawkes)

C M Schönberg Castle in a cloud (Alain Boublil Music Ltd / Music Sales)

Trad Óró, mo bháidín Ceolta Gael (Ossian)

Furlong An buachaill bó D’aon ghuth (Boosey and Hawkes)Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious The best of Disney (HalLeonard)

Class Singing 69

LIST B Two-partJ Rutter A Clare benediction (OUP)

Si, si, si How can I keep from singing? (British Kodaly Academy)Step back baby How can I keep from singing? (British KodalyAcademy)

Trad Three Native American chants Voiceworks (OUP)

Britten Old Abram Brown Friday afternoons (Boosey and Hawkes)

A Simmons Creatures of the deep Singing Sherlock, book 2 (Boosey & Hawkes)

Trad The cuckoo Firsts and seconds (OUP)

arr Alexander Jesu Ukukhanya Songs of a rainbow nation (Faber Music)

L'EstrangeJ Funk The lion sleeps tonight (Hal Leonard/Music Sales)

arr Emerson


Scales: Class to sing major and melodic minor scales from the tonic,ascending and descending one octave.

Sight-Singing: Class to sing from the blackboard/whiteboard a simple unisonmelody in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 or 6/8 time, in either major or minor keys upto two sharps / flats, not more than 8 bars in length, with notevalues from quaver to semibreve.

Ear Tests: The notes of a suitable major or melodic minor scale having beenwritten on the blackboard / whiteboard , and the key note sounded,the class will sing the other notes of the scale as the examinerpoints to them. Compass one octave from the key note.

Theory: Individual members of the class will be asked questions on:• G and F clefs• values of notes and rests• time signatures, simple and compound• key-signatures up to five sharps and flats, major and

minor• signs, abbreviations and expressions commonly met with

Note: The questions will be of a difficulty suited to the age ofthe class members.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus70

Songs: Choose one from each List A, B and C.

LIST A Unisonarr Britten Down by the Salley gardens (Boosey and Hawkes)

Handel Silent worship (Curwen)

A Copland Simple gifts Old American Songs (Boosey and Hawkes)

Mawby Ave Maria (Kevin Mayhew)

Trad Cill Chais Ceolta Gael 2 (Ossian)

Trad An Poc ar Buile Ceolta Gael (Ossian)

arr D Rao Poor Little Children We will sing! (Boosey & Hawkes)

LIST B Two Partarr Emerson Choral highlights from Grease (Music Sales)

A Copland The little horses (Boosey and Hawkes)

Mexican folk Cielito lindo Firsts and seconds (OUP)

arr P Tatearr Mac Huff Get happy! (IMP/Music Sales)

arr Alexander The Vicar of Dibley Howard Goodall's great big tunes (Faber

L'Estrange Music)

arr Alexander Theme Academy (medley) Howard Goodall's great big tunes

L'Estrange (Faber Music)

S Furlong Gruaim treibheach D’aon ghuth 3 (Boosey and Hawkes)

LIST C Three PartMendelssohn Lift thine eyes Elijah (Novello)

Britten This little babe A ceremony of carols (Boosey and Hawkes)

arr J Eilers Early one morning (Hal Leonard)

G Arch Worried man blues Folksongs from the Wild West (Faber Music)

arr Trant Steal away (OUP)

arr Lawrence Angels (Music Sales)

Theory & Harmony 71


Past papers will be supplied on application to the RIAM Local Centre Examinations’Office. A series of music theory workbooks entitled Music Workout is available frommusic stockists.

PREPARATORY GRADE1 Note values of Semibreve, Minim, dotted minim and crotchet. Rest values

of semibreve, minim and crotchet.2 Time Signatures: The top number only of 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4.3 Stave: Writing and naming notes on the stave only in Treble (G) and Bass

(F) clefs.4 Observation of the above elements in relation to a melody written in either

the Treble or the Bass clef.

GRADE I1 Note values of semibreve, minim, dotted minim, crotchet, dotted crotchet

and quaver.Rest values of semibreve, minim and crotchet.

