Swedish Comp System v1.8.2


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  • 7/29/2019 Swedish Comp System v1.8.2


    Swedish Comp SystemComposition template for warhammer fantasy battles

    v. 1.8.2

    May 2, 2013


    1 Introduction 2

    2 Calculating composition 5

    3 Beastmen 6

    4 Bretonnia 10

    5 Chaos Dwarfs 13

    6 Daemons of Chaos 16

    7 Dark Elves 21

    8 Dwarfs 26

    9 Empire 29

    10 High Elves 35

    11 Lizardmen 39

    12 Ogre Kingdoms 43

    13 Orcs and Goblins 46

    14 Skaven 52

    15 Tomb Kings 56

    16 Vampire Counts 59

    17 Warriors of Chaos 65

    18 Wood Elves 71

    19 War Machines 74


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    1 Introduction

    New to the Swedish Comp System?

    This is a compositions template made for Warhammer Fantasy Battles 8th edition. While it might appear very complicated at first sight, mostpeople find it rather simple once they understand how it works. The main idea is to give each army a composition score of 0 - 20, which representthe overall strength of the army. A very rough scale would look something like this:

    0 - 7: A powerful army8 - 13: An average army14 - 20: A friendly army

    These values should be taken with a grain of salt, it is mainly the relative difference between armies that matters, and tells which of thearmies is considered stronger. Also note that these scales are for armies within the comp system, a player that is used to uncomped or verylightly comped Warhammer would probably consider all armies above 0 as rather weak. The template is not made to work for values outside therange of 0 to 20. Also note that there are no rules changes built in the comp system as is the case for most other comp systems. If you aretesting this system for the first time, do not plug your usual tournament army into the system, this will almost always give you a lowerscore than you deserve. Instead look at the composition list for your army book and build a new army list from scratch with the comp valuesin mind. As the document can not take all possible variables into consideration, heavily themed armies will often get penalised more than they deserve.


    The main goal of the system is to evaluate the strength of an army. There are however also a few secondary goals:- Promote creativity in list writing- Award tactile play by:

    1. Minimize rock/paper/scissor list types2. Direct the meta game away from play styles that is (by many) perceived as boring (such as very defensive castle play, deathstars, avoidance-point

    denial, few enormous units etc)


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    The composition template is written with the scenario battle line in mind. The reason for this is that using all or some of the rule bo ok scenarioswould not be a very good representation of what scenarios are actually being played at tournaments, where a very large multitude of differentscenarios are being used. It would be impossible to take all types of scenarios into consideration, and thus all units are comped for there strength inthe a regular battle line scenario.

    This does not mean that we discourage the use of other scenarios, but tournament organizers should have this in mind when creating/choosingscenarios for a tournament that uses this comp system. Scenarios that greatly changes the usefulness or roles of certain units (such as allowingcheap and very mobile units to claim objectives or rewarding extra victory points for destroying certain types of units) might not work well with thecomposition template.

    RulesThis composition template is made under the assumption that the rules interpretations from SWFAC are used.Note that at the end of this document there is a section regarding open/semi-closed lists. The composition template should work for both open andsemi-closed lists.

    How to use the document

    This template is made to work for armies around 2400 points. Armies of points values to far from this will not get very accurate compositionscores (2200 to 2600 should be fine). The composition values can be used for many things, some of the more common and tested uses are:- Comp Threshold: To have a legal army your comp score must be above a certain predetermined value.Pros: A very simple approach that forces all armies to be of somewhat equal strength.

    - Classic Bonus Comp Points: At the end, beginning or middle of a tournament, each players comp score is added to his total score.Pros: Each player can play whatever he want, and players that brings softer armies are rewarded.- Active Comp: At the end of each battle, the result of the game is effected by the difference in comp score between the players. The easiest wayof doing this is to give bonus victory points to the player with the higher comp score. Comp difference * 100 vp works well, but this can easily bemodified to have more or less impact from the comp.Pros: Most fair system where the luck of the draw is taken into consideration, and players that faces stronger armies are compensated more thanplayers that faces weaker armies. Note that there might be a good idea to have a maximum and minimum allowed comp score to avoid high comp


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    armies gaining too much of an advantage over low comp armies, thus creating a meta game where high comp armies that plays for draws are topowerful.- Pairings: The comp is taken into account when determining pairings (who plays who). For example, in the first game players will face other playerswith a comp score difference of2, in the second game the interval is changed to 4 (and similar battle points), the third game to 6 and so on.Pros: Ensures that the games are as even as possible, where both the skill of the players (normal swiss) and the strength of the army (comp) is takeninto account.- Other: Be creative, there are many types of advantages/disadvantages that could be used to equalize games between armies of different compscores.

    Updates and feedback

    The Swedish comp system is regularly updated, a few times each year. The latest version can always be found here:

    Swedish Comp System

    This document is in many ways a community effort. Feedback and suggested changes are gathered from the warhammer tournament com-munity, and a group of a few veteran players and authors sorts through the feedback and implements some of the ideas.

    There are two ways to give feedback:- In the relevant threads on the Swedish Warhammer tournament forum. Most posts are in Swedish, but it is perfectly acceptable to post in English.- Email to us, swedishcompsystem@gmail.comNote that the comp system changes the meta game quite a lot, which means that choices that are not very good in other environments might bemuch stronger under the Swedish comp system, and vice versa. We therefore strongly engorges people to play a few games with (and against) armiescreated under the comp before providing any feedback.

    Authors: Erik Aronson, Rikard Aslund Troger

    Co-authors: Johan Lagmo, Emil Frojd, Henrik Hoffstrom, Anders Gustavsson, Robert Johansson, Bjorn Ericson


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    2 Calculating composition

    All armies start at a composition score of 300.

    For each unit in your army, the corresponding entry in this document specifies the composition score for that unit, deduct (or add in some rarecases) this value to your overall comp score. Do this for each unit in your army list separately. All entries in this document should be appliedindividually for each unit unless stated otherwise. After all units have been taken into consideration, divide your total score by 10.

    If several penalties under a unit are true for a given unit, use all of the composition penalties and add them together.

    For many units the composition is given based on the size of the unit, in these cases use the composition score that corresponds to the numberof models in the unit (including command group, but not models such as weapon teams, fanatics or Skulkers). Note that since all units shouldbe considered individually unless noted otherwise, the additional penalties for models over the fixed values are applied for each unit individually.

    Each army list composition is divided into lords, heroes, core, special and rare. Any units that can be taken from different categories (such asunits made to core because of some character) should be given their composition scores from the category they originally comes from (i.e. youcan not avoid composition points by taking a unit as core instead of special where it is listed).

    There is also a generic part, where penalties based on the number of a type of unit or options that several units can take are listed. All unitsin the army that has options from the generic list should pay for these, just as if they were listed under the units themselves.

    In some cases we have written things as for every 2 x -4, -4 for each 2 x or similar. This means that you get -4 for every full 2 x you take.You should always round fractions down unless stated otherwise.

    Whenever a composition point is followed by brackets with another composition score inside, use the value in the brackets instead of the valueoutside the brackets if the conditions are met. In some cases the composition score in the brackets are listed as additional..., in these cases,you should add this to the composition score outside the brackets. If a composition score is not inside brackets, it is always in addition to otherapplicable composition scores. If there are several brackets, use all applicable brackets.

    When the composition differs from the first and second unit of that type, you are free to choose which unit is the first and which is the second ifit matters.

    After all units have been considered, you should divide your total score by 10 to reach your final composition value (between 0 and 20).( 300 - (1st unit composition) - (2nd unit composition) - ... - (last unit composition) ) / 10 = final composition score (0-20)


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    3 Beastmen


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Magic itemsChalice of Dark Rain -6Crown of Command -25Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death or Shadow)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Jagged Dagger -3Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4Shard of the Herdstone -6 for each wizard in the army (additional -1

    for each wizard with Lore of Shadow)Stone of Spite -5

    BannersBanner of Discipline -4The Beast Banner -7


    Khazrak the One-Eye -20

    Gorthor the Beastlord -8Note additional penalty under Tuskgor Chariot/Razorgor Chariot

    Malagor, the Dark Omen -30Lore of Death -10Lore of Shadow -10Lore of the Wild +6

    Taurox, the Brass Bull -25

    Doombull -18Axes of Khorgor -4Gnarled Hide -7Charmed Shield -2Sword of Swift Slaying -5

    The Brass Cleaver -3Ramhorn Helm -2 (-5 if combined with Dawn Stone)

    Beastlord -10Ramhorn Helm -3 (only if combined with Dawn Stone)Gnarled Hide -2

    Great Bray-shaman -17Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Death -10Lore of Shadow -10Lore of the Wild +6


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    Morghur, Master of Skulls -10

    Slugtongue -18Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army)

    Moonclaw, son of Morrslieb -7Lore of the Wild +2

    Wargor -3

    Battle standard bearer -10Gnarled Hide -2

    Gorebull -5Battle standard bearer -10Gnarled Hide -2

    Bray-shaman -5Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army)Lore of the Wild +2


    Gor Herd10-13 -314-18 -419-23 -624-28 -929-33 -1234+ -16Each Gor in the unit after 40 -1Each Gor in the unit after 50 additional -4

    Ungor Raiders

    1st unit 02nd unit -2Each unit after the 2nd -5Each Ungor Raider in the army after 30 -1

    Ungor Herd10-13 -114-18 -119-23 -224-28 -329-33 -5

    34-39 -640-45 -746+ -8Each Ungor in the unit after 50 -1Each Ungor in the unit after 60 additional -4


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    Tuskgor Chariot/Razorgor Chariot

    (including chariots taken as character mounts)1st chariot -42nd chariot -7Each chariot after the 2nd -10Each chariot after the 6th additional -5Each Razorgor Chariot additional -2If a character mount +2

    Chaos Warhounds1st unit 02nd unit -2

    Each unit after the 2nd -5Each Warhound in the army after 30 -1


    Minotaurs3 -54-5 -86-7 -128+ -16Each Minotaur in the unit after 9 -5Each Minotaur in the unit after 15 additional -10

    Centigors5-6 -37-9 -510+ -8Each model in the unit after 12 -2Each model in the unit after 18 additional -8


    1st unit -52nd unit -93rd unit -12Each Harpy in the army after 25 -1

    Bestigor Herd10-13 -514-18 -1019-23 -1524-28 -2129-33 -28

    34+ -36Each Bestigor in the unit after 40 -2Each Bestigor in the unit after 50 additional -8

