Syllabus MM5007 Financial Management 51A (1)


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  • 8/9/2019 Syllabus MM5007 Financial Management 51A (1)



    Financial ManagementTaufk Faturohman

    YOUNG PROFESS ON!" #"!SS $R5%!&

    'anuar( )0%5


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  • 8/9/2019 Syllabus MM5007 Financial Management 51A (1)



    4e*cri-tion Page

    % i*ion an3 Mi**ion o8 M,! T,9999999999999991999999991111111 :

    ) "earning Goal* o8 M,! T, 919999999999999999199999991111111111 :

    : "earning Goal* o8 Thi* #our*e 999999999999991999999999111111111 +

    + "earning Outcome* o8 Thi* #our*e 999999999991


    5 The #our*e Structure9999999999999999999999999999111111111 5

    ;The #our*ePlan99999999999999999999999999991111111111111111


    7"ecturer Profle 119999999999999999999999999999991111111111

    T,In &eneral' The MBA(ITB)slearning goal is to develo!students to have thefollowing hara teristi s : *nowledgeable and om!etent in management of business fun tions

    and resour es su h as mar$eting' +nan e' o!erations' human resour eand te hnolog%

    Ethi al and entre!reneurial business leader who has a big on ern

    about so ial and environmental issues ,nderstand the im!ortan e of lo al' national and global issues to

    business o!erations and able to ada!t the business o!erations tosustain and grow in the hanging business environment

    Continuousl% learn and develo! ownself using !rofessional' humanismand ethi al manner to deal with business hallenges in the future

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    There are three !rograms at MBA ITB Bandung am!us with s!e i+learning goals as follows:

    !1 Young Pro8e**ional The learning goal of this !rogram is to build business sensitivit% and

    business administration $nowledge and s$ills re-uired to start areer atmanagerial level.

    ,1 #reati?e an3 #ultural Entre-reneur*hi- $##E& The learning goal of this !rogram is to tea h students about doingbusiness in reative and ulture se tors and how to manage their newbusiness in these areas.

    #1 E@ecuti?e M,! The learning goal of this !rogram to im!rove students) agilit% in de ision

    ma$ing and to develo! a holisti view of business whi h enables them tolead a business !ro/e t on a higher level e0e tivel% in toda%)s businessenvironment.

    :1 "earning Goal* o8 Thi* #our*e

    "earning goals over:

    - Providing of understanding and !ers!e tives on +nan ialmanagement fun tions' both within the or!oration as well as inrelation to domesti and international e onomies.

    - &iving illustrations on +nan ial management !ra ti es and some!oli ies' !ro esses' te hni-ues and strategies a!!lied in +nan ialmanagement.

    - 1evelo!ing $nowledge on di0erent $inds and hara teristi s of !roblems' and !ossibilities of these +nan ial !roblems to omeabout' and enhan ing the a!a ities for dealing with the !roblemsthrough a!!roa hes and develo!ments of reliable !roblem solvingstrategies.

    - Enhan ing s$ills in the !lanning and monitoring of +nan ialmanagement fun tions e0e tivel%' to be a!able of a!!l%ing theright management strateg% for dealing with or!orate hallenges inorder to ma2imi3e shareholder wealth.

    +1 "earning Outcome* o8 Thi* #our*e

    After !arti i!ating in this ourse' students are e2!e ted to:

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    4. 5ave the s$ills to read and anal%3e or!orate +nan ial re!ortsom!rehensivel%.

    6. Be a!able of using di0erent te hni-ues to design or!orate business!lans' as well as !ro forma +nan ial fore asting.

    7. ,nderstand the on e!ts of +nan ial values over time' and sele tion of !ro+table investments for the or!oration through a!ital budgeting.

    8. Com!rehend the on e!t of an o!timal a!ital stru ture' and be able tosele t low(ris$ and 9e2ible +nan ial resour es for the or!oration.

    . ,nderstand the on e!t of ris$s' and be a!able of a!!l%ing the on e!tfor the or!oration to minimi3e ris$s through diversi+ ation of !ortfoliosor through derivatives.