2 Time Signatures: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 C.3 Stave: Treble (G) and Bass (F) clefs to one ledger line above and below

the stave.4 The writing and use of sharp and flat signs.5 Scales: Major scales of C and G in both clefs.

To be familiar with the relevant Tonic Solfa names and tounderstand the positioning of the tones and semitonesand the use of key signature.

6 Observation of the above elements in answering simple questions about amelody including some terms and signs.

GRADE II1 Note values of semibreve to semiquaver inclusive. Dotted notes and tied

notes.Rest values of semibreve to quaver inclusive.

2 Grouping of notes and rests in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 times.3 Stave: Notes to the second space above and below treble and bass staves.4 The writing and use of sharp, flat and natural signs.5 Scales: Major scales, key signatures and tonic triads of C, G, D and F and

their application in recognising the key of a piece, adding accidentalsinstead of key signature and using relevant tonic solfa.

6 Observation of the above elements in answering simple questions about amelody including more terms and signs.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus72

GRADE III1 Note values of semibreve to semiquaver including quaver triplets.

Rest values of semibreve to semiquaver.

2 Times Signatures: Simple Duple 2/4, 2/2, � Simple Triple 3/4, 3/2, 3/8Simple Quadruple 4/4, 4/2,

and grouping of notes and rests in these times.3 Stave: Notes to two ledger lines above and below treble and bass staves.

Transcribing from treble to bass or vice versa at the same pitch.4 Scales and Intervals: Major scales, key signatures and tonic triads of keys

up to two sharps and two flats. Intervals formed from the tonic of thesemajor keys.Minor scales, key signatures and tonic triads of A, E and D to be familiarwith the relevant tonic solfa names and to understand the positioning oftones and semitones. Harmonic or melodic form may be used at thecandidate's choice.

5 Composition: To compose the final two bars of a simple four bar melody ofwhich the opening two bars are given. The melody will be in the treble clef,in the key of C, G or F and in 2/4 or 3/4 time.

6 Observation: To answer simple questions about a melody appropriate tothe grade.

GRADE IV1 Note and rest values semibreve to demisemiquaver including crotchet,

quaver and semiquaver triplets, and triplet note groups using rests.2 Time signatures: All simple time signatures. Compound time signatures of

6/8, 9/8 and 12/8 and the grouping of notes and rests in all these times.3 Stave: Notes beyond two ledger lines above and below treble and bass

staves. Transposing a melody up or down one octave between treble andbass staves.

4 Scales and Intervals: Scales, key signatures and tonic triads of major keysup to four sharps and four flats and of minor keys up to two sharps and twoflats with both the harmonic and melodic form of minor scales and therelevant tonic solfa. Intervals formed from the tonic of these major andharmonic minor scales.

5 Composition: To compose the final two bars of a four bar melody of whichthe opening two bars are given. The melody will be in the treble clef and inthe major keys of C, G, D, F or in the minor key of A and in 2/4, 3/4, or 4/4time. Phrasing and a tempo mark should be added to the completedmelody.

6 Observation: To answer questions about a short musical extractappropriate to the grade.

Theory & Harmony 73

GRADE V1 Note and rest values semibreve to demisemiquaver including irregular

divisions ie duplets, quintuplets and septuplets. Double dotted notes.2 Time Signatures: All simple and compound times and the grouping of notes

and rests in these times.3 Clefs: The addition of the Alto (C) clef.

Transcribing a melody written in treble or bass clef to the alto clef at thesame pitch.

4 Keys: Scales and key signatures of major keys up to five sharps and flatsand both forms of minor scales up to four sharps and flats. Theconstruction of the chromatic scale. Enharmonic notes including doublesharps and double flats. Technical names for the notes of the diatonicscale.Tonic triads of the above keys in root position, first inversion and secondinversion.

5 Intervals and Transposition: Intervals not greater than an octave formedbetween any two notes of the above major and minor scales to includeaugmented and diminished intervals. Transposing a melody either up ordown by any of the following intervals: major second, major or minor third,perfect fourth or fifth. The melody will be in a major key, using only trebleor bass clef and will contain no chromatic notes.