    Razorgor Herd1 -2 (-4 for each unit after the 1st of this size)2-3 -44-5 -76-7 -118+ -15Each Razorgor in the unit after 9 -5Each Razorgor in the unit after 15 additional -10


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    Chaos Spawn 0

    Cygor -2

    Ghorgon -6

    Giant -2

    Jabberslythe 0


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    4 Bretonnia


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Flying Characters2nd character with flying -43rd character with flying -10Each character with flying after the 3rd -15

    Magic itemsChalice of Malfleur -5Crown of Command -35Dispel Scroll/The Silver Mirror -7 (-10 for each after the 1st)Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Life)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4

    BannersStandard of Discipline -4


    King Louen Leoncoeur -40

    The Green Knight -40

    Fay Enchantress -50

    Lore of Life -15Grail Guardians count as Grail Knights

    Bretonnian Lord -8Royal Pegasus -4Virtue of Heroism -7Virtue of Audacity -2

    Prophetess of the Lady -18Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Beasts +2

    Lore of Life -15


    Paladin -3Additional -2 for each Paladin on warhorse after the 2ndBattle standard bearer -10Royal Pegasus -4

    Damsel of the Lady -5Level 2 wizard -2


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    Knights of the Realm5-6 -67-9 -1010-12 -1413-15 -18

    Knights Errant5-6 -57-9 -810-12 -1213-15 -16

    Errantry Banner -2

    Peasant Bowmen10-13 -214-18 -219-23 -324+ -4Each Bowman in the unit after 30 -1Skirmish -1


    10-13 -114-18 -119-23 -224-28 -329-33 -434-39 -640-45 -846+ -10Each Man-at-Arm in the unit after 50 -1Each Man-at-Arm in the unit after 60 additional -2

    SpecialMounted Yeomen -3Each Mounted Yeoman in the unit after 15 -2

    Questing Knights5-6 -57-9 -910-12 -14

    Pegasus KnightsEach Pegasus Knight -2

    1st unit -22nd unit -103rd unit -20


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    Grail Reliquae with Battle Pilgrims

    6-8 Battle Pilgrims -49-13 Battle Pilgrims -514-18 Battle Pilgrims -619-23 Battle Pilgrims -824-27 Battle Pilgrims -1028-30 Battle Pilgrims -12


    Field Trebuchet1st Field Trebuchet -172nd Field Trebuchet -25

    Grail Knights3-4 -55-6 -107-9 -1810-12 -28


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    5 Chaos Dwarfs


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    War machinesSome war machines and other unit in this army has a wmp-score associ-ated with it. See section 19 war machines (at the end of this document)for details.

    DaemonsmithsEach model with the Daemonsmith special rule counts as controlling upto two war machines*. Each controlled war machine is worth additionalwmp. Each war machine can one be controlled once. Use the warmachines that is worth the most additional wmp.*Including HellcannonsEach Dreaquake mortar 2 wmp (3 wmp if it has a Slave Ogre)Each Hellcannon 2 wmpEach Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher 1 wmpEach Magma Cannon 1 wmp

    Magic Items

    Chalice of Blood and Darkness -20 (additional -5 if level 3 or level 4wizard present in the army) (additional -5 if spells from lore of Deathor lore of Hashut present in the army)

    Crown of Command -25Daemonflask of Ashak -5 (only if mounted)Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death or Hashut)

    Fozzriks Folding Fortress -70

    Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4

    BannersStandard of Discipline -4


    Drazhoath the Ashen -70

    Sorcerer-Prophet -21Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Death -10Lore of Hashut -12Lore of Metal +2Blood of Hashut -3 (only if mounted)Great Taurus -7Bale Taurus -20Lammasu -5

    Level 2 wizard -2Sorcerous Exhalation -5


    Daemonsmith Sorcerer -5Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army)


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    Infernal Castellan -15

    Each Infernal Castellan after the 1st additional -10Battle standard bearer -10

    Bull Centaur Taurruk -112nd Bull Centaur Taurruk additional -4

    Hobgoblin Khan -2Giant Wolf -2 (-4 for each after the 1st)


    Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard10-13 -314-18 -619-23 -11/-9*24-28 -17/-14*29-33 -24/-20*34+ -32/-26*Each Infernal Guard in the unit after 40 -2Each Infernal Guard in the unit after 50 additional -3*if no additional equipment on rank and file models

    Hobgoblin Cutthroats

    20-23 -224-28 -329-33 -434-39 -540-45 -646+ -7Each Hobgoblin Cutthroat in the unit after 50 -1Each Hobgoblin Cutthroat in the unit after 60 additional -2


    Chaos Dwarf Infernal Ironsworn10-13 -414-18 -719-23 -1224-28 -1829-33 -2434+ -31Each Infernal Ironsworn in the unit after 40 -2Each Infernal Ironsworn in the unit after 50 additional -3

    Bull Centaur Renders3 -7

    4-5 -136-7 -208+ -28Each Bull Centaur Render in the unit after 9 -5Each Bull Centaur Render in the unit after 15 additional -10


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    Kdaai Fireborn

    3 -54-5 -96-7 -148+ -19Each Kdaai Fireborn in the unit after 9 -6Each Kdaai Fireborn in the unit after 15 additional -9

    Magma Cannon -18Each Magma Cannon is worth 5 wmp

    Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher -15

    Each Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher is worth 4 wmp

    Iron Daemon War EngineEach Iron Daemon War Engine is worth 3 wmp1st Iron Daemon War Engine -12Each Iron Daemon War Engine after the 1st -20Hellbound -4Skullcracker +2


    Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders -3Each model in the unit after 15 -1

    Dreadquake Mortar -8Each Dreadquake Mortar is worth 2 wmpSlave Ogre is worth 2 wmp

    Kdaai Destroyer1st Kdaai Destroyer -702nd Kdaai Destroyer -140-15 if Bale Taurus present in the army

    HellcannonEach Hellcannon is worth 5 wmp1st Hellcannon -30/-40*2nd Hellcannon -60/-80**If 3 or more spells from Lore of Death in the army

    Chaos Siege Giant -5Runes of Hate -2


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    6 Daemons of Chaos


    Reign of ChaosAll Daemons of Chaos armies receive a -5 due to the Reign of Chaos rules

    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    LocusSome loci tells you to use the number of wounds of the largest unit of a

    certain god. In these cases, the largest unit is the unit that has the mostwounds. If you have several loci that uses the same units, never use asingle unit more than once (use the combination of units and loci thatgives the largest penalty)

    BannersBanner of Discipline -4


    Skarbrand -60

    Kairos Fateweaver -100

    Kugath Plaguefather -50

    Blood Thirster -27

    Lesser Gift -6Greater Gift -10Exalted Gift -10

    Lord of Change -20Level 3 wizard -5Level 4 wizard -10Lesser Gift -7Greater Gift -8Exalted Gift -13

    Great Unclean One -30Level 2 wizard -5Level 3 wizard -12Level 4 wizard -20Lesser Gift -5Greater Gift -9Exalted Gift -15

    Keeper of Secrets -20Level 2 wizard -3 (-5 if lore of shadow)Level 3 wizard -9 (-12 if lore of shadow)Level 4 wizard -16 (-20 if lore of shadow)

    Lesser Gift -5Greater Gift -8Exalted Gift -13


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    Deamon Prince -6

    Level 1 wizard -4Level 2 wizard -6Level 3 wizard -10Level 4 wizard -18Lore of Death -3 for each spellLore of Nurgle -2 for each spellLore of Shadow -1 for each spellDaemon of Nurgle -4Chaos Armour -2Daemonic Flight -5 (-7 if combined with lore of death)Lesser Gift -4Greater Gift -7Exalted Gift -12


    Skulltaker -5Blood Throne -2Juggernaut -3

    Karnak -12Greater Locus -1 for each 6th Flesh Hounds in the largest unit

    with ambush

    The Blue Scribes -10

    The Changeling -7

    Epidemus -40

    -10 for each Nurgle Soul Grinder and/or Kugath Plaguefather-3 for each lore of Nurgle spellLesser Locus -1 for each 5th model in the largest Plaguebearer unit

    The Masque of Slaanesh -12

    Herald of Khorne -4Battle standard bearer -10 (+2 for each non-Khorne unit for at

    least 175p [max +6])Blood Throne -2 (Count the 2 largest units for the Loci penalties)Juggernaut -32nd Lesser Gift -1Greater Gift -1Greater Locus -1 for each 7th wound in the largest Khorne unitExalted Locus -1 for each 4rd wound in the largest Khorne unit

    Herald of Tzeentch -4Battle standard bearer -6 (+2 for each non-Tzeentch unit for at

    least 175p [max +6])Level 2 wizard -2Disc of Tzeentch -2Exalted Locus -2


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    Herald of Nurgle -4

    Battle standard bearer -12 (+2 for each non-Nurgle unit for atleast 175p [max +6])

    Level 1 wizard -32nd Lesser Gift -1Greater Gift -1Lesser Locus -1 for each 5th model in the largest Plaguebearer unitGreater Locus -1 for each 4th model in the largest Plaguebearer unitExalted Locus -1 for each 5th model in the largest Plaguebearer unit

    Herald of Slaanesh -3Battle standard bearer -10 (+2 for each non-Slaneesh unit for at

    least 175p [max +6])Level 1 wizard -2Steed of Slaneesh -12nd Lesser Gift -1Greater Gift -1Lesser Locus -2Greater Locus -1 for each 4th wound in the largest Slaneesh unitExalted Locus -3


    Bloodletters of Khorne

    10-13 -414-18 -819-23 -1324-28 -1829+ -24Each Bloodletter in the unit after 30 -2Each Bloodletter in the unit after 40 additional -8

    Pink horrors of Tzeentch

    10-13 -414-18 -619-23 -824-28 -1029+ -12Each Horror in the unit after 30 -1Each Horror in the unit after 40 additional -9

    Plaguebearers of Nurgle10-13 -414-18 -819-23 -1324-28 -1929+ -26Each Plaguebearer in the unit after 30 -2Each Plaguebearer in the unit after 40 additional -8

    Daemonettes of Slaanesh10-13 -414-18 -719-23 -1124-28 -1629+ -22

    Each Deamonette in the unit after 30 -2Each Daemonette in the unit after 40 additional -8


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    Bloodcrushers of Khorne3 -84 -115 -146 -187+ -22Each Bloodcrushers in the unit after 8 -6Each Bloodcrushers in the unit after 12 additional -8

