Sweet pea pm


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Country Hearth

Country Hearth

#166E 15” Sweet Pea

Supplies for Sweet Pea!

Tan or tea or coffee stained fabric for head and hands

White on white print for apron…………………..27”x 6”

Muslin for bloomers and sleeves

Print for stuffed heart

Wool for shoes or you can use stretch corduroy

Bonnet……………………… Brim: 17”x7”---5”x20 for back

Lace for apron…………………….……………………..27”

2 gold buttons for shoes

Small jute for little bow

Sand or rice for boots…Hot glue and glue gun

Misc. print for patches and 2 buttons and 1 wood heart

Large eyed needle and crochet thread

Flesh tone Sculptey for nose

Paint for mouth and white for highlights( no eyes!)

Pigma pen for freckles

Deena’s Country Hearth dolls can be made for fun or profit but cannot be

massed produced without permission. No reproduction of pattern in any way can be done except for personal use..Country Hearth is not responsible for human error when making these dolls. This is an E-pattern and cannot be resold in any way. Email: Dee@DeenasCountryHearth.com

Web site: www.DeenasCountryHearth.com

Deena’s E-Pattern



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Deena’s Country Hearth Directions for: 14” Sweet Pea dolls

Directions for applying elastic…Fold and press under 1’’ …Lay elastic close to raw edge on both layers…back stitch on beginning of elastic…holding onto fabric behind presser foot, pull the elastic and zig zag over the elastic to end of fabric(zig zagging over elastic is making a casing) …Pull elastic to desired length… Back stitch across end. Cut out hands, boots and body piece(body piece can be made out of muslin)….tear piece for, apron and bonnet….Measurement for apron and bonnet are on the back of the cover.

Important: This doll must be done in this order or you will not be able to dress her! It is very important to let the hot glue set or the doll will be unstable.

Body….Leaving top open, sew around body piece…At corners, place seams together like in photo and tie a piece of crochet thread around corners(1” in) and tie and

knot… . Turn and stuff very firm…Hand gather top closed.

Boots….Leaving top open sew around both boots twice…(this make the seams stronger for stuffing firmly)Clip at corner and turn ….Fill with 1 cup of sand each and then start putting in small amounts of stuffing, making sure the toe is firm…As you stuff up the leg of the boot push

stuffing in firmly…(I tend to use cheap stuffing for this top part…It packs tighter)…Hand



gather top of boot closed when you reach the top and then push top flat.


(be careful when stuffing that you do not push too hard and bust the seams)

Step 2…On one toe, apply some hot glue and press into the side of the other foot…Hold firmly until set so glue doesn’t show….This may take a couple of minutes.. The bloomers must be placed over the boot tops before the body is glued on, as the feet are too big to pull the bloomers on afterwards. Doing this now makes it easier to work on your Sweet Pea.

Bloomers…Sew one crotch seam…Press down waistband 1” and apply elastic ¼” from raw edge…Pull elastic at end until piece measures about 12”…Sew other crotch seam and then turn back bottom of legs under 1” and apply elastic, pulling each are about 7”…Sew center leg seam…Turn

and put on doll like this… putting the leg ruffles first over the top of the boots and pushing waistband of bloomers down so top of boot are not covered.(I know it looks weird!)

Putting Body on legs....Apply glue to top of each leg (top of boot)…Position and press body down on top of legs

…Hold until set…If you want her to tip to one side,



when this glue is set, tip body in the direction you want and place some glue under that area and hold until set again…(if the body wobbles too much add some glue around the edges until it is steady…(This is where you will have problems if you didn’t stuff the legs and body firm enough)….Pull bloomers up around doll.

Head…Now this is something that may take some practice but when you learn the feel for it, it is quite easy!...Take your thumb and fingers and make a big C…Place your tan fabric over your hand

and push a big ball of stuffing in the center of your tan fabric… push down until ball is between your thumb and your pointer finger squeezing slightly around it…Continue stuffing until you have a firm


Squeeze tight around bottom of ball shaping into a nice round

shape and wrap several times around bottom of ball with some jute and tie off…Cut remainder of fabric off



close... You can work with making it rounder by squeezing it to a little different shape…. Making the head this way will make your head sizes vary….Check out the drawing for the face and judge from that…I make them many sizes but stay within that range....Also don’t worry about if it is really round…Just make sure it is firm enough and most of the wrinkles are at the side of the head….Hat will also cover the part you have wrapped.(I have included a round head pattern if you just don’t like doing it this way)…Gather around circle and pull until you just have a hole about 2” wide…Keep putting stuffing in until it is firm and you have worked out as many wrinkles as you can…Don’t be in a hurry, this can take a little time to get a nice firm head…When done pull gather threads tight and tie off….The gathered part will still be the back of your head.

Place some hot glue over gather spot on body and press head down until

set(gathers to back) .

Face….. Make a nose out of Sculpey and bake as directed on pkg…Make a mark on face where you want the nose…Put a tiny hole in center of mark and glue nose on with the E6000 glue(don’t use too much!)…Press ever few minutes until set( It’s best to lay flat so nose don’t fall off while it dries). Blush cheeks and nose… I did not put eyes on this doll…Apply 1 dot of white on each cheek and end of nose (I like to use a toothpick) With a fine felt pen, apply freckles… Add a small red dot with tail for mouth….(see drawing on pattern)



Sleeves…Turn up bottom of sleeve 1” and apply elastic 1/8” from raw edge…Pull elastic at end until it measures 4 ½”...Sew across end of elastic…Turn and add a tiny amount of stuffing inside sleeve....

Fold sleeve so seam is in middle of one side…Then fold the top down and tack with glue…Apply glue to top on wrong side of sleeves and put close head on each side..Press down and let


Hands….Sew around both hand pieces, turn and stuff firmly ½” from top…Gather top shut and insert hand into bottom of sleeve and tack down with a little bit of hot glue at elastic line.(Hands should face forward.)

Apron…On one long edge press under 1’’ and apply elastic…Pull elastic at end until piece measures about 11” before sewing across end…Sew back



seam, turn and pull on doll …Sew patch and button to front of apron.

Bonnet…Take the brim piece and fold in half the long way…Sew down both ends…Turn and press…Gather down the long raw edge until piece

measures about 8” …Take the bonnet back strip and hem both of the short ends...Gather down both long edges to 8”

and with RST sew the brim piece to one long edge of

the other gathered bonnet back piece… fold the back of the hat piece in half and sew along gather line forming the seam

in back of hat …Turn… Add



some stuffing to top of bonnet and place over head tacking down in center back and two front corners with hot glue or you can hand stitch on…Pull front of hat down to just above nose and tack down with glue…I turn the two bottom corners of brim under(towards front) and tack down with a tiny bit of glue and sew a button on each corner as shown.

Heart and patches….Cut a slit in one side of heart piece…With Rst sew around the whole heart …Clip where needed and turn through slit in back of heart….Stuff and whip stitch the slit closed…With crochet thread and needle, whip stitch around the outside edge with random stitches…The messier the better!...You can glue this to her hand or hand stitch on…I tied a jute bow and glued on front of heart….For patches tear a couple squares out of the prints you want and hand stitch on the front of apron…I also put a wooden heart button on patches….The cloth button was made the same way as the head only I made it the size of a marble…Before gluing it on, I smashed it some and cut a small hole for the back to go through….I also added two heart button to her shoes.

Hope you enjoyed making this doll!

Thank you for purchasing my pattern!......Deena