6 Composition: To compose an answering four bars to a given four barmelody in major or minor keys up to two sharps and flats and in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4or 6/8 time. Marks of tempo, phrasing and expression to be added to thecompleted melody. Writing a rhythm to words using 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 times.

7 Instruments of the orchestra to include orchestral families, clefs used byindividual instruments and their basic method of tone production.

8 Observation: questions on a musical extract to test the generalunderstanding and application of points appropriate to the grade.

GRADE VI1 Time Signatures: All simple and compound times and the irregular time

signatures of 5/4, 5/8, 7/4, 7/8.2 Clefs: The addition of the Tenor (C) clef.

Transposing a melody up or down one octave between any of the four clefs.3 Keys: Scales, key signatures and tonic triads with their inversions of major

keys up to seven sharps and flats and both forms of minor keys up to fivesharps and flats.

4 Intervals and Transposition: All intervals (not greater than an octave) andthe inversion of intervals.Transposing a melody either up or down by any of the following intervals:Major second, major or minor third, perfect fourth or fifth. The melody willbe in a major or minor key, using only treble or bass clef and will includesome chromatic notes.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus74

5 Triads and four part chords:a) The construction of major, minor, diminished and augmented

triads in root position on any note.b) The writing of the following triads in keys appropriate to the grade:

i tonic triads in root position, first inversion andsecond inversion

ii subdominant and dominant triads in rootposition only

c) Arranging the Primary triads (tonic, subdominant and dominant) asfour part chords (root position) for SATB.

d) The writing in open score (using treble and bass clefs) of apassage for SATB written in short score or vice versa.

e) The identification of the primary chords (root position) in an extractscored for piano, voices or string quartet.

6 Composition: To compose a melody from a given opening to make a totalof eight bars. Marks of tempo, phrasing and expression to be added to thecompleted melody. Writing a rhythm to words using 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and 6/8times.

7 Observation: General questions on a musical extract to include theidentification of ornaments.

8 History and instrumental knowledge:A general knowledge of the Baroque period to include style, forms, maincomposers and their standard works.Terms indicating special effects on instruments and transposinginstruments.

GRADE VII1 Keys, intervals and transposition: Scales and key signatures of all keys

major and minor. All simple and compound intervals. Transposition of amelody by any interval in any of the four clefs.

2 Melodic composition: Using a given opening to compose a twelve barmelody which should include a modulation to the dominant key or to therelative major or minor key. Marks of tempo, phrasing and expression to beincluded or (at the candidate's choice) the setting of words for solo voice.

3 Harmony: Using the following resources:-Major keys C, G, D and F - chords I, ii, IV, V, viMinor keys A, E and D - chords i, iv, V, VI in root position with unaccented passing and auxiliary notes.a) To select suitable chords to harmonise cadential points in a given

melody (indicate by roman numerals) and also to write theappropriate root notes in the bass.

b) To add inner parts in Perfect, Imperfect, Plagal and Interruptedcadences for SATB in which the soprano and bass are given.

c) To write a melody above a given progression of chords. The bassline will be complete and the opening of the melody given.

Theory & Harmony 75

4 Harmonic Analysis: In a given extract for piano or voices in any major orminor key to identify chords of the tonic, supertonic, subdominant, dominantand submediant, in root position and first inversion. The cadential 6/4 onthe dominant. The dominant seventh chord in root position. Unaccentedpassing and auxiliary notes.

5 History and instrumental knowledge: A general knowledge of the classicalperiod to include style, forms, main composers and their standard works.General questions on an orchestral extract to include abbreviated andforeign names of instruments.

GRADE VIII1 Melodic composition: Using a given opening to compose a sixteen bar

melody which should include some modulation to any closely related key.Marks of tempo, phrasing and expression to be included.or (at the candidate's choice) the setting of words for solo voice.

2 Harmony: Using the following resources:All major and minor chords in root position and first inversion. Diminishedchords in first inversion.The use of the second inversion as cadential and passing decoration.Dominant seventh chord in root position. Unaccented passing and auxiliarynotes.a) To indicate suitable chords to harmonise a folk song style melody

(indicate by roman numerals) and also to write the notes which willform the bass line.

b) To add inner parts in a passage for SATB in which the sopranoand bass are given and to show chord analysis.

c) To create a simple two part texture by completing the treble overa given bass.