    Flesh Hounds of Khorne5-6 -8

    7-9 -1410+ -20 Each Flesh Hound in the unit after 12 -3Each Flesh Hound in the unit after 15 additional -7Ambusher -4

    Flamers of TzeentchEach Flamer -1

    Screamers of TzeentchEach Screamer -11st unit -2Each unit after the 1st -6

    NurglingsEach Nurgling bases -1

    Beasts of Nurgle

    1 -52 -103 -184 -265 -356+ -45Each Beasts of Nurgle in the unit after 6 -10Additional -3 if Greater Daemon present in the armyEach unit after the 1st -4 (-10 of more than 7 Beasts of Nurgle present

    in the army)

    Seekers of Slaanesh5-6 -47-9 -610+ -8Each Seeker in the unit after 12 -2Each Seeker in the unit after 18 additional -8

    Fiends of Slaanesh3 -74-5 -126-7 -188+ -25

    Each Fiend in the unit after 9 -7Each Fiend in the unit after 12 additional -8

    Seeker Chariot of Slaneesh -3


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    Chaos Furies

    1st unit -62nd unit -103rd Unit -13


    Skull Cannon of Khorne1st Skull Cannon -252nd Skull Cannon -40

    Burning Chariot of Tzeentch1st Burning Chariot -92st Burning Chariot -13Blue horror crew -2

    Soul Grinder1st Soul Grinder -152nd Soul Grinder -30Daemonbone Claw -3Baleful Torrent -10Phlegm Bombardment -7Daemon of Nurgle -3

    Exalted Seeker Chariot -5

    Hellflayer -3

    Plague Drones of Nurgle

    3 -164 -225 -286+ -34Each Plague Drones of Nurgle in the unit after 6 -10Each Deaths Head -12nd unit -4


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    7 Dark Elves


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Power of DarknessCount all wizards with access to the Power of Darkness spell in the

    army, except the Black Staff1st Power of Darkness* -1/-3*2nd Power of Darkness* -5/-7*Each Power of Darkness* after the 2nd -13/-15**If the wizard has 4 or more spells (including Power of Darkness,

    and excluding bound spells)

    Flying Characters*2nd character with flying -73rd character with flying -10Each character with flying after the 3rd -15*2nd Dread Lord mounted on Dark Steed counts as a flying character

    Repeater crossbows

    Each model with one or more repeater crossbows after 35 -1

    Magic itemsArmour of Darkness -2Armour of Eternal Servitude -2 (only if mounted)Black Dragon Egg -3 (-6 if mounted)(-10 if mounted on flying mount)Black Staff -2

    Cloak of Hag Graef -6 (-12 if combined with Dawnstone) (only if mounted)

    Crown of Command -25 (additional -10 if mounted) (additional -25 ifcombined with Pendant of Khaeleth)

    Darkstar Cloak -7Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death or Shadow)Focus Familiar -2 (-6 if combined with Lore of Death)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Life Taker -3Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4Ring of Hotek -2 (only if mounted)Sacrifical Dagger -8 for each spell the bearer knowsSeal of Ghrond -7Tome of Furion -3Whip of Agony -2

    BannersBanner of Murder -2Hydra Banner -6 (only if mounted)Standard of Discipline -4Standard of Hag Graef -3 (-6 if mounted) (if mounted also additional -3

    for each non-wizard character mounted on dark steed and/or cold onepresent in the army)


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    Malekith, the Witch King -50Black dragon -20Cold One -5

    Morathi, the Hag Sorceress -40Additional penalties for magic items, see generic magic item list

    Crone Hellbron, The Hag Queen -25Couldron of Blood -18, additional -2 for each other Khainateunit/character in the army (up to max -7)

    Dread Lord -10Black Dragon -20Cold One or Dark Steed -2Dark Pegasus -9Pendant of Khaeleth -12 (-25 if mounted) (-35 if mounted on flying mount)

    Supreme Sorceress -21Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Death -14 (-18 if mounted)Lore of Dark Magic -2Lore of Fire -2Lore of Metal +3Lore of Shadow -17Black Dragon -15Pendant of Khaeleth -5 (-10 if mounted)


    Lokhir Fellheart, Captain of the Tower of the Blessed Dread -20

    Shadowblade, Master of Assassins -20

    Malus Darkblade, Scion of Hag Graef -5

    Master -4Battle standard bearer -10Cold One or Dark Steed -1Dark Pegasus -10Pendant of Khaeleth -4 (-15 if mounted) (-35 if mounted on flying mount)

    Sorceress -8Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Shadow -3 for each spell the Sorceress knows from Lore of ShadowLore of Death -2 for each spell the Sorceress knows from Lore of Death

    (additional -6 if mounted)Pendant of Khaeleth -4 (-6 if mounted on flying mount)

    Death Hag -1Battle standard bearer -8Rune of Khaine -1Couldron of Blood -18, additional -2 for each other Khainateunit/character in the army (up to max -7)


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    Assassin -11st Assassin with Rending Stars -32nd Assassin with Rending Stars -7Each Assassin with Rending Stars after the 2nd -15Manbane -1 (-4 if combined with Rending Stars)Rune of Khaine -2Touch of Death -2

    Repeater Crossbowmen10-13 -714-18 -10

    19-23 -1324-28 -1629+ -20Each Repeater Crossbowman in the unit after 35 -1

    Black Arc Corsairs10-13 -4/-5*14-18 -5/-6*19-23 -7/-9*24-28 -10/-13*29-33 -14/-16*34+ -19/-21*Each Black Arc Corsair in the unit after 40 -1/-1*Each Black Arc Corsair in the unit after 50 additional -5/-5**If armed with hand bows (excluding champion)Sea Serpent Standard -3

    Dark Elf Warriors

    10-13 -314-18 -419-23 -624-28 -829-33 -1134+ -15Each Warrior in the unit after 40 -1Each Warrior in the unit after 50 additional -5

    Dark Riders (with repeater crossbows)1st unit -52nd unit -7Each unit after the 2nd -12Each Dark Rider in the unit after 7 -1Each Dark Rider with repeater crossbow in the army after 15 -2(note additional penalty for Dark Riders in the army after 20)

    Dark Riders (without repeater crossbows)1st and 2nd unit -3 eachEach unit after the 2nd -5Each Dark Rider in the unit after 12 -1Each Dark Rider in the army (with and without crossbows) after 20 -2

    Harpies1st unit -62nd unit -10Each unit after the 2nd -13Each Harpy in the army after 25 -1


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    Cold One Knights5-6 -97-8 -159+ -22Each Cold One Knight in the unit after 10 -3Each Cold One Knight in the unit after 15 additional -7Each non-wizard character mounted on Dark Steed or Cold One -6 (only

    if more than 10 models in the unit) (only use this penalty forthe largest unit)

    Each non-wizard character mounted on Dark Steed or Cold One presentin the army after the 2nd -7 (only use this penalty for the first unit of

    Cold One Knights)-6 if Cauldron of Blood present in the army (only if more than 8 models

    in the unit)

    Witch Elves5-8 -49-13 -714-18 -1119-23 -1624-28 -2429+ -31Each Witch Elf in the unit after 35 -2Each Witch Elf in the unit after 45 additional -8


    1st unit -42nd unit -63rd unit -15Each Shade up to 6 in the army -1Each Shade after 6 in the army -2Each Shade in the unit after 10 additional -4

    Black Guards of Naggarond5-8 -59-12 -813-16 -1317-20 -18

    Har Ganeth Executioners5-8 -39-13 -514-18 -1119-23 -1524-28 -2029-33 -2534+ -31Each Executioner in the unit after 40 -2Each Executioner in the unit after 50 additional -2


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    Cold One Chariot

    (including chariots taken as character mounts)1st Chariot -6Each Chariot after the 1st -9If taken as a character mount +2


    Repeater Bolt Thrower1st Bolt Thrower -42nd Bolt Thrower -6Each Bolt Thrower after the 2nd -11

    War Hydra1st War Hydra -402nd War Hydra -70


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    8 Dwarfs


    War machinesSome war machines and other unit in this army has a wmp-score associ-ated with it. See section 19 war machines (at the end of this document)for details.

    RunesMaster Rune of Balance -12Master Rune of Challenge -15Master Rune of Gromril -3

    Rune of Spellbreaking/Spelleater Rune -7 (-10 for each afterthe 1st)


    Thorgrim Grudgebearer -40

    Thorek IronBrow -60Thoreks Anvil of Doom is worth 6 wmp

    Dwarf Lord -6Shield Bearers -2

    Rune Lord -17Anvil of Doom -3Each Anvil of Doom is worth 6 wmp

    Daemon Slayer +4 (1st Daemon Slayer only)


    Josef Bugman -3

    Thane -3Battle standard bearer -10

    Rune Smith -7

    Dragon Slayer 0

    Master Engineer 0Each Master Engineer is worth 1 wmp


    Warriors10-13 -1/-2*14-18 -2/-5*19-23 -4/-8*24-28 -6/-12*29-33 -8/-16*34+ -10/-20*Each Warrior in the unit after 40 -1/-2*Each Warrior in the unit after 50 additional -4/-3*

    *If armed with great weapons


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    Long Beards

    10-13 -2/-3*14-18 -3/-6*19-23 -5/-11*24-28 -8/-16*29-33 -13/-23*34+ -19/-31*Each Long Beard in the unit after 40 -1/-2*Each Long Beard in the unit after 50 additional -4/-3**If armed with great weapons

    Thunderers/Quarrellers10-13 -4/-5*14-18 -6/-8*19-23 -8/-11*24-28 -10/-15*29+ -12/-18*Each Thunderer/Quarreller in the unit after 35 -1/-2**If armed with great weapons


    Hammerers5-8 -5

    9-13 -614-18 -1019-23 -1724-28 -2529+ -34Each Hammerer in the unit after 35 -2Each Hammerer in the unit after 45 additional -6

    Iron Breakers

    5-8 -29-13 -314-18 -519-23 -724-28 -1029-33 -1534+ -20Each Iron Breaker in the unit after 40 -2Each Iron Breaker in the unit after 50 additional -3

    Slayers5-8 -19-13 -114-18 -519-23 -924-27 -1228-30 -14Each Giant Slayer -1

    Miners5-8 -3/-7*9-13 -4/-8*14-18 -7/-14*

    19-23 -10/-20*24-28 -13/-25*29+ -17/-30*Each Miner in the unit after 35 -2/-3*Each Miner in the unit after 45 additional -3/-2**If Anvil of Doom present in the army


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    Cannon -11

    Each Cannon is worth 4 wmpRune of Forging is worth 2 wmp

    Bolt thrower -2Each Bolt thrower is worth 1 wmpEach Bolt thrower after the 2nd if worth 1 additional wmp

    Grudge Thrower -8Each Grudge Thrower is worth 3 wmpRune of Accuracy is worth 2 wmp1st Rune of Penetrating is worth 1 wmp2nd and 3rd Rune of Penetrating worth 2 wmp each


    Gyrocopter -2

    Flame Cannon +1Note that Flame Cannon is not worth any wmp

    Organ Gun -6Each Organ Gun is worth 3 wmp


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    9 Empire


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    War machinesSome war machines and other unit in this army has a wmp-score associ-ated with it. See section 19 war machines (at the end of this document)for details.