    ;. Be a!able of a!!l%ing the on e!t of or!orate !ro+t sharing through !a%ingout of dividends as well as sto $ re!ur hasing .

  • 8/9/2019 Syllabus MM5007 Financial Management 51A (1)


    4ate Outcome$*& !cti?it($ie*& Pre-aration E?aluationFacilita



    =anuar% 6>th ' 6>4

    ( ,nderstanding anda!!l%ing $nowledgeand tools in themanagerial and

    strategi design!illar related with+nan ialmanagement.

    ( Anal%3inginformation

    om!rehensivel% b%onsidering various

    fa tors in thebusinessenvironment?internal ande2ternal@.

    ( ,sing +nan ial data

    Se**ion %$0=100>04

    ( ,nderstanding anda!!l%ing $nowledgeand tools in themanagerial andstrategi design!illar related with+nan ialmanagement.

    ( Anal%3inginformation

    om!rehensivel% b%onsidering various

    fa tors in thebusinessenvironment?internal ande2ternal@.

    ( ,sing +nan ial data

    Se**ion %$0=100>0

  • 8/9/2019 Syllabus MM5007 Financial Management 51A (1)


    onsidering various

    fa tors in thebusinessenvironment?internal and

    Se**ion )$0%%1%5&.#la**


    ead W=Ch. 666(6 74D67 e2t 748 ?oG e@H

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    > 46688 ;D; ?mobile@

    E>mail : tau+$.f sbm(itb.a .id H

    ta0%Jforeman %ahoo. om

    O ce : 748 BM Building

    Statu* : ull time "e turer

    !2out me.

    Tau+$ aturohman is urrentl% le turer at the hool of Business andManagement Institute of Te hnolog% Bandung ? BM ITB@. 5e re eived a Ph1in E onomi s and inan e from Curtin Business hool' Curtin ,niversit% of

    Te hnolog% Western Australia. The title of his dissertations is An E2aminationof the &rowth of Islami Ban$ing in Indonesia from 6>>7(6>4>#. Tau+$

    obtained his MBA from ITB' and graduated with honor ? um laude@. 5e earneda Ba helor degree in Materials Engineering' also from ITB. Tau+$)s resear hinterests are Islami ban$ing' Islami +nan e' or!orate +nan e' business ris$management and e onomi s.

    =1 Gra3ing

    A. Assessment criteria The assessment of students) attainments uses the following riteria:

    4. Be a!able of om!rehending the on e!ts' theories' and ideas thatdevelo! during le tures.

    6. Be a!able of a!!l%ing the on e!ts on e2am!les of or!orate life' boththrough ase studies as well as the students) own e2!erien es.

    7. Be a!able of onvin ing other !eo!le' and be a!able of leading debatesin ase dis ussions.

    A. Assessment methods

    Performan e of students in this ourse will be evaluated using severalmethodsKmedia' !arti ularl% that on ern with:

    4. Luantit% and -ualit% of !arti i!ation during ase dis ussions in lass.6. Presentation' in luding -ualit% of substan e and how the% are !resented.

    7. Lualit% of answers in -ui33es' mid(semester e2am' as well as end(semester e2am.

    8. Lualit% of team wor$ing and leadershi! in !resentations and asedis ussions.

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    The +nal mar$ will be determined based on weighting of mar$s' for e2am!le'as follows:

    Class !arti i!ation Individual

    &rou! !resentation &rou! 4

    Peer assessment Individual 4>

    Mid(semester e2am Individual 7

    End(semester e2am Individual 7

    TOT!" %00

    # . Participation and contributions in team works

    Parti i!ation in the lass is a vital !art in develo!ing the students)om!eten es in this +nan ial management ourse. All students are

    e2!e ted their a tive !arti i!ation in sharing their $nowledge and ideas'a tivel% onve%ing their o!inions or argumentations' so that other !eo!le

    ould gras! and understand what the student is thin$ing about.