3 Harmonic analysis: In a given extract for piano or voices to identify theabove elements and in addition to recognise basic modulation, dominantseventh chord in all positions and the use of suspensions and accentedpassing notes.

4 History and instrumental knowledge: A general knowledge of the Romanticperiod to include style, forms, main composers and their standard works.General instrumental questions.

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus76

SENIOR CERTIFICATE1 Harmony: Using resources as in Grade VIII (2) with the addition of

harmonisation of the melodic minor. Dominant seventh in all positions.Accented passing notes and suspensions. Modulation to the dominant andrelative of the tonic.

a) To indicate suitable chords to harmonise a folk song style melody(indicate by roman numerals) and also to write the notes which willform the bass line.

b) To add inner parts in a passage for SATB in which the sopranoand bass are given and to show chord analysis.

2 Harmonic analysis: In a given extract for piano or voices to identify theabove elements and in addition to recognise chromatic passingnotes,appoggiaturas, supertonic seventh, diminished seventh chords andmodulations to related keys.

3 Counterpoint: The writing of simple two-part counterpoint by adding anothermelody above or below a given melody.

4 History: A general knowledge of the Impressionist and Modern periods toinclude style, forms, main composers and their standard works.

5 Musical perception: General questions on an orchestral extract to includerudiments, ornaments, harmonic structure and instruments.

Publishers & Suppliers 77


Most of the music set on the syllabus should be available easily from local musicretailers, who will also order in materials not in stock. In the event of difficultyobtaining items, Irish, UK and international publishers are listed below. TheContemporary Music Centre (Ireland) is an information agency for all matters relatedto contemporary Irish composers, as well as supplying copies of pieces by thesecomposers.


Conradh na Gaeilge Siopa leabhair, 6 Sr Fhearchair, Baile Àtha Cliath 2 TEL 01-4783814Educational Music Services Ltd 22 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1 Tel: 01-8742310Fax: 01-8725292 Email: Web: www.educationalmusicservices.ieMcCullough Pigott 11 South William Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01-6773138

Opus II 26 South Great George's Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01-6778872 Fax: 01-6798733Web: Email: info@opus2.ieOpus II (Galway) 5 St Augustine Street Galway, Tel: (091) 500300 Email: opus2galway@eircom.netOpus II (Cork) 131 Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork, Tel: (021) 4279611 Email: Waltons 2-5 North Frederick Street, Dublin 1 69; Tel: 01-8747805 Fax: 01-8786065South Great Georges Street, Dublin Tel: 01-4750661 Web: www.waltonsmusic.comEmail:


Alfred Publishing, see under Faber Music Distribution; Web:

An Gúm c/o Foras Na Gaeilge, 7 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Tel: 1850-325325; Web: Ashdown, see under Music Sales

Associated Board 24 Portland Place, London WC1B 1LU, United Kingdom Tel: +44-20-76365400 Fax: +44-20-7637024 Email: Music Publications The Old Forge, Sand Hutton, York YO4 1LB Tel: +44-1904-468472 Fax: +44-1904-468679Bärenreiter Ltd, Burnt Mill, Elizabeth Way, Harlow, Essex CM20 2HX UK Tel: +44-1279-828930 Fax: +44-1279-828931 Web: www.baerenreiter.comBelfast Public Library, Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 IEA, Northern Ireland, Tel: 048-90243233 Beaumaris Publications, Rockfield, Carrigavantry, Tramore, Co. WaterfordIreland, Tel: 051-391746; Email:

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus78

Belwin Mills, see under Faber Music DistributionBoosey and Hawkes, Aldwych House, 71-91 Aldwych, London WC2B 4HN, U K Tel: +44-20-75802060 Fax: +44-20-74362850 Web: Breitkopf & Härtel, Broome Cottage, The Street, Suffield, Norwich NR11 7EQ Tel: +44-1263 768732Fax: +44-1263 768733 Web: www.breitkopf.comBosworth & Co Ltd, 8/9 Frith Street, London W1V 5TZ, UK Tel: +44-20-74324229Fax: +44-20-74392848 Web: www.musicroom.comBrass Wind Publications, 4 St Mary's Road, Manton, Oakham, Leicester LE15 8SU,England -Tel: +44-1572 -737409 / 737210 Fax: +44-1572- 737409 Web: Kodály Academy, c/o 13 Midmoor Rd, London SW19 4JD Tel: +44-208-9712062 Fax: +44-208-9466561 Web: www.britishkodalyacademy.orgChester Music, see under Music SalesCMC – Contemporary Music Centre, 19 Fishamble Street, Dublin 8 Tel: 01-6731922; Fax: 01-6489100; Web: Email:info@cmc.ieCNC – Cumann Náisiúnta na gCór, Drinan Street, Cork Tel: 021-4312296; Fax: 021-4962457 Email: Web: www.cnc.ieCramer Music, 23 Garrick Street, London WC2E 9AX TEL-+44-20-72401612; FAX-+44-20-72402639Creighton Music, see under CMCCurwen, see under Music SalesDisney, see under Music SalesEditio Musica Budapest, see under Faber Music Distribution Web:

Faber Music Ltd, 3 Queen Street, London WC1N 3AU, UK Tel: +44-20-72787436Fax: -20-72783817 Web: www.fabermusic.comFaber Music Distribution, Burnt Mill, Elizabeth Way, Harlow Essex, CM20 2HX,United Kingdom, Tel: +44-1279-828989, Fax: +44-1279-828990 Web: www.fabermusic.comFentone Music Ltd, c/o de Haske, Fleming Road, Earltrees, Corby, Northants NN172SN, UK Tel: +44-1536-260981 Fax: +44-1536-401075 Web: www.dehaske.comForsyth Brothers, 126-128 Deansgate, Manchester MS 2GR, U K Tel: +44-161-8343281 Fax: +44-161-8340630 Web:; Email:, PO Box 100, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire ,GL20 7YQ, UK. Tel: 0044-1684-773883; Fax: 00441684-773884 Web: Leonard, see under Music SalesHenle Verlag, see under Schott; Web:

IMC (International Music Company), see under Schott/MDS Web: www.internationalmusicco.comIMP (International Music Publications), see under Faber Music DistributionLakeview Music, see under Music Sales

Leslie Music Supply, see under GoodmusicLengnick, Pigeon House Meadow, 27 Grove Road, Beaconsfield, BuckinghamshireHP9 1UR, England Tel: +44-1494-681216 Fax: +44-1494-670443