    Flying Characters2nd character with flying -43rd character with flying -10Each character with flying after the 3rd -15

    Detachments*1st and 2nd Detachment -1* each3rd and 4th Detachment -2* eachEach Detachment after the 4th -5**Additional -3 if more than 15 modelsNote that all detachments also generates penalties based on their

    unit type and size

    Magic itemsCrown of Command -25Dispel scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death, Life or Shadow)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100

    Power Scroll -4

    Power Stone -4Van Horstmans Speculum -2 (-4 if mounted)

    BannersStandard of Discipline -4Steel Standard -2


    The Emperor Karl Franz -18Deathclaw -7Imperial Dragon -15

    Imperial Pegasus -4Warhorse -2Ghal Maraz -2

    Kurt Helborg -20

    Balthasar Gelt -30

    Volkman the Grim, the Grand Theogonist -6The War Altar of Sigmar -10 (additional -2 for each Wizard with Lore

    of Light)

    Marius Leitdorf -16


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    General of the Empire -5

    Griffon -4Blood roar -3Imperial Pegasus -4Warhorse -2

    Battle Wizard Lord -18Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Beasts +2Lore of Death -10Lore of Life -15Lore of Metal +3Lore of Shadow -10Lore of Light -5 (additional -3 if two or more other wizard with Lore

    of Light present in the army)

    Arch Lector of Sigmar -10Warhorse -2The War Altar of Sigmar -10 (additional -2 for each wizard with Lore

    of Light present in the army)

    Grand Master -7


    Ludwig Schwartzhelm -18

    Luthor Huss, Prophet of Sigmar -8

    Markus Wulfhart, Huntsmarchal of the Empire -2

    Captain of the Empire -3

    Battle standard bearer -10Imperial Pegasus -5Warhorse -1

    Battle Wizard -5Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army) (additional -3 if mounted)

    Warrior Priest -5Warhorse -1

    Master EngineerEach Master Engineer is worth 1 wmp2nd Master Engineer is worth 1 additional wmp if 2 Hellblasters presentin the armyEach Hellblaster Volley Gun present in the army is worth an additional

    2 wmp (only count this penalty for the 1st Master Engineer)1st Pigeon Bomb -22nd Pigeon Bomb -5Each Pigeon Bomb after the 2nd -10

    Witch Hunter -2Each Witch Hunter after the 2nd additional -3


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    Swordsmen (and Swordsmen Detachments)5-9 010-13 -114-18 -119-23 -224-28 -329-33 -434-39 -540-45 -646+ -8Each Swordman in the unit after 50 -1

    Each Swordman in the unit after 60 additional -2

    Spearmen (and Spearmen Detachments)5-9 010-13 -114-18 -119-23 -224-28 -329-33 -434-39 -540-45 -646+ -8

    Each Spearman in the unit after 50 -1Each Spearman in the unit after 60 additional -2

    Halberdiers (and Halberdier Detachments)

    5-9 010-13 -114-18 -219-23 -324-28 -529-33 -734-39 -940+ -12Each Halberdier in the unit after 45 -1Each Halberdier in the unit after 55 additional -2

    Free Company (and Free Company Detachments)5-9 010-13 -114-18 -119-23 -124-28 -129-33 -234-39 -340-45 -441-45 -546+ -7Each Free Company Fighter in the unit after 50 -1

    Each Free Company Fighter in the unit after 60 additional -2


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    (and Detachments)5-9 -110-13 -214-18 -419-23 -524-28 -829+ -11Each model in the unit after 35 -1Note additional penalty for detachment

    Knightly Orders5-6 -5/-7*

    7-9 -8/-12*10+ -12/-20*Each Knight in the unit after 12 -2/-3*Each Knight in the unit after 18 additional -9/-8**If upgraded to Inner Circle KnightsEach non-wizard non-engineer character mounted on Warhorse present in

    the army after the 2nd -4 (only use this penalty for the first unit ofKnightly Order or Reiksguard Knights)


    Greatswords10-13 -414-18 -619-23 -924-28 -1329-33 -1734+ -23Each Greatsword in the unit after 40 -2Each Greatsword in the unit after 50 additional -6

    Demigryph Knights

    3 -184 -255 -336+ -42Each Demigryph Knight in the unit after 6 -10Each unit after the 1st -4 (-10 of more than 7 Demigryph Knights presentin the army)


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    Reiksguard Knights

    5-6 -97-8 -159+ -23Each Knight in the unit after 10 -4Each Knight in the unit after 15 additional -6Each Reiksguard Knigh unit after the 1st additional -7Each non-wizard non-engineer character mounted on Warhorse present in

    the army after the 2nd -4 (only use this penalty for the first unit ofKnightly Order or Reiksguard Knights)

    Huntsmen -2Each huntsman in the army after 25 -1

    Pistoliers -3Each Pistolier in the unit after 15 -2

    OutridersEach unit of Outriders is worth 1 wmp5-6 -47-9 -510+ -7Each Outrider in the unit after 12 -2

    Great Cannon -13

    Each Great Cannon is worth 5 wmp

    Mortar -2Each Mortar is worth 1 wmp

    Flagellant Warband10-13 -214-18 -419-23 -724-28 -1129-33 -1634+ -21

    Each Flagellant in the unit after 40 -2


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    Hellblaster Volley Gun -6Each Hellblaster Volley Gun is worth 3 wmp

    Helstorm Rocket Battery -2Each Helstorm Rocket Battery is worth 1 wmp

    Steam TankEach Steam Tank is worth 4 wmp1st Steam Tank -352nd Steam Tank -80

    Celestial Hurricanum(including Celestial Hurricanums taken as character mounts)1st Celestial Hurricanum -122nd Celestial Hurricanum -4If taken as a character mount +5

    Luminark of Hych(including Luminark of Hych taken as character mounts)1st Luminark of Hych -82nd Luminark of Hych -4If taken as a character mount +5


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    10 High Elves


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Flying Characters2nd character with flying -3Each character with flying after the 2nd -10

    Magic itemsAnnulian Crystal -12

    Armour of Caledor -2 (-4 if mounted on dragon)Crown of Command -25Dispel Scroll/Sigil of Asuryan -7 (-10 for each after the 1st) (additional

    -3 for Sigil of Asuryan)Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death, Life or Shadow)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Jewel of Dusk -7 (-20 if Book of Hoeth/Teclis/Banner of Sorcery present

    in the army)Loremasters Cloak -5 (-8 if Banner of World Dragon present in the army)Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4Radiant Gem of Hoeth -2 (-5 if Lore if Death or Light)

    Ring of Corin -3Ring of Fury -5Silver wand -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Life)Staff of Solidity -6The Vortex Shard -5

    The Seerstaff of Saphery -10 (-15 if another wizard with the same lore as

    the wearer is present in the army)The Skeinsliver -3

    BannersBanner of Sorcery -30 (-60 if Book of Hoeth/Teclis is in the army)Banner of the World Dragon -12 (-16 if one or more Archmages present

    in the army)Standard of Discipline -4


    Tyrion -20

    Teclis -190Lore of Shadow, Lore of Death or Lore of Life -50

    Eltharion -12Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with

    lore of Death present in the army) (additional -4 if mounted)

    Alith Anar -10

    Prince -10Elven Steed -2Great Eagle -4Dragon Armour -3 (only if mounted on a Dragon)Sun Dragon -3Moon Dragon -14Star Dragon -22


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    Archmage -18

    Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Beasts +2Lore of Death -12Lore of Life -15Lore of Light -1 for each other wizard with lore of Light in the armyLore of Metal +3Lore of Shadow -12Moon Dragon -2Folraiths Robe -5 (-7 if combined with Talisman of Saphery)Book of Hoeth -40 (-60 if Lore of Death or Lore of Life) (-80 if Lore

    of Shadow)


    Caradryan -12

    Korhil -15

    Noble -4Battle standard bearer -10Elven Steed -1Great Eagle -5

    Mage -5Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army) (additional -4 if mounted)Lore of Light -1 for each other wizard with lore of Light in the armyLore of Shadow -3

    Dragon Mage 0

    Level 2 wizard -3


    Lothen Sea Guard10-13 -514-18 -619-23 -824-28 -1129-33 -1434+ -18Each Lothen Sea Guard in the unit after 40 -1

    Each Lothen Sea Guard in the unit after 50 additional -4

    Spearmen10-13 -314-18 -419-23 -624-28 -929-33 -1234+ -16Each Spearman in the unit after 40 -1Each Spearman in the unit after 50 additional -4


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    10-13 -414-18 -619-23 -824-28 -1129+ -14Each Archer in the unit after 35 -1Each Archer in the army in the unit after 40 -1


    Silver Helms5-6 -3

    7-9 -610+ -12Each Silver Helm in the unit after 12 -3Each Silver Helm in the unit after 15 additional -7Each non-wizard character mounted on Elven Steed -6 (only if more

    than 10 models in the unit) (only use this penalty for thelargest unit of Silver Helms or Dragon Princes)

    Each non-wizard character mounted on Elven Steed present in the armyafter the 2nd -6 (only use this penalty for the first unit of Silver Helmsor Dragon Princes)

    Dragon Princes of Caledor

    5-6 -97-8 -149+ -19Each Dragon Prince in the unit after 10 -3Each Dragon Prince in the unit after 15 additional -7Each non-wizard character mounted on Elven Steed -6 (only if more

    than 10 models in the unit) (only use this penalty for thelargest unit of Silver Helms or Dragon Princes)

    Each non-wizard character mounted on Elven Steed present in the armyafter the 2nd -6 (only use this penalty for the first unit of Silver Helmsor Dragon Princes)