    1uring le tures' the students are e2!e ted to show and develo!MANAGERIAL DECISI N MA!ING S!ILLS IN "#E $IELD $ $INANCIALMANAGEMEN" . To be more s!e i+ ' the students are e2!e ted to be

    a!able of:

    4. Identif%ing' anal%3ing' and +nding solutions for !roblems in the +eld of +nan ial management.

    6. Communi ating their ideas.

    7. A!!l%ing relevant on e!ts and methods in managing or!orate +nan es.

    8. 1evelo!ing reative ideas in managing or!orate +nan es.

    tudents) !arti i!ation in the lass will also a0e t the -ualit% of grou!dis ussions or even the lass as well. The level of a student)s role in thegrou! or lass re9e ts the student)s level of ontribution in the learning!ro ess during ase dis ussions or grou! assignments. The greater the

    ontribution of ea h !arti i!ant in the grou! or lass' the more meaningfuland dee!er is the !rogressing learning !ro ess. It is im!ortant to note herethat students have to !ut more im!ortan e on -ualit% rather than -uantit%.

    The following is a des ri!tion on -ualit% of a student)s ontribution:

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    4. E@cellent contri2utor . The student has arefull% !lanned the materialsfor ontribution in the lass. The ideas that the student suggests aresubstantial ideas that on ern the to!i of dis ussion.

    6. Goo3 contri2utor . The student delivers his or her argumentation!ro!erl% with relevant reasoning. The student)s argumentations ould

    en ourage other !arti i!ants to im!rovise.7. Fair contri2utor . The student !re!ares his or her materials fairl%. The

    ideas the student suggests are useful for !roblem solving' however' the%are sometimes not relevant to the main on ern in the dis ussion. Whenthe student is not a member of the dis ussion grou!' the -ualit% of thatgrou! dis ussion will be dwindling.

    8. na3eHuate contri2utor . The ontributor has not !re!ared his or hermaterials !ro!erl%. ometimes' the ideas the student !uts forward are-uite im!ortant' however' not relevant to the to!i of dis ussion. Thisstudent does not thin$ further about the to!i and ontributes little for theteam.

    . Not -artici-ating . The student is !assive and does not sa% an%thing inlass dis ussion. u h students are /ust free(riders who will onl% ta$e

    advantage from team dis ussions.

    41 %ui&Lui33es will be regularl% ondu ted without an% noti e beforehand. This is totest the e2tent of the students) om!rehension of the ourse materials.

    E1 Mid'semester and the end'o( semester e)amsBoth e2ams om!rise of short ases or !roblems and a number of -uestions. Mide2am will be ondu ted as !er s hedule atta hed.

    or the students) onsiderations' their !erforman es will be assessed andgraded a ordingl%' as follows:

    4. To identif% and anal%sis of !roblems K main issues.

    6. To identi+ ation of $e% assum!tions from the student)s answers.

    7. ,se of a!!ro!riate instruments for anal%sis.

    8. A e!ting or re/e ting ertain alternatives using onsistent arguments ina ordan e to the student)s assum!tions' al ulations' andinter!retations that are relevant to information about the ase.

    . Pro!osing a!!ro!riate !lans and onsistent a tions in line with thestudent)s anal%ses.

    ;. e ommending best solution for the ase or -uestions' also the student)sargumentations.

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    F1 *orkin+ hourstudents an meet the le turers of this ourse at ertain hours that will be

    noti+ed in the MBA ITB announ ement board to dis uss relevant oursematerials.

    tudents an onta t the le turers through the e(mail address. Besides' studentsan also meet the le turers b% a!!ointment.

    We will be grateful if students are a tive' as$ing -uestions and suggesting their!ositive ideas and o!inions during the ourse' so all of us an be ome the best.

    >D6. ?*MP @ Financial Management; Principles and Applications, Arthur =.

    *eown' =ohn 1. Martin' =. William Pett% N 1avid . ott' =r. Pearson Prenti e5all' Tenth Edition' 6>> .

    7. ?B*M@ Investments, Ovi Bodie' Ale2 *ane N Alan =. Mar us' M &raw(5ill'i2th Edition' 6>> .

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