Publishers & Suppliers 79

Maecenas Europe, 5 Bushey Close, Old Barn Lane, Kenley, Surrey CR8 5AU, UKTel: +44-20-8660 3914/ 4766 ; Fax: +44-20-8668 5273 Press, 16 Hume Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 01-6615299 Fax: 6618583Web: www.mercierpress.ieMusic Exchange Ltd, Claverton Road, Manchester, M23 9ZA ,England Tel: +44-161-9461234 Fax: 061-9461195 Web: Music Library, Dublin Public Libraries, Central Library, ILAC Centre, Henry Street,Dublin 1 Tel: 01-8734333 Web: http://libcat.dublincity.ieMusic Publishers’ Association (UK), 3rd Floor, Strandgate, 18-20 York Building,London WC2N 6JU, UK Tel: +44-20-78397779 Web: Sales Ltd, 8-9 Frith Street, London W1V 5TZ, UK Tel: +44-20-74340066 Web: Novello & Co. Ltd, see under Music Sales Ossian Publications, c/o The Living Tradition, 45a MacCurtain Street - Cork, CorkTel/Fax: 021-4502564; Web: ; see also Music Sales Website OUP - Oxford University Press, Walton Street, OXFORD OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44-1865-556767 Web: Paxton, see under Music SalesPeer Music Classical, Peer House, 8-14 Verulam Street, London, WC1X 8LZ Tel: +44-20-74047200 Fax: +44-20-74047004 Web: www.peermusicclassical.comPeters Edition Ltd, 10-12 Baches Street, London N1 6DN Tel: +44-20-75534009Fax: +44-20-75534021 Web: www.edition-peters.comRicordi (G) & Co, see under UMP Roberton Music, The Windmill, Wendover, Aylesbury, Bucks HP22 6JJ, UnitedKingdom Tel: +44-1296-623107; music available from GoodmusicRoyal School of Church Music, 19 The Close, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 2EB,England Tel: + 44-1722 424848 Fax: +44-1306-887240 Web: www.rcsm.comSchauer (Richard), see under Boosey & HawkesSchirmer (G), see under Music SalesSchott, 48 Gt Marlborough Street, London W1V 2BN, UK Tel: +44-20-74375203/1246 Fax: 0171-4376115 Web: www.schott-music.comSouthern Music Publishing Company, see under Peer Music ClassicalStainer & Bell, PO Box 110, Victoria House, 23 Gruneisen Road, London N3 1DZ,UK Tel: +44-20-83433303 Fax: 081-3433024 Web: Music, Studio 5a Fairbank Studios, 75-81 Burnaby Street, London, SW10ONS, Tel: +44-20-77514244; Fax: +44-20-77514255UMP (United Music Publishers), 33 Lea Road, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 1ES,UK Tel: +44-1992-703110 Fax: +44-1992-703189 Email: Web: - Universal Edition, 48 Gt Marlborough Street, London W1V 2BN, U K Web: www.universledition.comWaltons, 2-5 North Frederick Street, Dublin 1 69; Tel: 01-8747805 Fax: 01-8786065 South Great Georges Street, Dublin Tel: 01-4750661 Web: www.waltonsmusic.comEmail: info@waltonsmusic.ieWedderburn Music, PO Box 32, Greystones, Co. Wicklow Tel: 01-2876370

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus80

Williamson Music, see under Music SalesWise Publications, see under Music SalesWonderland Music Company, see under Music Sales


Adlib Music, Hanover Court, Kennedy Avenue, Carlow TEL: 059-9142771

Axe Shack, Market Lane, Tone Street, Ballina, Co Mayo TEL: 096-76660

Bookworm, 5 Liberty Square, Thurles, Co Tipperary TEL: 0504-22257

Broderick’s Music Warehouse, New Building Lane, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny TEL: 056-7765401The Book Centre, Main Street, Ballybofey, Co Donegal TEL: 074-9132384

John Cumiskey & Sons Ltd, 42-43 Clanbrassil St, Dundalk, Co Louth TEL: 042-9334174John J Collins, Castle Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo TEL: 094-9022701

Crowley's Music Centre, 29 MacCurtain Street, Cork TEL: 0214-503426

D K Music, The Court Shopping Centre, Newbridge, Co Kildare TEL: 045-431567

Edward Denniston, Centenary Square, Longford Town, Co Longford TEL: 043-46345Educational Music Services Ltd, 22 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1 TEL: 01-8742310

Essaness, Kieran Street, Kilkenny TEL: 056-7765693

Everest Music, Unit 1 Everest Centre, Castle Street, Bray TEL: 01-2861933

Henderson Pianos, 11 Bishop Street, The Diamond, Derry TEL: 048-71365791

In Tune Music, 6 Cumberland Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin TEL: 01-2841144

KNB Music, Unit 2 & 3 Court House Square, Maynooth, Co Kildare TEL: 01-6293320

Midland Sound Equipment, 10 Castlemaine Street, Athlone, Co Westmeath TEL: 090- 6475418Metro Music, Unit 19 Rathfarnham Shopping Centre, D 16 TEL: 01-4931322

Minstrel Music, Peter Street, Wexford Town, Co Wexford TEL: 053-9144105

Monastery Music, Monastery Road, Main Street, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 TEL: 4643389Musicman, Unit 2 Loughtee Business Park, Drumalee Cross, Cavan TEL: 049-4332131The Music Box, 15a Trimgate Street, Navan, Co Meath TEL: 046-9059555