    Ellyrian Reavers -3Each Ellyrian Reaver in the unit after 15 -2

    Tiranoc Chariot/Lion Chariot(including chariots taken as character mounts)1st Chariot -42nd Chariot -6Each Chariot after the 2nd -10If taken as a character mount +2


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    Sword Masters of Hoeth

    5-8 -69-12 -913-17 -1518-22 -2123-26 -2827+ -37Each Sword Master in the unit after 30 -2Each Sword Master in the unit after 40 additional -8

    White Lions of Chrace5-8 -69-12 -10

    13-17 -1818-22 -2823-26 -3827+ -48Each White Lion in the unit after 30 -3Each White Lion in the unit after 40 additional -7Each unit after the 1st -3 (-8 of more than 45 White Lions in the army)

    Phoenix Guard

    5-8 -39-12 -513-17 -1018-22 -1623-26 -2327+ -31Each Phoenix Guard in the unit after 30 -2Each Phoenix Guard in the unit after 40 additional -8

    Shadow WarriorsEach Shadow Warrior after 10 in the army -1


    Repeater Bolt Thrower1st Bolt Thrower -42nd Bolt Thrower -6Each Bolt Thrower after the 2nd -11

    Great Eagle1st Great Eagle -52nd Great Eagle -9Each Great Eagle after the 2nd -12


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    11 Lizardmen


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Magic itemsCrown of Command -25Diadem of Power -7Dispel Scroll/Cube of Darkness -7 (-10 for each after the 1st)Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death or Life or Shadow)

    Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Plaque of Tepok -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Life)Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4

    BannersStandard of Discipline -4


    Lord Mazdmundi -70

    Lore of Beasts +3Lore of Death -10Lore of Life -17Lore of Light -4Lore of Metal +2Lore of Shadow -5Note that Zlaaq count as an Ancient Stegadon

    Lord Kroak -45

    Kroq-Gar -20

    Tehenhauin -5

    Slann Mage-Priest -30Lore of Beasts +3Lore of Death -10 (-13 if combined with Bane Head)Lore of Life -17Lore of Light -4Lore of Metal +2

    Lore of Shadow -5Battle standard bearer -12Becalming Cogitation -15Focus of Mystery -5 (-10 if combined with Lore of Life)The Focused Rumination -7 for each spell the Slann knowsHigher State of Consciousness -5 (-15 if combined with Crown

    of Command)Soul of Stone -5 (-7 if combined with Lore of Death, Life or Shadow)Bane Head -7 (only if combined with Feedback Scroll)Cupped Hands of the Old Ones -25Forbidden Rod -10

    Saurus Oldblood -8Carnosaur -6Cold One or Horned One -2


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    Chakax -6-3 if a Slann or Lord Kroak is present in the army

    Gor-Rok -18

    TettoEko -60

    Tiktaqto -3

    Oxyotl -4

    Saurus Scar-Veteran -5Cold One or Horned One -2Battle standard bearer -10

    Skink Priest -5Level 2 wizard -2Cupped Hands of the Old Ones -15

    Skink Chief -1Battle standard bearer -6Terradon -1


    Saurus warriors10-13 -314-18 -619-23 -924-28 -1329-33 -1834+ -24Each Saurus Warrior in the unit after 40 -2Each Saurus Warrior in the unit after 50 additional -6


    10-13 Skinks -214-18 Skinks -219-23 Skinks -324-28 Skinks -429-33 Skinks -434-39 Skinks -540+ Skinks -6Each Skink in the unit after 45 -1Each Skink in the unit after 55 additional -2Each Kroxigor -2 (-3 if more than 25 Skinks in the unit)Each unit that cost less than 90 points after the 2nd additional -3


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    Skink Skirmishers

    (including Chameleon Skinks)1st unit -32nd unit -43rd unit -64th unit -85th unit -10Each unit after the 5th -15

    Jungle Swarm -1Each Jungle Swarm base in the army after the 4th -1


    Chameleon SkinksEach Chameleon Skink after 5 up to 12 in the army -1Each Chameleon Skink after 12 in the army -2(Note additional penalty from the Skink Skirmishers entry)

    Terradon RidersEach Terradon Rider -11st unit -42nd unit -93rd unit -19

    Cold One Cavalry

    5-6 -67-8 -109+ -14Each Cold One Rider in the unit after 10 -3Each Cold One Rider in the unit after 15 additional -7Each mounted Saurus character -4 (only if more than 10 models in the

    unit) (only use this penalty for the largest unit)Each mounted Saurus character present in the army after the 2nd -5

    (only use this penalty for the first unit of Cold One Cavalry)

    Temple Guard10-13 -4

    14-18 -719-23 -1024-28 -1529-33 -2034+ -26Each Temple Guard in the unit after 40 -2Each Temple Guard in the unit after 50 additional -8

    Kroxigors3 -44-5 -8

    6-7 -128+ -17Each Kroxigor in the unit after 9 -5Each Kroxigor in the unit after 15 additional -10


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    Stegadons/Ancient Stegadon

    (including Stegadons taken as character mounts)1st Stegadon of any type -122nd Stegadon of any type -20Each Stegadon of any type after the 2nd -35Each Ancient Stegadon (including Engine of the Gods) -4If taken as a character mount +5


    Salamander Hunting Pack1 Salamander -102 Salamander -253 Salamander -452nd unit -10

    Razordon Hunting PackEach Razordon -3


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    12 Ogre Kingdoms


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Magic itemsCrown of Command -35Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death)Forbidden Rod -10

    Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Gruts Sickle -3 (only if taken on a level 4 wizard)Power Stone -4Power Scroll -4Hellheart -25 (-30 if Dispel Scroll present in the army)

    BannersBanner of Discipline -4Dragonhide Banner -8 (only if bearer on foot)Rune Maw -1 for each model in the largest unit (ignore units of

    Gnoblars and Sabertusks)


    Greasus Gooldtooth -40

    Skrag the Slaughterer -50Each Gorger unit after the 3rd -10

    Tyrant -17

    Slaughtermaster -24Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Death -5


    Golfag Maneater -40+35 if Crown of Command taken by another character or if accompanied

    by Golfags Maneaters

    Bragg the Gutsman -5

    Bruiser -6Battle standard bearer -10

    Hunter -4

    Butcher -5Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army)

    Firebelly -10Level 2 wizard -2


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    Ogres3 -64-5 -106-7 -148+ -19Each Ogre in the unit after 9 -5Each Ogre in the unit after 15 additional -10

    Ironguts3 -74-5 -13

    6-7 -198+ -26Each Irongut in the unit after 9 -7Each Irongut in the unit after 15 additional -8Each non-Hunter character in the army -3 (only if 7 or more

    models in the unit) (only count this penalty for the largest unit)

    Gnoblar Fighters10-40 -246+ -3Each Gnoblar in the unit after 50 -1Each unit after the 2nd -3


    Leadbelchers3* -94* -135* -186* -247* -318* -399* -4810+* -58Each Leadbelcher after 10* -10*Count all Leadbelchers in the army

    Maneater3 -84-5 -166-7 -258+ -35Each Maneater in the unit after 9 -7Each Maneater in the unit after 15 additional -8Each Maneater with ogre pistol or brace of ogre pistols -1 (-2 if combined

    with poisoned attacks)Sniper -1 per model with ogre pistol or brace of ogre pistolsStubborn -2 per model

    Scout -1 per modelUnit with vanguard -2


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    Sabretusk Pack

    1 -3 (-6 for the 2nd unit, -10 for the 3rd unit)2-4 -35-6 -57-10 -7

    Yethees3 -34-5 -56-7 -98+ -13Each Yethee in the unit after 9 -4Each Yethee in the unit after 15 additional -11

    Mournfang Cavalry2 -123 -204 -305 -416+ -53Each Mournfang in the unit after 6* -15Each unit after the 1st -7 (additional -8 of more than 5 Mournfang

    present in the army) (additional -20 of also more than 8 Mournfangpresent in the army)

    Each model with neither ironfists nor heavy armour +2Dragonhide Banner -4 for each Mornfang model in the unit

    Gorger1st Gorger -42nd Gorger -7Each Gorger after the 2nd -10


    Gnoblar Scraplauncher -6

    Ironblaster1st Ironblaster -252nd Ironblaster -40

    Giant -2

    Stonehorn(including Stonehorns taken as character mounts)1st Stonehorn -15

    Each Stonehorn after the 1st -25If taken as a character mount +5

    Thundertusk -12


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    13 Orcs and Goblins


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Magic itemsDispel Scroll -7Crown of Command -25 (-10 if Lucky Shrunken Head present in

    the army)Earthing Rod -3

    Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Lucky Shrunken Head -1 for each 5 Savage Orc Boyz/Savage Orc Boar

    Boyz (or -1 for each 3 Big Uns) in a single unit (use the unit that givesthe largest penalty)

    Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4

    BannersStandard of Discipline -4

    War machinesSome war machines in this army has a wmp-score associated with it. See

    section 19 war machines (at the end of this document) for details.


    Gorbad Ironclaw -20

    Azhag the Slaguterer -20

    Grimgor Ironhide -20Each 2 black orcs upgraded to Immortulz -1

    Wurrzag de Great Green Prophet -41

    Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain -16Note that he does not counts towards the chariot penalty

    Skarsnik, Warlord of the Eight Peaks -12

    Orc Warboss -9War Boar -1Wyvern -9

    Savage Orc Warboss -7Wyvern -6

    Black Orc Warboss -12War Boar -1Wyvern -6

    Goblin Warboss -4

    Night Goblin Warboss -4


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    Orc Great Shaman -21

    Level 4 wizard -8

    Savage Orc Great Shaman -21Level 4 wizard -8

    Goblin Great Shaman -14Level 4 wizard -6+2 if no Wizards with Spells of da Big Waaagh! present in the army

    Night Goblin Great Shaman -18Level 4 wizard -7+2 if no Wizards with Spells of da Big Waaagh! present in the army


    Gitilla da Hunter -5

    Snagla Grobspit -5

    Orc Big Boss -3Battle standard bearer -10War Boar -1

    Savage Orc Big Boss -3Battle standard bearer -10

    Black Orc Big Boss -6Battle standard bearer -10War Boar -1

    Goblin Big Boss -2

    Giant Wolf/Giant Spider -1 (additional -1 for Giant Wolf) (additional -2for each after the 2nd)Battle standard bearer -8

    Night Goblin Big Boss -2Battle standard bearer -8

    Orc Shaman -5Level 2 wizard -2

    Savage Orc Shaman -5Level 2 wizard -2

    Goblin Shaman -4Level 2 wizard -2+1 if no Wizards with Spells of da Big Waaagh! present in the army

    Night Goblin Shaman -7Level 2 wizard -3+1 if no Wizards with Spells of da Big Waaagh! present in the army


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    Goblins20-23 -124-28 -229-33 -234-39 -340-45 -446+ -5Each Goblin in the unit after 50 -1

    Night Goblins20-23 -3

    24-28 -429-33 -434-39 -540-45 -646+ -7Each Night Goblin in the unit after 50 -1Nets -3 (-5 if more than 40 Night Goblins in the unit)1st and 2nd fanatic in the army -2 each3rd and 4th fanatic in the army -3 eachEach fanatic in the army after 4 -5

    Orc Arrer Boyz

    10-13 -114-18 -219-23 -324-28 -529-33 -734+ -10Each Orc Arrer Boy in the unit after 40 -1Each Orc Arrer Boy in the unit after 50 additional -4

    Orc Boyz10-13 -1/-2*14-18 -2/-3*

    19-23 -3/-6*24-28 -5/-9*29-33 -7/-12*34+ -10/-15*Each Orc Boy in the unit after 40 -1/-2*Each Orc Boy in the unit after 50 additional -4/-3**If armed with additional hand weapon

    Orc Boyz Big Uns10-13 -3/-4*14-18 -6/-9*19-23 -11/-15*24-28 -16/-21*29-33 -21/-27*34+ -27/-34*Each Big Un in the unit after 40 -2/-2*Each Big Un in the unit after 50 additional -8/-8**If armed with additional hand weapon


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    Savage Orc Boyz10-13 -1/-2*14-18 -2/-4*19-23 -4/-7*24-28 -7/-10*29-33 -10/-14*34+ -14/-18*Each Savage Orc Boy in the unit after 40 -1/-2*Each Savage Orc Boy in the unit after 50 additional -4/-3**If armed with additional hand weapon

    Savage Orc Boyz Big Uns

    10-13 -4/-8*14-18 -9/-14*19-23 -14/-20*24-28 -19/-27*29+ -25/-35*Each Big Un in the unit after 35 -2/-2*Each Big Un in the unit after 45 additional -8/-8**If armed with additional hand weaponIf Obsidian Lodestone and/or Wurrzag and/or [Obsidian Amulet + Lucky

    Shrunken Head] present in the army -1 for each 6 Savage Orc BigUns (only count this penalty for the largest unit)

    Goblin Wolf Riders/Forest Goblin Spider Riders1st and 2nd unit -3 eachEach unit after the 2nd -5Each unit of Spider Riders +1Each model in the unit after 15 -1Each Spider/Wolf Rider model in the army after 30 -1


    Goblin Wolf Chariots/Orc Boar Chariots(including chariots taken as character mounts)1st unit of chariots (including single chariots) -12nd unit of chariots -2Each unit of chariots after the 2nd -4Each Goblin Wolf Chariot -3Each Orc Boar Chariot -4If taken as a character mount +2

    Black Orcs10-13 -4

    14-18 -919-23 -1524-28 -2129-33 -2834+ -36Each Black Orc in the unit after 40 -2Each Black Orc in the unit after 50 additional -8

    Orc Boar Boyz5-6 -4/-6*7-9 -5/-8*10-12 -7/-11*

    13+ -10/-15*Each Orc Boar Boy in the unit after 15 -2/-3*Each Orc Boar Boy in the unit after 20 additional -8/-7**If upgraded to Big Uns


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    Savage Orc Boar Boyz

    5-6 -4/-6*7-9 -5/-8*10-12 -7/-11*13+ -10/-15*Each Savage Orc Boar Boy in the unit after 15 -2/-3*Each Savage Orc Boar Boy in the unit after 20 additional -8/-7*Additional hand weapon -2*If upgraded to Big Uns

    Trolls1 -2 (-4 for each unit after the 1st of this size)2-3 -7

    4-5 -136-7 -208+ -28Each Troll in the unit after 9 -7Each Troll in the unit after 15 additional -8

    Night Goblin Squig Herd5-12 models* -514-18 models* -819-23 models* -1124-28 models* -1329-33 models* -1634+ models* -21Each model* in the unit after 40 -2Each model* in the unit after 50 additional -3*Each 2 Goblin Squig Herders counts as 1 model

    Night Goblin Squig Hoppers -2


    0Each Snotling base after the 4th -1

    Goblin Spear Chukka -2Each Goblin Spear Chukka is worth 1 wmpEach Goblin Spear Chukka after the 3rd is worth 1 additional wmp


    Goblin Rock Lobber -7Each Goblin Rock Lobber is worth 3 wmp

    Goblin Doom Diver Catapult -11Each Goblin Doom Diver Catapult is worth 6 wmp

    Arachnarok Spider(including spiders taken as character mounts)1st Arachnarok Spider -15Each Arachnarok Spider after the 1st -20If taken as a character mount +5Catchweb Spidershrine -3 for each wizard after the 3rd

    Mangler Squigs1st Mangler Squig -7

    2nd Mangler Squig -12

    Snotling Pump Wagon1st Snotling Pump Wagon -3Each Snotling Pump Wagon after the 1st -4Spiky Rollers -1


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    Giant -2

    River Trolls1 -32-3 -64-5 -126-7 -198+ -27Each River Troll in the unit after 9 -7Each River Troll in the unit after 15 additional -8

    Stone Trolls1 -3

    2-3 -64-5 -126-7 -198+ -27Each Stone Troll in the unit after 9 -7Each Stone Troll in the unit after 15 additional -8


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    14 Skaven


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Magic itemsCrown of Command -10Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if taken on Grey Seer)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100

    Power Scroll -4 (-30 if taken on grey seer)Power Stone -4Warp Energy Condenser -3 (-4 if taken on Warlock Engineer)Warpstone Tokens (excluding starting tokens) -2 each

    BannersStandard of Discipline -4Storm Banner -15

    Weapons teams2nd weapon team* additional -2Each weapon team* after the 2nd additional -5

    Ratling Gun -1Doom-fayer 0Poisoned Wind Mortar -4Warpire Thrower -4Warp Grinder +2 (1st only)*Excluding Warp Grinders


    Lord Skrolk -15

    Thanquol & Boneripper -60

    Ikit Klaw -27

    Throt the Unclean -10

    Queek Headtaker -15A Storm Vermin unit that is upgraded to Queeks bodyguard doubles its

    composition p enalty (excluding magic banners and weapons teams)

    Vermin Lord -8

    Warlord -7Rat Ogre Bonebreaker -2

    Grey Seer -41Screaming Bell -7Skalm -3


    Deathmaster Snikch -5

    Trench Craventail 0

    Assassin -2-2 if Screaming Bell present in the army


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    Warlock Engineer -3

    Each Warlock Engineer with a cost of 35 points or less after the 1st -10Level 1 wizard -2Level 2 wizard -4Brass Orb -6Doomrocket -20

    Chieftain -2Each Chieftain that cost less that 70 points additional -1Battle standard bearer -10

    Plague Priest -4Level 2 Wizard -2


    Skaven Slaves20-23 -424-28 -429-33 -634-39 -840-45 -1046+ -13Each Slave in the unit after 50 -1Each Slave unit after the 2nd -5

    Rat Swarms

    Each unit -2Each Rat Swarm base after the 3th -1

    Clanrats20-23 -224-28 -329-33 -434-39 -540-45 -746+ -9Each Clanrat in the unit after 50 -1Each Clanrat in the unit after 60 additional -2

    Stormvermin10-13 -214-18 -319-23 -424-28 -629-33 -934-39 -1240+ -15Each Stormvermin in the unit after 45 -1Each Stormvermin in the unit after 55 additional -5


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    Giant Rats

    6-23 models -224-28 models -329-33 models -434-39 models -540-45 models -646+ models -8Each model in the unit after 50 -1Each model in the unit after 60 additional -2Skweel Gnawtooth -1 for each 4 Giant RatsEach unit that cost less than 100 points after the 1st additional -3

    Night Runners

    10-18 -119-23 -224-28 -329+ -4If the unit is armed with slings -1Each Night Runner in the unit in the unit after 35 -1Each Night Runner in the unit in the unit after 45 additional -4Each unit after the 2nd -5


    Gutter Runners1st unit -32nd unit -53rd unit -10Each Gutter Runner in the unit without sling after the first 8 -1Each Gutter Runner armed with sling in the army up to 8* -1Each Gutter Runner armed with sling in the army after 8* -2*Count all Gutter Runners armed with slings in the army

    Warplock JezzailsEach 2 or part of 2 Warplock Jezzail teams -1Each Warplock Jezzail team in the army after 10 -1

    Rat Ogres2-3 Rat Ogres -34-5 Rat Ogres -66-7 Rat Ogres -108+ Rat Ogres -13Each Rat Ogre in the unit after 9 -5Each Rat Ogre in the unit after 15 additional -10Skweel Gnawtooth -2 for each Rat Ogre


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    Plague Monks

    10-13 -1/-7*14-18 -3/-12*19-23 -4/-16*24-28 -6/-20*29-33 -8/-25*34+ -11/-30*Each Plague Monk in the unit after 40 -1/-2*Each Plague Monk in the unit after 50 additional -4/-3*Plague Banner -7* If Plague Furnace present in army (you must use it on the most

    numerous units). Only use this value once for each Plague Furnace(use the second most numerous unit for the second Plague Furnace)

    Plague Censer BearersEach 5 Plague Censer Bearers in the army -1If one or more Plague Furnaces present in the army -1

    Poisoned Wind Globandiers1st unit -1Each unit after the 1st -3


    3rd rare choice* additional -10Each rare choice* after the 3rd additional -20*Excluding the 1st Plagueclaw Catapult

    Hellpit Abomination1st Hellpit Abomination -402nd Hellpit Abomination -80

    Doomwheel1st Doomwheel -132nd Doomwheel -25

    Warp Lightning Cannon1st Warp Lightning Cannon -182nd Warp Lightning Cannon -27

    Plagueclaw Catapult1st Plagueclaw Catapult -52nd Plagueclaw Catapult -8


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    15 Tomb Kings


    Magic itemsCloak of the Dunes -3Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Neferras Scrolls of Mighty Incantations -50 (-8 on Liche Priest)Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4