The Music Store, Main Street, Roscrea, Co Tipperary TEL: 0505-23481

McCullough Pigott, 11 South William Street, Dublin 2 TEL: 01-6773138

Nataoisa Ltd, t/a McAloon Centre, 33 Trimgate Street, Navan TEL: 046-9022313

Oasis Music Shop, Pearse Road, Sligo Town, Co Sligo TEL: 071-9153540

Opus II, 24 South Great George's Street, Dublin 2 TEL: 01-6778571

Opus II, 131 Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork TEL: 021-4279611 Opus II, 2d William Street West, Galway TEL: 091-589400

John Palmer Music Centre, 7 George’s Street, Waterford TEL: 051-879333

Piano & Music Centre, Ballinode, Co Monaghan TEL: 047-89232

Publishers & Suppliers 81

The Piano Studio, Monaghan Road, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan TEL: 042-9746049P Powell & Sons, The Four Corners, William Street, Galway TEL: 091-562295

Premier Music Store, 58 O’Connell Street, Clonmel, Co Tipperary TEL: 052-29811

Pro Musica, Jem Music House, 20 Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork TEL: 021-4271659

The Record Room, Grosvenor House, Grattan Street, Sligo TEL: 071-9144765

Richardson’s Nenagh Academy of Music / Music Centre, 81 Connolly St, Nenagh,Co Tipperary TEL: 067-41633Ryan’s Books, Main Street, Mullingar, Co Westmeath TEL: 044-9342497

D R Ryan, 20 Bank Place, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary TEL: 062:51128

Soundfactory, Upper Irishtown, Athlone, Co Westmeath TEL: 090-6478983

Soundshop Ireland Ltd, Unit 11 East Coast Business Park, Matthews Lane,Drogheda, Co Louth TEL: 041-9831078Salmons Department Store, Main Street, Ballinasloe, Co Galway TEL: 090-9642120Savins Music Centre Limited, 111 O'Connell Street, Limerick TEL: 061-414095

Tullamore Soundcentre, Harbour Street, Tullamore, Co Offaly 057-9351575

Tuam Bookshop & Office Supplies, Vicar Street, Tuam, Co Galway TEL: 093-28907Variety Sounds, 7 College Street, Killarney, Co Kerry TEL: 064-35755

David Walsh, Office & School Supplies Ltd, 41 Lr Main Street, Dungarvan,Co Waterford TEL: 058-42786David Walsh Office & School Supplies, Ballinakill Shopping Centre, DunmoreRoad, Waterford TEL: 051-820690Waltons, 2-5 North Frederick Street, Dublin 1 TEL: 01-8747805 Waltons, 69 South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2 TEL: 01-4750661 Ward’s Music Shop, Castle Street, Donegal Town, Co Donegal TEL: 074-9721313

RIAM Local Centre Singing Syllabus82

List of Compilers

Singing Prof Kathleen Tynan, Head of Vocal Studies Faculty &Mr Philip O’Reilly, member of Vocal Studies Faculty

Music Theatre Ms Maureen V Ward, member of Vocal Studies Faculty

Vocal Duets Prof Kathleen Tynan, Head of Vocal Studies Faculty

Class Singing Prof Kathleen Tynan, Head of Vocal Studies Faculty

Aural Requirements Prof Deborah Kelleher, Head of MusicianshipMs Jean Archibald, Mrs Bernadette Marmion & MsMarie Moran, members of the Musicianship Faculty

Theory & Harmony Prof Deborah Kelleher, Head of MusicianshipMs Jean Archibald, Mrs Bernadette Marmion & MsMarie Moran, members of the Musicianship Faculty

Music Examples Mr Jonathan Nangle, member of the MusicianshipFaculty and Mr Philip O’Reilly, member of VocalStudies Faculty

Proofing Mr Eoin Garrett, Chairman of the Senior Examiners,Mr Philip Shields, Librarian, Ms Lorna Horan & Mr JohnMcNamara, Senior Examiners

Library Services Mr Philip Shields, Librarian

Project Co-ordinator Ms Theresa Doyle, Local Centre Manager