    Sphinxes2nd Sphinx -5Each Sphinx after the 2nd -15


    Settra the Imperishable -25

    High queen Khalida Neferher -12Each Skeleton Archer after 25 in the largest unit -2

    Arkhan the Black -50

    Grand Hierophant Khatep -40

    Liche high priest -16

    Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Death -6Lore of Light -2 (additional -3 if two or more other wizard with Lore

    of Light present in the army)

    Tomb king -8Golden Death mask of Kharnut -3


    The Herald Nekaph -7

    Prince Apophas -10

    Ramhotep the Visionary -8If one or more units of Necropolis Knights present in the army -8

    Tomb prince -4

    Tomb Herald 0Battle standard bearer -4

    Liche priest -4Level 2 wizard -2

    Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army)

    Necrotect -1


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    Skeleton Warriors10-26 -129-33 -234-39 -340-45 -446+ -5Each Skeleton Warrior in the unit after 50 -1Each Skeleton Warrior in the unit after 60 additional -2

    Skeleton Archers10-13 -414-18 -619-23 -824-28 -1229+ -14Each Archer in the unit after 35 -1Each Archer in the army after 45 -1

    Skeleton Horse Archers -3Each Skeleton Horse Archer in the unit after 15 -1

    Skeleton Horsemen -2Each Skeleton Horseman in the unit after 15 -1

    Skeleton ChariotsEach unit -2 Each chariot in the unit -2Each chariot in the unit after 10 additional -8


    Tomb Guards10-13 -2/-3*14-18 -4/-7*19-23 -9/-13*24-28 -13/-18*29+ -18/-24*Each Tomb Guard in the unit after 35 -1/-2*Each Tomb Guard in the unit after 45 additional -6/-5*-2 if one or more Tomb Kings/Princes on foot in the army (only count

    this once for each par of Tomb Kings/Princes and Tomb Guard units)*If armed with halberds

    Necropolis Knights3 -134 -185 -236+ -29Each Necropolis Knight in the unit after 6 -10Each unit after the 1st -4 (-10 of more than 7 Necropolis Knights present

    in the army)

    Sepulchral Stalkers3 -4

    4-5 -66-7 -98+ -12Each Sepulchral Stalker in the unit after 9 -4Each Sepulchral Stalker in the unit after 15 additional -10


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    3 -44-5 -76-7 -108+ -14Each Ushabti in the unit after 9 -5Each Ushabti in the unit after 15 additional -10If the unit is armed with great bows -2Each great bow in the army after 8 -1

    CarrionsEach Carrion -11st unit -2

    2nd unit -6Each unit after the 2nd -8

    Tomb Swarms 0

    Tomb Scorpion -4

    Khemrian Warsphinx(including Warsphinxs taken as character mounts)Each Khemrian Warsphinx -17Fiery Roar -5If taken as a character mount +10


    Necrolith Colossus -8

    Hierotitan -9

    Necrosphinx -15

    Screaming Skull Catapult1st Screaming Skull Catapult -82nd Screaming Skull Catapult -14

    Casket of Souls1st Casket of Souls -252nd Casket of Souls -5


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    16 Vampire Counts


    Flying Characters2nd character with flying -3Each character with flying after the 2nd -10

    Ethereal units/character2nd unit -33rd unit -10Each ethereal unit after the 3rd -15

    Magic itemsBlack Periapt -7Book of Arkhan -5Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Ogre Blade -3 (only if combined with Red Fury)Power Stone -4Power Scroll -4Rod of Flaming Death -5The Cursed Book -3

    BannersBanner of the Barrows -5


    Vlad von Carstein -33

    Count Mannfred -68Nightmare -3Hellsteed -4

    Heinreich Kemmler -35Additional -2 for each unit of Skeletons in the armyNote that Heinreich Kemmler counts as a flying and ethereal character

    Vampire Lord -15Level 2 wizard -4Level 3 wizard -10Level 4 wizard -18Hellsteed -4Nightmare -3Zombie Dragon -5Flying Horror -2Aura of dark Majesty -2 for each Death Shriek in the armyMaster of Black Arts -10Quickblood -5Red Fury -10 (additional -5 if combined with Quickblood)

    (additional -10 if combined with a magic weapon)

    (additional -3 if combined with Potion of Strength)


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    Master Necromancer -21Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Death -10Master of the Dead -2 for each unit of Skeletons in the army

    Strigoi Ghoul King -16Aura of dark Majesty -2 for each Death Shriek in the armyFlying Horror -3Master of Black Arts -10Red Fury -15 (additional -10 if combined with a magic weapon)

    (additional -3 if combined with Potion of Strength)


    Mannfred the Acolyte -15Nightmare -2

    Krell, Lord of the Undeath -8

    Konrad von Carstein -10

    Isabella von Carstein -4If Vlad von Carstein present in the army -2

    Vampire -7Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army) (additional -2 if mounted)Battle standard bearer -5 (-7 if mounted)Hellsteed -3Nightmare -1Coven Throne -10Aura of dark Majesty -2 for each Death Shriek in the armyQuickblood -3Red Fury -7 (additional -3 if combined with a magic weapon)

    (additional -2 if combined with Potion of Strength)

    Necromancer -5Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath

    present in the army) (additional -3 if mounted)Master of the Dead -1 for each unit of Skeletons in the army

    Wight King -4Battle standard bearer -7Skeletal Steed -1

    Tomb Banshee/Carin Wraith1st Tomb Banshee/Carin Wraith -82nd Tomb Banshee/Carin Wraith -11Each Tomb Banshee/Carin Wraith after the 2nd -16Each Tomb Banshee additional -2


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    Zombies20-23 -424-28 -429-33 -534-39 -640-45 -846+ -11Each Zombie in the unit after 50 -12nd unit -33rd unit -5Each unit after the 3rd -10

    Skeleton Warriors10-13 -114-18 -119-23 -224-28 -229-33 -334-39 -440-45 -546+ -6Each Skeleton Warrior in the unit after 50 -1Each Skeleton Warrior in the unit after 60 additional -2

    Crypt Ghouls10-13 -214-18 -519-23 -824-28 -1129-33 -1434+ -18Each Ghoul in the unit after 40 -1Each Ghoul in the unit after 50 additional -4

    Dire Wolves5-8 -39-13 -3

    13-16 -517+ -72nd unit -2Each unit after the 2nd -6


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    Corpse Cart -3(including Corpse Carts taken as character mounts)Unholy Lodestone -1 for each unit of zombies (and units of skeletons if a

    character with Master of the dead present in the army)

    Grave Guards10-13 -2/-3*14-18 -5/-8*19-23 -8/-14*24-28 -12/-20*29+ -17/-27*Each Grave Guard in the unit after 35 -1/-2*Each Grave Guard in the unit after 45 additional -9/-8*Banner of Barrows -1 for each 5 model with great weapons (in addition

    to generic penalty)*If armed with great weapons

    Crypt Horrors3 -74-5 -146-7 -248+ -36Each Crypt Horror in the unit after 10 -7

    Each Crypt Horror in the unit after 15 additional -82nd unit -1 for for each Crypt Horror in the 2nd unit3rd unit -1 for for each Crypt Horror in the 3rd unit

    Black Knights5-6 -87-8 -159+ -20Each Black Knight in the unit after 10 -3Each Black Knight in the unit after 15 additional -7Each non-Necromancer character mounted on Nightmare, Skeletal

    Steed or Hellsteed -8 (only if more than 10 models inthe unit) (only use this penalty for the first unit ofBlack Knights or Blood Knights)

    Each non-Necromancer character mounted on Nightmare, Skeletal Steedor Hellsteed present in the army after the 2nd -7 (only use this penaltyfor the first unit of Black Knights or Blood Knights)

    Fell Bats1st unit -52nd unit -93rd unit -12Each Fell Bat in the army after 15 -1

    Bat SwarmsEach Bat Swarm -11st unit -1Each unit after the 1st -3


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    Spirit Hosts1 -62-3 -84-6 -167-10 -28

    Hexwraiths5-6 -177-8 -289-10 -402nd unit -7


    3 -84-5 -166-7 -258+ -35Each Vargheist in the unit after 9 -6Each Vargheist in the unit after 15 additional -92nd unit -33rd unit -5


    Varghulf1st Varghulf -102nd Varghulf -15

    Blood Knights4 -55-6 -87-8 -159+ -20Each non-Necromancer character mounted on Nightmare, Skeletal

    Steed or Hellsteed -8 (only if more than 10 models inthe unit) (only use this penalty for the first unit ofBlack Knights or Blood Knights)

    Each non-Necromancer character mounted on Nightmare, Skeletal Steedor Hellsteed present in the army after the 2nd -7 (only use this penaltyfor the first unit of Black Knights or Blood Knights)

    Cairn Wraiths3-4 -125-6 -207-8 -309-10 -42

    Black Coach -12


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    Terrorgheist(including Terrorgheists taken as character mounts)1st Terrorgheist -25Each Terrorgheist after the 1st -50If taken as character mount +5

    Mortis EngineEach Mortis Engine -171st Mortis Engine -1 for each 2 Crypt Horrors present in the armyBlasphemous Tome -2 for each wizard with Lore of Vampires present in

    the army (only count this penalty for the first Blasphemous Tome)


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    17 Warriors of Chaos


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Flying Models*2nd flying model* -53rd flying model* -10Each flying model* after the 3rd -15*Each character mounted on Steed of Slaanesh after the 1st counts as a

    flying model

    Magic itemsCrown of Command -25 (additional -10 if mounted) (additional -12 if

    combined with 3+ ward save ) (additional -8 if combined with ThirdEye of Tzeentch)

    Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Death or Shadow)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Power Scroll -4Power Stone -4Hellfire Sword -2 (only if mounted)Helm of many Eyes -2 (only if mounted)

    Skull of Katam -7 (-5 if taken on Sorcerer Lord or Daemon Prince)Chalice of Chaos -2

    Chaos mutations and powersChaos Familiar -4Flaming Breath -3 (-6 if mounted or Daemon Prince) (additional -4

    if flying)Third Eye of Tzeentch -3 (-25 if combined with 3+ ward save )Scaled Skin -3 (+/-0 on Daemon Prince)Soul Feeder -2 (-12 if on Daemon Prince)

    BannersBlasted Standard -3 (-5 f taken on battle standard bearer)Standard of Discipline -4

    3+ ward saves

    These two combinations are defined as 3+ ward save for other comppurposes

    Talisman of Preservation combined with Mark of Tzeentch -6 (-4 if takenon a character with 2 wounds)

    Armour of Destiny combined with Mark of Tzeentch -4 (-2 if takenon a character with 2 wounds)


    Archaon the Everchosen -50Droghar -10Lore of Death -3

    Each Chaos Knights upgraded to The Swords of Chaos -1

    Galrauch, the Great Drake -45

    Kholek Suneater -55


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    Sigvald the Magnificent -35

    Valkia the Bloody -18

    Vilitch the Curseling -35

    Chaos Lord -8Mark of Nurgle -2Chaos Dragon -19Chaos Steed, Juggernaut, Daemonic Mount or Steed of Slaanesh -3Disc of Tzeentch -7

    Deamon Prince 1st Daemon Prince -18

    2nd Daemon Prince -23Level 1 wizard -4Level 2 wizard -6Level 3 wizard -10Level 4 wizard -18Lore of Death -4 for each spellLore of Nurgle -3 for each spellLore of Shadow -1 for each spellDaemon of Nurgle -7Armour save (in close combat):

    4+ -43+ -8

    2+ -131+ -18

    Charmed Shield -3Shield of Ptolos -2Dragon Helm/Dragonbane Gem -3Daemonic Flight -7

    Sorcerer Lord -20Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Death -8Lore of Shadow -6Lore of Nurgle -6Lore of Slaneesh -2Lore of Fire +2Mark of Nurgle -1Disc of Tzeentch -4Chaos Dragon -12


    Wulfrik the Wanderer -6

    Throgg -40-1 for each Chaos Troll taken in a core unit

    Festus the Leechlord -16-1 Each 2 models (or each 3 Marauders) in a single infantry unit with

    mark of Nurgle or without any mark at all (use the unit that givesthe largest penalty)

    Scyla Anfingrimm -8+4 if Scyla Anfingrimm must be your general


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    Exalted Hero -4Battle standard bearer -10Mark of Nurgle -1Chaos Steed or Steed of Slaanesh -2Juggernaut -3Disc of Tzeentch or Daemonic Mount -5

    Sorcerer -5Level 2 wizard -2Lore of Death -3 (only if another level 1 or level 2 wizards with lore ofDeath present in the army) (additional -3 if mounted)Mark of Nurgle -1Disc of Tzeentch or Daemonic Mount -2


    Chaos Warriors10-12 -5/-7*13-15 -7/-10*16-18 -10/-14*19-21 -13/-18*22-24 -17/-22*25-27 -22/-27*28+ -27/-33*Each Chaos Warrior in the unit after 30 -2/-3*

    Each Chaos Warrior in the unit after 40 additional -8/-7**If armed with halberdsMark of Slaanesh -1Mark of Tzeentch (if armed with shields and no other weapon options) -2Mark of Nurgle -1 for each 4 models (each 3 model of armed with greatweapons)

    Chaos Warhounds5-8 -29-12 -213-16 -417+ -6Each Warhound in the unit after 20 -12nd unit -2Each unit after the 2nd -6Vanguard -1

    Chaos Marauders10-13 -1/-2*

    14-18 -2/-3*19-23 -3/-4*24-28 -4/-5*29-33 -5/-7*34-39 -6/-9*40+ -7/-12*Each Marauder in the unit after 45 -1/-2*Each Marauder in the unit after 55 additional -4/-2**If armed with great weapons or flails


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    Forsaken5-8 -3/-4*9-12 -4/-7*13-15 -7/-11*16-18 -11/-16*19-21 -15/-21*22-24 -20/-26*25-27 -25/-31*28+ -30/-37*Each Forsaken in the unit after 30 -2Each Forsaken in the unit after 40 additional -8*If Forsaken of KhorneForsaken of Slaanesh -2

    Chaos Chariot/Gorebeast Chariot(including chariots taken as character mounts)1st Chariot -82nd Chariot -11Each Chariot after the 2nd -16Each Gorebeast Chariot additional -5 (-10 after the 1st)Mark of Nurgle -1Mark of Slaanesh -1If taken as a character mount +3

    Marauder Horsemen

    1st and 2nd unit -3 eachEach unit after the 2nd -5Each Marauder Horseman in the unit after 15 -2Each Marauder Horseman in the army after 20 -1


    Hellstriders of Slaanesh5-6 -37-9 -510+ -7Each Hellstrider in the unit after 12 -2Each Hellstrider in the unit after 15 additional -6

    Chosen5-8 -3/-5*10-12 -5/-8*13-15 -8/-11*16-18 -11/-15*19-21 -14/-19*22-24 -18/-23*25-27 -23/-28*28+ -28/-34*Each Chosen in the unit after 30 -2/-3*Each Chosen in the unit after 40 additional -8/-7**If armed with halberdsMark of Slaanesh -1Mark of Tzeentch -2Mark of Nurgle -1 for each 4 models (each 3 model of armed with greatweapons)

    If one or more Warshrines present in the army -5


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    Chaos Knights5-6 -12/-14*7-8 -17/-20*9+ -24/-27*Each Chaos Knight in the unit after 10 -6/-6*Each Chaos Knight in the unit after 15 additional -6/-6**If armed with ensorcelled weaponsEach Chaos Knight unit after the 1st additional -5Each character mounted on Chaos Steed or Steed of Slaanesh -6 (only if

    more than 10 models in the unit) (only use this penalty for thelargest unit)

    Each character mounted on Chaos Steed or Steed of Slaanesh present inthe army after the 2nd -7 (only use this penalty for the 1st unit

    of Chaos Knights)Mark of Slaanesh -1Mark of Tzeentch -2Mark of Nurgle -1 for each 2 models

    Chaos Ogres3 -5/-6*4-5 -9/-12*6-7 -13/-18*8+ -18/-25*Each Ogre in the unit after 9 -5/-7*Each Ogre in the unit after 15 additional -5/-8*

    *If armed with great weaponsMark of Slaanesh -2Mark of Nurgle -2 for each 3 models

    Dragon Ogres3 -8/-9*4-5 -14/-16*6-7 -17/-20*8+ -24/-27*Each Dragon Ogre in the unit after 9 -7/-7*Each Dragon Ogre in the unit after 15 additional -8/-8**If armed with halberds or great weapons

    Chaos Trolls3 -7/-8*4-5 -13/-15*6-7 -20/-23*

    8+ -28/-32*Each Troll in the unit after 9 -7/-8*Each Troll in the unit after 15 additional -8/-9**Additional hand weapon

    Chimera1st Chimera -152nd Chimera -253rd Chimera -50Flaming Breath -5 (-10 if the model has Regenerating Flesh) (additional-5 after the 1st)Regenerating Flesh -10 (-25 after the 1st)

    Chaos Warshrine (including Warshrines taken as character mounts)Each Warshrine -5If taken as a character mount +3


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    Hellcannon1st Hellcannon -20/-30*2nd Hellcannon -50/-70**If 3 or more spells from Lore of Tzeentch, Slaneesh or Death in the army

    Dragon Ogre Shaggoth -7

    Chaos Giant -2Giant of Nurgle -1

    Chaos Spawn 0

    Skullcrushers of Khorne3 -174 -255 -346+ -44Each Skullcrusher in the unit after 6 -10Ensorcelled weapons -42nd unit -12

    Slaughterbrute -3Extra Claws -2

    Mutalith Vortex Beast -6


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    18 Wood Elves


    MagicNo wizards in the army +5

    Large Targets2nd large target -5Each large target after the 2nd -15

    Magic itemsBow of Loren -5 (only if combined with Arcane Bodkins)Crown of Command -10

    Dispel Scroll -7Earthing Rod -3 (-5 if combined with Lore of Life)Fozzriks Folding Fortress -100Hail of Doom Arrow -7Moonstone of the Hidden Ways -4Stone of Crystal Mere -5 (only if mounted on Dragon)Stone of Rebirth -2Power Stone -4Power Scroll -4


    A Cluster of Radiants -6

    BannersBanner of Discipline -4


    Orion -10

    Drycha -20

    Naestra and Arahan -15GwindaLore -10Ceithin-Har -15

    Highborn -6Great Eagle -3Forest Dragon -12

    Spellweaver -17Level 4 wizard -8Lore of Athel Loren +8Lore of Beast +2Lore of Life -15Ranus Heartstone -2Wand of Wych Elm -7

    Treeman Ancient -18An Annoyance of Netlings -2


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    Noble -2Battle standard bearer -10Great Eagle -4

    Spellsinger -1

    Branchwraith 0 Each Branchwraith after the 1st -1


    Glade Guards

    10-13 -714-18 -919-23 -1224+ -18Each Glade Guard in the army after 32 -1Each Glade Guard in the army after 40 additional -1

    Scouts -3

    Glade Riders1st and 2nd unit -3 eachEach unit after the 2nd -5Each Glade Rider in the army after 20 -1

    Dryads8-9 -510-13 -714-18 -918-20 -11


    Wild Riders5-6 -47-9 -610+ -8Each Wild Rider in the unit after 12 -2

    Each Wild Rider in the unit after 18 additional -8

    Wardancer5-8 -49-15 -6

    Eternal Guard10-13 014-18 -119-23 -324-28 -529-33 -7

    34+ -9Each Eternal Guard in the unit after 40 -1Each Eternal Guard in the unit after 50 additional -4


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    Warhawk Riders1st unit 02nd unit -23rd unit -5

    Tree Kin3 -84-5 -146-7 -218+ -29Each Tree Kin in the unit after 9 -7Each Tree Kin in the unit after 15 additional -8


    Great Eagle1st Great Eagle -52nd Great Eagle -9

    Treeman -20

    WaywatchersEach Waywatcher after the 3rd in the army -1


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    19 War Machines

    Add up the number of WMP (War Machine Points) in your army. Thischart gives a composition penalty based on you total amount of WMP.

    0-6 wmp: 07 wmp: -18 wmp: -29 wmp: -310 wmp: -411 wmp: -512 wmp: -613 wmp: -8

    14 wmp: -1015 wmp: -1216 wmp: -1417 wmp: -1618 wmp: -1819 wmp: -2120 wmp: -2421 wmp: -2722 wmp: -3023 wmp: -3424 wmp: -3825 wmp: -42

    26 wmp: -4627 wmp: -5028 wmp: -5429 wmp: -5830+ wmp: -62Each wmp after 30: additional -7

